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Making Changes by Lila Rose (4)

Chapter Four



AFTER AN HOUR, HARPY WALKED OUT of Mr. Jackson’s office. She glanced at me with a smirk on her face, then flicked her hair over her shoulder before continuing on to the elevator. Nearly every head turned to watch her go. Male and female. In the time she’d been in there, I had taken four other phone calls and hadn’t screwed up any of them. I was proud of myself.

I was in the middle of looking at the files on the computer and trying to get the gist of what I would be dealing with when Mr. Jackson called from right beside me, “Meeting. Now.”

I nearly jumped out of my skin. I hadn’t even heard him approach. “Okay, I’ll let people know you’ll be out of the office for…?” I trailed off, waiting for him to tell me how long the meeting would take.

“You’re coming to take notes.”

“Right.” I nodded, grabbing the notebook I found in my drawer, and a pen. As I stood, I glanced to my boss to see his eyes on my notebook. He shook his head and started walking to the right. I quietly followed behind, near jogging to keep up with him. As we walked, people called out a greeting to the boss; he ignored them all. I tried to wave and smile at them to lessen the blow. They then ignored me.

Rolling my eyes, I shook my head and then slammed into someone’s back. Looking up, I watched as Mr. Jackson turned his head slowly and glowered down at me before opening the door and entering. The large meeting room held a conference table, which was already full of people sitting around it. My grumpy boss sat at the end of it, and I took the chair leaning against the wall behind him.

“William, what’s the update on Evelyn’s cover?”

“It’s just about ready for a proof. I’ll be sending it up for your eyes this afternoon.”

Boss nodded and moved his hard gaze to the left. Not that I could see his eyes, but the way people tensed, I knew his eyes had to be.

“Owen, how’s Zoe handling the new song?”

“She complained at the start, but once I said you handpicked it for her, she’s been doing fine. Actually, she wants to erase some of her tracks and continue with songs like that one.”

A nod. “I’ll have my assistant e-mail some to you when I get back.”

I wasn’t exactly sure what I was supposed to be doing, but as the meeting went on, I wrote everything down. The only problem I had was when Mr. Jackson didn’t call a few people by their names. I didn’t want to seem like a fool in front of everyone and ask him who they were. Instead, I went with my own idea and hoped it wouldn’t bite me on the ass later.

As soon as Angelia, who I waved at once Mr. Jackson had called on her, finished talking about some cover art for a musician by the name of James Carter, Mr. Jackson stood, nodded, and then walked from the room. I jumped up, dropped my pen and notepad and was about to follow when Angelia approached.

“You’d better get back to him, but babe, I so want to know how your first day is going. Lunch at twelve, yeah?”

Smiling, I said, “Sounds good.”

“Awesome, cafeteria, second floor.”

“See you there,” I said and then actually jogged back to my desk. I had just placed my notebook down when I heard behind me, “In here now.”

Closing my eyes for a second, I drew in a deep calming breath, blew it out, and grabbed my notes before entering his ginormous office. The views were amazing. I wouldn’t have minded a chance to take them in, but the scowl on his face told me he wanted the information I had and then me gone.

“Okay,” I started and sat in the chair opposite his over-large desk. Was he trying to overcompensate for something? Mr. Jackson cleared his throat. Oh, snap, had I said that aloud? I hoped not. Just in case, I sat straighter and rattled off everything I took down. Well, everything except for the ones who had no name.

Finished, I glanced up at him and bit my bottom lip. Then watched as his hand pressed something on his desk, looking at it when he shifted his hand away to lean back in his chair, I saw it was a voice recorder.

“I was sure there was more.”

“Oh, I got it all.”

“Then spit it out so we can both eat.”

Eat? Was he going to eat me? Oh, God, now I was blushing and wishing Robert had at least satisfied me in bed, but he hadn’t. Of course it had been all my fault, but not once had that man made me come. Great, now I’m thinking about coming.

Clearing my throat and taking my mind out of the gutter, I tucked my hair behind my ear and read him the rest of my notes. “Bald guy with a monobrow said he was going to call you this afternoon as soon as he found the file he was sent for an up-and-coming artist. The woman with, ah, her shirt gaping open and short black hair, informed you that the contract of Alexander was ending in a month and wants to know if you want to renew it. The man who had a coffee stain on his white silk shirt said Michael still hasn’t got back to him on the timeline of when Avery will be finished with her album.” There, I’d done it. Slowly, I raised my gaze to my boss. My head jerked back when I thought I saw a lip twitch, but they seemed to thin out instead.

