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Let You Go: a heart-wrenching second chance romance story that will make you believe in true love by Jaxson Kidman (22)


My Breath On Her Body


I loved her in a t-shirt and nothing else. I took care of the nothing else part as my fingers hooked the edge of her panties and slid them down. Rose put her feet to the bed and lifted her ass up off it, giving herself to me again.

When I saw the beautiful silkiness of her body, I gritted my teeth.

I came forward and brushed my nose against her sweetness. Her scent was honey and desire tangled up tighter than her grip on the bed. I slowly turned my head to the right and used the tip of my tongue to let Rose know I was there. Not that she needed the hint, but I acted like a gentleman as I first eased the tip of my tongue down, opening her soft folds. Thrusting forward to feel her clench against me, then reversing the move, stopping at her tender clit, circling around as she bucked her hips and started to breathe heavily.

“Foster,” she purred.

I grinned as I exhaled with force, letting my breath touch her center.

She rocked her hips even harder. Her delicate flower was for my taking, yet my eyes kept looking up at her. Seeing her in one of my long t-shirts. In my bed again. Whatever the hell was happening between us growing and coming to a point where it would explode. Either good or bad…

But before that, I was thirsty.

My tongue flicked against wetness, the noise echoing around.

My hands settled on her perfectly curved hips, made for the grip of my hands. I pulled at her as I began to savor her. There was no more gentle tongue. There was no more kindness. My raging desires were now taking full control and Rose was going to reap those benefits.

I opened my mouth and suckled against her. My tongue moved faster by the second, making sure I tasted all over her, not wanting even the smallest droplet of her sweet honey to hit my sheets. Bottom to top, swirling around her clit, sliding back down, repeating that motion over and over. I pressed my mouth tighter against her, moving up a little, breathing heavily through my nose, my breath hitting her soft and pumping mound. Her hands grasped mine and she pulled, wanting them underneath the shirt.

That was a journey worth taking. My hands settled over her breasts, feeling her hard nipples against the palms of my hands. She thrust her chest at my hands and then thrust her lower half at my mouth. She squirmed and wiggled on the bed, half wanting more, half wanting to get away to catch her breath.

I growled with wild animal need, knowing that I wasn’t coming up for air until I got my fill.

Rose clawed at the back of my shoulders. When the tip of my tongue flicked against her clit, she dug harder. So I kept going. Right there. That same spot. Over and over and over. Her body lifting and rocking, her hips grinding at me as I pressed as hard as I could, driving her back down to the bed. Her nails were like needles penetrating my skin as she began to quiver.

“Foster,” she said and then lost her breath.

Her back arched, but quickly slammed down to the bed as she fought me to lift her lower half. I quickly brought my hands down her body and around to her ass and squeezed tight, lifting her, feeling her breaking the threshold of climax.

She came a few seconds later, her nails digging in harder than ever. I broke her core wide open, all the sweet honey I could taste and savor was now mine. My tongue raced up and down as she rocked, giving it all to me.

When her hands slid from my shoulders and hit the bed, she suddenly felt relaxed. I eased her down to the bed and gently kissed between her legs. Nuzzling my nose against her, taking a deep breath to memorize her scent, inching to her inner thigh, feeling her wiggle and kick at me. I smiled, remembering how ticklish she became after she’d finished.

God, I fucking love this woman.

“Foster,” she finally whispered. “I can’t breathe.”

I inched forward again and with my lips an inch from her clit, I whispered, “Good… I’m not done yet…”

* * *

I’m going to be late.”

I felt the bed shake and I opened my eyes to see Rose throwing the covers all over the bed, trying to scramble to get out of it. At the very last second I grabbed her, my hands against her bare waist. She was still naked from the night before. My eyes scanned her back, studying every little feature. From the look of her shoulder blades to the wildly sexy dimple at her lower back, down to the curve of her ass. I gritted my teeth and refused to let her slip away that easily.

She had been my midnight snack and now I wanted her for breakfast.

Rose let out a playful yell as I pulled her back to the bed. In one quick move, I pulled her down to me and rolled to my right. I had us both wrapped up in the blankets again, Rose on her back, me hovering over her.

“Good morning, Rose,” I whispered.

“Foster. I have-”

I put my lips to hers.

When I pulled away, she finished her sentence.

“… a meeting…”

“Yes you do,” I said. “A meeting with me. Right here. Right now.”

I kissed her neck. She turned her head and groaned. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” She made fists and slammed them to my back over and over. “Fuck. Stop. I can’t.”

I pulled away. “You can’t?”

“I have a meeting. I’m going to be late.”

“So? At least you’ll have a good story.”

“Oh, yeah, that’ll go over well. Sorry I missed the big sales meeting to grow the business. I was too busy getting railed by my boyfriend.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Wait a second… railed?”

“What?” Rose asked.

“That’s so filthy sounding. I like it. I want to rail you, Rose.”

