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Lit (Wrecked Hearts Series Book 1) by Gabrielle Gibson (10)

Chapter Eight

OVER THE NEXT FEW WEEKS, Jessie paid close attention to Jack as they worked on various cases, trying to learn as much as she could from him. Occasionally they worked independently, but Russell put them together most of the time, so Jessie could benefit from Jack’s experience. Jack was good. Very good. Jessie was impressed and excited to be learning so much from him.

Chris and Zoey’s relationship blossomed, so Jack and Jessie found themselves spending time together outside of work as a result of their mutual friends’ developing romance.

Drinks after work, a couple of baseball games, another few Friday nights at Whiskey Rocks for karaoke. Jack still cringed during most of the karaoke performances, but he looked forward to hearing Jessie and Zoey sing. Especially Jessie. Not that he would have admitted it, not even to Chris.

Jack knew that Jessie had a crush on him, but he figured it would pass fairly quickly. Girls like Jessie had attentive boyfriends who took them to nice restaurants and sent flowers. They didn’t suck dicks in parking lots after a night of drinking or answer booty-call text messages at two o’clock in the morning. Those were the only kinds of girls Jack had any interest in.

Jessie noticed that Jack hooked up frequently, and it was hard to miss that the women he went home with were almost always super-hot, bad girl types. And he clearly had a preference for long legs and dark hair, often with some exotic feature. Jessie quickly realized that she was frustratingly lacking in just about all of the things Jack seemed to like in a girl. The fact that it bothered her only reinforced what she already knew but didn’t want to admit. She had a serious thing for Jack Turner and that was not good.

She tried to keep her thoughts platonic, but it wasn’t always easy. Jack was so hot and had an amazing body. She was attracted to his personality as well. He was very smart and focused, with a serious and thoughtful disposition. He usually let her do most of the talking, listening to her chatter with a slightly amused expression on his face.

Occasionally he was funny and even playful, although that side of him seemed to be more in response to Jessie’s fun and vivacious personality. She was always laughing and injecting a sense of fun into everything they did, and it seemed to stir Jack’s drier and more controlled sense of humor. Jessie found as she got to know him that she actually liked him very much. Too much.

The week before Fourth of July, Zoey came home from a date with Chris bursting with excitement.

“Chris invited me to go camping and river tubing this weekend. Apparently he and a bunch of his friends go every year for his birthday.”

Jessie looked up from her magazine. “Oh really? That’s cool. I’m sure you’ll have a lot of fun!”

“You mean, we’ll have a lot of fun. You’re coming, too! I need you there! I’m kind of nervous to meet his friends. You’ll come with us, won’t you?”

Jessie made a mental note to call her Dad and ask him to dig out a tent for her to take, since obviously she would be sleeping by herself on this weekend trip. Chris and Zoey had taken the leap last weekend and Jessie had been apprised of all of the sexy details. Zoey and Chris were even more into each other than before.

“Of course I’ll go. His friends will love you. Why wouldn’t they?”

“Great! Chris said he’ll pick us up Saturday morning at ten.” Zoey hesitated a moment and then added, “Jack’s going too.”

“Oh yeah?” Jessie responded absentmindedly, petting Libbie in her lap. Her heart started doing that annoying fluttery thing it did when she thought about Jack, but she forced her attention back to the article she was reading.

So what if the thought of spending two nights camping in close proximity to Jack Turner made her light-headed? It wasn’t as if she would ever make a move. Jack’s interests clearly lay elsewhere. If the girls she had seen him leaving bars with were his type, he wouldn’t be interested in someone like her, that much was for sure.

ON SATURDAY MORNING, JESSIE AND Zoey got up early and got their camping gear ready. Jessie’s Dad had dropped off a tent, sleeping bag, and other camping supplies she might need the day before.

Zoey didn’t need to bring a tent, since she would be staying with Chris. Jessie hadn’t gone camping in quite some time, and she’d never had to put a tent together. Her father or brother had always taken care of that, but she was confident that she could figure it out.

Chris pulled up in his dark blue SUV a few minutes late.

“Happy birthday,” Zoey greeted Chris as he walked into the house. They kissed sweetly as they embraced, both glowing in the light of new-found love.

Jessie rolled her eyes, made gagging noises and said jokingly, “Okay guys! Some of us are pathetically single. No need to flaunt your happiness in front of the less fortunate!”

They all laughed as Chris and Zoey disentangled themselves from each other.

“Damn, you are so fucking hot,” Chris told Zoey as he inspected her outfit of white shorts and yellow tank top. She beamed happily as Chris began picking up their gear and bags.

The drive to the campground by the river in West Virginia took about an hour and a half.

Chris and Zoey chatted happily. Chris steered with one hand, his other hand resting on Zoey’s bare thigh. Jessie sat in the back, joining in the conversation and feeling overwhelmingly happy for Zoey. Chris seemed like such a genuinely great guy.

When they arrived at the campsite, Chris went about setting up his tent, while Zoey organized the other supplies, including the portable grill.

Jessie began the task of setting up her own tent, which was much harder than she thought it would be. As she worked on it, more people arrived and joined their group.

Chris introduced them to his friends. There were some friends that Chris worked with, as well as an assortment of other friends that they hadn’t met before.

A girl named Tracy hugged Chris and excitedly introduced herself to Zoey.

“I’m Tracy. Chris and I have been friends since college. And this is my friend, Brittani. We work together.” Tracy introduced the brunette standing to her left.

Brittani and Tracy began setting up their tents on the other side of where Jessie was working on hers.

Out of the corner of her eye, Jessie noticed Jack’s black Jeep pull up, but she resisted the urge to glance over. Her heart did a little flip. She found herself annoyed and purposefully tried to ignore it. Despite her best efforts she just couldn’t shake this stupid crush on Jack.

“Damn, who’s that?” Brittani asked Tracy. Jessie heard her and looked up to see Jack walking toward Chris.

“That’s Jack,” Tracy answered her, rolling her eyes.

“He’s so hot.” Brittani noticed, unable to tear her eyes away.

“Yeah, everyone says that.” Tracy snorted when she laughed. “But he’s a total manwhore.”

“Hey,” Jack greeted Tracy, who hugged him briefly. “Talking shit about me again?” He laughed, not at all bothered by Tracy’s assessment of him. After all, it was true enough.

Jessie continued struggling with the stupid tent, trying to pretend she wasn’t listening to their exchange, while straining her ears to catch every word and sneaking quick glances. Her heart flip flopped when she saw Jack. Shorts and a t-shirt stretched across those muscles, his dark hair messy and his blue eyes lit up with amusement.

Tracy introduced Jack to Brittani. Tall and thin with huge fake boobs. She wore full makeup, even though it was the middle of the day and they were in the woods by the river.

