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Mafia Princess (Royal Mafia Book 1) by Bella J. (8)













Enzio Mancuso. If the devil had a face, it would be Enzio’s. From the long list of reasons I never wanted to come home, Enzio was right up there at the top. For the last four years, I’d successfully managed to avoid any run-ins with him—until now.

The moment our eyes met, I felt the ice spreading through my veins like venom. For a second, I was transported back four years to the night Enzio Mancuso showed me his true colors—the night I willingly gave him the best of me. In the end, he turned it into something ugly, wicked, and broken. And the conceited smirk currently slapped on his face was proof enough that he was thinking of it too.

Just a few seconds ago, I was consumed with the need to give in to the temptation that was Detective Lorik Stone. Now all I wanted to do was run, to get out of here as fast as humanly possible. But that wasn’t going to happen, since Enzio and his brother were walking toward us.

“Shit, shit, shit.” I started to panic.

Lorik grabbed my elbow and turned me toward him. “Mind telling me what’s going on?”

“Um, let’s just say there’s this…how can I put it?”


I cringed, since Lorik basically hit it right on the button. “Yeah, a history between me—”

“And Mancuso?” He looked surprised, like really, really surprised in a “what the fuck” kind of way. I couldn’t say I blamed him. If he was really as clued in about us and them, the infamous Boston crime families, he knew exactly how screwed up and wrong it was for me to have any kind of history with one of the Mancuso brothers.

I scowled at him. “Don’t you dare judge.”

“Not judging at all. You gotta do what you gotta do…or who you gotta do.” He snorted, and I frowned at his attempt to crack a lame-ass joke.

“I need to get out of here.” I was about to turn and head up the stairs when that voice stopped me dead in my tracks.

“Karina Valenti.”

I winced at the painfully familiar tone, and I couldn’t shake the chills it sent down my spine. I had no choice but to face him, and the moment I looked into his eyes was like a punch in the gut, leaving me without a damn breath. Every memory I’d tried to suppress for the last four years came flooding back, wreaking havoc through my insides like a hurricane. The dark eyes that once had the power to enthrall me with a single glance now seemed hard and cruel, suited for the cold bastard I now knew he really was.

Enzio smiled like an arrogant son of a bitch. “Karina, you look as lovely as ever.”

If I weren’t struggling to get a sufficient amount of air in my lungs, I would have spat in his face.

“Hello, Enzio.” I straightened and squared my shoulders, trying to act as confident as possible, even though I felt like I’d rather become one with the floor beneath my feet.

“It’s been what? Two, three years?”


He acted surprised. “Has it been four years already? My, how time flies these days.”

“It sure does.”

Our eyes remained fixed on one another, and I could almost see the memories of that night playing inside his head. The filthy, dirty, sordid memories of what was supposed to be something beautiful, something I now knew I never should have shared with him.

Then his gaze slipped to Lorik. “And who might you be?”

Oh, dear God, earth swallow me now.

Lorik placed his hand at the small of my back and leaned forward, extending his hand toward Enzio for a handshake. “Lorik Stone.”

Enzio glanced down at Lorik’s hand like it was infested with Ebola, then back up at his face. After about two seconds, Lorik realized Enzio did not intend to shake his hand and pulled back. By now, I no longer had a spine, but rather a giant block of ice lodged in my back keeping me upright. I knew there was a chance Enzio would show up. What I didn’t know was Detective Stone and that smug grin permanently plastered on his face would show up at a damn nightclub, of all places. And I definitely did not think I would be caught in the middle of the world’s most awkward moment ever.

“Is he with you?” Enzio nodded toward Lorik.

Lorik stepped forward, and I was sure Enzio would interpret that move as a challenge.

“Actually,” Lorik started, “he is right here, and he doesn’t like being referred to in third person when, in fact, he is right in the middle of the damn conversation.”

Enzio also took a step closer, putting him eye to eye with Lorik, and the legion of idiots he arrived with formed a half moon behind him, ready to attack like a pack of wild dogs. Within a nanosecond, all the air got sucked out of the club, and I was holding my breath like I was waiting for the entire world to come to an end.

Dramatic? Maybe.

But I knew Enzio, and the way Lorik straightened, not backing down, made me think the battle of the fucking Titans was about to commence.

Enzio lifted his chin as he glared at Lorik. “If I had any desire to talk to you, Mr. Stone, I would. But I don’t go around making conversation with Albanians.”


Lorik slanted his head. “That’s a damn shame, because I’d love to converse with your Italian ass and toss in the words ‘fuck’ and ‘you.’”

The way Lorik carved a glare on Enzio’s face, and the way his jaw ticked with tension, I was about one hundred and thirteen percent sure he was a second away from conversing with his fist against Enzio’s jaw—which would be a bad thing. Really bad.

“Do we have a problem here, gentlemen?” Antonio’s voice broke the tension like a wrecking ball through a building as he stepped in next to me. I wasn’t sure whether I was relieved or more anxious that Antonio had decided to join our little gathering of guaranteed carnage.

