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Logan's Luck (Last Chance Book 4) by Lexi Post (7)

Chapter Seven

Logan’s tongue hit her clit, and she whimpered, her need building. With an expertise she preferred not to think about, he stroked her hard nub, flicking his tongue rapidly until she moaned then stopping to lave it, flooding her sheath with wetness.

When he started his rapid tongue movements again, she tightened just before his finger penetrated her opening and thrust in. Her hips came up. She took his long finger in as far as it could go, her body ready for release.

His finger began to withdraw and thrust while his tongue made love to her clit with strokes and taps alternating, her body reaching a pinnacle of pleasure before she exploded.

Flashes of light played before her closed eyes as she rocked with ecstasy, her sheath flooding with her juices.

Logan’s tongue stopped and his finger left her, which made her groan at the loss. Then she felt his tongue thrust into her. Her body jumped to life all over again as he tasted her release.

When he pulled away, she opened her eyes to find him gazing at her, his own need obvious.

He leaned his forehead against hers. “I’m so hard. I don’t think I can wait any longer.”

His desire for her sent a thrill through her chest. “Then don’t.”

Logan’s body seemed to energize at her words. Unzipping his own jeans, he pulled them and his white underwear down.

Jenna’s breath caught in her throat. Logan’s rigid cock was bigger than she remembered and more than ready to slide into her.

As he ripped open a condom that he produced from out of the thin air, a seed of doubt crept into her brain. Did he plan on this? Was it a lucky guess? Or was he always prepared? But before she could focus anymore on that, Logan held his cock in his hand and stepped forward. He waited for her to raise her gaze to his.

“Are you sure?”

All her doubt melted away at his simple question. “I’m sure.”

He pulled her to the edge of the haybale, his shirt beneath her butt helping to keep the hay from being too prickly. She shook off her shirt and bra straps, freeing her hands.

“You are so beautiful.” His gaze had moved to her spread legs where he had pulled her panties to the side again to expose her entrance. She felt her cheeks flush at his compliment. Then he moved his other hand to her thigh, holding it wide.

Her sheath tightened in anticipation. “It’s been a long time for me, too.”

His gaze flicked to hers for a second as if to confirm she wasn’t joking, but then he focused on her clit and she forgot to think at all. His fingers stroked over her hard pleasure point this time, wetting it with her own moisture, tightening her insides all over again.

A deep groan issued from him before he set his cock against her opening.

He pushed inside.

As each inch glided into her, her body stretched to accommodate him. When he’d gone as far as he could go, she tilted her pelvis to feel him dive even deeper. She moaned loudly, unable to believe he’d finally filled her.

He leaned over her, forcing her to fall back against the stall wall. As he latched onto to her breast with his mouth, he rubbed his pelvis against her clit, his pubic hair stimulating it and making her grasp him hard. His teeth bit at her nipple, causing pleasure to travel from her breast to her filled pussy, sending her closer to the edge without him even moving.

The tickle of another orgasm pulsed close and she arched into his mouth.

As if they had been lovers for years, he let go of her nipple and grasped her thighs, pushing them wide. In the next instant, he pulled out and thrust back in.

Her eyes closed again as Logan pumped into her, holding her thighs in place and slamming against her clit with every thrust. She rocked with him, her breaths growing shallow as her body tightened, preparing to orgasm.

“Oh fuck.” Logan’s exclamation triggered her release and ecstasy swept over her.

Where they joined, pleasure erupted and all feeling radiated from there. She locked on to his wrists with her hands, holding on as his cock rocked into her, sending new waves of satisfaction through her.

Then he came, his yell spiking her joy, making it complete.

Logan couldn’t stop. His orgasm was too strong. Luckily, despite her height, Jenna was no delicate flower, and he pumped into her every drop of bliss barreling through his body.

As he took in deep breaths to calm his racing heart, he gazed at her, enjoying the view of her rosy cheeks and plumped lips from his kisses. Moving his hands from her thighs to her back, he brought her against him, loving the feel of her arms wrapping around his waist.

Everything about her felt right, right now. He didn’t want to think beyond the moment.

She lifted her head from his chest. “Isn’t that better than arguing with me?”

He chuckled. “I’ll have to think about that.”

Her smile immediately turned in to a scowl. “You’re riding on a wild bronco if you think—”

He tipped her head up and kissed her thoroughly before grinning at her. “It was a joke. If you’ll be around me more often, you may want to get in tune with my humor.”