Jack regarded Brittani with mild interest-long legs, hiking boots and extremely short camouflage shorts, large breasts falling out of a matching crop top. Brittani gave Jack a coy smile as he walked by them.

Jessie was still struggling with her tent when Jack walked by. He claimed the last spot on the side closest to the river, which just happened to be next to Jessie.

He nodded as he made his way passed her. “Don’t hurt yourself,” he laughed.

“Shut up, Jack,” Jessie said as she glanced at him.

She was annoyed with her inability to figure out how to put the tent together and not feeling especially friendly. She had also witnessed the looks Jack had exchanged with Brittani and it had irritated her.

A small smile played on his lips as he watched Jessie attempting and failing to properly set up her tent. He strolled over and enjoyed the view for a minute before speaking. She was on her knees facing away from him, bending over, and giving him an appealing view of her very enticing ass in extremely short cutoff jeans.

“Need some help?” he finally offered in a slightly teasing tone, amusement lighting up his eyes as Jessie whirled around, glaring at him resentfully.

She looked adorable and sexy to him in her pink plaid button up shirt, knotted in the front with a white lace cami underneath and a pair of pink Converse. Her hair was in a messy ponytail with a pink hair band and her pretty face was free of makeup. It wasn’t a look that usually attracted him, but right now Jessie appealed to him even more than Brittani, who was closer to his usual type.

“No, thanks,” she retorted ungraciously. “I can do it myself.”

She was determined not to let Jack help her. She wasn’t the helpless little woman who needed a man to do her work for her, after all.

“Suit yourself,” he said, walking back to his spot where he had set down his gear.

Jack shook his head and laughed as he started putting his own tent up, which he did easily and quickly. When he finished, Jessie was still working on hers and it didn’t appear that she had made any progress at all. Jack walked in the direction of the rest of the group, but Brittani caught him on his way.

“Hey.” She smiled, perky breasts in his face.

Jack smiled back and allowed his eyes to wander up and down her impressive body.

“Hey,” he said, stopping to talk to her.

Jessie noticed the exchange and didn’t want to hang around and listen to their conversation. She finally gave up on her tent and went to join Zoey at a picnic table, with the rest of Chris’ friends.

Jensen was a physics professor at the state university, quiet and studious. He was cute and tall, with dark hair. Sean and Nick, also both good-looking, were a bit rowdier, and had bodies that clearly saw a lot of time at the gym. Nick had served in the same battalion as Jack in the Marines. Sean had grown up in South Carolina with Jack and Chris.

Jensen sat down on the picnic bench next to Jessie. He made conversation about the camp site, the impending river tubing and asked her some general getting-to-know-you questions before launching into a description of the research project he was working on. Jessie was having trouble following him, but she tried to be polite.

Jack and Brittani walked over together to join the group. It was clear that Brittani had claimed him. He didn’t seem overly interested in her but he wasn’t trying to get away from her either. He was smiling slightly as she whispered in his ear. Jessie glanced at him and they made brief eye contact.

Jack noticed Jensen talking to Jessie and laughed a little. Jens was a nice guy. He was smart. Like over-the-top, genius shit. He had a tendency to go on long drawn-out dialogues about random technical topics relevant to his work that most people couldn’t follow very well. It amused Jack to see Jessie trying to be nice but obviously bored.

After lunch the group started to get ready to go tubing. Jessie slipped away and went back to her still unassembled tent. She changed into flip flops, untied the front of her shirt and then began to unbutton it. She took the shirt off and then lifted the white cami up over her head, adjusting her bikini top.

She noticed Jack watching her from the bank of the river, a beer in his hand. He was mesmerized, watching her take her clothes off. Nothing short of an explosion would have been able to tear his attention away. Damn she was cute. And that fucking body… so tempting that it actually pissed him off.

“Stop looking at me!” Jessie called to him, laughing and blushing as she slid her shorts off, revealing a pink bikini that she had been wearing underneath her clothes. He laughed and started walking toward her.

“Nice,” he commented, smiling lasciviously at her while checking her out. Jessie swatted his arm playfully and laughed.

“Shut up. Better watch out. Your girlfriend’s gonna be mad.” She noticed Brittani watching them from the picnic table, daggers in her eyes.

Jack wore blue swim trunks and Jessie couldn’t help but admire how amazing his body was. She was curious about his tattoos, including the one on his right arm of some kind of scary looking skull on an arrow head. She shifted her attention to the tattoo on his chest, just over his heart. A pair of what she guessed were angel’s wings, based on the inked words winding through them in a fancy script, Fly to the Angels.

She also noticed that he had a small, round scar just to the left of that tattoo, and what she was pretty sure was a chest tube scar on his left side. He had another faded, thin scar on his right side, about three or four inches long. Jack without a shirt was positively a heart-stopping sight.

He raised his eyebrows and laughed. “Girlfriend? Yeah, right.” He tilted his beer back, taking a long drink. “Where’s your friend?”

Jessie, still distracted by Jack’s naked and magnificent chest and arms, not to mention his sculpted abs, looked at him quizzically. “Huh?”

“You’ve been hanging out with some guy the last few weeks.” Jack struggled to remember his name. “Pete. Figured he would’ve come with you this weekend,” Jack asked casually, glancing over at Brittani but not making eye contact with her.

“Oh, him.” Jessie folded her clothes and put them in her bag. “He turned out to be a jerk.”

Her pretty blue eyes cast downward and long, black lashes rested against smooth skin for a moment before she looked back up at him.

Jack’s eyes met hers, but his face registered no expression. “Oh yeah? How’s that?” he asked.

“I think he was just after one thing,” Jessie replied lightly, glancing away. Then, with a touch of sarcasm, “He probably took a page out of your playbook.”

He laughed and took another drink of his beer. “Maybe,” he agreed.

Jessie had gone on a few dates with Pete, the cute guy she had met at Whiskey Rocks a few weeks ago. The first couple of dates had seemed promising. He was fun and interesting. But on their third date he had gotten really drunk and then been pissed off when she didn’t want to sleep with him.

Jessie hated sloppy drunk guys. Such a turn off. He had grabbed her and shoved his tongue down her throat which was completely revolting. Beer and onion rings were not a good combination. He had called the next day to try to apologize for his behavior, but she told him that she didn’t want to see him again and asked him not to call her anymore.

Jack gestured across the campsite where Jensen was applying sunscreen to his face and chest. “I noticed you and Jens were hitting it off.”

Jessie looked away. “He’s really nice but I don’t think he’s my type.”

“Are you kidding me? He’s exactly your type,” Jack replied, his eyes roaming distractedly over her body.

“What makes you say that?” Jessie asked, taking a defensive stance.

“I’d be willing to bet he’d be after more than just one thing, for starters,” he teased.