Neither Lorik nor Enzio even attempted to respond. It was like they both had turned into giant concrete walls. Something told me even though Lorik was outnumbered by an entire gang of ruthless Italians, he would not back down. This may seem courageous and brave to some, but to me it was just plain stupid…and suicidal.

“Lorik.” I took hold of his elbow, but he didn’t move an inch. I placed my other hand on his arm and tried my best to urge him back. “Lorik, please.”

At first, he didn’t budge, but then he relaxed a little and took a tiny step back.

“Well, I never thought I’d see the day Detective Stone backed away from confrontation.”

Everyone turned simultaneously, and there stood this creepy-looking guy with a beer in his hand, a smug grin showing off a gold filling between his two front teeth.

Enzio’s eyes widened as he looked at Lorik. “Detective?” Then he looked at me with knowing eyes. I ignored it and tightened my grip on Lorik’s elbow.

“Fuck off, Gio.” Antonio stepped forward. “Take your cheap-ass beer and move the fuck along, you low-life piece of shit.”

Enzio didn’t say a word, but I noticed him nodding slightly at this Gio guy before the weirdo disappeared into the crowd.

“Dating a detective now, hey, Karina?” Enzio sneered while he straightened the collar of his gray suit.

I was just about to correct him, to tell him Lorik and I weren’t dating, when Lorik loosened his elbow from my grip and placed it firmly around my waist, pulling me against his side. My breath hitched, and I almost stumbled over my own damn feet.

“What happens between me and Karina is absolutely in no fucking way any of your business, Mancuso.” Lorik tightened his hold around my waist. I tried my best to ignore the heat that flared where our bodies touched. It spread all the way up to my chest, and I felt my neck and cheeks flush almost instantly. Flusher.

Enzio narrowed his eyes as he glanced from me to Lorik, and then down to where Lorik’s hand rested on my hip. I didn’t know if it was just the tension and angst that currently swirled all around us, but I was pretty sure I saw Enzio’s nostrils flare, his lips moving like he was biting the inside of his cheek.

Was he jealous? Of course not. The thought was completely absurd, since Enzio Mancuso was incapable of feeling anything for anyone. And for him to be jealous would mean he had to feel something. Again, absurd.

Enzio looked back up at me and smiled maliciously. “I guess once you’ve experienced the thrill of breaking the rules, you’ll always crave that exhilaration, won’t you…little lamb?”

The moment those words came out of his mouth, it felt like every drop of blood drained from my body. Shudders wracked through me as my legs grew weak. If it weren’t for Lorik gripping me so tightly against him, I would have been flat on my ass on the floor.

Little lamb. Hearing him say those two words was more painful than I ever could have imagined. And the way he said it, the amusement in his tone, was like he was out to remind me how easy it was for him to trick me—to hurt me.

At that very moment, I was so consumed with hate, and hurt, and disgust, that every ugly emotion this man had stirred inside me drove me to do the unthinkable. I loosened myself from Lorik’s grip and stepped right up to Enzio, keeping my gaze locked on his like I was somehow able to convey my hate for him simply by looking him in the eye.

That damn arrogant smirk remained on his wicked, cruel face, and all I could think about was how much I despised him.

“Why don’t you do the world a favor, Enzio, and go fuck yourself.” As if my words weren’t enough, I slapped the son of a bitch right across the face.

Gasps erupted all around me as his face jerked to the side, but I didn’t give a shit. I didn’t care that I just bitch-slapped Enzio Mancuso. All I cared about was somehow letting him feel just a shred of the pain he had caused me so many years ago.

Enzio placed his palm over his cheek and glared back at me. The threat in his eyes was clear. I had stepped over the line, and there was no way he’d let that go unpunished. But I didn’t even see it coming. It happened so fast—Enzio lifting his right hand and aiming at my face.

“Karina!” Antonio grabbed my elbow and pulled me back.

Lorik lunged forward, grabbed Enzio’s arm, and twisted it around his back before slamming him face first against the wall.

The entire club had come to a standstill as they watched the chaos erupt.

Enzio’s idiot squad all reached for their guns, but then Dante, who appeared out of nowhere, and Antonio both pointed guns at them. Dear God, complete anarchy had broken out in a matter of minutes. Weapons were loaded and aimed, and Lorik had Enzio’s face pushed against a wall.

The music stopped abruptly, and all I could hear was my heart rampantly beating inside my chest. Everyone was looking at us, but no one dared to make a move, to challenge our family or the Mancusos. This wasn’t the kind of war anyone wanted to be a part of.

Enzio struggled against the grip Lorik had on his arms, but Lorik just pressed harder against him. My heart was a millisecond away from exploding.

Lorik leaned closer to Enzio’s face. “You listen to me, you worthless cocksucker. You better stay the fuck away from Karina, or you’ll have me to deal with.”

“Are you threatening me?” Enzio spat out with his cheek glued to the wall.

“You bet your ugly Italian fucking ass I am. If you value those tiny shriveled balls of yours, you’ll pretend this woman doesn’t even exist. And if I suspect you’re anywhere near her, I will cut out your testicles, shove them down your throat, and then piss on your goddamn forehead. You feel me?”

