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Love Me (No Matter What Book 1) by B.L. Mooney (9)

Chapter Nine


I shut her bedroom door behind me and looked at the door across the hall. I didn’t want to get too comfortable. I didn’t deserve to get comfortable, but if I was going to continue to help her, I needed to take care of my back. I reached out and opened the door.

I wasn’t sure what I expected, but it was almost as bare as the rest of the apartment. She had a dresser and a nightstand in her room, but there was only a nightstand in the one she offered to me. I had no use for a dresser. I could live out of my bag since I wasn’t staying anyway.

It was a plus that the bed was already made, but it was a full. I hadn’t slept on a full for years. I think I outgrew a full-sized mattress when I hit my teens. I walked over to it and pressed my hand into it. It was soft. It would be better than my truck.

I walked back to the door and shut it. There was still a lot of work to be done before Maggie was up and running, and she wasn’t wrong about my back. I took my shirt off and ran my hand down my chest. I felt the scar from one of the bullets and looked down.

Tim said that made up for every wrong I did, but it didn’t come close. I took Laney from her life and from her shop. I heard the boutique closed, and that crushed me. The least I could do was help another woman and her business after I ruined the last. I couldn’t think about that anymore. I couldn’t think about her.

I groaned and ran my hands through my hair. I needed to get it cut, but I hadn’t taken the time. I’d get it cut before I went to the next city. I didn’t need them to make assumptions about me before I stepped out of the truck.

I kicked my shoes off and walked to the bed. I wanted to pull my jeans off and sleep nude, but I wasn’t sure if Maggie was a believer in knocking. It didn’t matter. I was tired enough to sleep in anything. I fell into bed face-first and passed out.

* * *

“I’m not great with this type of work, so you’re going to have to tell me what you want done.” I looked at the inspirational quotes she wanted stenciled onto the walls.

“I told you I’ve got this. I just need to tape them to the walls and paint. It’s really not a big deal. You should take the day off and see the city.”

“I think I’ve seen all I need to of the city and I’m fine here.”

“You’ve been working nonstop for two weeks. We’ve painted everything that needed paint, we’ve tightened all the screws that needed tightening, and every corner now has light. You’ve been an amazing help. Go out and have fun.”

“What about you? You’ve been right beside me the entire time. Why don’t you go out and have fun?”

“This is fun for me. I’m seeing my dream become a reality.” She put the stencil she was looking at down and looked at me. “I never would’ve been this far along if it hadn’t been for the hard work you’ve put into it.” She held the stencil up again and looked through it until she found the spot she wanted to tape it.

“Here.” I held out my hand. “You stand back there, and I’ll hold it where you think you want it. Then, you can tell me if you need it adjusted before you climb a ladder and tape it.”

She smiled and handed me the stencil. “Thanks.”

“Okay, so here? Wait.” I grabbed the ladder and pulled it to where she pointed. I got up a few steps higher and looked at her.

She waved her hand a little to the right and held her palm out when she wanted me to stop. “That’s perfect.”

“Then get me the tape.” I smiled when she jogged to the tape and ran it to me. We did make a good team, but it wasn’t a thriving business yet. I wanted her to do well before I left.

“Here you go.”

“Thanks.” I ripped a piece off and taped it to the top. “You made a comment once about not having anyone here because you’re a girl. What was that about?”

“Oh, it’s just an old school city. A man needs to be running something for it to do well.”

“But, Beverly’s diner is slammed most of the day.”

“Yeah, but that’s cooking. It’s woman’s work.”

“Oh.” I narrowed my eyes as I finished taping the stencil. “So, you think you need a man to help you sell this place to people?”

“Pretty much. I think I can get the women to come to classes, though. The closest gym doesn’t offer classes. I thought the wives would bring their husbands with them, but I think I scare the females off.”

“They don’t want to bring their husbands to you?”

“No, they don’t want to look like me.”

I’d taken the last step off the ladder but left one foot on the rung and looked at her. “Excuse me? You’re gorgeous.”

Her cheeks pinked before she turned and fumbled with another quote. “I’m too bulky for them.”

“You’re fit and incredibly toned, but I wouldn’t consider you bulky at all. So what you’ve got a gun show going on. I think they’re jealous. The only thing they’re afraid of is hard work. Don’t let it get to you.”

“It’s kind of hard not to.”

“No, what’s hard is my dick when I look at your ass.” I walked by and smacked it, taking the stencil from her when she was caught off guard. “You’re an incredibly good-looking woman. I think that intimidates most of the men around here.”

“You think?”

“Yes, I do. Your dad would tell you the same thing if he was still alive.” I held up the quote on another wall and waited for her direction.

“No, I don’t think he would’ve. He wasn’t like that.”

“What happened to him?”

She shrugged. “He worked too hard. He had a heart attack and never recovered.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I am, too. There’s a lot I’d like to ask him about.”

“Can you ask your mom?”

“I have, but that’s only her side of things. No one truly knows what’s in a person’s heart or why they do the things they do except for the person who took his secrets to his grave.”