She moved one of her hands from his back and pinched his nipple.

“Hey, that hurts.”

She smiled innocently at him. “If you’re going to be around me, you’ll have to get used to what I think is funny and what’s not.”

He grimaced. “Got it.”

She appeared pacified, but when she moved her mouth to the same nipple, he tensed.

“I’m just kissing it to make it feel better.”

Her tongue circled it before she gently laved it. Damn, that did feel good.

She pulled her mouth away and looked up at him from beneath her dark lashes. “Do you have anything else that needs to feel better?”

His heart lurched. This was a side of Jenna he hadn’t seen since the day they met. Sweet, vulnerable. He felt privileged…and protective. That was new. “Holding you makes everything better.”

She rolled her eyes. “Now that I doubt.”

“You won’t be doubting after tomorrow morning when I call you to wake you up.”

Her face softened before she looked away. “You better not. I don’t have to get up until—”

A loud crash in the stall across from them made them both freeze. Logan’s first thought was that they were still connected and in no position to protect themselves.

Another loud bang made it clear the noise was hooves hitting the stall door.

“Cyclone.” Jenna pushed at him to move away.

“Whoa, hold on. He’s not going anywhere. That door is sturdy enough.”

She sighed. “I’m sure it is, but I don’t want him to hurt himself. Besides, we’re done here.”

He finally gave in and pulled out of her, irritated that she was so anxious to run to a horse. Her face showed a similar let down when he left her, which made him feel a little better. She was just dedicated and as she said, they were done…for now.

She dressed quickly, while he disposed of the condom he’d been carrying in his wallet since the night at the bar. He wanted to make love to her then, but didn’t have any on him, not that that had worked out so well anyway.

A louder crash sounded as he stepped into the main section of the barn just in time to see the stall door fly through the air toward Jenna.

Fuck. He threw himself over her just before the door slammed in to his back, the metal latch hitting him in the side and knocking the breath out of him. They fell to the floor. Adrenaline had him kicking the door off them and rolling them away in case Cyclone decided to trample them.

He kept her from the horse and looked over his shoulder. The damn thing just stood there looking at them. A nicker from two stalls down caught the Clydesdale’s attention and he walked by them to investigate.

Since it was temporarily safe, he loosened his arms and scanned Jenna’s face for injuries. “Are you alright?”

She blinked before nodding. “I think so.” She scooted out from under his arm and stood, brushing off her clothes while keeping her eye on the giant horse. “I thought that door was going to hit me. I can’t believe how fast you are. Thank you.”

Logan pushed himself up to a sitting position. “Fuck.” He grabbed his ribs.

Jenna immediately crouched next to him. “What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”

He gritted his teeth, and she helped him stand, unable to keep his groan silent. “I think I might have a couple busted ribs.”

“Let me see.” She pulled on his arm.

“No. I’ll be fine. Just get me my shirt…please.”

She looked about to argue, but finally walked past him toward the stall they had used. He lifted his arm three inches before the pain hit hard. Damn, just his luck. He’d broken his ribs once before, on the other side and he was one hundred percent sure at least two were cracked.

Jenna came back with his shirt. “Will you at least let me help you put it on?”

He glanced at Cyclone who appeared to be flirting with Tiny Dancer. He could almost forgive the boy if that had been his reason for busting out.

Assured Cyclone was otherwise engaged, he nodded and let her help him dress, thankful he didn’t have to button his own shirt, though there were only three buttons left on it. He never thought he’d be happy to have a woman dress him.

“Damn, I won’t be able to dress Charlotte in the morning.”

Jenna finished the last button and stepped back. “You get your daughter dressed in the morning? I thought your grandmother did that.”

He started to shrug until a stabbing pain took away his breath for a second. “No, I do it. After all, she is my daughter. I don’t leave her care to everyone else.” The minute he said the words, he sensed Jenna withdraw though she didn’t actually move.

“Except now you have Kylie to help.”

For a few blissful moments, he’d forgotten about Kylie and what he saw as a threat to the life he’d started with Charlotte. “I haven’t heard from her in two days. I’m hoping she just goes away.”

Jenna shook her head. “That’s not going to happen. She’s a mom. She’ll be back. I guarantee it.” She moved to his side. “Now let’s get you to the house. You’re going to need a doctor.”

He wanted to deny both her claims, but he couldn’t. He stared at the stall door. “Yeah. Damn door.”

