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Mafia By Blood (Soul of the Sinner) by Rumer Raines (2)

“Why aren’t you dressed, Brandon? You’re not planning on staying here?” I ask hoping he isn’t planning to.

“Lola, it’s been a long day and I am exhausted. I had to convince a bunch of angry ass mobsters that you’re here doing what you’re supposed to be doing. One of those angry mobsters was your father by the way. They are ready to move into Chicago and don’t understand why it’s taking you so long to figure out who is in charge and what businesses the families handle. Hell, we even got you planted inside the fucking police force with one of those Deluca’s so they are a little agitated.”

“I told you that I am close Brandon.” I walk past him into my bedroom and can’t help but notice his clothes thrown across the bed and a suitcase.

“Lola, it’s been months. You haven't gotten information in days. I hope you haven’t forgotten the whole point of you being here.” Brandon lifts his eyebrows and watches as I put down my bottle of wine.

“I know exactly why I am here Brandon. I actually think I may have found out something tonight. I think Alex is in charge.” I lie as I turn back to face him.

“You think Alex Deluca is in charge? We didn’t think the old man would trust him with the family dog let along the family business.”

“I said I think he is. I just need a little more time to figure it out.”

“You’ll have a week and I’ll be here with you. Then we’re going back to New York. For now, how about you finish getting undressed and I’ll let you use my dick to unwind,” he suggests as he starts to walk towards me

“I am really tired, Brandon, I’ll have to use it some other time.” I grab something to sleep in and head to the bathroom to take a quick shower. I don’t know what I’ll do with Brandon here. I hate that I told him that Alex was in charge. I have no evidence that he is, but I wouldn’t be upset if they got rid of him either. I just can’t put the focus on Frank because I don’t want anything to happen to him. When I get back to the bedroom, Brandon has fallen asleep on the bed. I roll my eyes and climb in and soon find myself sleep as well.



I didn’t get any sleep last night. The past few months have been running through my mind and leaving me with more questions. I decided that since I am now the mafia boss, I am going to start using my connections and power to my advantage. I call the station and leave Hill a message that I will be in two hours late. I rarely go in late so he doesn’t even question me. He just tells me to come in when I can. The next call is to Oliver Gallo. I ask that he meets me at my place at 7 am sharp. I could tell he wasn’t happy about the early wake-up call, but he said he’d be there.

Five minutes before seven, there is a knock on my door. I suppose I’ll have to remember that Oliver Gallo is prompt if nothing else. I answer the door and Oliver is standing there holding two cups of coffee. I will have to remember that Oliver Gallo will be my right-hand man.

“I was surprised that you called Frank. When I saw you last you were pissed off and leading your woman out of Deluca’s.” Oliver sits on the couch with his coffee.

“You’re right I was pissed. I wasn’t going to sit there and let her be killed. Especially when she may not be involved with any of the things Alex has been accusing her of.”

Oliver tilts his head and looks at me. “So, why am I here?”

I sigh and sit down across from him. “Alex said that we have people. He said we have judges, lawyers, and other police officers on the payroll.”

“Alex is right. We do have these people at our disposal,” Oliver answers.

“I want you to find out who called in the favor to have Lola put into the department. I want to know who her family is. As a matter of fact, I want her tailed. I want her phone tapped. There was someone calling her from New York named Brandon; I want to know who he is. Hell, I want to know which credit cards she has a balance on.” I am now pacing in front of Oliver.

Oliver laughs which makes me stop my pacing and I stop to look at him. What the fuck did I say that was so funny?

“I’m sorry, Frank.” He holds up his hands. “I just can’t believe you’re the same man that was holding her hand when Alex questioned her last night. I will get you the information. Is there anything else you want?”

“Yes. Don’t tell Alex that you're investigating her. I don’t want him knowing shit about this.”

“It’s between you and me, Frank. I’ll get back to you as soon as possible,” Oliver advises.

Oliver leaves and I get ready for work. I’ll have to put my game face on because I don’t want Lola to know that I no longer trust her.



I wake up to the wonderful aroma of fresh coffee and sizzling bacon coming from the kitchen. I roll over and remember that I’m home. I guess Brandon being here wasn’t just a bad dream. I walk into the kitchen and he is standing at the stove with a cup of coffee. He hasn’t gotten dressed yet and is still in his boxers.

“You probably should get dressed, I would hate for you to burn yourself cooking bacon. What would the others say?”

Brandon laughs and turns to look at me. “It’s nice that you're showing a little concern, but I’ll be fine.” He scoops the bacon out of the pan and puts a few slices on a plate for me. “No eggs?”

“You know I hate eggs, Lola. I did think of you and I know how much you love your meat, so I made the bacon for you.” I roll my eyes and eat a piece of the bacon.

“What’s on the agenda for today? “Brandon asks as he takes a sip of his coffee.

“I have to work today,” I answer.

“Really? I want you to introduce me to Frank.” I choke on my coffee and Brandon gently taps my back.

“You can’t be serious? I am not going to introduce you to Frank.” Brandon’s eyebrows rise.

“Why not?” He asks.

“Who would I say that you are?”

“Tell him I am your significant other from New York and that I came to visit you.” Now I am the one with the raised eyebrows.

“I won’t tell him that.” Brandon crosses a leg and studies me for a few minutes

“I know I normally overlook when you fuck as a part of business, but I hope you didn’t fall for this guy, Lola.”

“Why would you say that Brandon?”

“Why don’t you want me to meet him? As a matter of fact, everything that has been going on in Chicago has been a little sketchy.”

“I have been doing everything I am supposed to be doing in Chicago, Brandon.” I walk over to the sink and dump the rest of my coffee.

“No, you haven’t been Lola. That’s why I am here. You have been here too long. It has never taken you this long to get information. Hell, we even gave you most of the information. You didn’t have much to do here. Find out who is taking over as the don and the names of the other families and their business activities. Hell, we even put you in the police station working with one of them. Yet it takes you twice as long, you never answer your damn phone, and you never check in.”

“I met Oliver Gallo last night,” I tell him.

“Gallo? Where does his family fit in?” Brandon wants to know.

“I don’t know,” I say.

“This is exactly my point, Lola. Who is in charge now?” he presses.

“I don’t know.” Brandon chuckles and walks to the sink to pour out his coffee.

“I want to meet Frank Deluca tonight.” Brandon walks out of the kitchen and I hear the shower start. He is done with the conversation.



I walk into the station and I am ready to grill Lola. I stop by Hill’s office to let him know that I made it in. I knock on his door and I hear him yell to come in.

“Hey, just wanted you to know that I’m here.”

“No problem Deluca. I guess everyone had a bad night. Lola called in today, so you’re on your own anyways.”

“Lola called in sick?” I ask.

“Yeah, she said she has the flu.” Hill doesn’t even stop looking over his paperwork as he tells me that Lola won’t be in. Last night was intense and I think she took off because she doesn’t want to deal with me.

“I found out the name of Knight’s girlfriend. I am going to question her today. I don’t think I need Lola for that anyways.” I tell the captain.

“Okay, Deluca. If anything goes wrong, call for backup,” Hill says and looks back at his computer.

I walk out of Hill’s office and softly close the door. I am going to question Knight’s girlfriend, but before I do I am going to question Lola. It seems to take forever to get to Lola’s place. I keep running through all the things I want to ask her when I get there. I know I can’t just spring an interrogation on her. I have to ask questions discreetly throughout the conversation. I finally pull up in front of Lola’s house. Lola has a beautiful house and I have to wonder how the hell she affords it. I have lived in Chicago my whole life and this neighborhood cost a lot of money to live in. The neighborhood is full of doctors and lawyers and Lola. I could never afford to live in this neighborhood. At least I can’t now, I suppose once I start running the mob I’ll be able to afford it.

I walk up the sidewalk and ring the doorbell. I can hear movement inside, but there is no answer. I can see Lola’s car in the driveway, so I know she’s here. I ring the doorbell a second time and the door swings open. Lola slightly opens the door, but she leaves the chain on.

“What are you doing here, Frank?” she whispers.

“I came to check on you. Can I come in?”

“This isn’t a good time. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Lola tries to close the door but I block her.

“What the fuck is going on, Lola? Will you just open the damn door so we can talk?”

“Frank,” she whispers and her eyes widen as a voice screams from inside.

“Lola! If you think hiding my damn clothes is going to keep me here all day you’re fucking insane!”

I hear some guy yelling at Lola and I look into her eyes as fear clouds them.

“I have to go, Frank.” She closes the door while I stand there in shock. Who the hell is this guy in Lola’s house?



I called in sick today. I know the minute Frank finds out he’ll be suspicious and will try to question me. I need to stay home and deal with Brandon being here. He is determined to talk to Frank himself. The last thing I want is for that to happen. I realize that everything Brandon said is true. I can normally wrap a man around my finger pretty damn easily and get whatever information we need. I am the reason for the cops, judges, and lawyers that we have under our thumb. The family would decide they needed a cop and we’d find the one that I could sink my hooks into.

This was supposed to be easy with Frank. Unfortunately, we managed to sink those same hooks into each other. It seems I have spent too much time in Chicago and I am now arguing with Brandon on why he needs to stay out of it. He has decided he’ll give me a ride to work and introduce himself to Frank.


“Lola, we’re done talking about this shit. I’m taking you to work and I’ll be the protective Italian brother who wants to question the guy spending time with his sister. “

“It won’t work, Brandon. I have already told Frank that I don’t have any siblings!” I scowl at Brandon.

“Why the fuck would you tell him anything!” Brandon yells.

“We spent time together Brandon. I had to give information to receive information.”

Brandon squints his eyes looking at me. “Since when, Lola? You’ve had judges in our pockets and they didn’t even have your last name.”

“Frank is different Brandon.”

“Hmmm… What story would he believe then? Because I am meeting him today!” He yells.

Brandon grabs his toothbrush and walks back into the bathroom. I walk to the doorway and notice that he is in only his boxers. He looks at me with a mouthful of toothpaste and I leave the doorway. I notice his suitcase and clothes thrown around my bedroom floor. I throw the clothes in the suitcase and drag the suitcase to the second bedroom and slide it under the bed.

I walk back to my bedroom and Brandon is still in the bathroom. I go back to stand in the doorway to continue to watch him.

“I am calling in sick today.”

“Really, Lola? You’ll go to work and I am coming with you.”

“No, you won’t. I’m not going in.”

“Wow. You really have it bad for this Deluca guy, don’t you?” he asks.

“No, I don’t. I just have cramps so I am staying home.”

“Lola… you don’t have cramps. You're stalling because you don’t want me to meet Deluca. You stay home. I’m still going to meet him. I’ll just go to the station and introduce myself as your old friend. Hell, it might even work better if you’re not there. I can question him on how you’re doing here in Chicago without family.”

Brandon looks at me with a smirk and there is a knock on the door. I go to answer and check the peephole before opening it. The last thing I need is for the arrival of any other surprise New York guest. Holy shit. I peek out and Frank is standing on my porch. I can’t let him in when Brandon is here. Frank starts to knock harder on the door. I can’t let him stand out there too long because Brandon will get suspicious and come to see what’s happening.

I apply the chain to the door and open it. Frank is looking through the tiny opening with narrowed eyes. He’s obviously wondering why I have the chain on and not opening the door for him.

Frank wants to come in to check on me. When I finally think I have him convinced enough to leave, Brandon yells in the background. I meet Frank’s shocked eyes and push the door closed before he realizes what happened.



I repeatedly tried calling Lola last night, but I just got her voice mail. She is avoiding me and it’s pissing me off. Despite all the shit that happened at the club, I think I deserve to know why some guy was at her house yelling about her hiding his clothes. Lola and I have been seeing each other for months, so despite everything, I consider what we have an actual relationship. Hell, if it wasn’t for me, Alex would have killed her and investigated her later. Considering everything, I don’t have any reason to trust Lola. Her refusal to speak with me has me pissed. I haven’t even heard from Oliver, but I don’t think any of it makes a difference.