His eyes lingering on her various body parts as he talked to her thrilled and annoyed her all at the same time.

“You’re so gross. Is that all you ever think about?” Jessie blushed and rolled her eyes and he laughed.

“You have no idea,” Jack replied.

If she knew even half of the things he had imagined doing to her hot little body… well, Jack figured she’d be pretty shocked at the level of his perversion. He hadn’t been with so many women without figuring out how to read them sexually. He could definitely sense Jessie’s inexperience.

He was usually attracted to aggressive women, adventurous and ready for anything. The fact that he was even attracted to Jessie was perplexing. Not to mention irritating. He suspected she would be shy and nervous in bed, not exactly usual turn-ons for him.

“So did he get it?” Jack asked, his expression turning serious as she glanced at him, confused.

“What?” she asked as she turned around to face him.

“Pete. You said he only wanted one thing. Did he get it?” Jack repeated, his eyes trailing over her appreciatively.

He probably shouldn’t have asked her that, but he wanted to know if Pete had been granted access to that tempting little body.

“No, not that it’s any of your business,” Jessie answered him, blushing and irritated. She turned and walked away, feeling his eyes still on her.

Jack sighed as he downed the rest of his beer, watching her as she rejoined the others. He didn’t know why he cared whether or not Jessie had slept with Pete. It shouldn’t matter to him who she slept with. Even if they didn’t work together, Jessie was definitely not attainable.

It would take more effort than he was willing or able to expend to get her into bed. He doubted Jessie would ever be up for some no strings attached fun in bed. And yet, here he was, finding himself almost relieved that Jessie had not slept with that guy.

As they rejoined the others Jessie paired off with Zoey. Jack and Nick walked a bit behind them. Besides Chris and Sean, Jack considered Nick his closest friend. They had been through a lot of shit together in the Marines. They had each saved the other’s ass more than once. No one else could relate to some of the shit they’d had to see and do.

Jessie and Zoey linked arms as they walked, leaning close to each other, whispering and giggling.

“So what’s the story with the blonde?” Nick gestured toward Jessie. “I know Zoey is Chris’ new girl, but what do you know about her friend?”

Jack shrugged. “We work together at Drake.”

“No shit? She’s an investigator?” Nick looked surprised. “Lucky you. You nailed her yet?”

Jack glanced at him and shook his head. “No way, dude. Just told you I’ve got to work with the girl. Don’t need that aggravation.”

“So what? I met Savannah at work.” Nick was dating someone but she hadn’t been able to make it for the weekend.

“Oh, so you’ve gotten over her stripper side job, then? Doesn’t bother you anymore that she’s shaking her ass for other dudes every weekend?” Jack asked.

“I’m working on it.” Nick sighed.

“I’m not in the market for a girlfriend. You know that. I wouldn’t mind hitting it, but I’m pretty sure the path to that pussy includes at least a dozen chick flicks and more hours of useless conversation than I have patience for.”

“True. And I guess it could get weird at work if you banged her. You know, since you’re such a fucking dick.” Nick laughed. “She’s smoking hot though, dude. If I was single I’d be all over that.”

Jack made no attempt to deny Nick’s allegation that he was a dick. He just nodded and sighed. “Yeah. She’s definitely got a tight little body.” His eyes were glued to the back of her bikini bottoms and the perfect ass cheeks peeking out beneath.

They looked on as Jens sidled up beside Jessie. Nick laughed. “Poor guy. He’s totally out of his league there.”

Jack laughed with him. “Yeah, but it’ll be fun to watch.”

THEY ARRIVED AT THE RENTAL facility and picked up their tubes. The day had grown quite warm and the cool water felt good as they waded into the river. One by one they took their places in their tubes, clipped together with carabiners, and slowly began to float together downriver as a group. The water was calm and the sun warm on their skin. A floating cooler was attached in the middle, with plenty of beer and water.

Jessie was closest to Zoey, with Brittani, unfortunately, on her other side. Jack was a tube away, with Brittani between them.

Jessie took a long sip of her Michelob Ultra and glanced at Brittani, who was entertaining Jack with some stupid story. Brittani’s bikini top barely covered the nipples of her enormous boobs. Jessie, although decently-endowed naturally in the boob department, felt positively flat-chested next to her.

She didn’t like to be catty about other women and she usually wasn’t. But she got a bad vibe off of Brittani. Jack seemed oblivious to the girl’s snarkiness. He actually seemed to like her. Jessie guessed he was just interested in having sex with her, and probably didn’t really care much about her personality.

They had a blast tubing all afternoon. A few trips down the river and they were ready to head back to the campsite. As the tubing party neared the exit point on the river they unhooked from each other so they could climb out of their tubes and drag them onto the rocks and up a slight embankment. As Jessie climbed out of her tube, she clumsily slipped a little on the rock, pain twisting through her right ankle. Jack, standing to her right, offered his hand and she took it to help her regain her footing.

“Thanks,” she said, leaning against him briefly.

As her body unintentionally pressed against his, she could feel a spark of excitement ignite and rush through her. Nerve endings all over her body went on high alert and a pulse throbbed between her legs, leaving her dizzy for a moment.

Their eyes locked as his hands dropped to her hips and steadied her, resting there longer than necessary. She was tempted to reach her arms around his neck, kiss him, and allow her body to press eagerly against his, but she resisted, knowing it made no sense whatsoever.

“You okay?” he asked, looking down at her with a curious expression.

“Yeah, thanks,” she replied quickly, looking down at his strong hands still wrapped around her.

Awkwardly he let go of her waist and took her hand instead, pulling her up the embankment.

“Christ, Jessie, are you always so clumsy?” Jack joked, trying to lighten the moment.

Jack carried his and Jessie’s tubes up the embankment and returned them. He was pretty sure that the brief contact he had just had with Jessie had triggered an unreasonably strong reaction. He was also certain that he wasn’t the only one who had felt it.

He noticed Jessie pulling a shirt on over her bikini top and limping slightly as she made her way with the group.

“You okay?” he asked as he caught up to her.

She nodded. “Yeah, just twisted my ankle a little. I’m sure it’s fine.”

Brittani was glaring at them both, but Jack ignored her. He grabbed Jessie around the waist and flipped her effortlessly over his shoulder, tickling her side and making her dissolve into shrieks of laughter. She protested weakly through her hysteria.

“Jack! Put me down! Please!” Jessie begged through her laughter. Jack laughed too, glad that the weird, tense feeling between them had passed and they were back to their usual joking and fun.

He put her down but grabbed her hands so he could pull them around his neck and lift her onto his back. She laughed and held on to his strong shoulders as he slipped his hands under her knees and she wrapped them around his waist so he could carry her piggyback to the camp site.

“Better not put you down. You’re so uncoordinated… not sure I can trust you to walk back without breaking something.”