“Where is your mom?”

She looked at me and tried to smile, but I could see the tears that were waiting to spill. I didn’t want to get into the middle of her personal battles, but I wanted to help at the same time. I didn’t do well when I tried to help. I usually made a bigger mess of things.

She couldn’t keep her smile up, but she didn’t cry when she looked down and shook her head. “It doesn’t matter. The past is the past, and there isn’t anything any of us can do to change it.”

I knew that too well. I nodded and looked back at the stencil. “Do you really want to finish this?”

“No.” She took a deep breath and looked up with a big smile. I wouldn’t say the smile was fake, but it wasn’t Maggie. “I want ice cream.” Her eyes got big. “And, I know just the place.”

“Ice cream?” I nodded. “Yeah, I could go for a scoop or two.”

* * *

We walked around the city while Maggie pointed out all the places she thought I needed to know. I didn’t plan on sticking around any longer than I had to. As soon as Maggie’s business took off as I suspected it would, I’d be back out on the road.

I stopped walking when I saw the line for the ice cream. “You’re not expecting me to wait in that line, are you?”

She slipped her arm in mine and kept me walking. “It goes much faster than it looks. Besides, you can talk to me about your family while we wait.”

“That won’t get me to stick around, either.”

“Oh, come on. Tell me something. You know my father passed away.”

“And, you know I have a brother named Tim who is a thief.”

“You’re not having any luck getting any of your money back?”

“No, I’m not. But, I don’t really mean he’s a thief. He thinks he’s doing this for my own good.”

“Oh, okay. That doesn’t make sense.”

“He wants me back home.”

The slow nod of her head was telling, but I didn’t know if it was understanding or if she didn’t want me to go back home. “Well, it sounds as if he misses you. How long has it been since you’ve been home?”

“It’s been three years, but I don’t plan to go back.”

“Did you two have a falling out?”

“No.” I smiled. “Tim and I never really saw eye to eye on much, but he’s my kid brother. He’s been there when it counted.”

“I’m sure you’ve been there for him.”

“Actually, no.” That sank in and felt like more dead weight for me to carry. I’d never helped Tim. I never asked if there was anything he needed help with, and I never listened if he ever did ask for help. I wasn’t proud of that.

“Oh, look. We’re next. I told you the line would move fast. Now, what kind of ice cream do you want?”

I was grateful for the change in subject, but I no longer wanted ice cream. I’d take it and play along, but it wouldn’t keep my mind off the fact I spent my entire life ignoring the one person who had stuck by me. What if his taking my money was really a cry for help for him? What if it was the only way he could get me to come home? I had to call him as soon as we got back.

* * *

“Oh, I ate too much.” Maggie lay on the floor as soon as we walked into the gym.

“I kind of thought we needed to work some of this off.” I chuckled when she groaned. “I told you not to get the double scoop.”

“I couldn’t let the newbie outdo me.” She threw her arm over her eyes. “Even my eyes hurt!”

My stomach was bothering me, too, but I had a feeling it was more about the call I needed to make than the ice cream. I was afraid of what I’d hear on the other end. I didn’t want to go home, but if Tim needed me, I had no choice.

“Hey, I’m going to make a call really quick and check in back home. Do you want help upstairs where you’ll be more comfortable than the floor?”

“Nah.” She lifted her arm and waved her keys at me. “You go ahead. I’ve got pajamas in my locker down here, so I’m taking a shower before I head up for the night. I’ll be okay.”

“If you say so.” I stepped around her, taking the keys with me, and walked to the stairs as quickly as I could without running. Once I reached the stairs, I took two at a time. My mind had thought of every crazy scenario Tim could possibly need my help with. None of them were good.

Joshua Mosley may have been a man who needed to be taken down, but at what expense? Laney was free of him, but was my brother? Mosley still should’ve been in prison, but it wouldn’t have surprised me if his assholes were still doing jobs for him, and payback for sending his ass to prison would’ve been top of the list. I only hoped my bad decisions didn’t hurt Tim or Laney any more than they already had.

What if Tim was sick like our mother was? She didn’t survive. Was that why he needed me back home? Was he sick? I couldn’t take the worry anymore and grabbed my phone before I made it all the way into the apartment, leaving her keys in the door. I slammed my bedroom door after I dialed. No more games. He was going to tell me what was going on.

“Hey, I’m hearing from you twice in one week. Does that mean you’re ready to come home now?” Tim sounded happy. He didn’t sound sick, and he didn’t sound worried about anything. He was always good at hiding things from me, though.

“Cut the shit.”

“Okay, so this isn’t a friendly call. Cut what shit?”

“Why do you want me home? Did Mosley do something? Are you sick? Did the center burn down? What is it?”

“Whoa, someone has a crazy imagination today. Is everything okay with you?”

“No, Tim! No, it isn’t. You’ve stranded me here with no money. You’ve only said I can get my money if I come home, so why the fuck do you want me home so bad? What is wrong?” I was shouting. I took a few deep breaths, but nothing was calming me. I needed to know what was going on.