I am on my way to the station and decide to give Oliver a call.

“Hey, Frank. I haven’t heard anything yet about Lola. I should have information for you later today.”

“Thanks, Oliver. I am actually calling you about something else. I have been put on a case and I need you to take care of the victim. I am going to text you the address. I went over to talk to his girl and she said she didn’t know where he was. I had a feeling he was hiding in the bedroom. I didn’t go look because I didn’t want to find him. I don’t want him killed Oliver, but I want to make sure he says enough that the department closes the case.”

“I’ll have it taken care of Frank.” Oliver hangs up and I soon pull up outside the station. I notice that Alex is sitting in his car in the lot. I nod at him and walk over to his car and get inside.

“What are you doing here, Alex?” I demand.

“I haven’t heard from you since you and Lola left the club. Did she say anything to you?” Alex asks.

I look at Alex wondering how such a fuckup could be my brother. “Are you asking if she mentioned how you practically advertised yourself as being in the mob? If she mentioned that you were acting like you were going to kill her? If she mentioned that a Gallo and several henchmen were in the room, who she could probably identify in a fucking lineup if need be Alex? No, she hasn’t mentioned any of it.”

“Look, Frank, my methods may not be smooth, but they are needed. You are fucking with the wrong girl. I know in my gut she was sent here to penetrate our business. Your head is too busy trying to penetrate other things with her.”

“Alex, I am handling it, so back the fuck off. If I need your help, I’ll let you know.” I get out of his car slamming the door. The morning drags and I keep looking over at Lola’s empty desk. She didn’t show up today and ironically, Hill hasn’t advised if she is still claiming to be sick. I spend the majority of the day pretending to be looking at Knight’s file. I already found him; I just really don’t want to admit it yet. Hopefully, this will show me how good Oliver Gallo is. It’s lunch time so I run out to grab a burger. I’m tempted to drive by Lola’s house, but I avoid it and return to the station.

The minute I walk back into the station I run into Hill. “Deluca, my office, now.”

I walk into Hill’s office and he is sitting back in his chair and his arms are on his desk. I can tell this is going to be one serious ass conversation. “I have a lot of news for you Deluca; I don’t even know where to start. You might want to sit down.” I have worked for Hill long enough to know that I have never enjoyed any conversation if I had to sit for it.

“This doesn’t sound good,” I say.

“Lola is out on medical leave.”

I don’t think I heard him right. “I’m sorry. Did you say Lola is on medical leave?” I ask.

“Yes, I did. Apparently, the job is too stressful and her doctor is giving her time off.” Hill lifts an eyebrow obviously not believing this shit and neither do I.

“Really? She seemed fine the other day,” I say.

“She did to me too, but who am I to deny a doctor’s excuse?”

“Well, this is shocking news, Hill. Is there anything else?” Hill pulls out a folder and slides it to me.

“Actually, there is,” he answered.

I open the folder and I can’t believe what I am looking at.

“Is this what I think it is?”

“Hell yes, it is. Can you believe this shit? While you were missing, I assume you were at lunch, Knight came in. He actually said that all his injuries were self-inflicted. This stupid bastard actually said he was drunk and accidentally shot himself and spilled acid in his own face. He said he promised his girlfriend that he would stay dry and didn’t want her to know he had been drinking. He even brought in his medical files and they confirmed that his blood alcohol level was over the legal limit. Of course, he was at home so there is nothing we can do.”

I am looking at the file and listening to Hill, but I am amazed at how fast Oliver works. He got to Knight and gave him a story that will close this case. I am sure he threatened him, but if this is no longer an issue I am good with it.

“The Knight case is closed then,” I say.

“Yep. I guess the mob wasn’t involved. We can leave them to the Feds to deal with, but we don’t have to pursue them for now.”

“I am sure Lola will be thrilled, whenever she returns.”



One of the best assets being in the mob offers is having the perfect connections. We always have money and we have people everywhere. This was especially beneficial when I thought of the perfect excuse to not return to the station. I am going to take a medical leave. I called my mother and asked her to find me a doctor in Chicago. I needed a doctor who likes money and will do what I ask and keep his mouth shut. I basically wanted a doctor who I can pay to give me the medical report that I want. My mother gave me one and I went to see him. The tricky part was getting away from Brandon, but luckily I remembered how Brandon likes to fuck then nap.

Once that job was done I left Brandon in bed and I went to the doctor. When the price is right you can always get in whenever you need. I am called right in and the doctor soon comes into the exam room. He asks what I need and I let him know I need a medical excuse. I need to take off at least a month from work. I don’t want a physical ailment because I may want to go back sooner. After twenty minutes I am leaving the office with my medical excuse and I head to the station.

Frank normally takes his lunch at the same time every day. He is like clockwork when it comes to his lunch hour, so I decide it’s the perfect time to drop off the time off slip. Hill looks at the slip and I can tell he is suspicious and doesn’t believe any of it. However, most bosses will keep their opinions to themselves when it comes to doctors’ excuses because no one wants a lawsuit on their hands.

I, thankfully, get in and out of the station without running into Frank.



I am heading home after the shift and my cell phone rings. I pick it up out of the console and I see its Oliver.

“Hey, Oliver. I am impressed. I don’t know how you pulled any of that shit off, but I am very pleased that you did.”

“Frank, we need to talk. Where are you?”

“I am headed home. Do you want to meet me there?”


“I’ll be there in ten minutes.” I am a little worried. Oliver seemed a little agitated. I hope this doesn’t have anything to do with Alex. Ten minutes later I pull into my parking spot and I see Oliver getting out of a black Range Rover. He nods and follows me into my place.

“Do you want a beer, Oliver?” I offer.

“Yeah, I’ll take one.” I go into the kitchen and grab a couple of beers out of the fridge. When I return to the living room, Oliver is sitting in a chair rubbing his hand through his hair.

“Here you go, Oliver. What did you need to discuss?” I ask.

“I did some research on the New York families,” he says.

“Okay. What did you find out?”

“There is one dominant family in New York. They control everything. Other families were involved, but they all met untimely deaths. Apparently, the don has a day job as a New York City federal judge. As a judge, he has enough clout to have search warrants issued. He’s a fucking judge, Frank! A judge with his hands on cops, lawyers, and he can make shit look perfectly legal. Have you heard of a consigliere?”

“No, I haven’t,” I admit.

“A consigliere is like a mob counselor. He will represent the don in meetings. Judge Covelli apparently has one and his name is Brandon Marino. Brandon arrived in Chicago a few nights ago and apparently is staying with Judge Covelli’s daughter, Lola Covelli,” Oliver states and I am numb with shock.

“She is the fucking mob.” I drink the last of my beer and I am now pacing in my living room.

“I think Alex was right. Her father is a federal judge. He could have easily had enough influence to get her in at the station. Not to mention he had to have known your father’s name and when he died. He knew this was his prime opportunity to take over Chicago. He just didn’t know who he would have to take it over from. I bet Lola was sent her to find out. Hell, could you imagine if she would have seen anything in Deluca’s?”

“I can’t believe any of this. She played me the whole time.” I laugh and I notice Oliver’s eyebrows lift quizzically.

“The whole fucking time she said she wanted to investigate the mob. All those nights she spent in my bed was just to get information. She was fucking me to get information from me,” I yell and I just get angrier the more I think about it.

Oliver walks in front closer and stops in of me which stops my pacing. He puts his hands on my shoulders.

“We need to handle them, Frank. We need to eliminate Lola Covelli and Brandon Marino. They are here on our turf. Give the okay to deal with them and it will be handled.” I look away from Oliver and glance towards my front window.

“Frank, have you ever heard chi tace acconsente?” I look back at Oliver and shake my head.

“No, I haven’t. What does it mean?”

“It literally says ‘silence means consent’ or he who is silent says yes. Unless you say no, I’m going to act.” I remain silent because I now know it’s either Lola or my family.



Brandon has been questioning me for hours. He is pissed off that I got myself a medical excuse and won’t be going into the station. I should feel awful, but I don’t. I know I was sent here for a reason and I am failing miserably. I just wish there was a way I could confide in Frank and keep him safe. My family wants to take over the Chicago territory so badly that they will kill him if he is in charge. If I can just find a way to make Alex look like the one in charge. I know it’s awful to pin everything on Alex. I have no proof other than just hating the guy. He was going to kill me, why shouldn’t I just beat him to it?

Brandon finally lets up on me and decides he is going to bed. I decide that I need a drink and not sleep. I head into the kitchen for a glass of wine. As I open my wine cabinet, my cell phone rings. I look at the screen and I see Frank’s name. I don’t know if I should answer it or not. I am sure he is calling to get answers that I don’t have. I really want to hear his voice so I decide to answer anyways.


“Hey. How are you feeling?” he asks.

It takes me a minute to understand why he is asking. I am on medical leave for stress so of course, he would ask how I am feeling.

“I am feeling a little better. I am sure after a few weeks, I’ll be back.”

“Can I see you?” he asks.

“See me?” I answer quietly because I don’t know if Brandon is eavesdropping from the other room.

“Yes, Lola. I want to see you. I think our relationship has moved outside the station walls. I care about you and if you're stressed I want to see you. I could probably even help relieve a little of it. If you still allow me to do so.”

“Why wouldn’t I allow you?” I ask him.

“I don’t know, Lola. Can I come over?” Frank asks.

“Frank, that isn’t a good idea.” I can hear him sigh a little in the background.

“Okay. Do you think you can come to my place? I really need to see you, Lola.”

I walk towards the bedroom and see that Brandon is lying across the bed asleep.

“I am on my way.” I hang up and grab my keys.



I need another night with Lola. I know it’s sick and twisted because I basically just ordered a hit on her. I just need the night. If Oliver knew I was having her come to my house he would question my sanity. If Alex knew, he’d probably put a bullet in her head before she made it inside. Tonight will be about Lola and Frank. I go outside to wait for her. It’s funny how things were so simple. I have to wonder what would have happened if Pop hadn’t died from cancer. Would I still be the law-abiding Chicago detective chasing criminals and solving cases? I wonder if Lola still would have come to Chicago. In a perfect world, she could have still come. She could have come and we still would have met. We still would have fooled around and I would still have the desire to protect her. This is not a perfect world, but I want to have the perfect last night with her. I need it before shit gets real.



When I pull up to Frank’s condo, he is sitting on the porch. He is looking off into the distance, rubbing his stubble chin. I love how sexy he looks with stubble. He doesn’t even notice when I get out of the car and start walking towards him. He finally looks up as I approach him and I sit beside him.

“What are you thinking about sitting out here?”

Frank looks over at me and smiles. “A perfect life.”

“Ahh... Sounds wonderful. What do you see in a perfect life, Frank?”

“It involves you and me. We meet under the perfect circumstances, we fall in love, we have perfect families and we live happily ever after.” Frank grabs my hand and raises it to his lips and kisses it.

I sigh watching him. If only we had a perfect life.

“We can have the perfect night.” Frank looks into my eyes and smiles. He takes my hand and leads me inside. We aren’t even completely inside before Frank traps me against the door and practically maul me. I love Frank’s soft lips. He is so tender and so rough at the same time. I love how he takes control of me. As he is kissing me, I wrap my arms around him and slide my hands up the back of his shirt. I hear Frank growl and he picks me up and carries me to his bedroom.

Instead of tossing me onto the bed, he carefully lays me down and straddles me, never taking his lips off mine. I reach between us and unbuckle his pants and use my feet to push them off. I notice he is going commando and today I am very thankful for it. Frank sits up and pulls off my shirt and makes easy work out of taking off my bra. While he worked on my bra, I came out of my pants making sure to take my panties off with them. The only thing I want at this moment is him inside me.