“Oh, jeez,” she whispered. “What did I just do?”

“You just used the word railed and I’m not going to let you get away with it.”


“Right,” I said. “Forget about that. How about the part where you called me your boyfriend?”

Rose’s cheeks flushed. She swallowed hard. “What? Is that… wrong?”

“I just didn’t know we were there.”

“Where did you think we were? All we do is hang out and…”

“Rail each other?”

Rose rolled her eyes. “I can’t rail you. Well, I’m sure I could, but that would be…”

I laughed. I nuzzled my nose to her neck and started to kiss her again. She kicked her legs and started to make fake crying sounds.

“Stop,” she whispered. “I hate you, Kingsley.”

“I know you do, Slug. Now get out of my bed. I have someone else coming over once you leave.”

Rose put her hands to my chest and shoved at me. “That’s really nice to say. Jerk.”

She hurried to get out of the bed again. I watched her get dressed and rush into the kitchen. Then something came over me. Now I was scrambling to get the covers off my body. Kicking at the blankets and fighting to get my feet on the floor. I stood up and looked around, unable to find my damn jeans. So I grabbed the sheet and balled it up at a little and covered between my legs.

I rushed through the apartment and didn’t stop until I was able to get my free hand on Rose one more time.

When I touched her, she gasped. She was face down in her phone, keys in her other hand.


I snatched the phone and threw it to the table. I swiped the keys out of her hand to the table. My hand touched her side and I turned her a little, pushing her back to the counter. My hand ran up her body, over her breast, not stopping until I touched her cheek.

“What are you doing?” Rose whispered.

“Telling you exactly what this is,” I said. “This is you and me, Rose. This is what we’ve always been. What we always will be. I don’t do the boyfriend and girlfriend labels. That’s for people who are feeling each other. Watching the way the person eats. Or if they brush their teeth at night. Or if they have any quirks and annoying habits. We’re beyond that.”

“Yeah?” Rose asked.

I nodded.

“How do you figure?” she asked.

I gritted my teeth. I loved when she tempted me. I inched forward and kissed her lips. “I’ve watched you eat food plenty of times. The first thing you ate in front of me was a burger your father cooked. When you took the first bite, a giant chunk of tomato fell and plopped to the plate. Your cheeks turned red. You used to cover your mouth when you ate in front of me, but you don’t anymore. Most of the time you brush your teeth, but nights like last night, it’s okay to forget. And quirks? Annoying habits? You write the book on it, Rose. You steal my pillow at night. You kick me when I get too close. You only bite the thumb nail on your right hand.”

“Wow, Foster…”

I kissed her again. “But the thing is… those things mean everything to me. I don’t want to sleep without someone hogging my pillows or kicking at me. I don’t want to be with someone who bites all of their nails.”

“Just the right thumb nail,” she whispered.


Rose swallowed hard. “Wow.”

“Just wanted to get that off my chest. Now go kick ass at your meeting. Sell some coffee or whatever. I hope I get to see you later.”

“I’ll give you a call.”

We kissed. Two small goodbye kisses followed by a take me to bed kiss. I thrust myself against her, growling, her hands touching my sides to get me away.

We broke apart, knowing that we both didn’t want to do that.

Rose touched my face, smiling, and walked away.

She stopped at the door and looked back. “You snore. You’re too grabby when I’m trying to sleep. When you eat, you shove everything to the right side and your jaw moves like a cow chomping on grass. You care too much about those who don’t care about you. You see the world through eyes that I don’t get. Your right foot is weirdly bigger than your left.” She puckered her lips and kissed. “Have a good day.”

Rose left the apartment.

I looked down at my bare feet. I smiled. She was right. My right foot was a little bit bigger than the left.

“Thanks, Slug,” I whispered. “I love you too…”

* * *

I walked Rhett up the stairs, talking about our favorite guitar solos. The kid was taking a liking to my kind of music. We made it a point to bring a new song each week for the other to listen to. He was into some kind of deep sounding metal stuff. It was good. It had a good sound to it, and I could totally understand how it made a teenager’s angst filled heart feel a little bit easier to deal with.

“Hey, you want a coffee to go or something?” I asked.

“No,” Rhett said. “I’m meeting up with Carrie. Her parents aren’t home.”

“No running away this time?”

“No. There’s a swing at the end of her backyard. We sit there and talk.”

“Just talk?”

Rhett’s cheeks burned bright red. “Shut up.”

I shook my head. Don’t get involved.

“Bring her a coffee,” I said. “Romantic gesture.”

“You think?”

“Women love coffee. And flowers.”

“I don’t have any flowers,” Rhett said.

“Then you better bring coffee.” I stopped at the counter. “Right, Beth?”

“What?” she asked, eyes wide.

“Women love coffee and flowers.”

“Yes,” she said. She stared at me. “Yes. Foster.”

“I’ll take two coffees,” I said.