THE FIRE PIT WAS CRACKLING with a warm, orange glow. Jensen was monopolizing Jessie’s attention and she had resigned herself to his company. There didn’t seem to be a way out, and he was nice enough. He just wasn’t… well, he wasn’t Jack.

Jack sat directly across from her, drinking beer and talking to Chris and Nick. Brittani was obviously trying to be included in their conversation. Jack and Jessie glanced at each other at the same moment and he smiled slightly, looking at Jensen and then back at Jessie. She smiled back.

Jessie excused herself and walked over to the cooler behind Chris’ truck to get another beer. Jack got there at the same time and opened the cooler. He handed her a beer and grabbed one for himself.

“So, when’s the wedding?” he asked, gesturing back toward Jensen at the fire pit.

“Yeah, right,” Jessie laughed. “At least Jensen’s a nice guy. But Brittani? Really, Jack? Usually the girls you hook up with look like they stepped out of a Victoria’s Secret catalogue. I think you’ve hit a new low. Yuk.” She made a face.

He smiled wickedly at her. “Wow. Not like you to be so nasty. Jealous?”

“You wish,” Jessie replied, laughing nervously and looking away.

“Jensen is a nice guy. You should give him a chance,” he teased her. Jack opened his beer and took a drink. “As for Brittani, she may not be the highest quality piece of ass I’ve ever pulled, but I think I have better odds of getting some pussy tonight than Jens does.”

“You’re disgusting. I can do without hearing about your filthy sex life,” she said.

He laughed at her horrified expression.

“Oh it’s filthy alright. You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

Jessie felt her face heat up. His smile disappeared as he watched her walk away and he finished the beer he had just opened.

When he returned to the fire pit, he held his hand out to Brittani, who eagerly accepted it and walked with him to her tent. He was ready for some of the action she’d been promising all day.

Jessie glanced over just in time to see them disappear quietly inside Brittani’s tent and she felt her chest tighten. Jack was too experienced for her. There was no way she could compete in his arena.

Sliding into the tent, Brittani sat down and Jack leaned toward her, on his knees. She leaned backward as he kissed her, one hand on her hip and the other around her back.

The soft glow from the battery operated lantern inside the tent made her seem more attractive, softer than she had seemed earlier in the harsh sunlight. Jack hovered over her as she lay down on her back, and their kiss became more urgent. She could feel his erection through his shorts and she ran her hand over him, eager to feel what he had to offer.

“Mmmmm…” she moaned, pleased with what she found. “I just knew you’d have a huge cock. I’ve been thinking about this all day.”

“Yeah? Thinking about what all day?” Jack said in a low voice.

“You fucking me. Letting you put your dick in me anywhere you fucking want,” Brittani whispered. Jack’s cock throbbed harder at her words.

“Fuck yeah. My kind of girl.”

“For a while I thought maybe you were with that girl, Jessie. You two seem close.” Brittani pulled away, waiting for him to answer her.

Jack shook his head. “Nope.”

“You never hooked up with her?”

“What difference does it make?” Jack stared at her. He was starting to get annoyed.

She sat up briefly as Jack lifted her top over her head. His eyes dropped to her breasts, partially covered by a barely-there bra.

Wasting no time, he reached around her back and unhooked her bra with one hand. He kissed her again as he touched her breasts, gently rolling a nipple between his thumb and finger, making her gasp. He lowered his head to her and played lightly with her other nipple with his tongue, licking and sucking. She moaned in response.

She lifted her hips and ground herself against his shorts, making him even harder. He moved his hand down to her shorts and reached for the button and zipper which he undid quickly and easily. He glanced down at her as he slid his hand into her shorts, his fingers sliding over silky panties. He touched her gently, stroking her until he could feel her getting hot. Then he moved his hand inside her panties and slowly eased a finger inside of her.

“Fuck,” Jack swore as he slid another finger inside. “You’re really wet… ready,” he whispered hoarsely.

His own excitement had reached the point of no return and he couldn’t wait to be inside of her. He removed his fingers from her and pulled her shorts and panties down her body, his eyes glued between her legs. She was completely shaved. It was sexy as hell. Then again, he didn’t mind some hair down there either. The surprise of what he might find when he got into a girls’ panties was part of the excitement. And variety was definitely a good thing.

With his thumb and middle finger he spread apart her swollen pussy lips, and gently circled his index finger over her clit. She rotated her hips and threw her head back as he methodically brought her to climax. As she came, she cried out loudly. Jack leaned forward to put his other hand over her mouth, drowning out the sound. He briefly hoped no one could hear them. He doubted anyone would over the sound of the music and talking around the fire pit, which was located far enough away from the tent.

Brittani’s body rocked and trembled as her orgasm took over. When she had recovered her senses she sat up and reached for Jack, unbuttoning and unzipping his shorts roughly. She tried to slide them down but couldn’t reach from her position.

Jack reached into his pocket to get a condom, and then pushed his shorts down just enough to release his erection. He rolled on the condom, wrapped his hand around the base of his cock, and guided it toward her wetness, holding his weight with his other hand as he hovered over top of her. He slid slowly inside of her, enjoying the fervor of her moans as he entered her. He grinded himself into her, the sound of his heavy breathing mingling with hers.

“Yeah, fuck yeah, you like getting dirty don’t you? You like getting fucked… letting me use your hot little body?” Jack whispered. “Yeah, take that big fucking cock.”

As her moans grew louder, he kissed her to drown out the sound. She lifted her hips, grinding with him, meeting each thrust until she came again, biting down on his bottom lip so hard he tasted his own blood. He started to come at the same time, feeling his body throb as he ejaculated into the condom, driving himself as deep inside of her as possible.

He caught his breath for a moment before extracting himself from her and rolled over on his back. He closed his eyes and lay there until his breathing normalized and his heartbeat slowed back to normal.

“Wow,” Brittani whispered. “That felt incredible.” She reached over and removed the condom and tossed it aside.

Jack pulled his shorts back up, leaving the zipper and button open. He lay back, one arm folded behind his head, the other resting on his stomach. He closed his eyes.

Brittani pulled on her shorts and top. “I’m going to get another beer. Want one?”

“Sure, thanks,” Jack nodded as she unzipped the tent and slipped out.

As he waited for her to return, he drifted off for a few seconds, but woke as she came back inside the tent, carrying two beers. He accepted the beer she handed him and opened it, taking a drink as she sat down next to him, stretching her long legs out in front of her and leaning against his side. He would have preferred that she not cuddle up to him, but he didn’t object.

“So what’s your story, Jack? Why don’t you have a girlfriend?” she asked, running her hand lightly across his well-built and smooth, hairless chest.

Jack shook his head, expressionless. “Don’t want one. No story. I just like things easy.”

“So you think I’m easy?” she asked, smiling.

