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Lucky Save (The Las Vegas Kingsnakes Series Book 2) by Jennifer Lazaris (18)

Chapter 18

West held tight to her hand as the hostess led them to a private dining area in the rear of the trendy restaurant.

Penn wanted to stop and browse the artwork and sculptures displayed on the walls in a tiny gallery waiting area, but West moved too quickly.

A heavy curtain separated the private room from the main dining area. He led her up a few marble steps and over to a large granite table, where Zoe and Ryder studied their menus and sipped wine.

"Will you be sharing the bottle?" the hostess asked.

Ryder looked up "Yeah, that's fine."

Penn glanced around at the heavy draperies and fancy linens. Pretty, individual chandeliers hung above each table, giving just enough lighting.

"Hope you like red wine," Zoe said, filling her glass.

"That's fine." Penn took a seat across from her at the table. She picked up a menu and swallowed as she read the prices. She'd need her credit card for sure.

West gave her a knowing look. "It's on me. Order what you want."

"Actually, it's on us," Zoe said to West. "We invited you both."

"No, really—" Penn protested.

West shook his head. "Learn it now. Don't argue with the captain, or the captain's wife."

Ryder grinned. "He's right, Penn. Show's he's been paying attention the past few years, anyway."

"Thank you," Penn replied, taking a sip of the wine. "That's very generous of you both."

"Generous? He's just trying to get me to buy him that fancy grill he wants for a wedding present," West grumbled.

"Is it working?" Ryder asked.


Penn settled back in her seat as they bantered back and forth. She took another sip of wine and sighed. It felt so good to finally relax.

"Everything on the menu is fantastic. Nic is fanatical about the food, and the chef is top notch," Zoe told her.

Penn peered at the menu. "I think I'll get the pasta and chicken dish. That looks delicious."

"It’s fantastic," Zoe raved. "That's what I'm getting too. It’s one of my favorites."

They placed their orders with the waitress, and Ryder topped up their wine glasses.

West's phone began to buzz on the table. He picked it up and frowned. "Sorry. I have to take this." He stood and walked over to the corner of the room. At first, his face was impassive, then it quickly turned stormy.

"That can’t be good," Penn said, worried.

Ryder glanced over at West. "Yeah, I know that expression. Very un-good."

West came back to the table a few minutes later. He took a large gulp of wine and tossed the phone down too hard on the tabletop.

Penn glanced at him, anxiety rippling through her. She didn't want to pry, but he looked more than upset. He looked furious.

Ryder leaned back in his chair. "What's going on?"

"That was my father. He's in town on business, and he’s requested the pleasure of my company tonight." His voice dripped with sarcasm. "I can't get out of it."

"Do you want me to go with you?" Penn tentatively placed her hand on his arm. "Maybe I can be a buffer."

He gave her a tight smile. "I already told him I wasn't coming unless I brought my date. He brought his latest girlfriend with him, so he agreed."

"The annual Andrew Keller visit, huh?" Ryder shook his head. "Nice of him to give you notice."

"He rarely does. Thinks no one has a life in the off-season, I guess."

"Well, look what the fucking cat dragged in to N’s. Kellz and Irish," boomed a deep male voice.

They all glanced over toward the stairs. A tall, dark-haired man who appeared to be in his early thirties stuck his head out from behind the curtain, grinning.

"Who is that?" Penn asked Zoe.

Zoe snickered. "That's Fally, Nic’s husband."

"Didn't even tell me you were coming," Fally grumbled, pulling a chair up to the table. "Bastards."

"Don't be too hard on them, Fal, it was kind of my idea," Zoe said, smiling.

"You I can forgive, gorgeous." He picked up a glass and filled it with wine.

Penn blinked. Was everyone on this team ridiculously attractive? Fally’s thick, black hair was cut short, and his eyes were so dark they were nearly black. He also had one of the nicest smiles she'd ever seen.

"Where's Nic?" Ryder asked him.

"Fussing over stuff in the kitchen. I keep yelling at her to go home, but you know how she is. Total control freak."

Ryder snorted. "Yeah, she's the control freak. Right."

"Keller, you going to introduce me to the beauty sitting next to you?" asked Fally.

West leaned back and draped an arm around Penn. "Fally, this is my date, Penn Foster. Penn, this is Fally. He plays left-wing on the first line for the Kingsnakes."

Fally winked at her. "How are you doing, honey?"

Penn laughed. "Hi, nice to meet you." This guy obviously didn’t have a shy bone in his body.

"I hope you’re all behaving. I do have a reputation to protect in this restaurant."

Penn leaned over and peered past Fally.

A stunning woman with long honey-blonde hair smiled at them. She positively glowed. Penn glanced down at her outfit and realized why. She appeared to be about five months pregnant.

"Behaving? Not a chance." Ryder grinned at her.

West rubbed his forehead. "Nic, this is Penn Foster. Nic is—"

"Fally's wife," Penn finished, leaning over to shake her hand. "Hi, nice to meet you. Your restaurant is beautiful."

"Hi, Penn." She flashed a megawatt smile. "Thank you. We had our grand opening a few months ago, and things are going really well."

"I can't wait to taste the food," Penn told her. "Zoe's been raving about it."

"She’s a walking advertisement. I should put her on the payroll." Nic walked around the table and pulled a chair next to Zoe and Penn. "I miss wine," she said wistfully, glancing at the bottle. "Like, I really miss it."

Zoe patted her hand. "Your drought is for a worthy cause, Nic. Soon enough."

"Yeah, soon enough and I'll need it by the case," Nic joked. "I’m looking forward to raising this kid during hockey season while Fally’s on the road. Not."

Zoe smiled. "I'll help any way I can, you know that."