As I drop my pants and panties to the floor I look into Frank’s eyes and he shoves two fingers into me. I let out a scream and dig my nails into his back. Frank rocks his fingers in and out of me.

“I want you to come on my fingers, Lola. I want to feel you tighten around me.” I groan and rock against his fingers. “When you come, I am going to take my fingers away and I am going to eat your pussy like it’s my last fucking meal, Lola.” Frank starts to push his fingers in and out of me even harder and I ride them like it’s the biggest fucking thrill ride at an amusement park.

I finally come and yell so fucking loudly that his neighbors probably heard me. Frank yanks his fingers out and looks at me as he licks them clean. “You are so fucking, sweet, Lola. Too bad that little taste won’t be enough for me.”

I am trying to get my breathing under control when Frank’s head is suddenly between my legs and he is doing exactly what he promised he would do. He is eating my pussy like he’s starving. I try to close my legs, to push him from me, but he pins my legs to the bed and his tongue goes deeper than I realized it could go. I come again so hard that my body trembles and I feel Frank moving up the bed.

Frank moves up my body and leans against my ear. “I hope you can take more, Lola. I am not even half done with you.” As Frank is whispering all the ways he’s going to use my body, I can feel his dick nudging at my entrance and I start to tremble knowing what is to come.

“I am going to fuck you all night, Lola. I don’t want you to be able to walk when I am done with you. I am going to fuck all your stress away.”

Frank is as he leans on one arm, the other arm moves between us. Frank lines up his dick and drives himself into me. I am so sensitive I scream out his name. Frank is pounding into me and whispering in my ear.

“That’s right, Lola, let everyone know who is pounding into this greedy little pussy. It will always be mine.”

Frank is pounding into me so deeply, it’s almost too deep and I try to move away from him a little.

“You… are… deep… too… deep” I manage to get out.

Frank grabs one of my legs and hooks it around his arm. This only takes him deeper.

“I want to be deeper, baby. I want you to feel me forever.”

Frank really does go for depth, because he grabs my other leg and wraps it around his other arm. Frank pounds into me which feels so good. When he is about to come, he slows his pace and holds it off. I am not that lucky and by the time Frank decides to come I am hoarse from screaming his name. We just had our perfect night.



Lola is beautiful when she is asleep. She is beautiful when she is awake, but I notice there is peacefulness about her when she is sleep. Maybe it’s because she isn’t scheming and plotting. I had to be sure I got my fill of Lola tonight. She is passed out and sleeping in my arms and it just feels right. I don’t know when Oliver plans to have her taken out, but I will enjoy her while I can. Lola shifts in my arms and I can tell she is now awake.

“What are you thinking about?” she asks as she looks up at me.

“Nothing. Go back to sleep.” I tell her.

She rises up and looks at me. “Frank, what’s going on?”

I glance into her beautiful brown eyes and feel like I am looking into her soul.

“You’re right. Something is going on, but I don’t want you to worry about it.”

“Frank, you know you can trust me. If something affects you, it affects me. Talk to me,” Lola says and reaches up placing her hand on my cheek.

“Can I trust you, Lola?” she narrows her eyes and tilts her head looking at me like she is wondering if I am talking in my sleep.

“Of course, you can.” Lola answers.

I chuckle and look into Lola’s beautiful eyes

“Do you trust me, Lola? I run my hand along her soft cheek.

“Of course, I do, Frank.”

“Do you trust me enough to tell me how you were planning on helping your family take over the Chicago mob?”



I think I stop breathing for a few seconds when Frank asks me about my family and taking over the Chicago mob. I try to move away from him, but he tightens his hold on me. I think I am about to be fucked in totally different way than I was earlier.

“Are you going to answer me, Lola?” Frank’s eyes darken as he stares into my eyes. I don’t know how to answer his question. I have never before had someone figure out I was connected to the mob, at least not one that would call me on the carpet for it.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Frank.” I decide to play dumb and hope he falls for it.

Frank chuckles and pushes me onto my back. Before I get the opportunity to push him off, he grabs my arms and holds them above my head. I try to twist away from him, but he straddles me pinning my legs down with his.

“I know, Lola. I know about your father. I know about Brandon.”

“There is nothing to know, Frank. You have been listening to your unstable brother too long.” I try to push Frank off me and he leans down and kisses my forehead. Then he moves down a little further and kisses my neck and I cannot help but respond. Frank holds me down with one hand and reaches for something in the nightstand. His mouth distracts me too much to care what he could be grabbing.

As I am riding the Frank Deluca high, I hear a sharp click and he sits up. I try to sit up and discover that I am handcuffed to the bed.

“Frank! What the hell are you doing?” I asked, concerned.

Frank gets out of bed and walks into the bathroom and I hear the shower start.

“Frank! Come take these off!” I demand, concerned and slightly afraid.

I’m naked and handcuffed to his bed. To make matters worse he knows everything. I try pulling at the handcuffs to get them off, but I can’t get them off. I have to think fast because I have to get out of here and warn Brandon.



I have Lola handcuffed to my bed. I asked her to tell me about her family and she wouldn’t admit to shit. I need to scare the shit out of her enough that she’ll start to spill. I jump into the shower to give her space and enough she’ll have time to reconsider her answers. I don’t know what I’ll do if she doesn’t. I can’t hurt Lola. It would be so easy if I could, but I love her. I can’t believe that I can actually say it, but I fucking love Lola Covelli. She has been a pain in my ass since she arrived; however, she has been my pain in the ass. Now to find out that her family is the ones trying to take over my family business. It’s either her or my family and the choice is crystal clear.

I climb out of the shower and walk into my bedroom, naked. Lola is sitting on the edge of the bed with her arm hanging from the handcuffs. She looks over at me and I can tell she is pissed off.

“Take these off now!” She yanks on the cuffs. I walk past her and drop my towel to put on my pants.

“I can’t do that, Lola.”

“Frank! Take them off.” She is asking as calm as she possibly can. I almost think it’s cute how calm she is trying to stay.

“Lola, I said I trust you. I am about to prove to you how much I do.” Lola looks at me and I can see the mistrust in her eyes.

“I know your father is a New York federal judge who has blood all over his hands. He runs the mob there. He has no issue with using his daughter as bait to get whatever the hell he wants either. He sent you here to scope out Chicago because he wants to increase his territory. My only question is why did he put you in the station, Lola?”

Lola chuckles and shakes her head. “He wanted to know if you were in charge.”

“Me? You assumed I was running Chicago?”

“He knew of your father. He knew he had two sons and that one of them would take charge. He thought this was the perfect opportunity to move into the area,” she continues.

“So, he got you in the station and assigned my partner?” Lola nods her head and I can see tears in her eyes

“All this time you have been screwing me for information?” I ask her.

“No,” she protests.

“Are you kidding me, Lola? You have been grilling me about the mob since you got here.”

“Frank, are you running the Chicago mob?” I walk over to stand in front of Lola and she looks up at me.

“Yes, I am, Lola.”



Frank is the Chicago don. I don’t know if he took over immediately, but for some reason, I feel that he didn’t. There is no way I could have been around him all these months and not known he was in charge. I have been around the mob my entire life and they give off a presence that I never felt around Frank. I know I wouldn’t have let myself feel what I do for him if he was truly in charge. I wanted it to be Alex especially after meeting him. I would have easily given my family everything they needed to take him down. I would have had him killed just as easily as he was going to have me killed.

“Did you take over right after your dad died?” I ask him.

“No. I wasn’t aware of any of the mob shit. When I found out, I struggled with it. I didn’t want a life of crime. But I knew it was either me or Alex that had to take over. I also knew that it would affect the rest of my family. He has done a lot of stupid shit that put all of us in jeopardy. “

My arm is starting to hurt from hanging from the bedpost. I shift and the handcuffs hit the post. Frank looks at them and back to me.

“The night you took me to Deluca’s. Was he going to kill me?”

“That’s the thing, Lola. All the information is there and the consensus is that you are a big problem. You were sent here to get information that could help your father take what my father worked for. I made a promise to him on his death bed. I shouldn’t tell you this, but the first major decision I had to make was whether you should live or die. Well, you and your friend Brandon.”

“You’re going to have Brandon killed too?”

Frank narrows his eyes at me and turns his back.

“Does that bother you more than us killing you? What is Brandon to you?” he asks.

“He’s a friend,” I say and Frank chuckles and turns to face me.

“You know, you called me a friend and we were fucking like rabbits. Is that what you do with him?” he continues.

I close my eyes and sigh. “Brandon and I are close. “

“Are you in love with him, Lola?”

“No, Frank. The only man I am in love with is about to kill me,” I state bluntly.

He is shocked by my admission and as he steps closer to me, the doorbell rings. We both look towards the bedroom door and I start to scream for help. Frank puts his hand over my mouth and reaches back into the nightstand drawer. He grabs something and shoves it into my mouth. He holds me down with his knee and takes a second pair of cuffs and secures my other arm onto the bedpost.



I am shocked by Lola’s admission that she loves me. Before I can respond, my doorbell rings. I look at Lola and see I only have one of her hands secured. It was all I needed at the time; I just didn’t want her to leave. Now that someone is here, I have to make sure she doesn’t let anyone know she is here. Once I have her secured, I need to make sure she keeps quiet. I lean down and whisper in her ear.

“Lola, anyone at that door wants you killed. Don’t make a fucking sound.” I get off the bed and before I get to the door I turn back to look at her. She is lying still with her arms above her head. I hope she believes me and keeps quiet.

When I finally get to the door, I am a little relieved that it’s Oliver. I don’t know why since I told him that I want Lola killed and she is conveniently handcuffed to my bed. I am just glad that it wasn’t Alex. I know that Oliver is a more patient, even-tempered mobster than Alex is. It’s hard to believe there would be a good mobster, but I would like to believe there are.

“Hey, I just want to keep you updated. Everything has been set up. Lola and Brandon will both be taken care of. I will keep you out of all the details because it will be easier to say you don’t know anything.”

I close my eyes and think of Lola in my bedroom and the night we just had together.

“Is it difficult to call off a hit?” I ask him.

Oliver jerks in response to the question.

“It is not. You are in charge so it really only takes me making another call. You are having second thoughts, Frank?” Oliver inquires.

“I want the hit on Lola called off. I don’t care what happens with Brandon, but don’t touch Lola. I will deal with her.”

Oliver pinches the bridge of his nose and starts to pace. I am starting to think that in the mob, you do a lot of pacing.

“Frank, are you sure about this? Alex knows she is here spying on you and that she is involved. He won’t let this rest if he knows she is alive.”

“We’ll pin this on Brandon for now. I’ll make sure Lola doesn’t talk. “ I tell him.

“You don’t think she’ll say anything when Brandon goes missing? She’ll call daddy and he’ll send someone else here in his place.”

“Oliver… Lola isn’t to be touched.”

Oliver shakes his head, looks towards the floor and looks back up at me.

“Lola won’t be harmed,” Oliver practically spits out.

I can tell he isn’t happy about removing the hit on Lola. He embraces me and walks out letting me know it will be handled. Once I have locked the door, I go to the kitchen for a beer and think about what I will do next. I decide to give Ma a call because I need advice.

Ma doesn’t want to talk on the phone. She‘ll come over so we can chat. My place is the last place I want Ma since Lola is currently handcuffed and gagged in my bed. Since I know Ma is on her way I decide to check on Lola in the bedroom. She is still in the same spot, but I notice tear stains on her cheeks. She has been crying and I feel a stab in my chest at the sight. I kneel beside the bed and try to wipe away the tears, but she jerks away from me.

“Lola I know you're pissed off, but I have to keep you here for just a little longer.” She closes her eyes to avoid looking at me and I honestly can’t blame her. I wouldn’t want to look at myself either. In a matter of months, I went from being a law-abiding detective to running the mob and putting a hit out on someone.