“Before you go to lunch, why don’t you actually google this company and learn who you’re talking about.” He leaned forward, his elbows on the desk. “Have you ever heard of Jackson Media?”

“Well, no. Still, I am capable of doing the job right. I may be out of practice, but I’m a fast learner, and I will know everyone’s name before the next meeting.” I prayed.

“You’ll be returning all e-mails and calls to them with my answers by the end of the day, Mrs. Mayfair, so I suggest you learn them quickly.”

Exiting the office, I quickly sat and started doing my homework.

I had some time before I was to go to lunch unless… was I supposed to have lunch at a different time than the others? Who would be there to man the phone? Was I supposed to let an answering machine take the calls?

Frustrated with not knowing, and finding myself with only one option to obtain the answer, I picked up the phone and pressed the direct line into Mr. Jackson’s office.

“Yes?” His voice sounded as though it echoed. I didn’t bother saying anything though; it could have been just a problem with my line.

“I wasn’t sure when my lunch break would be and if—”

He snorted. “Thinking about lunch already?”

Was that a dig at my weight? The douche.

Through clenched teeth, I bit out, “No.” I took a breath and said, “Angelia had said she would meet me in the cafeteria, and I didn’t know who would be here to answer the phones or what the protocol was since I haven’t had anyone tell me.”

There, take that, you prick on a good-looking stick.

“Helena from recording will be up to man the phones while you’re at lunch, and next time Mrs. Mayfair, I don’t need to know your menial information. Get to the point right from the start.” With that, he hung up.

Rat bastard.

As I stabbed at the button on my mouse starting my research of the company and its people, I mumbled to myself, “Of course, Mr. Jackson. Anything you say, Mr. Jackson. Right to the point, Mr. Jackson.” I let out a frustrated growl.

“If you wish to grumble, Mrs. Mayfair, please close my door after you leave.”

My eyes widened. Tensing, I slowly spun my chair to face his office. No wonder there had been an echo on the phone. I heard his voice from within since his door was goddamn open. 

Standing, I went to his door with my cheeks flushing. I grabbed the knob and closed the door. Only, before I got it all the way, Mr. Jackson called my name.


“If you actually do everything I say, you may become the longest-running assistant.” He arched a brow at me.

I closed my eyes. After a calming breath, I opened them and offered, “Sorry, I—”

He cut me off. “That will be all.”

Nodding, I shut the door, went back to my seat, and slumped down in it.

One year.

I only had to last one year, and if I could put up with Robert, I could certainly do it with Mr. Jackson as well. Didn’t mean I couldn’t hurt Dylan for his brother’s actions. He was, after all, the one who got me this job in the first place.


* * * *


As soon as Helena showed, who was yet another beautiful, scowling woman—something I was seeing a pattern of—I picked up my bag, thanked her, and made a run for it before Mr. Jackson could step out of his office. While I stood at the elevator watching it rise from floor to floor, my cell rang. I took it out of my purse. Dylan’s name popped up on the screen.

“Hi, I’m just about to hop into the elevator. Are you here?” I asked.

“Sorry, honey. I can’t make it, but I’ll be around when work finishes to take you upstairs.”


“See you then,” he called before he hung up.

I had been looking forward to seeing Dylan for lunch, so I could give him a few choice words. It would just have to wait and knowing my luck, I’d be extra angry when it was quitting time.

A few looks and noses turned up in my direction on the ride down to the second floor. I wouldn’t let them get to me though. I no longer cared what people thought of me. I had thick skin, so who cared if they thought I didn’t suit the company. I had to learn to love myself the way I was. Or at least try to.

Angelia was waiting just outside the doors when they opened. She was stunning and was also one of the few who had curves like me. When she spotted me, she grinned, skipped over, and linked her arm in mine. I wasn’t used to people being so openly friendly after one small phone call. I found it strange yet sweet she was willing to befriend me.

“I could eat a horse, I’m that hungry.”

“She probably already has,” came from behind us.

