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Mafia Daddy: An Older Man & A Virgin Romance by Piper Sullivan (61)

Chapter 2

Michelle Bastrop sulked on the balcony of her London flat. Not even the beautiful view of the park below managed to cheer her up. She’d spent all two hundred years of her life fighting to be taken seriously when all her guardians wanted to do was shower her with attention and affection. They treated her like a princess and although she’d enjoyed the lavish care as a child, adolescent and young teenager, she tired of it long ago.

She understood she was the last surviving female Air Elemental dragon, but she didn’t understand why that made her so precious that she should be treated like a porcelain doll and never allowed to simply live. Like Rapunzel, she’d lived in her spacious, lavishly decorated flat and rarely ventured far beyond a five-mile radius.

Now, she just learned she was betrothed to the Air Prince and expected to pack everything she wanted before traveling to America where she’ll first meet him and then marry him. She’d never so much as had a boyfriend and here she was being thrust off on a man she’d heard horror stories about all her life.

Leader of her faction, Axel Ashwind was fierce, crude and had a damn-the-world attitude. How he’d managed to hold his title still surprised her. But according to the two Elders who’d just paid her a visit, the man more than held the power to keep his title and the whole of the Council was more than a little afraid of him.

Elder Caroleena had voiced her displeasure of the union but the other Elder, Seraphina had simply told Michelle that she’d do her duty to the faction and complete the mating ritual with no objection or she’d find herself exiled and sentenced to death.

“So either I marry a monster, or I die, boy what a choice,” Michelle murmured and closed her eyes as the tears formed. Quickly on the tail of such an unwanted emotional outburst, she summoned anger to fill the void fear left behind. She hadn’t endured years upon years of training to let some male version of a spoiled brat ruin her life.

She’d never balked at a challenge, she wasn’t about to start now.

She allowed herself a few hours of desperate self-pity but then set about packing. Of course, the only things she truly owned where her clothing and a few precious mementos that belonged to her parents. They weren’t much, just a few porcelain knick-knacks of her mother’s and an old smoking pipe and leather bound bible of her father’s. All her furniture and flat furnishings belonged to her Fire guardians, so they would remain in her beloved home.

When the Elders came back to collect her for her trip to the States, she took her suitcase and with her head held high, she left behind the only home she’d ever known.

She remained quiet and contemplative throughout the long flight. She let her mind wander and dream over what her new life would be like. Arranged matings were not unheard of and since she was the last remaining female, she knew her freedom was short lived. But she’d never dreamed she’d be shipped off to marry the Prince like some outdated mail-order bride.

She wasn’t exactly a pauper, her parents had left her a rather wealthy woman, but what she craved more than money was freedom. She wanted to be her own person, she wanted to explore the world. But in no more than twenty-four hours she’d find herself released from one master and pledged to another and Goddess help her then.

She finally fell asleep, only to be rudely awakened on their descent and landing. She was then chauffeured into a stretch limo where she watched the scenery pass her windows in a speed much like her life. The trees represented every adventure she’d yet to have, flying past without so much as a smell of their leaves or touch of the rough bark. 

Michelle couldn’t help but gawk at her new home as the limo rolled through the gates of a massive estate. Built more like a castle with its turrets and widow’s walk, she could only appreciate what creative mind had decided to mix gothic with modern. It was built in the square-method with a gargoyle guarding each directional corner. Large, gaping maws opened wide to discourage any evil spirits, the large stone monsters stood as sentinels.

“It’s beautiful,” Michelle murmured.

“Quite so,” Elder Caroleena agreed. “Too bad the master doesn’t reflect the same attributes,” she added and then grew quite when Elder Seraphina shot her a disapproving glare.

“Stop it or you’ll have the girl ready to bolt,” Seraphina scolded and then turned shrewd eyes on Michelle. “Axel is a very handsome man and an even more majestic dragon, any woman in your shoes would find herself the luckiest woman in the world. You should do the same.”

Michelle dipped her chin and bit her bottom lip to keep from telling the Elder just what she could do with her opinion. She wasn’t worried about how handsome the Prince was or what his dragon form looked like. She valued heart, soul and kindness more than material attributes. From what she’d already heard, she knew she was out of luck in that department. Prince Axel wasn’t exactly favored among the Four and even less liked by the other dragons.

Michelle knew that all she had to do was make it through the mating ceremony and the joining and give the Prince an heir and her job was done. She would be left alone to enjoy her life.

Once the limo rolled to a stop in the circular drive before the front entrance, Michelle lagged behind the other woman, allowing them to get out first. She took a few moments to calm her racing heart and then took the driver’s pro-offered hand as she too exited. She’d no more than got clear of the vehicle when a tingling erupted along the base of her spine and she lifted her eyes to a window on the third floor.

She inhaled sharply when her eyes met the most intense blue eyes she’d ever seen. He stood framed in the double floor-length windows, his wide shoulders all but filling the opening. His hands were jammed into the pockets of black denim jeans. She gave him a small smile which he refused to return as he turned from the window, thoroughly dismissing her as if she were not his concern.

“Well,” Michelle murmured to herself, more than a little miffed the Prince had so callously neglected her. “Here goes nothing.”