Lola wants nothing to do with me right now, so I go back into the living room to wait for Ma to arrive. When she finally arrives, she has brought enough food to feed me for a week. We take it into the kitchen and she starts packing it away in the fridge.

“Ma, you know I didn’t call you because I wanted you to bring food,” I tell her.

“Yes, Frankie, but I love to do it. You sounded upset on the phone. What’s going on?”

“I’m doing it, Ma. I am taking over the business for Pop.” Ma closes her eyes and puts her hands over her mouth.

“I don’t know if I should say I am proud of you? However, I am very happy that you are taking control of the business, Frank. I have been so worried that it would fall into Alex’s hands.” I walk over to the fridge and grab another beer.

“You aren’t happy about taking over the business are you, Frankie?” she asks.

“It’s not that, Ma.” She tilts her head and looks right through me.

“Okay, I am not thrilled, Ma. I have a problem and I don’t know how to handle it,” I state.

“Tell me what has you upset, Frankie.” Ma reaches over and holds my hand.

I spend the next hour telling Ma everything about New York wanting to take over Chicago, what Oliver had found out, and everything about Lola. After listening, Ma was obviously overwhelmed herself because for the first time in my life she actually walked to the fridge and grabbed her own bottle of beer.

“This is very interesting, Frankie. I have a question for you and it will make all the difference in the world to any advice I give you.”

“Okay. Ask me. “I am hoping she isn’t about to ask the question that I am anticipating.

“Are you in love with her?” Shit, she asked it and I will have to admit it to her. Once I tell her, the shit will become real.

“Yes, Ma. I am in love with her.” Ma smiles at me and closes her eyes. When she reopens them there are tears in her eyes.

“Then Frankie, there is only one thing you can do to keep her and the family safe.”

Ma says the words that have me choking on my beer and I was right with my previous assumption. The shit did just become fucking real.



I wake up the next morning and notice four legs standing in front of me. I look up to see Frank and that guy Oliver standing in front of me. I look down, wondering how Frank can bring this guy into the bedroom knowing I was handcuffed naked to the bed. While I was sleep Frank had pulled the cover over me so I still had a small amount of dignity while they stood looking at me. I sit up yanking at the handcuffs and Oliver just looks at Frank.

“Are you fucking sure about this, Frank?”

“I have no choice. Do you think you can get the family on board?” I ask and Oliver looks back at me and shakes his head.

“Hell no, I don’t think I can. Alex will shit out a fucking lung if he figures out what you’re doing. You think he is loose cannon now? Wait until he hears about this. And the other families, they won’t like it either. Not to mention what her people in New York will do.”

“Oliver. This is what I want. I need you to make sure everyone understands these are my wishes.”

Oliver once again looks back at me and shakes his head. “I will handle it.” He walks out of the room and Frank follows.

I don’t know what the hell they were talking about, but it involves me and I don’t like it. What I don’t understand, is why Alex would get upset when they kill me? He wanted to kill me when Frank took me to Deluca’s so I would think he would want to pull the trigger. I am talking about them shooting me, but this is the mob so I am sure a gun isn’t the only option. I wonder if Frank was planning on killing me when he fucked my brains out. Maybe that’s what it really was a goodbye fuck. I can’t believe that I let myself fall for my mark. I was sent here to do one job and I let myself fall for the guy. I fall back onto the bed and watch the ceiling fan spin. I wonder if Brandon is looking for me. I am sure he realizes that I am missing by now. He probably has called my father and advised him that the Chicago family has taken me.

My father will send others to Chicago to look for me. They will track down Alex and eventually catch up with Frank and they’ll kill him. My heart aches at the thought. What the hell is wrong with me? Frank Deluca has me handcuffed and gagged to a bed and I am worried about him being hurt. It’s then that I realize that I am not gagged. He must have come in during the night and removed it. How sweet of the bastard. I then notice that pillow has been moved to the bottom of the bed. It was at the top when I last looked. Did he actually sleep in the same bed last night? I sit up and start yelling for Frank. He needs to explain what’s going to happen to me or let me go.



After talking to Ma last night, I know what I should do. It’s the only way to keep Lola safe and alive. Oliver didn’t seem too thrilled with the idea, but I know he’ll follow my wishes. He was right about one thing and I know Alex will not be happy about any of this. He will have to deal with it because I am in charge and this is what I want. Lola is what I want and I can’t let anything happen to her. Is this the option I would have chosen at this point? Hell no, I could have waited, not that it wouldn’t have happened eventually.

I lock the door once Oliver leaves and turn off the lights and head to the bedroom. Lola is sleep when I enter the room and I almost feel bad that she is still handcuffed. She looks so uncomfortable that I want to take them off her. I shake my head and dismiss the idea. If I uncuff her the minute I turn my back she will bolt and I can’t let her out of my sight right now. If she didn’t shoot me, she’ll head straight home to Brandon and I have a hit on him. I won’t call off the hit on him. I will protect Lola, but I don’t give a rat’s ass what happens to that guy. I just hope that she will forgive me once she finds out I had him killed. I catch myself staring at her and decide to get some sleep. I could sleep in my guest room, but fuck it. This is my bed and as far as I am concerned I am sleeping with my woman. Once I have my clothes off I slip under the covers with Lola.

The next morning I wake up to someone banging on my front door. I throw on my pants and practically run towards the door so they don’t wake up Lola. I yank the door open and it’s a pissed off, Alex.

“What the fuck are you thinking, Frank!” He practically shouts as he pushes himself inside.

I look over at the clock on my desk and rub my head looking at Alex, who is now pacing in my living room. “Alex do you know its five o’clock in the fucking morning?”

“Yes, I know what time it is. It was either wait until morning or come over last night after talking to Oliver.”

“Was there a meeting I wasn’t invited to?” I walk over and sit on my couch.

“I think I’m the one not invited to the fucking meetings, Frank. You know that little bitch Lola has been trying to take over our family business and you call off the hit? We should have put a bullet in her head the minute you found out who she is.”

I stand up and walk in over to Alex to stop his pacing so he’ll pay attention to what I tell him.

“I don’t have to explain anything to you, Alex. The person who is responsible will be taken care of. Lola has nothing to do with any of this. Leave her out of it.”

“Leave her out of it, Frank? They were working together, Frank!” Alex practically yells.

“She has nothing to do with it, Alex.”

Alex starts to smirk and stares into my eyes. “Let’s prove it, Frank.”

“We don’t need to prove it, I am telling you.”

“I want to talk to her Frank. I stopped by her place first, but there was no answer. Hell, no one can seem to find her. “

“Why are you even looking for her Alex? I called off the fucking hit. You don’t need to talk to her. Your focus should be on Brandon.”

“We took care of Brandon. It’s amazing what someone will tell you when they’re in pain and begging for their life. That is why I want to talk to Lola. I want her to prove to me that she should live.”

“She doesn’t have to prove anything to you. I don’t know where she is Alex. It’s early and I would like to get back to bed so get the fuck out.”

Alex turns to leave and as he grabs the doorknob, he hears “Frank!” as Lola shouts from my bedroom.

Fuck! I didn’t put the gag back into her mouth. Alex turns around and starts to walk towards my bedroom.

“You don’t know where she is, Frank?” He continues to the bedroom and I grab my gun out of my desk drawer. Alex gets to the hallway and I grab his arm and put the gun to his head.

“Alex, I said get the fuck out.”

“Would you actually kill me for this bitch, Frank?”

“I don’t want to kill you Alex. If you walk into that room you have made it obvious that someone will die. It will be you or her and at this moment, you’re the one I have asked to leave.”

“Frankie, she is the fucking enemy. Her family wants us out. Her family wants you, me, Ma, and Alexis all gone, so they can take over Chicago. Are you really putting her before all of us?”

“Don’t fucking bring Ma and Alexis into this. I have talked to Ma and I already know what I should do. You need to leave now and don’t tell anyone that Lola is here.”

“Frank, I want out of these handcuffs!” Lola screams again from the bedroom.

Alex turns his head even with my gun still pointed at it and looks at me.

“You have her handcuffed in the bedroom?” He looks between me and the bedroom door.

“Yes, because she is as easy to deal with as you are.” Alex lifts his hands letting me know that he will back off and heads towards the front door.

“Her father will notice that Brandon is missing, Frank. Once he does, he will send people to look for her. The smart thing to do is to get rid of her too. You might want to start thinking with the right head. I promise you I will kill her before I let him touch any of us.” Alex leaves slamming my door.



Frank comes storming into the room and I can tell he is pissed off. He pushes me onto the bed and sits on me, putting the gag back into my mouth. He has me pinned between his legs, but I can tell he is being careful not to put his weight on me.

“You are going to listen very carefully to me, Lola. Just nod your fucking head to let me know you’re listening.” I nod my head and stare into Frank’s eyes. I have a bad feeling that I won’t like anything he is about to say.

“Brandon is dead. He came to Chicago in this little hostile takeover attempt that you father sent him to start and now he is fucking dead. My family wants you dead too. They wanted a hit put on you and I gave my permission to do it.” Lola’s eyes start to water and I can tell she is about to break at any moment.

“I realized after the hit was placed on you, that I couldn’t live with myself if anything happened to you. I don’t want them or anyone else to hurt you. So I called it off. This might surprise you, but Alex didn’t think that was a good idea. He wants your body wherever they ditched Brandon’s. I have a plan to keep you safe and to hopefully stop this takeover shit. If you stop fighting me, we can make it happen. I want to take this gag out of your fucking mouth Lola, but I want you to stop with the fucking yelling. Can I take it out?” Lola nods her head. I wipe away the tears and pull the gag out of her mouth.

“Can you please take the cuffs off?” I look at the cuffs and back to Lola. I don’t know if I trust her that much yet. “I promise. I won’t do anything. My arms are really hurting, Frank. If I have to trust you, you need to trust me too.” Shit, she pulled the trust card out. I will need to trust Lola. If I don’t, none of this shit will work.

I leave the bedroom to get the key to the cuffs. When I come back Lola is sitting up. I reach above her and unlock the cuffs. Lola’s arms practically fall to her side and she starts to rub them.

“How are you planning on keeping me safe, Frank?” Lola looks up at me and I sit down next to her and look into her eyes.

“I am going to knock you up then marry you.”



I think I blacked out for a few seconds. I remember Frank telling me he put a hit on me, but called it off. I remember him taking the cuffs off and I remember asking him how he was going to keep me safe. Somehow between me asking that question and staring into his eyes something happened. I totally checked out of the conversation. I notice that Frank is carefully watching me and I turn towards him asking him to repeat how he will protect me. “Lola, I am going to knock you up and marry you. I can’t promise it will be in that order, but that’s what needs to happen.” I am still staring at him and he appears to be sober and more importantly, he looks serious.

“I don’t understand what the hell you're talking about, Frank.” He stands up and puts his hands on my shoulders.

“It’s the only option. I don’t want to kill you. I don’t want my family to kill you, and I sure as hell don’t want your family to kill my family.”

“Frank.” I shake my head in total disbelief.

“Lola, it is the only way. I talked to my mother and she said it would be the only way.”

“You talked to your mother? I can promise you if I talked to my father he would think it’s a very bad idea,” I advise him wryly.

Frank removes his hands from my shoulders and sits on the edge of the bed.

“You are in danger, Lola. I have told my family that you are off limits, but they still want you dead. They see no purpose in me letting you live. I can’t just turn you loose and let you head back to New York. Your father wants to take over Chicago, so he’ll keep trying. The only way that will happen is if my family is killed. The only way to keep my family safe is if you became a member. Of course, my family wouldn’t be too happy about that either. Both families will have to deal with it if you were pregnant. My family will not hurt you because you’d be carrying the future and your father would have to accept it because his grandchild would eventually run the territory that he wants.”

I move over to the edge of the bed to sit next to him. I can’t believe that he makes a little sense. “What if I get pregnant and my father still kills you? The baby would still be considered the future.”

