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Lucky Save (The Las Vegas Kingsnakes Series Book 2) by Jennifer Lazaris (31)


One Month Later

"Um, you realize he’s not going to be able to use that stuff for a few years, right?"

Eli stood in the doorway of Nic and Fally’s house, holding a tiny pair of hockey skates and a little hockey stick. "I’m always thinking ahead, Penn."

She grinned and closed the door behind him. "Go wash your hands. Nic put me in charge of hygiene. You can’t hold baby Luke until your mitts are clean."

West snuck up behind Penn and kissed her neck. "Yeah, she’s a little nuts about germs right now."

"Luke’s only a few days old. She’s just being a protective mom."

Fally walked into the living room, holding an empty bottle. "Well it better wear off soon, or my kid will be the one dressed in bubble wrap on his first day of kindergarten."

Zoe gave him a good-natured smack on the arm and tossed Eli a hand towel. "Give her a break, Daddy-O."

"So where is the prodigal son?" asked Eli.

"Upstairs," said Fally. "Ryder’s got him now. C’mon."

They followed him up the stairs and into the baby’s room.

"Okay, his room is bigger than mine," Eli said, looking around. "Damn."

Nic hovered over Ryder, who sat in a rocking chair, holding the baby. Brandon and Shaw stood against the far wall, talking.

Nic glanced up and smiled. "Eli, I think you’re the only one who hasn’t met Luke yet."

Penn pushed him forward. "Go on."

He thrust the skates and stick at Nic. "Here. For future use."

She laughed and kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks, Uncle Eli. I’m sure they’ll get put to good use in the future."

Eli peered down at the baby. "He’s cute. Thank God he resembles you more than Fal."

Nic ran her hand over the baby’s blonde hair. "He’s perfect."

Ryder nodded at the baby. "Want to hold him, Eli?"

Eli held up his hands. "Um, no. Really. I’m good."

Penn started laughing. "Scaredy cat. Give him to me. I haven’t held him yet."

The doorbell chimed, and Fally headed for the bedroom door.

"No, stay here, Fal. I’ll get that," Eli volunteered. "Back in a few."

"He’s about to get a hell of a greeting," said Penn.

West frowned. "What do you mean?"

"That’s Holly at the door. She was coming over after work to see Luke."

Eli opened the front door to find Holly Wilkes standing on the porch, wearing a clingy blue t-shirt and hip-hugging denim shorts. Her rainbow-colored hair was pulled back in a ponytail and tucked under a Kingsnakes baseball cap.

"What are you doing here?" She peered over her large sunglasses at him. "I thought you guys would be gone by now."

He stepped back so she could enter. "Hi to you, too, Holly."

She pulled her sunglasses off and gave him a sideways glance. "Where’s the kid?"

"Upstairs. But you have to wash your hands first. Nic’s rules." He gestured toward the kitchen.

She walked past him, and his gaze strayed to her sexy ass.

"The cold water valve sticks. Let me do it." He slid behind her and leaned forward, the front of his body brushing against her back…and that amazing ass.

Holly turned around, gripping the back of the sink as she stared up at him with huge hazel eyes.

"What are you doing, Donnelley?" She sucked in a breath, and it lifted her breasts, pushing them forward against his chest. He could feel her nipples harden into little points. It took every bit of willpower he had not to reach up and palm them through her thin shirt.

"I’m turning on the water." He dropped his gaze to her chest. "And you, too, if I’m not mistaken."

She shoved him away and turned back to the running water. "I can do it myself," she snapped. "I’m not one of your helpless puck bunnies."

"Why do you keep fighting it?"

She turned the water off and grabbed a paper towel. "Fighting what?"

"Our chemistry."

"God, you’re so full of yourself!" She gave him a disgusted look. "What happened to you? I remember—"

"You remember what?"

She tossed the paper towel in the garbage can. "I remember when you weren’t such a chauvinistic pig. When you actually had something interesting to say, and weren’t trying out a cheesy pickup line. What are you trying to hide? You’re nothing but a caricature of the smart, thoughtful guy I used to know."

He swallowed. She was hitting nerves no one had hit in a very long time. "Yeah, well maybe you didn’t know me all that well, ever think of that?"

Holly studied him for a long moment before lifting her shoulder in a shrug. "You’re right, Eli. Maybe I didn’t know you at all." She turned and headed up the stairs, leaving him standing alone in the kitchen.

He shook his head and grabbed a beer out of the fridge. Holly Wilkes was too close to all of his truths. Things he had kept hidden for years. Things he didn’t even like admitting to himself.

Staying away from her was the right thing to do. Absolutely.


Penn took the sleeping baby from Ryder and cuddled him close. He made a little snuffling noise and fell back asleep. "Oh, little baby, you are going to be so spoiled."

Holly peeked in the door. "Isn’t that the truth." She held up a little gift bag.

Penn smiled at her as Nic gave Holly a hug. Holly was fitting in well with their group. She was upfront about her job, and warned them to use discretion if they didn’t want to be reported on at the clubs. But everything personal, like this, was never fodder for the blog. Because of that, she’d earned their trust.

West slid an arm around Penn’s waist. "You’re pretty good at this, Pixie. He’s pretty content."

"She is," Nic piped up. "Future babysitter, I hope."

Fally grinned. "See what you have to look forward to someday, West? You can become part of the Family Man Club."

Holly snickered. "Somehow that doesn’t have the same ring to it as The Player’s Club."

West held his hands out. "Whoa. How about you guys let us get used to dating before we start a family? Not that going through the motions hasn’t been a hell of a lot of fun." He peered down at Penn and winked.

Penn’s cheeks grew hot. "West!"

"I really thought you’d be moved in together by now," admitted Zoe.

"I might as well be living with him," Penn told her. "I’m at his house eighty-five percent of the time. Maybe next year."

They’d agreed to keep separate places for a year when they started dating. She wasn’t ready to give up her apartment yet. She loved it too much and stayed there when West was on the road.

Sometimes she brought Bo back to the apartment with her instead of dropping him off at the ranch. He’d made himself comfortable immediately, just like his daddy.

West ran a finger over Luke’s tiny hand, and the baby grabbed it. "Don’t worry, guys. I’ll make an honest woman out of her someday. All in good time."

Penn blinked. "You will?"

"Don’t look so surprised, Pixie." He kissed her temple. "I’m in this for forever. I hope you are, too."

Her eyes misted as she smiled up at him. "Just try and get rid of me."

In front of the people closest to him in the world—his friends, he’d said he wanted to be with her forever.

She glanced around at the loud, chattering group that had also become her friends, too, wondering if she could ever be any happier than she was right now.

Looking up at West, she realized she had a lifetime of happy moments in store for her. All she had to do was reach out and grab them.

She intended to do just that.