I put a five on the counter and turned to face Rhett. I noticed him looking towards the front window. As though he expected someone to walk by.

“She coming here?” I asked.

“What? No. I’m meeting her there.”

“You okay?” I asked.

“Fine,” Rhett said.

“It takes a lot to bullshit me,” I said.

“You don’t want to know about my personal life, Foster.”

“True. But if there’s a chance you’re in trouble or anything…”

“No,” he said. “Not trouble. My old man decided to come around again.”


“He does that from time to time. He’ll just show up. Pretend everything is normal. Wants me to act like we’ve known each other. It’s… uncomfortable. Yet I can’t tell him to fuck off.”

I nodded. “Yeah, I get that. I’ve been there.”

“You have?”

“Believe me, I have. Get your coffees and go see Carrie. Please don’t do anything stupid and end up in trouble.”

Beth slid the coffees across the counter.

Rhett had his guitar slung across his back as he walked out of the coffeehouse, carrying two coffees.

I shook my head. That kid was like a walking image of me when I was younger. There was nothing I could do though. He’d have to live his life and figure it all out.

“You want a drink?” Beth asked me.

“I’m good, thanks.”

I pushed away from the counter and saw movement from the corner of my eye. I turned just in time to see my father standing just outside the coffeehouse. Twisting off the lid of a travel mug and sipping it. Nodding. Putting the lid back on.

He opened the door to the coffeehouse.

Cheap bastard couldn’t even buy a coffee? Maybe he’s just saving his money. Doing good. Trying hard.

“There’s my boy,” he said. “I was looking for you.”

“Looking for me,” I said. “Right.”

“Wanted to check up on you. See how things were going.”

“They’re going, Dad,” I said.

“Come here. Come talk to me for a minute.”

I walked to a table and stood there as he took a seat.

“You realize coffee is like two bucks,” I said. “Supports a local business. Actually supports me.”

“I like my coffee,” Dad said. “Do you really want to talk about coffee?”


“How’s it going?”

“What do you mean?”

“The shows. The guitar. The music. That was a great gig.”

“The one you left?”

“I had to get out of here,” Dad said. “I didn’t want to be in your way. You and Rose…”

“Don’t bring her into anything.”

“Hey, I told her the truth.”

“You talked to her?”

“Yeah,” Dad said. “Told her you’ve been in love with her for years. You and her together make me proud.”


“Yeah. Shit yeah, kid. I’m proud of you.”

I swallowed. “Okay. Thanks. How’s your… life… going?”

“Not bad. Got a shitty job and a shitty place to live.”

“Is that true, or is it like the other times?”

Dad hung his head. “Right. Listen, Foster…” he reached for my arm. “Kingsley.” He winked. “I don’t want to let you down. Fuck things up. Back then it was easier to do it that way.”

“Lie to me?”


“It didn’t feel good.”

“I know,” Dad said. “I’m sorry about that.”

“So what’s the difference now?” I asked. “I mean, you’ve been out for weeks now. That’s a record for you.”

“I’m keeping busy,” Dad said. “Enjoying the sunshine. Good coffee. Going to meetings.”


“Yeah. Talking to others like me. Recovery meetings, Foster. Taking care of myself now.”

“Well, that’s good to hear.”

Dad nodded. “I’m going to ask you something.”


“What are you doing? I mean, I’m looking in from the outside here. I see you in the basement of a coffeehouse, giving guitar lessons. Playing small gigs. You can’t be making much money.”

“What? You’re criticizing me?”

“Hell no, kid. Just curious what you’re doing.”

“I’m living,” I said. “You really didn’t set up the path for me.”

“No way,” Dad said with a laugh. “But you can’t blame me for today. That’s the weak way through life. Get over yourself, Foster.”

“You’re telling me to get over myself? That’s what you wanted to come here today to do?”

“No. I want you to find out what you want in life. And then put a diamond ring on Rose’s finger. Marry her and live the greatest life ever.”


“You heard me. I’m going to help you pay for the ring, too. I’m saving money, Foster. Sorry I didn’t spend the two bucks for a coffee, but I’m tucking that away.”

“You can’t be serious.”

“Dead serious,” Dad said. “I’ve fucked you over your entire life. The only thing that’s been constant is Rose. So I’m going to make it right. Make sure that you two are on a path together.”

“I don’t need that.”

“It’s my gift. Give me a few weeks to get the rest of the cash together.”

Dad stood up and winked at me. He backed away and turned to leave.

I stood up, mouth open, wanting to say something else.

But in that moment, I became Kingsley again. The kid holding onto every word his father said.

But Foster knew the truth.

I would never get a penny from him. Rose wouldn’t get a ring because of him.

He’d be back in jail before he could make half the money to buy even a cheap engagement ring. Plus, it wasn’t his job to do that for Rose. It was my job, if that’s what I wanted.

I leaned against the table and touched my chin.

Damn, that was the question of my life…

What the fuck did I want?