“You think your father would kill his only grandchild’s father?” I look at him and consider the question.

“I guess that would be tough to live with.” I shake my head and Frank chuckles and put his hand on my knee.

“I think we have both been put into a difficult situation, Lola. We were born into the mafia.”

“Are you willing to bring a child into the situation, too, Frank?” He looks at me and shrugs his shoulders.

“I want kids. I am not going deny myself kids so they don’t have to deal with my family. Can you?” I shake my head because I do someday want kids. I don’t know if I want one nine months from now.

“I have strong feelings for you, Lola. Strong enough that I jumped into this shit before I really wanted to. If we don’t do this, I don’t know how long I will be able to protect you. I will try like hell and could possibly keep you handcuffed to the bed a little longer, but thanks to your earlier yelling Alex knows I have you here.”

“Can I think about it, Frank?”

“I can give you an hour.”

I look at him and once again I can tell he is dead serious. “One hour?” I raise my eyebrows looking at him

“Yes. One hour and then we have a baby to make,” He says as he walks out of the bedroom.



I leave Lola alone in the bedroom to think about her decision. I don’t know if it was smart of me or not considering I didn’t even handcuff and gag her. I grab a beer and go to sit on the couch and think about how this will all play out if she agrees to this. Ma assured me this was the best approach to keep Lola safe and to keep the family safer. Our marriage would be like a mafia merger. Her father would get his hooks into Chicago without taking it over because we would still be in charge. Yet Lola would be the fucking mafia queen and would be able to handle some of his business here. Of course, I would still be in charge so it would come through me. Not to mention if I did ever have to kill her father, Lola would never be able to testify against her husband. I hope that it never comes to me killing him though. I would never be able to face my own kid if I killed their grandfather.

I lie down on the couch thinking about everything and soon fall asleep. I wake up to pounding on my front door and jump up looking back to the bedroom. I don’t know whether I should first answer the door or make sure Lola didn’t leave while I was asleep. The pounding on the door gets louder so I go to answer it. Oliver comes barging in before I open it completely.

“Is she still here, Frank?”

“I think so, what’s going on? Oliver tilts his head and rolls his eyes.

“You think she is? This just gets better and better. I had one of our guys go through Brandon’s phone Frank. He found several interesting messages from a Marcus Mancini. The area code is from Chicago, so I don’t think Lola was working alone. This Marcus was feeding a lot of information about you and Lola to Brandon.”

“Shit.” I start rubbing my eyes and look up to Oliver when I notice he has stopped talking

“Do you know who this Marcus Mancini is?” Oliver asks.

“Yes. He is this little bastard that works the station. I never liked him; I guess I now know why.”

“Did you notice anything strange between him and Lola? If he was feeding information to Brandon, I am sure she knew he was on her father’s payroll.”

I drop to my couch and start rubbing on my beard. I don’t know what to do with this information. I have so much shit on my plate the last thing I need is something else.

“Do you want me to handle him?” Oliver asks and I look up at him and shake my head.

“No. I will take care of him.” Oliver nods his head and walks towards the door. He turns back to look at me and tilts his head.

“You still thinking about knocking her ass up and marrying her?” I look up and notice he is smirking.

“Yes, I am.” Oliver chuckles and opens the door.

“Frank, I will always look out for your best interests. However, I won’t be forced into marrying any bitch for the family.” Oliver walks out and closes the door.



I feel someone staring at me. I wake up and turning my head I notice Frank is sitting in a chair across from the bed. He is just looking at me with his legs crossed. I sit up and stretch still feeling the stiffness in my arms from those damn handcuffs. I look over at the clock and it’s morning. I slept all night which means he gave me a lot longer than one hour to decide on his proposal if you can even call it that. I don’t know what my options are. He will have his family kill me or I can marry him. I think he has killed Brandon and by now my father has to know that we are both missing. There are probably mafia henchmen on their way to Chicago to look for me. Although, I doubt they will come to Frank’s house to search for me. I look back over at Frank and he is still sitting there watching me.

“Good morning,” I say, deciding to start the conversation to test the waters with him.

“Good morning, Lola.” He answered me and his voice is calm. I have a feeling this might be the calm before the storm.

“Did you have a good night? “

Frank chuckles and uncrosses his leg. He looks so fucking sexy. His shirt is half unbuttoned and his pants aren’t buttoned. He has a short beard and could really use a little shave.

“How long have you known Marcus Mancini?” Frank asks as he sits up in the chair.

“Marcus Mancini? Why are you asking me about him?” Frank doesn’t answer and I have a feeling he isn’t going to.

“I met him when I started at the station. Why, Frank?”

“We went through Brandon’s phone. There were several calls and messages between Brandon and Marcus. Some of the text messages even mentioned us.”

My stomach sinks and I know where this conversation is leading. Marcus isn’t on my father’s payroll.

“You have to be mistaken. I was the only one...” I stop mid-sentence not wanting to finish the statement.

“Spying on me for New York, Lola? Is that even what it’s called? Spying?” Frank stands up and starts to walk out of the bedroom then stops.

“I have one question. Did your father ask you to fuck me to get information? Or did you do that on your own?”

I am hurt by that question, but I do understand it. Frank wants to know if anything we had was real or if it was all a game. I have played men for the family business. I would always get enough information from them so my father could take over their businesses. What I did with Frank wasn’t all about the business.

“My father isn’t happy with me, Frank. He will never forgive me for having the feelings that I do for you. So to answer your question, no he didn’t.” I jump out of bed and grab Frank’s hands before he can leave the bedroom.

“Do you know why Brandon was here?” I ask as he turns to look at me. “He came because my father thought I was screwing up. I should have been out of Chicago months ago. He didn’t feel that I was sticking to business and getting the information out of you that I should have been getting. He was right, Frank. I tried and tried, but the more time I spent with you, the harder I fell for you. I didn’t want you to be involved in the mob. I wanted you to be the Detective Deluca that I met at the gym. Hell, I even was hoping it was Alex in charge. I just didn’t want it to be you. When Brandon showed up, he had all these plans to question you and determine if you were in charge. I couldn’t let him near you so I took medical leave. I thought if I took myself out of the equation, it would be harder for him to get to you.” Frank shakes my hands off and turns away from me.

“I have something I need to do, Lola. Can I trust you enough to leave the handcuffs off?”

“You’re leaving me alone? Is that safe? Will Alex come over and make me disappear while you’re gone?” I ask in a joking voice, but I am dead serious.

Frank looks over my head as if considering the question. “You’ll be safe. I’ll have Oliver check in on you.”

“Oliver? Doesn’t he hate me as much as Alex does? “I ask.

“You’ll be safe Lola. Oliver wouldn’t hurt you without me asking him to.” I swallow hard and Frank smirks.

“What about the handcuffs, Lola? .Do we need them?”

“No. I won’t leave.”



I call Oliver and ask if he can come over to watch Lola. I don’t think Alex would do anything stupid, but I wouldn’t put it past him. I jump in the shower while waiting for Oliver to arrive. I keep going over everything Lola said when I questioned her. The funny thing is I believe her. I just don’t think she could have pretended the entire time we have been together. I could feel her heart was in the relationship. I also know that I am not stupid enough to fall for her if it was all fake. Let’s take Marcus Mancini as the prime example. I never liked that bastard. I now know my first impression of him was accurate. There was a good reason I didn’t like him.

I jump out of the shower and grab clothes to get dressed. Lola is still sitting on the bed watching me. She doesn’t say anything, but we keep our eyes on each other. The doorbell rings and I grab my shoes and head to the door.

“Hey, Frank,” Oliver says as he walks in.

“Hi, Oliver. Thanks for doing this. I just don’t want to leave her alone. Alex was pissed when I last saw him and I don’t want him to show up while I am gone and handle her himself.”

“I understand Frank. She will be safe with me.”

“I know this isn’t your job Oliver. But right now you’re the only one I trust.”

“I am glad Frank. I want you to trust me. We are family, we may not be blood but it’s the family that we have chosen so it’s stronger. I will stand with you and when the time comes I will stand with Lola.”

Oliver holds his hand out and we shake. I will make Oliver my underboss when the time comes.

I leave and head to the station. I don’t know if Marcus will be there, but if he isn’t, I will track his ass down. I just hope I don’t run into Captain Hill. I haven’t spent much time at the station lately. Being a detective, I can get away with it since I need to be out on the streets for most of the job.

I walk into the station and head to Mancini’s desk. The little bastard is here and I can feel my blood boiling at just the sight of him. He obviously can feel someone looking at him because he looks right at me. He squints his eyes and actually has the balls to smile at me. If only this little bastard knew that I want to pull him outside and shoot him between the eyes, he wouldn’t be smiling.

“Hey, Frankie, how is it fucking going?” I hate this fucking bastard.

“It’s going, Marcus,” I answer.

“I haven’t seen you much since Lola took medical leave.” The fact that he even brought up her name has my blood boiling

“You always liked Lola haven’t you, Marcus?” I ask and restrain myself from pulling my gun on him.

“She is easy on the eyes, Frank.” Marcus leans back in his chair, still giving me that annoying fucking smile.

“Did you know her through Brandon? Or did you know her though some other New York connection?” I toss the question at him suddenly.

Marcus practically sits straight up in his chair so I know I hit a nerve.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Frank. Who’s Brandon?”

Now smiling, I lean back in my seat mirroring Marcus.

“I think you know what I’m talking about and who Brandon is, Marcus. You’re going to get your ass up and come with me to Deluca’s. We’ll discuss everything there.”

“What if I don’t?” he asks and I notice his voice rises an octave.

“Have you heard from Brandon? “ I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.

“No, I haven’t. I don’t even know who that is,” he continues to prevaricate.

“Let’s just say you do know him but you don’t want to meet the same fate.”



I hear the television come on and head to the bedroom door. Then I remember that Frank said he had to leave and Oliver would be my babysitter while he was gone. I also promised Frank that I wouldn’t try to leave and that I didn’t need to be handcuffed. I wonder if I am allowed to leave the room. He said I would be safe with Oliver and from what I recall I don’t think he’d snap my neck for wanting a glass of water. I decided to take a chance and head to the kitchen to get a drink. As I walk through the living room, Oliver turns to look at me. He nods his head and smiles. I can’t help notice how attractive the guy is. I wonder if he is married or has a girlfriend. I decided to take a chance to sit and chat with him. I hope this doesn’t get my ass in trouble. I won’t flirt with him; I just want to find out more about the guy. I walk over to the other end of the couch and Oliver sits up and looks at me. I can tell he is wondering what the hell I want, but I just give him a smile and sit back, crossing my legs on the cozy couch.

“How long have you worked with Frank?” I ask.

Oliver’s eyebrows rise as I wait for the answer. “Long enough,” he responds.

“Are you the one that killed Brandon?” I realize this isn’t the question I should be asking especially when Oliver grabs the remote and turns off the TV and sighs.

“You know I should tell you that I am old school. I don’t believe that women should be involved in this world. It’s too dangerous. I don’t understand why your father would put you in the middle of this shit. He had Mancini here, why send you too?”

I lift my eyebrows. “I think he felt it would be smarter to send me. Frank is the typical young and single man. I would assume my father thought it would be easier for me to get information than if Marcus questioned him. Men tend to talk when they are trying to impress women.”

“Perhaps.” Oliver shrugs his shoulder

“You didn’t answer my question. Did you kill Brandon?” Oliver runs his hands through his hair.

“Killing isn’t my thing Lola. I don’t like to watch anyone take their last breath. I only advise who needs to be handled and for the proof that it was done. There are people who enjoy taking lives and we believe in letting them live their passion.”

I close my eyes and softly shake my head. “Do you know if he suffered?” I look into Oliver’s eyes when I ask and he looks back into mine when he does.

“I am sure he did. Did you love him, Lola?”