Jack shrugged. “Didn’t say that. I think you’ve got a hot body. Been wanting to fuck you all day.”

“I can live with that,” Brittani said obligingly.

Jack noticed that she had unbuttoned her shorts and he watched with interest as she shifted her weight so she could slide them off.

She sat up and positioned herself across from him, knees bent and legs spread, giving him an excellent view of the show she was preparing to put on for him. She watched his face as she began touching herself. His eyes were glued to her as she softly pleasured herself with her fingers, spreading herself open so he could get a clear view of her most intimate areas. She massaged her clit with the palm of her hand as she inserted a finger inside of herself slowly.

Jack was already hard as steel again, watching her as she continued to perform for him, pushing first one, then two fingers slowly in and out of herself.

“Fuck… that’s really hot,” he said, as he watched her bring herself to the brink of an orgasm.

“I want to fuck you now,” she said breathlessly.

Jack reached for another condom. He pulled his cock out of his shorts and rolled the condom on, as she crawled over to straddle him, sinking down on his stiffness slowly.

“Fuck yeah… your big cock feels so good inside my pussy,” Brittani whispered, moving up and down on him as she vigorously massaged her clit. She placed her other hand flat on Jack’s chest.

Jack was so turned on watching himself go in and out of her as she rode his cock, and he continued to enjoy watching her touch herself. She came with a small cry, which Jack was afraid may have been a little too loud, but he was too caught up in the moment to care much.

She climbed off him and removed the condom, giving him a sly smile. His breath caught as she bent over him, taking him slowly into her hot, slippery mouth, her long hair spilling over his stomach and the tops of his thighs. The wetness of her mouth felt insanely good and he placed one hand on the back of her head as she sucked him off like a professional. She clearly knew what she was doing and Jack laid his head back and enjoyed her proficiency.

“Mmmm,” she hummed, taking him out of her mouth for a moment. “I want you to come in my mouth. I want all of it,” she whispered before beginning again.

A slight distraction as he heard a rustling outside of the tent as someone walked past. “Don’t forget my beer, Jessie!” he heard Zoey call out from a distance.

“Okay, got it,” Jessie called back, her sweet voice close outside the tent.

At the sound of her voice, Jack recalled her in that pink bikini earlier, her body pressed against his as she clung to him to keep from falling. Another image flashed for a millisecond in his mind of the day in the dressing room, unzipping the back of her dress, his fingers skimming her soft skin.

He closed his eyes and imagined it was Jessie with her pink lips around him instead. Jessie was definitely becoming a major player in his rotation of x-rated fantasies. This put him over the edge. He came hard with a low groan, thrusting himself deeper in Brittani’s mouth as his hot liquid spurted a few times down her throat. She swallowed it all as he grabbed the back of her head.

“Fuck that felt good,” Jack said, as she lay down beside him, both of them catching their breath. “Thanks.”

“My pleasure,” Brittani replied. She reached for him but he moved away, zipping up his shorts.

“Guess I’m gonna take off,” Jack said, looking at the tent opening.

“Stay,” Brittani said softly.

“Can’t,” Jack replied. “Can’t sleep unless I’m alone.”

It was true. Well, almost true. Sure, when he was in the service he had slept plenty of nights in a room of bunks shared with a bunch of other guys.

But he couldn’t stand sleeping next to a woman. The only woman he had ever spent the whole night in bed with was Tara, and that only happened a couple of times when he was drunk enough to pass out.

The whole time that they had lived together, Jack had slept on the couch in their apartment. He would wait for Tara to fall asleep after they fucked and then slip out of their bedroom. When he brought women to his house, he did the same thing, leaving them in his bed while he slept in the living room.

“Oh.” Brittani looked disappointed. Maybe even angry. “Fine. Whatever.”

Jack left her tent and went to his own to get his shower stuff. Then he slipped up to the bathhouse for a shower before going back to the fire pit, where Nick, Sean, Chris, Zoey and Jessie were still up. Everyone else had gone to bed.

“Back so soon?” Chris asked, winking at Zoey.

Jack smirked and flipped him off.

“Done already?” Nick joked, and laughed. “That was fast.”

Jack smiled. “Fuck off… it wasn’t that fast.”

He sat down next to Jessie.

“Having fun?” he asked, his voice light.

She nodded. “Yeah, I am. You?”

Jack nodded slightly and smiled, but said nothing.



“Can you do me a favor?” Jessie asked, turning those pretty blue eyes on him.

Jack shrugged. “Yeah, what do you need?”

“Can you help me with my tent? I forgot to finish setting it up.”

“I knew you’d never get that thing finished. You should have let me help you earlier… so goddamn stubborn!”

Jessie laughed. “Okay, fine. I should have let you help me when you offered. Are you going to help me or not?”

“What do I get?”

“What do you want?”

Jack raised his eyebrows and smiled. “What are you offering?”

“Oh my God Jack! I’m not going to give you sex so you’ll help me with my tent!”

Sean laughed out loud. “Nick, I helped you put your tent together. I feel like I should at least get a blow job for that.”

Everyone laughed.

Chris chimed in. “Sounds fair to me.” He looked at Zoey. “That’s the going rate for putting up a tent. Hope you’re ready to pay up.”

Zoey stuck her tongue out and smiled.

Jack got up amid the laughter and casually made his way over to Jessie’s tent. As he started trying to sort through the mess she had made earlier, he laughed. He held up a piece to show her why she was having so much trouble. It was broken.

“Oh no!” Jessie said. “So there’s no way the tent will go up?”

Jack shook his head.

“Hmmm. I hate to ask Zoey if I can sleep with them. Will kind of put a damper on Chris’ birthday, don’t you think?”

“Yeah, unless you’re planning to give him a threesome. Not sure I can think of a better way to spend a birthday,” Jack joked.

Jessie laughed. “Oh my God Jack! You have such a dirty mind.”

He hesitated for a moment. “I… I guess you can share my tent.”

Fuck. He knew he wouldn’t be able to sleep with her in there. But what else could he do? She couldn’t sleep outside. And she didn’t know anyone else there well enough to be comfortable sharing a tent with them.

“Are you sure you don’t mind?” Jessie looked at him shyly.

Jack shrugged. “It’s fine,” he said gruffly.

Even if it didn’t bother him to sleep with another person, he would probably have a boner all fucking night thinking about Jessie laying right there next to him.

“Thanks, Jack. I’ll just slip inside and change real quick before you come in.” Jessie grabbed her bag, pillow and sleeping bag and disappeared inside his tent.

A few minutes later she came back out in pink and white pajama pants and a matching long sleeve top. Both were form-fitting, showing off every curve of her body. His eyes slid slowly over her, his cock on high alert. Fuck.

“Your turn,” Jessie said, smiling up at him.

