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LIMITED EDITION BOXED SET: No Pants Required | Bedwrecker | Hollywood Prince by Karr, Kim (89)


Punch-Drunk Love


A man’s mind is a complex thing, especially while jerking off.

With my hand on my cock, I try to push away the dirty thoughts of Amelia. You know—the ones her brother would cut my balls off for even thinking about.

Instead, I attempt to use the spank bank to relieve the morning wood issue. Nothing in my past that seems truly memorable comes to mind, though, and my thoughts wander to her.

Wander to her despite the fact that I’m freezing my ass off, and just want to go the hell back to bed. That I don’t want to have to go to work. In fact, I wish I didn’t have to.

In fact, the first thing I did this morning when my alarm went off at six forty-five was check the temperature—47 degrees—and then pray it was raining outside. It wasn’t. Still, when I heard nothing, I got up to check for it, hoping for not just tiny droplets, but the torrential bucketfuls we’ve been experiencing. That was a no-go. Although the sky was filled with gray clouds, the rain was light, and I knew the beaches would be open, and that meant I had to get my ass moving.

With that, I hurried toward the bathroom in the chill of the room and cranked the water as hot as I knew I could stand it.

Before stepping in, I tried to wipe my mind clean of how wet Amelia’s pussy was for me last night, of how well her body reacted to my touch, and how satisfied she looked when she came with my name on her lips.

Now, inside the small glass enclosure, I let the water flow over me, welcoming the burn that I undoubtedly deserve.

And then I think of Amelia.

So sexy.

Stroke my hand up and down.

Think of Amelia some more.

So smart and funny.

And yes, I think of Amelia.

The memory of last night is powerful enough that it makes my cock throb so much in my hand it hurts. Wrong or right, we’ve started something that I’m not sure we can stop.

Removing my hand from my cock, I turn the water pressure on even higher. The glass steams up, and I find myself staring at it.

The water beats on my back, pounding relentlessly, and I need it. Crave it. The punishing rhythm of the wake-up call I deserve to remind me this way of thinking about Amelia is wrong.

You say it’s not.

I disagree.

If it wasn’t, why didn’t I tell Cam when I saw him? Why didn’t I text him when I was up all night thinking about what I should do? Why don’t I march over there today and ask Amelia out, right in front of him?

Not because he’ll kill me, but because he’ll fucking hate me—that’s why. And the small semblance of family the five—no, six—of us have built here will all be blown apart.

Call me a pussy, call me whatever you want, but this is the only real family I’ve ever had, and I don’t want to lose it.

I know we’re not a traditional family by definition—Keen, Maggie, Presley, Makayla, Cam, and I—but we are a family.

Yeah, so now that I’ve been honest, I can jerk off to her without guilt.

This one time.

Clearing my head of the shit storm I know is bound to come, I curl my hand around my cock again. As my fingers tighten, I imagine her fingers around me because she’s curious—she wants to know how hard she makes me. She wants to see how I will react. She wants to watch me come.




It’s her, doing this to me.


With my fantasy in place, I close my eyes and gently rub first around the head, and then down my shaft. With my other hand, I fist my balls. Both hands move in tandem.

Fuck, that feels good.

Because I gave myself a pass, I picture her doing this. Her in the shower with me and us free to explore each other in any way we want. God knows I want to explore her. All of her. Her pussy, her ass, her mouth. Every single inch of her.

The memory of that hot little pussy of hers has me grabbing my shaft harder and moving up toward the tip. I want her hands to be the ones gripping me, not mine, but I have to settle for this, and in my fantasy, it is her hands, not mine.

Water droplets from the shower pound my body and act as a lube, making it easier to move faster. I think of her—her face, her body, how much I want her.


I imagine driving my cock into her sweet pussy, and the fantasy of that makes me want to come hard and fast.

Oh, fuck yeah.

My fist pumps at a quicker pace and I lick the water from my lips. I think about slowing down, but I am already too far gone.

My forehead falls to the shower wall and I grab my balls tighter, twisting my cock to feel a little pain.


Pressure wells deep within me and a tingling radiates along my spine.

I am going to come.

I am going to explode.


As my orgasm speeds higher and higher, so does the pleasure—it feels like electricity is shooting through me. That unbelievably good feeling mounts and I can’t hold on any longer.

I clutch on tight and let myself go.

As I come, my cock twitches so fast it feels like a spasm, but it’s so incredibly good. I explode at the thought of her and the intensity of my orgasm shocks me. When the feeling rises again, I can’t believe it.

I’m not finished.

This time I really let myself go—crossing that threshold to another world and reliving the same feeling again and again until I am spent. If just the thought of her milks me of everything I have, how will it feel when I’m actually inside her?

After the high subsides, I slouch against the glass and think—it will feel fucking fantastic.

As my breathing returns to normal, so do my senses, and I chastise myself. I shouldn’t be thinking of her at all; she’s Cam’s little sister.

With a sudden urge to chop my dick off, I lather up with soap, rinse off, and get the fuck out of here.

I don’t bother to shave.

Wrapping a towel around my waist, I wipe the steam from the mirror and stare at my reflection.

What’s it going to be…resist temptation or give in to it and risk everything?

Only time will tell.