“I cared about him. I have known him for years. It’s funny to think about it, but he is more of the reason my father uses me to get new business. My father once decided he wanted a particular restaurant, he’d sent Brandon in to get information. Brandon took me along because it would look normal for a couple to dine at their favorite restaurant. He noticed that the owners would pay more attention to me and I would get more information out of them then he could. After this started to become more regular, my father started to send me to the places he wanted to take over.” My eyes start to water thinking about Brandon.

“Do you love, Frank?” Oliver asks, still watching me.

“It would be a hell of a lot easier if I didn’t. My feelings for Frank snuck up on me. I do love him. I don’t like him right now, but I do love him.”

Oliver’s hands are now on his chin and he is rubbing the light stubble there.

“I am glad to hear that, Lola. Frank has plans to keep us all safe and that includes you. He also made me promise that I wouldn’t let anything happen to you. I will keep that promise as long as you don’t try to fuck him over.”

I shake my head and stand to go into the kitchen. I grab a bottle of water and head back to the bedroom, while Oliver turns back on the TV.



The conversation with Marcus Mancini didn’t go as planned. I wanted to ask him simple questions and I assumed he would provide simple answers. The little bastard just wouldn’t do it and eventually, his attitude got the best of him. Now I am sitting at Alex’s desk while he, Thomas, and our cleanup crew clean up a shit load of blood and dispose of the body. I don’t know what the hell I have turned into, but I can say that I don’t like it. As they roll the body into a rug, I turn the swivel leather chair to face the wall. I can smell the chemicals they are using to scrub the blood out of the floor.

I hear Alex tell them to take the body out the back and I turn around to face them. “Wait.” They stop and look up at me. “Is Brandon’s phone still available?” Thomas and Alex eye each other and Thomas acknowledges that he has access to it. “Use the phone to take a picture of Marcus before you dispose of him. Then bring the phone to me.” Thomas nods and they leave taking the body to dispose of it. I don’t know if this is smart or if I am being one stupid fucker, but I want a picture of his body. I want to send it to Judge Covelli to let him know that the people that he sent are being handled in Chicago. I’ll send the picture from Brandon’s phone and he’ll hopefully realize that he is gone too. If he is half the man that he wants to believe he is, his concern will then move on to his daughter.

I will have Lola contact him once I send the photo. I look up when I hear the office door open and Alex comes back in wiping the blood off his hands.

“Well, this was interesting Frank. You have really moved all-in on this mob leader role, haven’t you? A few weeks ago you were all over my ass for having drugs in this office and now the great Detective Deluca commits a fucking murder in that same office?”

“He was on the New York mob payroll.”

Alex tilts his head and laughs.

“So is your fucking girlfriend, Frank! Can I be the one to pull that trigger since you’re so unwilling to do it?”

I push the chair back from under the desk and stand up facing Alex.

“She is not to be touched, Alex.” He starts to laugh harder and walks back to sit on the loveseat.

“You are not still planning on marrying her are you, Frank? I realize this mob shit is new for you, but I can promise you there will be plenty of pussy that you can plant yourself in. You don’t need to marry the first one that realizes you are in charge.” I shake my head and walk towards the door.

“Alex, if any harm comes to Lola, I will make sure the same happens to you.” Alex’s eyes widen and I walk out and close the door.



It’s been hours since Frank left and I am starting to get concerned. I hope my father didn’t get worried and send people to Chicago. What if he did and they have Frank? I need to call my father and reassure him that everything is going as planned in Chicago. He’s probably already wondering why he hasn’t heard from Brandon. Knowing Brandon, he probably sent updates every few hours. I look around the bedroom and realize that my handbag isn’t in here. Oh shit. It’s in the living room with Oliver. He’ll notice if I walk out there to grab it and I am sure he’s smart enough to know I have a cell phone in it. I can’t call from Frank’s house phone because my father’d be able to trace the call. He will send people to Chicago and have Frank killed before morning. Oh, fuck it! I need my phone and I will just have to deal with Oliver to get it. As I walk back into the living room, the front door opens and Frank walks in. He nods to Oliver and looks up at me and we make eye contact. I turn around and go back to the bedroom.

A few minutes later Frank comes in and grins at me.

“What exactly are you planning, Lola?”

“What do you mean? I look up at him and sit on the bed.

“I mean when I came in you looked like a woman on a fucking mission.” Frank walks over and puts his hands on my face, looking me in the eyes.

“I was going to get my cell phone.” His eyes widen as he continues to hold my face.

“Who exactly are you going to call?”

“I was going to call my father.” Frank turns me loose and walks over to his chair across from the bed and sits down. He crosses his legs and starts taking off his boots.

“Why were you going to call him?” he asks.

“I was worried when you were gone so long. I thought if I called him, it would buy you time. He is going to notice Brandon is missing. He’ll notice that he hasn’t heard from me. I don’t want him sending anyone else to Chicago. I don’t want him to kill you, Frank.”

Frank finishes taking off his boots and walks out of the bedroom. When he returns, he has my handbag and he hands it to me. I look up at him not knowing what he expects or want me to do.

“Go ahead, Lola. I want you to text him. Tell him that you will have big news for him in one week. I also want you to tell him not to contact anyone in Chicago until he hears from you. “

I take my phone and send the message to my father. Frank wants to read the message before I press send so I hand it to him and he sends it.

“What big news am I going to have in a week, Frank?”

“Well Lola, I stopped by the station and requested a week’s vacation. I figure that will give me plenty of time to get you pregnant and married.”

Frank moves to put his hand on my knee and I practically jump from the bed. His eyes widen in surprise as he watches me.

“I never agreed, Frank!”

“You never said no either.” Frank lowers his head and starts to laugh.

“What the hell are you laughing about, Frank?”

“I was just thinking about something Oliver said. He asked me something and I didn’t answer. He taught me ‘chi tace acconsente’. Do you know what that means Lola?

“No, I don’t.”

“It means he, or in this case, she who is silent says yes. So, unless you say you don’t want my kid or my ring on your finger within the next few minutes, I am about to spend this night trying to put my kid inside you.”

My panties now feel soaked as I remain silent.



I toss Lola’s handbag into the chair and tell her to take off her clothes. She doesn’t waste any time getting naked and I am turned on by her enthusiasm. By the time she is naked, I am as well. Lola stares at me and lies down on her back and spreads her legs for me. I stare into her eyes and I can see our future as I stare into them. She is the woman I will spend the rest of my life with. She will be the mother of my children. I crawl over her and push three fingers inside her. She lets out a moan and I push them further into her and pull them back out using my finger to stroke her. She is getting wetter and wetter for me and she is practically riding my hand. This only makes me pick up my pace. As she lets out another moan I notice she’s gotten wetter. I adjust myself and plant my head between her legs. Lola tries to lift her hips to meet my tongue, but I hold her hips and push my tongue further into her. Lola’s moans and groans are so fucking loud. I can feel her trembling under my hands and I look up at her and notice her eyes are closed as her orgasm approaches.

I chuckle and slide further up the bed holding my cock. Lola opens her eyes and looks down as I position myself at her entrance. I thrust firmly into her and she yells my name throwing her legs over my shoulders and I continue thrusting into her tight pussy with as much strength as my body will possibly allow. As the headboard starts to hit the wall, I roll us over so she is on top. Lola stares into my eyes and I place one hand on her face and the other one on her hip as I guide her up and down on my dick. Soon I remove my hand because she takes total control.

Lola rides me until I can feel her tremble and feel her wetness dripping down my dick. She rolls off me and I tell her to get on all fours. Lola looks at me and turns over as I ask. I guide myself into her and move in and out of her as I play with her clit. When Lola comes this time, I thrust into her again losing control as I spill my seed into her hoping she gets pregnant and is mine forever. We orgasm together and collapse into each other’s arms.



It’s been three days and Frank and I have been fucking like bunnies. I know he said he took time off from work and that his focus was on me getting pregnant, but I didn’t realize it would be his only focus. Frank Deluca has fucked me so much and hard this week it hurts to walk. I can’t say I didn’t enjoy it, but I can feel every place he has touched. He hasn’t left home at all during these days, saying his only purpose this week was me getting pregnant. I’ve caught him making a few calls, but he normally makes those when I am in the shower. I make breakfast while he is in the shower and he comes out and stares at me from the doorway.

“What are you doing, Lola?” I look over at him and smile.

“I am making you breakfast.” He tilts his head and looks surprised.

“That is very domestic of you....” I can hear the sarcasm in his voice.

“Just come eat breakfast damn it,” I tell him and Frank starts laughing and grabs a plate and he serves himself some of the scrambled eggs along with a piece of toast.

“I need to ask you something, Lola. When do you plan on quitting the force?” My hand stops midair holding my toast.

“Quit the force? I guess I didn’t really think about quitting.”

“You were sent here to basically spy on me. You won’t need to do that anymore and we’ll be married. I don’t think you should let Hill think you’re coming back.” Frank stands and heads to the fridge and grabs the orange juice.

“I guess you’re right. I’ll call later and tell him I am not returning.”

Frank stops mid-pour and I look up at him.

“What’s wrong?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

“I’m sorry. I’m just not used to you doing what I ask without a debate or argument.”

“I guess I just don’t have the energy for that today.” I look up at him and tilt my head with a smile.

“I guess I know how to keep you compliant then, don’t I.”

Once breakfast is finished, Frank picks me up, tosses me over his shoulder and I am compliant for the rest of the night.



I wake up to the best fucking feeling in the world. I open my eyes and I see the top of Lola’s head and my dick is hitting the back of her throat. I have never been one to make a woman do this for me, but Lola doing it on her own is the best damn gift a man can be given. I lift my hips and push myself inside her mouth a little harder and I can hear her gag a little. The sound she makes has me wanting to push inside her hot mouth even harder. I am about to come, but I don’t want to do it in her mouth. She can’t get pregnant that way and that is my mission for the week. I pull her by the arms and pray that she isn’t wearing any clothes especially panties or I will rip off the damn things to get into her right now. As she moves up the bed, I notice that she is naked and I pull her down onto my dick. Lola lets out a soft moan and I grunt as she rides me and I come inside her. Lola lifts and falls on me and I thrust up inside her until we both come.

I was wrong thinking that Lola’s mouth on my dick was the best feeling in the world. It is a close second, but I think Lola lying in my arms asleep is the best feeling. She feels so warm and looks so peaceful while she is sleep. I start to drift off when the doorbell rings. I slowly get out of bed so I don’t wake Lola and grab my pants to answer the door. Once I close the bedroom door, I practically jog to the door so whoever is here doesn’t ring the damn doorbell again.

I open the door and it’s Oliver.

“Hey, Frankie. What took you so long to get to the fucking door?” Oliver looks at me and glances at his watch. “Did I interrupt something?” he laughs and looks towards my bedroom door.

“What the fuck do you want, Oliver?”

He turns his attention back to me and puts his hand into his pocket and pulls out a cell phone.

“I thought you would want this. It’s Brandon’s phone and it has the picture of Marcus on it.”

I take the phone and thank Oliver for delivering it.

“Does she know that you killed Marcus?”

“It hasn’t come up in conversation and before you ask, I won’t be telling her. I don’t want any of this shit to touch her. I know her father had her involved, but once we are married, she won’t be.”

“So, you’re still doing this marriage thing, huh?” Oliver asks with a smug look.

“Yes. As a matter of fact, Alex mentioned that we have judges. Is that still the case?”

Oliver tilts his head thinking over the question. “Yes. We still have judges.”

“We will need one Saturday morning. Find out what time he can perform a wedding. It can be done either here or the courthouse, but it needs to be done Saturday.” Oliver laughs and turns towards the door. “I’ll make it happen, Frank. I’ll keep you posted.”

I lock up and head back to bed to wake Lola up to continue on our baby making quest.