Jack grunted and slipped inside the tent, changing into sweatpants and a t shirt. He opened the flap of the tent and held it open so Jessie could slip inside.

She laid down in her sleeping bag and zipped it up around her. Jack did the same and then reached over to turn off the battery-operated lamp.

“Goodnight,” Jessie said in a soft voice.

“Goodnight,” Jack responded.

They lay in the dark for a few minutes, both quiet.

“Jack?” Jessie said his name in a soft whisper.


“I’m cold.”

“Oh yeah?” Jack’s voice was tight.

He was laying there with the predicted boner tenting his sweatpants, thinking about Jessie laying there next to him. How fucked up was it that he couldn’t stop fantasizing about the things he’d like to do to her? She was so close. And fuck, he was pretty sure if he made a move she would respond to him.

“Yeah. Do you have an extra sweatshirt or something?”

“Yeah, there should be one on your side.” He turned the light back on and handed it to her.

Jessie looked to her side and found a neat pile of folded clothes. She picked up a sweatshirt and pulled it on over her head. She noticed the open box of condoms lying next to the clothes. She picked up the package of Magnums and held it up so Jack could see.

“Came prepared, huh?” she laughed.

“Always.” Jack smirked.

Jesus Christ, she was cute in his sweatshirt. He had such an incredible urge to fist his hand through that long blonde hair.

Jessie turned the light off and snuggled back down. Jack’s sweatshirt smelled so good. Clean.

Another minute of silence passed.


She heard him sigh. “Yeah?”

“Did you have a good time today?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

His voice was always so rough sounding. Jessie wondered why that voice of his made her feel so tingly. Even between her legs. Especially between her legs. She hated this crush she had on him. She needed to stop. It couldn’t possibly happen.

“Well, goodnight,” Jessie whispered, hugging the pillow to herself.

“Goodnight, Jessie.” Jack sighed and closed his eyes.

The sweatshirt was huge on her but she immediately started to warm up and it wasn’t long before she was able to fall asleep.

JESSIE WOKE EARLY THE NEXT morning to almost complete silence. The only sound she heard was the gentle flow of the river. She reached for her cell phone to check the time. Five-forty.

Jack wasn’t there. She unzipped the tent and saw that it was almost dawn and the sun would be coming up in a few minutes. It was a little chilly but with Jack’s sweatshirt on she was warm enough. She walked a little ways down the riverbank until she found a good spot and sat down on a large rock to watch the sunrise.

She sat with her legs stretched out in front of her, arms at her sides, palms flat on the rock looking toward the east as the first light of day touched the earth. She heard someone approaching and turned sharply, but it was only Jack, who seemed surprised to see her.

“You’re up early,” Jessie spoke quietly. Jack wore the shorts and t-shirt he’d had on last night, and an Atlanta Braves baseball cap, which made him seem younger in the early morning light.

Jack nodded, sitting down beside her. “I like to watch the sun come up.”

He had just come from taking a piss and was surprised to find Jessie already up.

Jessie smiled. “Really? Me too!”

He glanced at her sideways without saying anything. They sat quietly and enjoyed the sunrise, bursting from the horizon with a breathtaking display of pink, purple and orange.

Jessie turned her head to find Jack watching her. “Thanks for letting me borrow your sweatshirt,” she said shyly. “It kept me warm last night.”

His eyes lowered to the Panthers emblem, then slowly down her body and back up again to her face.

“Looks good on you,” he said, his voice unusually soft, looking into her eyes.

“How did you sleep?” Jessie asked, her cheeks heating up at his compliment.

“Fine,” Jack lied.

Actually he had slept better than he thought he would. Only woke up a few times, but it had taken awhile to fall back asleep. Every time his dick would stop throbbing he’d hear Jessie make a little moaning sound in her sleep and he’d be hard as a fucking rock again.

“So, you and Brittani… you hooked up last night?” Jessie asked shyly.

Jack stared at her for a moment and then slowly nodded. “Yeah.”

“Did you… you know… did you…?” Jessie asked, glancing away.

Jack laughed. “Fuck?”

Jessie nodded and blushed.

“Yeah. We did.” Jack figured it was best for Jessie to remember what he was all about.

Maybe if she knew what a fucking animal he was she would stop looking at him like she wanted him to pull her clothes off and put his tongue on every inch of her sweet little body. If she stopped looking at him like that, maybe he wouldn’t feel so tempted to do it.

“Do you really like her?” Jessie asked, lowering her eyes.

Jack shrugged. “She let me fuck her and she sucked me off. What’s not to like?”

Jessie felt her cheeks heat up. She had never given anyone a blow job before. She certainly couldn’t imagine doing that with someone she had just met.

She had suggested it to her ex-boyfriend, Scott, but he hadn’t been interested. “You’re a good girl, Jessie. Don’t act like that.” She had been too embarrassed to ever bring it up again.

Brittani appeared at that moment, looking suspicious as she observed Jessie sitting on the rock next to Jack.

“What are you two doing up so early?” she asked Jack, while looking at Jessie. “Where did you sleep, Jessie? Your tent isn’t set up.”

“Oh, uh, Jack let me share with him.” Jessie looked uncomfortable.

“Oh really. So why did you tell me that you couldn’t sleep unless you were alone?” Brittani asked, glaring at Jack.

Jack ignored her. He didn’t know who this little bitch thought she was, but he certainly didn’t owe her any explanations.

“It was my fault, really,” Jessie said, immediately defending Jack. “He didn’t really want me in there, but I didn’t have any other place to sleep. My tent is broken and…”

“Yeah whatever. I could tell you were trying to get his attention all day yesterday with your little damsel in distress routine,” Brittani accused Jessie, taking a step closer to her. “Did you fuck her, too?” she continued glaring at Jack.

Jessie looked surprised as she got to her feet. Jack stood also. He took Brittani by the arm and led her away.

“Hey, take it easy. No need for that.” Jack roughly led her back to her tent.

He glanced back at Jessie as Brittani grabbed his hand possessively.

Under normal circumstances Jack wouldn’t have gone back to Brittani’s tent, but he was anxious to end the awkward moment. He had seriously underestimated this girl’s level of crazy. But no way was he going to let her fuck with Jessie.

“Why are you being such a cunt?” Jack asked once he got her back inside her tent.

“I don’t appreciate you fucking me last night and then spending the night cuddling with that uptight little bitch instead of staying with me,” Brittani hissed at him.

He pulled her to the ground with him and pushed her on her back, holding her arms down, hard. “Yeah? What did you think this was all about? Did you think we were going to fuck and live happily ever after?”

“No, but I didn’t expect you to treat me like a piece of garbage so you could kiss her spoiled ass.”

“I don’t answer to you. Or anyone.” Jack’s voice was a low, rough whisper as he started to pull her clothes off. His cock grew hard against her through his shorts. “You got that?”