Oh, Jesus Christ. What the hell was Lorik doing?

Dante grabbed Lorik by the shoulder and pulled him back. All I could do was stand to the side and watch as Lorik dragged himself into the middle of my mess. Why would he do that? Why would he defend me? Against Enzio Mancuso, of all people. I had no idea if I found that unbelievably foolish, or extremely hot. By the way Lorik’s brown eyes turned a dark, gloomy black as he continued to glare at Enzio, I’d say it was the latter. About ten minutes ago, Lorik was a very attractive detective. Now he was an incredibly sexy, hot as hell man who would cause my panties to hit the floor in record time. What was it about men getting all protective and turning into alpha males over a woman that had females swooning and dropping underwear like they were on fire?

Enzio dusted off his jacket and straightened his collar while the rest of his entourage flocked around him. Funny how a man with a crew of minions still got face planted against a wall by one very determined man. And by the way that Enzio glowered at Lorik then turned his stare of death on me, he knew he was about three seconds away from getting his ass handed to him.

Good news—now Enzio knew to be more careful about just tossing his arrogant comments around. Bad news—Enzio wouldn’t let this go that easily. I was one hundred and sixteen percent sure Enzio would want Lorik’s head on a stick by this time next week.


Enzio’s stare settled on me, and I could feel it slither over my body. “A detective, Karina? That’s a new low, even for you.”

Lorik jerked forward, but Dante kept a tight hold on him. All I could do was look back at Enzio without saying a word. It was my own fault. I brought this all onto myself by falling for his lies years ago. Even though I’d like to, I couldn’t put all the blame on Enzio. Yes, he was an asshole with no heart, but I had my own damn stupidity to blame too. I guessed I should be thankful he hadn’t used my past against me—yet.

Enzio let out a maniacal laugh before walking off. With his back toward me, I finally managed to take a breath.

When Dante let go of Lorik, I walked up to him. My initial intention wasn’t to lash out at him. But the minute I got close and stared into his eyes, I couldn’t help myself. I started poking my finger right in the middle of his chest as I stepped forward, forcing him to step back. “What the hell were you thinking? Do you have a goddamn death wish, Detective?”

“Are you kidding me?” Lorik pointed in Enzio’s direction. “That fucker was basically begging me to kick his ass.”

“So what, you just go around kicking every arrogant prick’s ass who happens to come your way?”

He paused and narrowed his eyes. “Is that a trick question?”

“Oh, my God! You are the most stubborn, hot-headed guy I have ever met.”

“Compared to who?”


He rubbed his jaw. “You said I’m the most stubborn, hot headed—”

“I know what I said, goddammit.” Why am I so damn angry?

“So, who are you comparing me to when you say that?”

“Jesus. What does it matter?”

“Karina?” Lorik kept his gaze locked on mine.


He arched a brow. “Why are you acting so crazy right now?”

“I don’t fucking know!” I pulled my palm down my face.

And then the corners of Lorik’s mouth started to slowly creep up into a smug grin. The darkness in his eyes disappeared, replaced with an impish glint as he stared at me. It was like he just realized he knew something I didn’t.

“Can I get you a drink?” He was still smiling, and all my focus was drawn to his mouth, full lips making me wonder what they would taste like. How they would feel pressed hard against mine. What was I thinking? A few minutes ago, we were in the middle of a situation which could have ended in mayhem and bloodshed. Yet here I was, thinking about how it would feel to have Lorik’s tongue down my throat. Nice.

A voice came from behind me. “Karina.”


I turned slowly, knowing there were two very protective and probably very angry Italian men waiting for me to explain what the hell just happened.

“Antonio,” I started, but he held up his hand, silencing me like a damn child.

“Get your stuff. We’re leaving. Now.” He turned and stomped off.

Dante glanced over my shoulder at Lorik then his gaze settled back on me. “A cop?”

I shook my head. “It’s not what you think, Dante.”

“What am I thinking, Karina, huh?”

“Enzio was being an asshole. Lorik was just—”

“Just what? Acting like the jealous boyfriend?”

“No. Of course not.”

“It sure fucking looked that way.”

The second Lorik stepped up behind me, I felt him. All my senses tuned in to him, and my entire body reacted. My fingers craved to touch him. My skin hungered to be touched by him. And my thighs longed to be wrapped around his waist while my body welcomed him inside. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to get my racing hormones under control. It wasn’t exactly the right time for me to be horny.

“Listen, man,” Lorik started, but I spun around and held up my hand.

“Just…please. Leave it alone, okay? You’ve done enough.” I didn’t look at him. I didn’t even breathe because I was too afraid my body would betray me by showing exactly how he affected me. His scent, his presence, those damn eyes—it all teamed up in a bid to lure me in like a damn fish on a hook. It was embarrassing, really, to have a man affect me like this so damn easily.

He didn’t say a word—thank God—so I turned and stomped past Dante, heading up the stairs to get my stuff as per instruction by my control-freak brother.

This night literally got sucked into a big black hole of giant fuck-ups. I should have listened to my instincts and stayed at home. And I needed to stay away from Detective Stone—far away.