Jenna tsked. “I don’t think the door was a willing participant. The big guy over there is to blame. I’ll give Whisper a call as soon as I get home. Do you think the woman who brought Cyclone here can get him back into a stall?”

He nodded as he walked with her. “Probably. She said she was an animal rescuer when I met her and she’s been taking care of him for over a year now.”

“Good. I’d hate to see him hurt himself.” Jenna spoke to Butterball, who had woken at all the noise. “I’ll be right back for you. You’ve been such a good boy.”

They continued across the dirt yard toward the house. Jenna held his arm on his good side. He didn’t really need her, but it was nice to be fussed over. “Do you want to bring him inside with us?”

She shook her head. “I’m not coming in. I have to introduce him to my house since he’ll be with me temporarily. I hope I can find a good home for him.”

He stopped before taking the steps to the porch. “You’re not going to keep him?”

“My life is too busy. It wouldn’t be fair.”

“Why not just take him with you. He seems well behaved. I know he’s just a dog, but when I found Charlotte on my front step, I could have easily turned her over to the police or put her up for adoption without ever checking her DNA. I’m glad I didn’t because she has changed my life, changed me. I think Butterball could do the same for you.”

She chuckled. “You’re right. He’s a dog not a child. Now up you go.”

He sucked in his breath between his teeth as he put weight on his leg to take the first step. Fuck that hurt. He stalled. “Will you be back tomorrow to look over Cyclone’s paperwork?” He couldn’t care less about the horse, but confirming that Jenna came back was a high priority for him now.

“Yes, but it will have to be after work again. I have two ranch calls in the morning and appointments all afternoon. Now, come on, just two more steps.”

Reassured she’d be back, he gritted his teeth and took the next two steps like a man, as his dad would say. When they reached the door, Jenna opened it for him.

“Earlier you were offering kisses to make me feel better. Think you can spare one now? I could definitely use one.” He gave her a self-deprecating smirk.

She frowned before letting the door close in front of him and turning away.

That wasn’t the reaction he’d hoped for.

Jenna grabbed the end table he’d used for coffee in the morning and stepped on it. “Number one rule in the medical field is do no harm. This way you won’t have to bend over.”

Hell, his woman was damn smart. Stepping up to her, he cupped her face with his free hand and touched his lips to hers. She responded with equal sweetness before her tongue shot into his mouth and ramped him up all over again.

By time he finished tasting her, he was ready to take her to his bed, except in his condition, he was afraid it would be more pain than pleasure.

“Pleasant dreams, Logan.” She grinned at him before jumping down from the table and opening the door for him again.

Inside, he could hear laughter coming from the kitchen. As inviting as it was, he’d give anything to stay outside with Jenna without cracked ribs. Thanks to her, his night was bound to be restless.

Unwilling to let her know how much she’d affected him, he winked. “You, too.” He walked through the door, a soft cat call whistle following him that made him laugh, making his diaphragm push against his ribs.

“Ah fuck!” Luckily, the door closing covered up his swear of pain.


Logan watched as his brother pounded in the last new rail on the north corral fence. “Look at him. He’s got a serious crush on that Paint.”

Trace wiped the sweat from beneath his hat before standing to look at Cyclone. “That’s an odd couple if ever I saw one. She can barely walk and he breaks through stalls and fences.”

He looked past Trace to see a rider flying down the valley toward them. “I think we are about to find out what his problem is.” Logan pointed with his good arm, his left one in a sling to remind him not to move it too much while his ribs healed. That, all thanks to an early morning doctor visit and the doc’s refusal to bandage his ribs. Something about them needing to move.

His brother’s girlfriend, Whisper, only knew two speeds when it came to horses, stopped and a full out gallop. The gray horse she rode like a wild woman was Spirit, a retired racehorse who never did well on a track but thrived at the ranch.

Trace smiled widely. “Isn’t she magnificent?”

Logan purposefully misinterpreted the question. “Yes, that horse flies like the wind.”

Trace scowled and moved to elbow him.

He quickly stepped aside. “Hey, I’m not wearing this sling just to remind me I’m injured. Watch the ribs.”

“I don’t have to. Gram has them marinating in the fridge.” Trace winked before heading around the corral to meet Whisper.

Logan turned back to look at Cyclone. There was something very odd about the horse. He’d watched last night as Dana and Bo ushered the Clydesdale back into his stall then put up ropes over the opening. Cyclone was still there in the morning. Nothing was busted.