“Brody, nothing is wrong. I—” He took a deep breath and blew it out. “I’m sorry. I just need to see you. I just need to know you’re okay. You left as soon as your community service was over and never looked back. Do you know how many holidays I’ve had alone?”

“Yeah, the same as me, but you don’t have to be alone. Find a girlfriend or a boyfriend. I don’t care.”

“I had one, Brody.”

I stood up straight. “You did? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I was dating her before you left. Since before the whole mess with Mosley happened.”

“That was five years ago, Tim. Are you getting married? Is that why you want me home?”

“No, I’m not getting married. I don’t want you home for happy times, Brody. I’d fucking tell you that over the phone.”

“You can tell me whatever it is you have to tell me over the phone. I don’t need to be home. Did she break your heart?”

“Fuck you. You’re the one who ran away because of a broken heart. I’m still here. You’re the one who couldn’t stay and face it. I’m facing mine. I’m facing mine every fucking day! What about you, Brody? Are you done pining over a woman who never wanted you in the first place?”

“Tim, we agreed we wouldn’t talk about this.”

“Agreements are made to be broken if it helps you to realize what you need to do.”

“Rules. Rules are made to be broken. Agreements should always stand.” I gritted my teeth. “And, I’m not talking about this.”

“Well, I am talking about it. There are a lot of things that need to be said.”

“Tim, not another word or I will hang up.”

“Just because Laney didn’t want you doesn’t mean you need to be alone.”

“Shut up! Just shut your fucking mouth!” I wanted to break the phone. I wanted to rip his head off. None of that would’ve done any good. And neither was that conversation. “You’re not allowed to bring her up ever again. Is that clear? I told you I would only talk to you if you agreed to keep the past in the past. I don’t give a fuck about your sappy, time-heals-all-wounds bullshit. I’m not going over this with you again.

“She is off-limits, and always will be. I will never say her name again, and if you know what’s good for you, you won’t say it, either. The only thing this little stunt is doing is making me hate you even more. I resent every single thing you’re doing. I hate the fucking games you’re playing.”

“You think this is a fucking game? Is that all life is to you? A fucking game?”

“Give me my money and leave me the fuck alone. I’m sure Dad and Lila are happier without me. Why don’t you start harassing them?”

“Your actions or inactions cause real hurt. Do you not get that? Or, did you get a thrill fucking up other people’s lives, so you’re continuing to fuck up as many as you can? What name do you call the women you fuck over on the road? I bet I know what it is.”

“Don’t you do it, Tim. Don’t you fucking do it.”

“Do you only think it or do you scream out Laney’s name as you’re driving into them, too?”

I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself before I did something I’d regret. It didn’t work. I may have sounded calm. I may have stopped yelling, but I was anything but calm. “You’re fucking dead to me. You no longer exist. I don’t need my fucking money, but if you spend one dime of that, I’ll have no problem to press charges and throw your ass in jail. Maybe then you can understand just how much I fucking hate you.”

I hung up and threw my phone on the bed. It bounced and landed on the floor. I didn’t care if it broke. I never needed it again. I’d never check in with him. I didn’t care if Mosley went after him or if he got sick. He didn’t give a shit about me if he kept bringing up the past.

I paced the floor and wanted to punch something. I couldn’t calm down. No matter how much I breathed, no matter how much I ran the bullshit through my mind that was supposed to calm me down, I wasn’t okay. I was far from it.

I wrenched the door open and ran into Maggie, knocking her back a few steps. She was dripping wet with a towel wrapped around her and her clothes from the day in her arms. Her bra had been knocked out of her grasp and fell to the floor. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” I tried to walk past her, but she grabbed my arm. I couldn’t unclench my jaw. “Let go.”

“No, something happened, and I want to know what it is.”

We both looked at my bedroom when my phone rang. I scoffed and walked away again, but she grabbed the belt loop on the back of my jeans. “Stop!” I hit her hand off me.

“Are you going to get that?”



I walked the few steps back to her and got into her face. If the yelling and the smacking of her hand weren’t enough, I’d be clear about wanting to be alone. “There’s nothing to talk about. Is that clear? I’m going to go downstairs and work off some of this anger unless you have a better idea.” I grabbed her hips and pressed her against the wall. “Do you have a better idea? I can get rid of this anger by punching or fucking. You want to help me with either of those?”


“Are you sure?” I stuck a finger in the top of her towel between her breasts and pulled it away from her body a little while she gripped it and tried to keep it close to her. “What happened to the pajamas you had in the locker? You decided to come up here and tease me with your tits instead?”

“No.” It was a little more forceful and caused me to look up to her eyes. “I’m not sure who this person is, but I don’t like it.”

“That’s what I’ve been telling you all along, sweetheart, but you want me up here with you.” I gritted my teeth and put my nose to hers. “I deserve the truck.” I let go of her and walked to the door. My phone rang again, but I kept walking. Fuck the phone. Fuck everyone.