Frank has promised me that when we get married it will be based on give and take. We will both give to each other and the other will gladly take it. He proved this point when I wake up the same way I woke him up, with his head between my legs. There is nothing better than Frank’s stubble rubbing the sensitive part between my legs. I wrap my legs so tightly around his head; I hope that I don’t suffocate him. This seems to drive him crazy because he sucks with a little more firmly. After I come and while tremors are still rolling through me, Frank moves up the bed and lies on his back. He pulls me on top of him and pushes himself inside me. As he angles his hips, pushing his cock into me I stare into his eyes as they darken. He places his hands on my face and kisses me softly.

“This pussy will belong only to me, Lola.” He moans and whispers into my ear. I sit up and plant my feet beside him on the bed. I lift enough that I can sink back down onto his dick and he moans as I start my assault.

“This is my cock,” I tell him. Frank just smiles and rolls us over placing my legs over his arms so he can enter me from another more intense angle. He is so deep that it feels like he is hitting my cervix. Each time he pushes himself inside me he moans ‘mine’ into my ear.

Just as I think he can’t get any deeper Frank proves me wrong. He is so far inside me I almost feel that I won’t be able to take it. I move my arms to push him off a little and Frank takes my arms and pins them alongside my head. He moves his lips to my ear and whispers ‘my pussy’ as he continues his mission to put his baby inside me and I can’t help but enjoy the ride and call out his name.

“That’s right, Lola. Scream my name so the fucking neighbors know whose pussy this is.”

Frank grabs onto the headboard which only seems to pull him inside me even further.

“Oh fuck. I can’t get enough of you Lola,” he whispers, as he pushes himself deeper and deeper and as I tremble beneath him. He trembles too and releases himself as he calls my name.



Lola and I are lying next to each staring into each other’s eyes. No words are needed at this moment. I reach my hand over and stroke her check.

“You are so fucking beautiful, Lola Covelli,” I tell her.

She turns her head and softly kisses my hand.

“You aren’t half bad yourself, Frank Deluca.”

I chuckle and then say, “I think I should tell you something.”

Lola turns over to lie on her back and I move my hand to cover her stomach.

I can tell that she is suspicious about what I am going to tell her. “Oh shit. Are you about to tell me something that is going to piss me off? Wait. You didn’t do anything to my father, did you?” she asks turning her head to look at me closely and I can feel her body tense up.

“No, Lola. I wouldn’t do anything to your father. I just wanted you to know that we are getting married Saturday. Oliver will find us a judge and this will be a done deal.”

She closes her eyes and faces toward the ceiling. I look at her knowing that I am looking at the woman I will spend the rest of my life with.

“This will be a done deal? Is this going to be a real marriage, Frank? Or will this only be a business merger?” Lola sits up and turns toward me looking pissed. I can’t believe that she thinks I would marry her as part of a business deal?

“What do you mean is this going to be a real marriage? You’re going to have my kid; won’t it be real?” I ask rubbing my beard.

“Yes, I’ll have your kid and we’ll have a marriage certificate. Will you be a real husband to me, Frank? Or will you be fucking around on me? Will we take vacations and make plans together? Will I be able to leave the house or will I stay under house arrest? Will I be able to work?” She throws a litany of questions at me.

I pull Lola back down and stretch out over her body, resting on my elbows.

“I will not fuck around on you, Lola, and yes, I will be a real husband to you. The situation may not be traditional, but I am not just marrying you to keep you alive, Lola. I am marrying you because I don’t want to be without you. I want you in my life and as my partner. I want to take vacations with you. And yes, you will be able to leave the house. Once we are married you will be able to do whatever girly thing you want to do outside. Maybe you can even hang out with Alexis. She will love you. You will also be able to work if you want to. What kind of work do you want to do, Lola?”

She answers, “I don’t know, Frank. I have always loved makeup. Maybe I can find a cosmetics company that I like and get a job with them.”

“Yes. You and Alexis will get along just fine,” I tell her and roll my eyes at the thought of the two together.



Frank tells me that Oliver called and said he has a judge that will marry us on Saturday morning. I have to question if he means Saturday as in tomorrow morning and assures me that is the correct Saturday. I am scared about this whole situation. I have known what my father does and I know my place as the mob daughter. I help sometimes, but no one really has expectations of me. I simply don’t know what others will expect of me as the fucking mob leader’s wife. My life is about to change and I just pray that I am ready.

I head to the bathroom and start running the water to take a long, hot bubble bath. Once the water Is ready I sink into the hot water and it feels wonderful. I hear the doorbell and within minutes I hear Frank talking to someone. I am sure he will be busy with his company so I can focus on me and my bath as I lie back and close my eyes. A few minutes later there is a knock on the bathroom door. “Lola, someone wants to meet you.” I sit up a little and yell, “I am taking a bath, Frank. It’ll have to wait” The man has no sense of privacy. Well, I should say others’ privacy; he’s great with his own.

As I lie back in the tub and close my eyes, the door opens and I hear a woman’s voice.

“Hello, Lola. I have heard so much about you.” I open my eyes and pull my knees to my chest. Frank is standing in the doorway with an older lady. “Hello. You are?”

The woman has the nerve to come completely into the bathroom and sit on the edge of the bathtub. “I am Ruth Deluca, Frank’s mother.” I look over at Frank who has a smirk on his face and he has the nerve to leave us alone. I am taking a fucking bubble bath for heaven’s sake! I don’t want to be left alone with his mother. She smiles and I can tell Frank got his smile from her.

“I hate to bother you, Lola. I know we girls use the bathroom as our escape place, but I just wanted to talk to you before tomorrow. It’s a big day for us.”

“It’s a big day for us?” I question as I tilt my head and look at her.

“Of course it is. It’s a big day for both of us. You are getting a new husband and family. I am getting a new daughter. You and Alexis will get along so well. She won’t be at the wedding, she doesn’t even know about it. We’ll tell her over our family dinner. She would ask too many questions if we tell her beforehand. Your life is about to change, Lola. When Anthony was alive, I spent many nights worrying about him. He practically led a double life. He had the family and he had the business. It will be like that for you, too. I just want you to know I will be here for you. I realize that you have your own mother, but she is in New York and I am here. Frank loves you so much; Lola and I know you will never be without anything. He will take care of you and protect you. All the families will protect you once you are one of us.”

I must ask her one important question while she is being so open and honest.

“What about my family? Will my parents be safe? You know who my father is.”

Ruth tilts her head and smiles.

“When you become family, he will be considered family. It will be the same way for him. He won’t hurt our family and we won’t hurt yours. Because Frank will be considered his family and once we welcome the baby into the family that will only solidify things. Your father wants his blood in Chicago, he will through you and his grandchild. Of course, once you are married, I am sure Frank will consider letting your father have some of his business in Chicago, in exchange for some of our business being moved into New York. It will work because you will be a Covelli-Deluca.”

“Did Frank ask you to come to give me this little pep talk?” I ask as my eyes start to water.

“No. He asked me to come over to bring you my wedding dress. The advice was my wedding gift.



While Lola is busy with Ma, I take the opportunity to grab flowers and go make a visit. I kneel down to place the flowers on Pop’s grave. It has been a while since I have visited and I get teary-eyed from seeing his name on the headstone. He was a beloved husband and father, but he was so much more. My father took care of some many others. I always thought of him as my hero. Finding out that he was a criminal doesn’t change that fact at all. No matter what your parent does, they are yours and they love you unconditionally. For that reason alone, I don’t care if he killed hundreds of people, ran a prostitution ring or had the biggest drug lab in the United States. I still love the man, he was my father. I swipe my fingers across his name on the headstone and I can almost see him standing in front of me. I look up and there he is, but he is healthy and strong. He looks down at me and smiles.

“Hey Pop. I am so sorry that I haven’t come to visit more often. I have so many things to share with you. I am taking over your business pop. I promise you that I will do you proud and make sure your name lives on in this city. I will protect Ma, Alexis, Alex, and all the other families. I am getting married. I think you would like her. I know you’re probably not happy with whom her father is, but Ma and I think this is best for the family. It’s almost like we’re joining them and taking them down at the same time. I just hope you would agree with me and feel that I am doing what’s best.” As I look back down at my Pop’s name on the headstone, I feel a soft breeze and smell his aftershave in the air. I look around wondering if someone else was around. There was no one and at that moment I felt I had his approval.

“Thank you, pop.” I wipe away a tear and walk away.

My next stop is going to be a tricky one. I need to talk to Alex. I already know his feelings, he wants Lola dead. He considers her the enemy and wants her gone. I must make him understand that she isn’t going anywhere. Alex spends most of his time at Deluca’s, so he isn’t hard to find. I pull into my space in the back and walk right in. I head upstairs to Alex’s office and he’s there sitting behind his desk.

Alex looks up from his paperwork and then back down; obviously not all that interested in talking to me.

“Alex.” I walk over and sit in the chair on the other side of his desk.

“What do you need, Frank?”

“I wanted to let you know that I will be getting married on Saturday. Ma and Oliver will be there. I thought you may want to be there too.”

Alex drops his papers and leans back in his chair, putting his hands to his mouth.

“You’re really going to do this shit, Frank?”

“Yes, I am, Alex. I love her. Once we’re married, she’ll be one of us and the family won’t need to feel threatened by her.”

“What about her father? Do you think he will accept this? Don't you think he will send someone here to get rid of you? You can marry her, but she won’t be our family. He won’t consider you family either.”

I lean back in my chair watching Alex for his reaction to my next statement, “Lola’s pregnant.”

Alex’s eyebrows rise and his head falls back to look at the ceiling. “Yeah, who does it belong to? Marcus, Brandon, or you?” He spits, angrily.

I sigh and stand up to face Alex. “The baby is mine Alex. I got her pregnant on purpose. I realize that you don’t like Lola. You have made that most obvious. However, I’m in charge now. I will run the business just like pop did. He wanted me in charge, so I am taking fucking charge. Lola and I are getting married on Saturday and I would like you to be there. When you come, you will show up with a fucking smile on your face. If you don’t accept her and my kid, I will take this fucking place and I’ll put Thomas in charge.”

Alex stands up disrupting me, “Are you…?”

“I am not done talking. I will take Deluca’s, Alex. You run things, but pop owned it, so I own it now. Blood is always thicker than water Alex, but don’t make me choose. My kid is my blood and if I have to choose between you and him, you will fucking lose.”

I walk out of Deluca’s knowing that I have one more person to talk to. I reach into my glove box and pull out Brandon’s cell phone. Thomas delivered it a few days ago and as I requested, there is a picture of Marcus uploaded. As I am going through the other photos, I notice there was also one sent of Brandon’s body. The picture looks like he had been dead a few days, but I don’t even want to know how Thomas took it. I look through Brandon’s contacts and I find Judge Covelli’s name and number. I press call and hope he answers so I can get this over with. On the first ring, he answers.

“Brandon, where the hell have you been?” Covelli sounds out of breath and agitated.

“Sorry to disappoint you Judge Covelli. Brandon is a little tied up,” I say.

“Who the fuck is this?” he snaps.

“I would think you’d know. You had Marcus, Brandon, and even your daughter on me like white on rice, but when I call you and you have an attitude like talking to me is inconveniencing you?”

“Frank Deluca. I can’t believe you have the balls to call me. Where are Brandon and Marcus, and if you touched my daughter you will be dead before morning.” I can’t help but laugh at hearing his threats.

“I can promise you, Judge Covelli, I have done more than touch your daughter. As a matter of fact, I have fucked your daughter so much and so hard I am surprised you haven’t come.”

“You fucking bastard!” he yells into the phone.

“Listen, Covelli, I just wanted to give you a few updates. Brandon and Marcus have been eliminated. I will send you the pictures when we’re done talking. I realize that this news will upset you, so I have happy news to deliver too. You are going to be a grandfather. Lola and I are having a baby.” I can hear him gasp on the other end of the phone, but I continue to deliver the blows. “We got married. So if anything happens to me or anyone else in my family, your grandchild will find out that grandpa is a fucking killer. The Chicago territory that you have been trying to take over belongs to your daughter and will eventually go to your grandchild. So, unless you want a fucking mob war that can take one of them out, you will keep your fucking people out of Chicago.” I hang up and press the send button sending the photos.