When Trace brought him to the north corral before feeding the other horses, he was fine for about thirty minutes. Next thing they heard were the rails being smashed down, yet Cyclone didn’t even step out. Why would he break doors and fences if it wasn’t to get out?

As Whisper dismounted and strode over, it occurred to him that he had no idea if Jenna knew how to ride. He looked forward to finding out. The sound of surprise in her voice this morning when he’d called her as promised had made his day. She said she’d come out as soon as her last appointment left. That would probably be in time for dinner. He liked the idea of her having a meal with his family.

“Are you sure Logan isn’t antagonizing him?” Whisper’s voice was loud enough to be heard across the entire yard.

When he’d first seen his brother falling for her, he’d threatened her, but after the shootout at her trailer, they’d become more like brother and sister. Unfortunately, that meant slinging bull-crap. “If giving him fresh bedding and a corral all to himself is antagonistic, then the answer to that question is yes.”

“I knew it.” She gave him a fake scowl, but quickly switched to the problem at hand. “What’s his story?” She leaned on the corral fence, setting one foot on the bottom rail, her handgun, “Sal,” tucked in the waistband of her jeans.

He shook his head, unable to completely understand someone like her. “We don’t know. He was a rescue that one of Cole’s friends was taking care of. I’m pretty sure the smashing things had something to do with him not being wanted. Then he was burnt in a barn fire, but has healed well.”

“He’s big. Never seen a Clydesdale in person. Thought they were only used for that beer company.”

Just when he’d started to forget she’d been raised off the grid, something she said reminded him. “He’s a draft horse. They use this breed for lots of things.”

She nodded as if that was all she needed to know. Then she climbed over the fence into the corral.

“Wait, Whisper!” Trace had been tying up Spirit and ran over as she jumped down and strode toward the horse.

Logan grabbed his brother’s arm. “Relax. She knows what she’s doing. Isn’t that what you told me when she approached Black Jack?”

Trace nodded, but still climbed the fence and shadowed her. His brother was so deeply in love, Logan had to wonder if a wedding would be announced soon. Then again, with those two, they’d probably drive up to Vegas, elope and then tell them all after it was done.

Cyclone caught sight of Whisper and met her halfway. He was a friendly horse and well-tempered like most Clydesdales, which just made the kicking behavior that much more puzzling.

Working on his cousin’s ranch had given him a new appreciation for horses. He’d always valued them, but they had simply been part of his family’s cattle operation. Now, he saw them as individuals with their own past…like him.

He turned around to look at Black Jack, happy in his outside stall. He’d take him out for a ride as soon as his ribs healed. Maybe Jenna could ride Sadie. A new warmth filled his chest at the idea. The past year, whenever he thought about her, saw her, or argued with her, all he’d felt was frustration, anger and regret, but now…now it was different. He wasn’t even sure why.

“You poor thing.” Whisper’s words brought him back to the activity in the corral.

“Because of the burns?” He opened the gate and walked inside. “From what I hear, Dana was burned as well, risking her life to save him.”

Whisper turned her head and scowled at him before returning her focus to Cyclone. She stroked his nose. “You will get all the attention you deserve here.”

He frowned. Whisper spoke to animals easier than to people. “Is something wrong?”

She patted the horse and turned to face him. “Isn’t that why you asked Dr. Jenna to call me?”

Damn, he walked right in to that one. “So, what is it?”

She nodded her head toward the gate and he followed her out as Trace opened it for them. Once far enough away to suit her, she kept her voice low. “That big strong horse was ignored. Half the time he wasn’t brushed, ridden, or even fed.” Whisper’s hands balled into fists. “He smashes things to bring attention to himself.”

Logan pulled back and stared at her. “What?”

She grabbed him by the arm and pulled him halfway across the parking area before he dug in his heels. “Enough. Just tell me what we need to do.”

She faced him. “That animal is used to being considered worthless.”

He raised his brow. “He’s a damn Clydesdale.”

“Whatever. The fact is, whoever owned him didn’t think he was valuable. Maybe the stupid owner was afraid of him. It doesn’t matter why. What you have to do is make him feel special. Lavish him with attention.”

“Excuse me?”

Whisper pointed at him. “You heard me. You need to spoil him. Make him feel like he’s an important part of the ranch.”