I tensed. Angelia rolled her eyes at me, looked over her shoulder and hissed, “Shit, Kim, don’t be all jealous of my awesome body just because you’re thinner than a rake. Men get disappointed when they haven’t got anything to hold onto, you know that, right?” She then dragged me toward the cafeteria. “Don’t mind the bitches around here and let me tell you”—she raised her voice—“there are many. You just have to give them shit back.”

My smile was tight. I wished I could, but I had been biting my tongue for years. I had become a silent fighter. My brain was great with fighting back and giving smart quips and dress downs. It may take some time for me to wrap my head around the fact I didn’t have to be silent any longer. I could be who I was back in the day, and that person would have also put that woman in her place.

Warmth settled over me, and I found myself smiling.

Leaving Robert had already led me on a new, happier path. So even though guilt ate at my insides and worry touched my heart for hurting Robert, I knew I was doing the right thing for myself.

We took our lunches to a table in the far corner of the cafeteria and sat. No sooner had we started eating when the chairs around us filled up.

“Babe,”—I blinked, realizing she was referring to me since she didn’t know my name like on the phone earlier. “This is Abby, Dara, Ryan, and Hudson.” Angelia gestured to the people around the table.

“Nice to meet you, babe.” Hudson smirked.

“Makenzie, actually.” I smiled.

“I guess you’re new today. Angelia always takes the newbies under her wing. Until they turn into the others,” Dara said.

“Others?” I asked.

“Snotty bitches.”

Wow, and there I thought people outgrew high school drama when they graduated.

“Don’t worry.” Abby smiled at me. “It’s not that bad here. You soon learn who to stay away from. Anyway, I work in the arts department with Angelia, so does Ryan.” I looked to Ryan, who munched on his food and offered me a salute. “Dara and Hudson work in the sounds area.”

“Where do you work?” Dara asked.

“I’m Mr. Jackson’s assistant.”

Ryan sucked back a breath and started coughing on his food. Hudson groaned and smacked his back, then slapped a fifty to the table. Dara was next, then Abbey, and after Ryan had calmed down, he also placed a fifty on the table. I saw Angelia roll her eyes, pick up the money, and pocket it. Then she told me, “They like making bets to see how long Mr. Jackson’s assistants will last. I don’t play their game, but I keep the money safe until the bet ends.”

“I have a week, sorry, babe,” Hudson said and winced.

“I have two,” Abby told me around a bite of her chicken and salad wrap.

“Two days for me.” Ryan grinned. “Nothing against you of course, but Mr. Jackson is a hardass to work so close with.”

Dara snorted. I looked there. She leaned back and studied me. “I have a feeling she’s different. I’m changing my three weeks to four months.” They then started yelling and stating new dates. Apparently, Dara had always won, so they had a feeling she would be close to the date I would leave or get fired. I shrugged it off. I couldn’t blame them really, since Dylan told me his brother had been through so many. I could only hope I’d be different than the rest.

Angelia leaned across the table, and asked, “How was your morning?”

I shrugged. “Good, well, okay. I’m sure it will get better.”

“If you have any problems with the computer or anything, just call down to me.”

“Thank you.”

“You single?” Hudson asked suddenly.

My cheeks pinked. “Y-yes, actually, no, ah, it’s complicated.” I sighed and noticed everyone was waiting for an answer. “All I’m willing to say is that I left my husband on Friday.”

Hudson whistled and opened his mouth to presumably ask more, but Angelia smacked him in the back of the head. “No questions.” She turned to me and added, “Just putting this out there, all men suck. If you want to turn the other way and start looking at women”—she pointed to herself—“I get first dibs at your new sexual experience.”

A quick flash of me licking a fish popped into my head. It was my turn to choke and cough on my food.

“Um… I’ll think about it.”

She threw her head back and laughed. “Joking. Not about me being gay, but I think we’d be better off as friends than lovers.”

“I have a feeling she’ll always be a penis lover, Ang,” Ryan piped up and grinned, throwing a wink my way. “I’m good for a rebound.”

My head jerked back. Had I been too long out of the dating game? I didn’t know it was normal for men to state their intentions straightaway.

“Not all men are like these two,” Abby said as she threw a carrot at Ryan. “They’re just sex crazed.”

Dara snorted, then laughed. “You should have seen your face though.”

Grinning, I shook my head and went back to my food. I had a feeling I was going to enjoy lunch each day with my new colleagues. Even if they had bet on when I would leave.