Brittani nodded and pressed herself against his straining erection. “You want some more of what I gave you last night?”

“What I want is for you to shut the fuck up.” Jack was more than ready to hate fuck this bitch, after a restless night trying to sleep with a massive erection thinking about Jessie beside him. At this point blowing his load with Brittani seemed like the best way to get some relief.

Breathlessly she said, “You’re even hotter when you’re pissed off.”

Jack slipped his hand between her legs and swore. She was soaked. Obviously Brittani enjoyed being put in her fucking place.

“Feels like you’re ready for some more cock.” He rolled a condom over his dick and then resumed finger banging her.

“Uh-huh… yeah, Jack. The hot little slut is way more fun than the ice princess… don’t you think?”

“Fuck! You’re such a little bitch,” Jack groaned.

They got under the blanket together. Jack closed his eyes and let his hands roam all over her body, his face in her neck as she expertly stroked his cock. He flipped her on her stomach and entered her from behind. Aware of the silence of the campsite and that Jessie was awake and could possibly hear them, he fucked her as quietly as possible.

He had completely lost interest in this girl, so he closed his eyes and fantasized about fucking Jessie as he grinded himself into her. He imagined Jessie’s sexy little body under him, his hands all over her. He imagined the sounds he would fuck out of that pretty mouth of hers. He breathed heavily into Brittani’s hair as he came, while she moaned her pleasure into the pillow.

JACK STEERED CLEAR OF JESSIE throughout the morning, both at breakfast and during the three-hour long group hike. Jessie was confused by his behavior. She hadn’t said or done anything wrong, but he avoided looking at her or talking to her. Jessie wondered why he was so moody. She still felt awkward about the encounter with Brittani that morning. Maybe he did, too.

Brittani clung to Jack possessively, which irritated him. He tolerated it only because he wanted to keep her away from Jessie and he knew she would be out of there in a few hours. Brittani had already told him she had to leave and wouldn’t be staying for their second night.

She had been fun to fool around with last night, but after her little performance this morning with Jessie he knew she was fucking psycho. His alarms were going off to get clear of this one and his instincts were usually pretty good about this kind of thing.

He tried to avoid talking to Jessie to prevent any further negative interaction between them. He had run into her as she was coming back from the showers. He had given her a slight smile but not spoken, not wanting to encourage a conversation. He knew that Brittani would be coming to the showers soon herself and the last thing he needed was her giving Jessie anymore shit.

He was not used to being stuck with a piece of ass that wasn’t looking too good in the cold light of the morning after. The only reason he was doing it now was out of an effort to shield Jessie from this psycho and another possible confrontation with her. He resented it, but figured it was his own fault for hooking up with her. He should have been able to tell she’d turn out to be a clinger.

Brittani tried to give him her number before she left, but Jack declined.

She had smiled confidently. “You’ll change your mind,” she said simply, kissing him on the lips as they stood next to his Jeep.

AFTER LUNCH, CHRIS APPROACHED JACK as he was grabbing a beer from the cooler.

“Hey, what’s up?” Chris asked.

Jack shrugged. “Not much.”

“Yeah, how’d it go with Tracy’s friend? You hook up with her?”

Jack nodded. “Yeah. That’s a crazy little bitch, though.” He briefly told Chris what had happened.

“Wow. I guess it’s for the best she couldn’t stay another night.”

“Yeah, no shit.”

“So… speaking of Jessie, you two seem to have gotten pretty friendly. Anything going on there that I should be worried about?”

Jack glanced at him and then looked away. “Are you kidding me? With that innocent good-girl thing she’s got going on? You know I’m not into that.”

“That’s what I thought. Just not used to seeing you so friendly with a chick.”

Jack shrugged. “She’s cute as hell and she’s got a sexy little body, but… too much work. She’s got pain in the ass written all over her.”

Chris nodded and laughed. “But by your standards, breakfast in the morning is too much work.”

“True.” Jack laughed.

“Seriously, man. Things are going good with Zoey. I mean, really good. Don’t go fucking it up for me by messing with her innocent best friend.” Chris smiled.

Jack nodded. “Understood. No worries, brother.”

“Thanks. It’s just that Jessie’s a little sweetie, you know? Her personality reminds me of Sarah, actually.”

Jack laughed. “Damn, dude, talk about a fucking dick deflator. Comparing her to my sister? If I was thinking about that tapping that sweet little ass, I’m sure as hell not now.”

Chris laughed. “Sorry, man, but if it keeps you away from her, then whatever works.”

JACK SAT IN FRONT OF the fire talking to Nick. He glanced over at the girls and saw them setting up dinner as Chris manned the grill. A few minutes later, Jessie appeared next to them, handing them each a plate of delicious-looking food.

“Thanks, Jessie. You’re a sweetheart,” Nick said, taking the plate she offered him.

“Yeah, thanks,” Jack said. “Looks good.”

“You’re welcome.” Jessie smiled as she walked away. “Can I get you another beer or anything?”

Jack nodded and held up his empty bottle to show her what he was drinking.

“Damn, you gotta like that,” Nick said. “I mean, seriously. She’s cute, sweet, hot body. You should lock that down now before someone else does. I think she likes you.”

Jack smirked. “Dude. I’m not interested. What part of me not wanting a girlfriend don’t you get?”

“You sure? There are some benefits to sticking with one chick. No condom, for one.”

Jack shook his head. “Dude… I don’t have it in me. All that relationship bullshit.”

Though Nick had a point. Jack couldn’t even remember the last time he fucked a girl without a condom. Maybe a drunk slip up years ago. Tara before that. He could barely remember what it felt like. That was okay, though. A hot, wet mouth felt damn good, too.

“You don’t think she’d be up to just play?” Nick asked.

“Fuck no. Probably have to put a fucking ring on her finger just to get a peek inside those panties. She’s got that pussy locked down tight.”

Nick laughed. “But if she was? She’s not your usual type.”

Jack glanced at Jessie. Her ass looked incredible in the jeans she had changed into when the evening turned chilly. Her long blonde hair was partially pulled up in a messy knot and her face was clean and free of makeup. She was so naturally pretty she really didn’t even need any makeup, but she looked a lot younger without it.

“Fuck yeah dude. I’d fuck her into next week if I thought I could just hit it without any complications. Just between you and me, I wouldn’t mind finding out what she’s like.”

Nick nodded. “Got it.”

“But it’d be a hell of a lot less trouble to just beat my dick off thinking about it.” Jack laughed.

Nick nodded again. “Yeah, no doubt.”

Jessie returned with cold beers. “Here you go.”

“Thanks,” Jack grunted, fighting to keep his eyes on her face and not on the generous amount of cleavage that was in front of him as she leaned over to hand him his beer.