I jumped the gun telling him that we are married, but I wasn’t going to tell him that he had time to stop the wedding. I realize that I also told him and Alex that Lola is already pregnant. I haven’t seen test results, but I can almost guarantee with the way we have been fucking she already is carrying my kid.



Saturday morning finally arrives and I wake up to Frank’s cock pressed firmly against my ass. I turn over to look at him and I suddenly feel sick. I practically jump over him and run to the bathroom and start vomiting. I have never felt so nauseous before in my entire life. I just sit on the floor practically embracing the toilet bowl. My nerves must really be bad I am so lightheaded; I can’t find the energy to move away from the toilet. I notice that the toilet seat feels cold on my arms. As disgusting as this is, I feel like I need the coldness on my face so I tilt my head to lay my cheek on the seat. As I turn my head, I notice two legs in the doorway and look up to see Frank leaning against the door staring at me.

“I know you’re nervous about getting married, but you’re not planning on jumping, are you?”

I am not in the mood right now for his annoying smart ass comments.

“Not now, Frank. I will throw up on you!” I turn my head and start to throw up again and I can hear Frank walking behind me and running the faucet. He places a wet towel on my neck as he pulls my hair off my neck and holds it while I continue to puke my brains out.

“I must be getting the flu.” Frank wipes a cold towel around the back of my neck and wipes my forehead.

“You think you have the flu, huh?” Frank arches his eyebrow at me.

“Yes?” I say, but I can tell it’s a question rather than giving a simple answer.

“Lola, we have been fucking like rabbits to get you pregnant. You’re huddled over the toilet like it’s a swimming pool and you’re about to jump in. I think you’re pregnant.”

“Oh shit. You think I am?” Frank tilts his head and smiles.

“I think so. After we get married, we’ll stop by the pharmacy and pick up a test,” he says and I start to laugh hysterically as Frank looks at me with a frown. “What is so funny?” he asks.

“I am living every girl’s dream. A courthouse wedding and then a stop by the drug store for a pregnancy test. It’s not how I imagined.” Frank is still looking at me, but I notice sadness in his eyes.

“Lola, I realize this is a shitty way to start our lives together. I will promise you that once everything is settled we can have a real wedding and honeymoon.”

“Are you serious? “ I ask as I start to feel sick once again.

“Yes, I am. My parents took their vows seriously. ‘Till death do us part’ meant something to them. It means something to me too. When I say those vows to you, I will mean them. I don’t know if it will be in a few months or next year, but I will make sure you have your dream wedding.”



Oliver has us scheduled to get married at 4 pm on Saturday. The courthouse is closed on Saturday, but when you’re the mob and own judges it will open when needed. After I pried Lola away from the toilet, I ran out to run a few errands before the wedding. The first stop was the station. I called Captain Hill yesterday and told him that I needed to talk to him. He said he would be in on Saturday for a few hours, so I decided to man up and go talk to him. I have known Hill for years, so this won’t be an easy conversation. Even though his door is open, I decide to knock. He hates when people just walk into his office without knocking. He has an open-door policy, but that doesn’t mean just walk in.

“Come in, Deluca. What is so important that you would drag your ass in here on a Saturday? Especially considering you didn’t drag it in any other day this week.” He looks over the top of his glasses with his eyebrows raised.

“Sorry about that. I just thought it would be better to work the streets than being in the office.”

“I wish you would have checked in more, Deluca. With you out, I am down three cops. Lola is still out with her fucking stress leave; you have been MIA and so is fucking Marcus.”

“Wait. Marcus is missing?” I already know he is, but I have to play stupid with Hill.

“Yes he is. He left the station one morning and never came back. No one has seen or heard from him. The odd thing is his emergency contact person was some fucking judge in New York. We called him and he said Marcus called him from Canada saying he needed a fresh start.”

“Wow. That sounds strange. I have to tell you I never liked the guy. It doesn’t surprise me that he would do something like that,” I admit. Hill sighs and takes off his glasses tossing them on the desk.

“What is it that you wanted to talk about, Deluca?”

“I am resigning.” Hill shakes his head as if he misheard me.

“You’re what?” he asks and I can tell this is a shock to him.

“I am resigning. You know my father died and I think I need to focus more on my family. He really wanted me to work the family business, Deluca’s. I am going to focus on the club. Maybe I can even turn it into a restaurant during the day.” I notice Hill hasn’t said anything and he is still staring at me.

“I don’t want my mother to worry about me being shot, either,” I add and Hill is still silent.

“There is something else I should tell you. Lola and I are getting married. I don’t think her stress level will improve if I am still dodging the occasional bullet.” With that statement, Hill’s eyes widen and he stands up from his desk.

“You and Lola are getting married? Are you telling me that you went against department policy and were screwing around under my watch?” Hill shouts the last words and I can’t help but smirk.

“We did, but don’t worry. Neither one of us works here anymore.”

“Lola didn’t quit. She is on medical leave,” Hill practically yells.

“I’ll have her call you later.” As I am walking out, Hill calls me and I turn around to look at him.

“Deluca, you have made the right decision.” Hill gives me a quick nod and sits back down and goes back to his paperwork. As I am cleaning out my desk, his words stick with me. I made the right decision. It almost felt like he knew the choices I had to make and was telling me I made the right ones. I had a choice of living my own dreams or living the dreams my family had for me. I hope Hill was right and I have made the right decision.



I am Mrs. Frank Deluca and I can’t believe I am staring down at my finger that now has a two-carat princess cut diamond and gold band. I look up to see Frank is huddled with Oliver, Thomas, and Alex and they are obviously talking about something important. I turn to see Ruth, or I guess she is now my mother-in-law, headed in my direction with a genuine smile on her face. She pulls me into a big hug and I can’t help but feel her warmth as I hug her back.

“Congratulations, Lola. I look forward to getting to know you better and having another daughter. I can’t wait for Alexis to meet you tomorrow at dinner.”

“I look forward to meeting her too. I just hope I can live up to everyone’s expectations. I don’t know how I will explain this to my parents.” I notice that Ruth turns to look back at Frank.

“I think Frank already took care of that.” I look over to Frank and then back to Ruth

“I’m sorry? What do you mean he took care of that?” Ruth opens her mouth to answer, but before she does Frank is standing next to her and kisses her on the cheek.

“Ma. We’re all about to get out of here. Alex is waiting for you outside.” Ruth gives us both quick hugs and heads out the courthouse.

“What’s wrong Lola?” Frank puts his hand on my arm giving me a little squeeze.

“Have you talked to my father? Please tell me that you didn’t tell him we were getting married.” Frank closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before answering

“Yes, I did, Lola. I talked to him a few days ago. I wanted to let him know that I am running Chicago and that you were now by my side.”

“Is that all you told him? Did you tell him that Brandon is dead?”

Frank narrows his eyes and tilts his head. “I told him several things,” he says.

“What exactly are several things, Frank?” He lifts his head as my voice starts to rise.

“I told him that Brandon and Marcus have been dealt with. I also told him that you are carrying my kid and that his grandchild and daughter’s future is now tied to mine.”

I shake my head in disbelief and turn my back to Frank.

“You told him this days ago? Why would you tell him that I was pregnant days ago? We don’t even know yet! It was my place to tell my family, Frank. Not yours!” I start to walk away and Frank grabs me by the arm to stop me.

“Lola, calm down. I did what I had to do. I had to put an end to this takeover attempt by your father. He will pull back knowing that you are with me and pregnant. At least we hope you’re pregnant; if not we can keep working at it.” I look up at Frank and he has a smirk on his face.

Frank and I leave the courthouse and stop at the drugstore to pick up a few pregnancy tests. He thought we would only need one, but I decided we might need backups. I would feel much better if more than one test came out positive. An hour later we are lying on his bed and holding three positive pregnancy tests.



I wake up early and stand at the bedroom door watching Lola sleep. I can’t believe I am watching my pregnant wife sleep. Life has a funny way of happening in ways we don’t plan. If you would have asked me last year where I’d be in one year, I would have said I would be a dedicated Chicago detective. I would still be spending my Sundays with both my parents, Alexis, and Alex. I would never have imagined that cancer would have taken pop and that he would have left me in charge of the Chicago mob. I often think back to Pop and laugh at all the little things I didn’t notice when he was here. If he wasn’t my father, I would have investigated anyone else that showed fewer signs of being connected to the mob than he did. I guess love is sometimes blind. Now I am about to meet with my associates for the first time to discuss how everything will now run. Oliver told me that everyone is nervous about me taking over. I think of this as a real business and I plan on running it that way. I never understood why when something works and someone new takes over, they go changing shit that already works. I believe the if it ‘ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ adage. I don’t plan on making any major changes except one. Pop had Alex as his right-hand man. He was Pop’s counselor and would represent him if he wasn’t able to attend. I am making Oliver my right-hand man. I want him to represent me and to be my underboss. I want him to take over if anything happens to me. The only stipulation is that if anything happens to me, Lola and my kids will be taken care of. Oliver is the only one I trust to make this request of. Alex is my brother, but I know he doesn’t like Lola. I know him well enough to know that time will hide it, but it won’t change it.



Six months have flown by and I can’t believe that Frank and I are happily married. We bought a new house once we found out that I am pregnant with twins. Our son and daughter will be raised a few blocks from his ma, Ruth. Frank was so right about Alexis and me. We have become the best of friends. She was suspicious as hell when I was announced as Frank’s wife, but she softened a little once we got to know each other. Alex and I co-exist which is a step up from our previous relationship. I don’t think he plans to kill me anytime soon, but I wouldn’t give him my power of attorney or anything.

A few months after Frank and I got married, I called my parents. They were very happy to hear from me and my mom even wanted to visit. Frank is very close to his own family and understood why I needed to see them. They did come and I must admit I was very worried about my dad and Frank being it the same city. They stayed with us, which I think was Frank’s way of keeping an eye on my dad, but I loved having everyone I love in the same house.

After a few days, I even caught them at the kitchen table having beers. I was even more shocked when we took them to the airport and Frank and my father shook hands before they boarded the plane. On the ride back home Frank advised they have reached a compromise and he would have people in New York doing business and my father would have people in Chicago. The agreement was they wouldn’t cross into the other’s business and would share the profits with the others.



I can’t believe the crowd at Deluca’s tonight. We just had our family business meeting, as I like to call them and I am standing at the top of the stairs in disbelief. Business has increased beyond my wildest expectations. I made a few changes to the place and added some of Oliver’s ideas as well. Deluca’s was officially the hottest night club in Chicago. Oliver wanted us to cash in on sex. We came up with the idea of building onto Deluca’s and we opened a sex club upstairs. I didn’t want it to be a trashy prostitution ring where anyone can come in with a few dollars. We decided it would be a paid membership for the affluent. We run complete background checks on anyone that wants a membership. Ironically, I have the perfect person to run these background checks -- Captain Hill. It seems that Captain Hill was so concerned about me when I wasn’t showing up for work, he went to visit Ma. They started secretly dating a few weeks later.

Alex still takes care of the day-to-day operations at Deluca’s. He appears to be at peace with Lola and me. He even gives us ideas for baby names at our Sunday family dinners, that we all still attend. I noticed that he spends more time at the bar, with the new cute little waitress that Oliver hired than in his office, but if he is happy I am happy.

Lola and I are perfect. I don’t think it could be any better. It feels like I married my soul mate. Sometimes when you are put into the most fucked up situation, it’s the situation that will give you the greatest reward. As I am looking over at Oliver and Alex at the bar, I think back to Pop asking me to take over the family business and I know that I made the right decision.




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