"I'll be taking you up on that offer, so you better mean it," Nic told her, laughing.

She turned her gaze toward Penn. "So, how do you know our favorite goaltender?" She gestured at West, who was deep in conversation with Fally and Ryder about the upcoming hockey season.

"He rescued her from the side of the highway," Zoe said, sighing. "Isn’t that romantic?"

Penn smiled. "It wasn't exactly romantic, but yeah, it was scary there for a while until he came along."

"Are you from Vegas?" asked Nic.

"No, Washington state. I'm here on vacation with a friend."

Nic made a face. "Well, that totally sucks. I was hoping you'd be joining us in the family room at the Nevada Arena during games."

"West and I aren’t dating."

"It's complicated," Zoe confided to Nic in a stage whisper.

"Yeah," Nic said, sighing. "It always is with these guys. Are you at least coming to the wedding with West?"

"I don't know. I’m not sure I'll even be here then. I'm waiting for my car to get fixed."

"Stay for the wedding," Nic told her. "He needs a date, and it will be a total blast. I promise."

"I'll try."

Nic looked thoughtfully at West, then turned to Penn. "He's never brought anyone out with us before. Ever. I've known him for three years, so I think that means something."

Penn looked down at her wine glass. "Maybe. Like I said, it's complicated."

"Yeah, well Zoe's relationship was complicated," said Nic. "And she's getting married on Saturday. Complicated can work out. You want to talk complicated? Fally and me. Jesus, now that was complicated. But that's a story for another day."

"And a hell of a story it is," Zoe said, waggling her eyebrows.

Nic gave her a teasing smack on the shoulder. "Don’t go spilling all my secrets. But yeah, now here we are, having a baby boy in four months." Nic patted her belly.

"Oh my God!" Zoe shrieked. She leaped from her chair and threw her arms around Nic. The guys looked up, startled. "Why didn't you tell me you found out?"

Nic hugged her back. "We only found out today."

"Found out what?" Ryder asked, confused.

"We’re having a boy." Fally leaned back in his chair. "Hockey skates, equipment, and sticks for birthday gifts, fellas."

"You could still get those gifts if you were having a girl," Penn told him. "Girls can play hockey, too."

"That's right," Zoe piped up.

West snorted. "Says the girl who nearly took down a shelf of hockey equipment ten feet off the ground with her slapshot."

"At least I hit the ball."

"True. But you didn’t hit the net," West reminded her.

"I just need practice."

The waitress carried a tray of food up the stairs. "We will let you guys eat in peace," Nic said, standing. "Penn, it was really nice meeting you. Please come to the wedding if you can. Behave, the rest of you." She pointed to them and gave them a stern look.

Fally slung an arm around his wife. "See you all on Saturday. And will someone make sure Eli doesn’t tie one on Friday night? I don’t want him to have a hangover at the church."

Ryder shook his head. "It's my wedding. I'm not babysitting his ass. Let's have him stay at Brandon's. He could probably use the company. Plus, Brandon won't let him drink."

"I'll text Brandon then. Nice meeting you, Penn," Fally said.

She waved. "Nice meeting you both."

Penn sat back as the waitress placed a plate of food in front of her. "This plate is huge. I'll never eat all this food."

"Take it back to the hotel with you. I usually only manage half, too," said Zoe.

Penn took a bite of the chicken and pasta, then closed her eyes. "This is incredible."

"Told you," Zoe said proudly. "It's such great food."

Penn cut into her chicken. "I like Nic, she seems sweet."

Ryder snorted. "Yeah, she's sweet."

Zoe elbowed Ryder. "She is sweet. She tells it like it is, but she's a lovely person. Her and Fally are so cute together. I'm so excited about the baby!"

"So are all the guys on this team hot?" Penn asked Zoe. "I mean, it's a bit ridiculous from what I've seen so far."

West turned his head and gave her a sidelong glance. "You think Fally is good-looking?"

"Everyone I've met so far is good-looking. You’re all a bunch of skating hunks."

Zoe leaned forward and stage-whispered, "Yeah, lots of hotties, for sure. No shortage."

West shook his head. "Checking out my teammates with me right here. Unreal."

"I wasn't checking them out. It's just an observation. Just like I noticed how incredibly beautiful Nic and Zoe are. As if you haven't noticed that?"

"Trick question. Don't answer that," Ryder advised, pointing his fork at West.

Zoe patted her hand. "Thanks for including me, but I will agree with you when it comes to Nic. She's one of the most stunning women I've ever seen."

After finishing their meals and the bottle of wine, they said another goodbye to Nic and Fally before heading back to the vehicles.

Zoe hugged Penn. "I really hope you will come to the wedding. I'd love for you to be there for our day."

"I'll do my best," Penn promised.

"Bye, guys!" Zoe waved as they drove off.

Penn climbed into the SUV and sighed. "I'm so stuffed. I need a nap. A shower would be nice, too."

West looked over at her. "We have some time before we have to meet my father. Let’s go back to the hotel and nap for a bit."

"Sounds like a plan."

"Yeah." His gaze dropped to her legs. "It does."

"I don't know if we have that much time," Penn said, smirking.

"A couple of hours at least." He backed out of the parking spot. "So, you really think my teammates are good-looking, huh?"

"Not as good-looking as you."

"Right. Like Eli and his damned dimples don't do it for you?"

"I mean it, West. When you look at me…" she trailed off, then shrugged. "Total butterflies."

"Butterflies, huh?" he asked, his voice husky.

She smiled over at him. "Like a swarm of them."

He stared at her for a long moment while they waited at a red light, and of course, her stomach fluttered madly.

His voice husky, he leaned over and nuzzled her neck. "Let’s get back to the hotel."