He shook his head and sighed. The whole thinking of her as a sister thing was definitely not working.

“OH NICK!” ZOEY EXCLAIMED. “DO you play guitar?”

Nick had retrieved his acoustic six-string from his car and started tuning it as they all sat around the fire.

Nick nodded. “Yeah. What do you want to hear?”

“Do you know any country songs?” Zoey asked.

Nick nodded. “Yeah, sure, some.”

Zoey asked for a Carrie Underwood song. Nick nodded, and Jack gave him shit for knowing it.

“Really, dude? What a fucking pussy,” Jack said. “Need a fucking hug or something?”

“Hey I’ve scored some high-quality ass with this guitar.” Nick laughed.

“Shut up Jack. I love the way Jessie sings this song,” Zoey said, her eyes bright from a few too many drinks. “Sing it, please?”

Jack listened to Jessie’s pretty voice, staring at the fire. He tried to force himself not to look at her, but his eyes kept glancing up, those goddamn blue eyes hypnotizing him. And fuck, that pretty voice was making him want her even more.

She and Zoey sang a few more songs together, or took turns with verses. Some of the songs Jack recognized, but many he had never heard.

Then Jessie sang an old song, something about fire and rain that Jack recognized from when he was a kid. His Mom used to sing this song to him and his sister. She had always sang to them. So much so that he actually had clearer memories of her sweet voice than of her pretty face.

For all the shit he had given Nick for knowing that girly country song earlier, Jack would have never admitted that he sometimes liked listening to those old songs that his mother had loved. Especially when he was working on projects in his workshop. It was kind of soothing.

He liked making things. He’d made almost all of the furniture in his house. He’d built the bar in his game room. He had even made a crib for his sister when her little girl was born. It was something he was really good at it.

It helped him get out of his head, too, when he felt pissed off about things he couldn’t do a damn thing about. Like the fact that he was a selfish asshole who treated women like whores, just like that worthless sonofabitch who called himself his father.

Worse, that it turned him on to treat women that way. Nothing got his dick harder than having a filthy little slut moaning underneath him. Most of the time he simply accepted it as his fate, but sometimes it bothered him. He liked having control, prided himself on being in control, in fact. But his inability to resist turning into a man like his father had been his greatest failure in that regard.

Before the song came to an end, Jack stood up and walked over to the cooler to get another beer. He stood staring out at the river for a few minutes, one hand in his pocket. He sipped his beer as he watched the moonlight reflecting on the rippling water.

He tensed as he felt a light touch on his back.

“Hey,” Jessie said softly. “Wondered where you got off to. Everything okay?”

He turned and looked down at her, nodding. “Yeah, fine.”

“Well, I just wanted to say goodnight. Is it okay if I share your tent again?” She looked up at him, her soft features even more delicate and feminine with the moonlight casting an angelic glow over her pretty face.

“Yeah.” Jack’s deep voice was raspy and low when he answered.

“You’re sure you don’t mind a roommate again tonight?” Jessie smiled apologetically at Jack as they slowly walked toward his tent.

Jack shrugged. “It’s fine.” He took a long drink of his beer. “You should know that Chris and Nick both asked me if I was trying to fuck you.”

Jessie laughed nervously. “Why would they think that?”

“Cause you spent last night with me in my tent, and they know me.” Jack met her eyes and they stared at each other for a long moment.

“So what did you tell them?” Jessie asked, her heart pounding furiously.

He hesitated. “I told them you were a good girl. Too nice a girl for the dirty things I like.”

Jessie shivered. “What does that mean? What kind of dirty things?”

“If you were a bad enough girl for me, you’d know.”

“So you only like bad girls then?” Jessie swallowed as she met his eyes.

He nodded slightly.

“Well I guess I’m pretty safe around you then.” Jessie looked down at the ground and then back up into his blue eyes. “I’m as good as they come, I think.”

“I bet you are,” Jack murmured, his cock springing to life in his shorts.

What the fuck? Since when was he turned on by the thought of a good girl going bad?

They stood for a moment in front of the tent, just looking at each other.

“Do you want to go in first?” Jessie asked, her voice close to a whisper.

Why did he have to be so hot? She hated the way he made her feel all these butterflies in her stomach, hated the way her heart pounded when he looked at her. He wasn’t interested in her. He had made that pretty clear.

“No, you go on ahead. I’m going to hang out for a while longer. ’Night,” Jack rasped.

He decided he better let her go to sleep before turning in. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to keep himself away from her otherwise.

An hour later, he slipped quietly into the tent and laid down. Jessie was asleep on her side in his sweatshirt again, her blonde curls spread out on the pillow. Her sweet, coconut scent hung in the air all around him. She smelled so good. Why did she always smell so fucking good?

He wondered what she would do if he laid behind her, swept the hair from her shoulder and kissed the back of her neck. Would she object to his hand slipping under that sweatshirt? Would she tell him to stop if he slid a hand down the front of her pajama pants and touched her between her legs as his cock pressed into that cute ass?

Fuck. Now he was hard again.

He turned off the lamp and lay there for a while, listening to her breathe.

No big deal. Tomorrow night he’d go out and take care of this raging hard-on with some hot piece of ass. He sighed and closed his eyes.

JESSIE RODE HOME WITH CHRIS and Zoey, who seemed closer than ever.

“How about Jack and Brittani?” Zoey smiled, turning to look at Jessie in the backseat. “Think he’ll see her again?”

Jessie shrugged as if she couldn’t care less. “Who knows? He seemed to like her. He doesn’t really talk to me about that kind of thing. All he told me was that they did it. She got kind of nasty with me about spending the night in his tent, but Jack calmed her down, I guess.”

“He’s such a pig!” Zoey said adamantly. “Look how many women he’s hooked up with just since we’ve known him.”

Chris held up a hand to stop her. “Easy now,” he said. “Jack’s like a brother to me. I admit his taste in women isn’t as good as mine, but he’s definitely a guy you want on your side. Who cares who he sleeps with? He’s not hurting anyone. Those girls know what he’s all about.”

“I’m sorry, I guess I’m being judgmental. Has he ever had a real relationship?” Zoey asked, curious.

“Once, a long time ago. He was with a girl for a few years. They even lived together. But it didn’t work out,” Chris confided.

“What happened?” Zoey asked.

Jessie listened attentively, wondering about the girl that Jack had been serious with. She couldn’t imagine him like that.

“She was pushing him to get married and that’s not Jack. Eventually they broke up,” Chris said simply. “Not sure Jack has it in him to do the relationship thing. His Dad was… well, let’s just say that he made Jack look like a damn choir boy by comparison. Jack grew up watching his Dad bring home women half his age all the time. I’m pretty sure his view on sex and women is kind of beyond repair at this point.”




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