He looked to his brother for help, but Trace just shrugged his shoulders.

“And how am I supposed to do that?”

She threw her hands up. “I don’t know. You’re the one with horse experience. Give him a job or something. Show him off to everyone who visits. Make him part of some daily routine.”

He shook his head. “And if I don’t?”

“Then you get to repair stall doors, fence railings and porch steps for a living.”

“Porch steps?” He glanced at the house just to make sure the three steps in front were still intact.

Whisper shrugged. “Let’s just say it’s a possibility.”

Logan cracked the knuckles in his left hand. Just what he needed, a temperamental giant horse. He looked at Trace. “We’re going to need to come up with plan.”

Trace nodded, his smile turning serious for once. “We’ll think of something.”

Logan felt the tension in his gut lessen. As much as his younger brother was a pain in the ass, he was dependable.

“Who the hell is that?” Whisper had turned toward the dirt road heading to the ranch. “And what the freak are they driving. It looks like a coachwhip on steroids.”

Logan smirked at the analogy, even as he stifled a groan. Kylie’s red convertible did look like the snake Whisper referred to as it took the final turn toward the ranch. His hope was that she was equally non-venomous, but if his luck held true, that wouldn’t be the case. How the low-to-the-ground vehicle made it across the steep wash halfway between the house and the highway, was beyond him.

Trace strode toward him and Whisper. “That’s Kylie, Charlotte’s mother.”

“I guess it was too much to hope she’d given up.” Jenna’s admonishment that he thought that a possibility rang in his ears.

“Given up what?” Whisper looked over her shoulder at him.

“Given up trying to see my daughter.” His gut tightened. If Kylie was here, it meant she was willing to meet his terms, or she had a lawyer. He didn’t like either option.

As the car pulled to a stop, Logan was pleased that his brother stepped back to stand shoulder to shoulder with him. The family bond between them had grown stronger since their father had passed and at times like these, Logan appreciated it.

Kylie stepped out in a pair of pink cowboy boots, white short-shorts, a pink halter and her straight blonde hair held back in a white scarf. She looked like a piece of cotton candy.

Whisper turned away from the approaching woman. “Jezebel.”

He widened his eyes at her before she stepped up to his brother and kissed him on the mouth. Trace didn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around her to deepen it.

Logan looked away, meeting Kylie’s gaze. She’d stopped at the sight.

Whisper pulled out of Trace’s arms. “I have to go. Uncle Joey has an appointment with a barber. Ever since old Billy told him about this lady barber, I’m not good enough to cut his hair anymore, the big flirt. If you’re eating dinner here, you better be on guard.”

At Whisper’s command, Trace nodded solemnly.

Did she think Kylie would take her man?

As the woman walked away, she looked at Kylie, before reaching behind her back to touch “Sal,” the warning clear.

Trace chuckled. “Too bad you can’t find you a woman like that.”

He scowled at his brother before turning to face his fate. “Hello, Kylie.”

She continued toward them. “Hi, I’m sorry it took me so long to come back, but I had to work. It’s such a long drive out here. I think I might start looking for employment in Wickenburg so I don’t have such a far drive.”

His heart fell into his stomach at her words. “Does that mean you are ready to meet my terms?”

“Yes.” She opened the tiny purse that was slung over her shoulder. “I brought a hair sample and my written intentions.”

Fuck. That was not what he wanted to hear. “I won’t need the sample. We’ll go to the lab together to have our mouth’s swabbed.” Because he would make sure he was the one who received the results, ASAP.

Her smile faltered. “Us?”

“Yes. It’s important that I prove I’m Charlotte’s dad as well.”

She waved him off. “Oh, I know you are. There was never any doubt. You don’t have to go.”

“Yes, I do.”

She rummaged through her little purse, shrugging as she did so. “Okay. Whatever you want.”

What I want is for you to disappear.

“Ah, here it is.” She pulled out a neatly folded piece of paper and handed it to him. “I brought what you asked for. My intentions.” She presented it to him like a trophy.

He had to force himself to take the paper from her. He palmed the folded square and studied her, her look of anticipation made his gut roll.

“Aren’t you going to open it?”

No! I don’t care what you want, Charlotte is mine!

She gave him a shy smile. “I think you’ll like it.”

His stomach held still. Could it be she wanted to leave Charlotte to him with occasional visits? He could live with that. Hopeful now, he opened his hand and unfolded the paper.




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