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Making Changes by Lila Rose (9)

Chapter Nine



GOD, I LOVED WEEKENDS. Not only did I get to sleep in, but I also got to do anything I wished. When I was with Robert, we did everything he wanted. He hated the movies, so we never went, and I didn’t like going on my own. It made me feel like a loser for some reason, so I missed out on many great shows.

That day, Dylan was taking me to the movies and then for a late dinner at some dive of a bar, who had the best food apparently. I was looking forward to it.

Stretching, I flung back the blankets and climbed out of bed. Another good thing about weekends was I usually had the kitchen to myself. Grayson was either already working, because he never stopped, or out doing whatever a billionaire did on weekends. Thankfully, my work didn’t run into weekends, yet. He’d told me he wouldn’t need an assistant Saturday and Sunday. However, there could be times I was called in, but so far, I hadn’t.

Besides, he also had weekend staff. The business was never closed; he had too many important clients to look after.

Donning my robe, I made my way out of my quarters and went in search of some coffee and a bagel. As I poured myself a mug, I couldn’t help but think about the previous night. Sleep had been sparse because I couldn’t comprehend Randal and Ethan’s actions. I was sure there were many other women vying for their attention, yet they seemed to have latched their advances onto me for some reason.

I took a sip of my coffee and placed a bagel into the toaster.

Then there was Grayson. My boss. Who was sweet enough to look out for me. Though I had no idea why he’d been looking out for me. Honestly, I never thought I would think of Grayson as sweet, yet there I was. Maybe he thought I was too good at my job and a new relationship could cause problems with my work.

I didn’t know.

However, I was grateful for his actions.

Before I got to prep the coffee machine, I picked up my phone and pressed the button for music. As soon as one of my favorite songs came on, “Girl Crush” by Little Big Town, I started humming away.

Soon enough, the words registered and a thought of Grayson popped into my head. It was a wicked thought. A thought I shouldn’t have had about the man who signed my paycheck.

Still, I let the words from the song fall from my lips.

After some time, a throat cleared loudly behind me. A scream built from deep within my belly and then erupted out of my mouth. I spun to see Grayson standing on the other side of the kitchen counter gazing at me with a raised brow.

That damn brow of his, I wanted to shave the condescending item off.

And then, right there, his lips twitched.

Glaring, I pressed Pause and pointed at him, snapping, “You have to stop doing that or one day, I’ll either pee myself or have a heart attack, and it will be all your fault.”

“You have a good voice, and that is one song I wished I or my songwriters had written.”

I looked everywhere but at him. “Thanks. It’s really a good song.”

“Have you ever thought of singing—”

A laugh escaped me. “No. No way never. My nerves would eat me alive. I’m a closet singer, and that’s how I want it to stay.”

He actually smirked, nodded, and said, “Fair enough.” When his eyes flicked to my chest, I looked there and blushed. My robe had come open, and I was flashing the swell of my breast. I quickly closed it and tied it tightly around me, turning back to the counter to grab my bagel. I shifted his way, to where the butter and cream cheese were.

Clearing my throat, I mentioned, “You’re not usually around on the weekends.”

“I can have downtime, Makenzie.”

I snorted. Raising my gaze to his, I rolled my eyes, then went back to buttering my bagel. “Sure, okay, Grayson.”

“I don’t work all the time,” he stated, his voice lowering with annoyance.

I hummed under my breath and fought smiling.

“Last weekend I went and played racquetball.”

Through my lashes, I looked up at him. “And did anyone from the office go with you? Did you talk business?”

“It doesn’t matter who was there or what we talked about.”

“Okay, sir.” I laughed, then took a bite of my breakfast. While chewing, I tilted my head to the side and stared at him. For once he wasn’t in a suit, but a tee and jeans. How was it possible he looked even better?

“So, you’re not going into the office today at all?” I asked after swallowing.

He ignored me until after he came around the counter and got himself a coffee. “I didn’t say that exactly.”

“Ha!” I shouted. He sighed before he took a sip of his coffee and leaned his hip against the counter next to me. “When was the last day off for you?” I asked. I took another bite and then another while he thought about his answer, which told me enough; he couldn’t even remember the last time he’d had a day off. “Don’t worry, your silence is enough.” I grinned. He grunted in response. Then I added, “I didn’t know you wore casual clothing on weekends.”

He shrugged. “Unless there is a meeting, I do.” We fell into a comfortable silence. I finished my bagel and coffee, and Grayson finished his bland drink. “Tell me what a normal person would do on weekends then?” he asked.

Smiling, I said, “Well, Dylan and I are going to the movies and then dinner later. Before that, I thought about going to the library. I haven’t read a good book in some time. The ones I used to read Robert hated. Thought them tasteless, so I stopped.” I bit my bottom lip.

“Why a library? Why not one of those Kindle things?”

“I love to hold a book instead of a device. Our lives will soon be ruled by technology, if not already.”

“Why not buy the book then? I think I pay you enough to do so.”

“Oh, I will. If I truly love the book, I’ll buy it so I can reread it.”

“You’d reread a book?”

“Heck yes.” I grinned. “A story your mind gets lost in, where you feel what the characters feel isn’t enough to read just once. It’s something you want to experience over and over. The love, lust, betrayal, loss… everything. A good book can get your heart pumping, your belly dipping, and your body tingling. It’s something a person can experience, no matter how many times you read it.”

“You really love to read.” I heard the humor in his voice.

Heat filled my cheeks as I walked back around the counter to the sink. I peeked out the corner of my eye before taking my plate to rinse it. “Sorry, sometimes I get carried away. Reading is something my mother was passionate about.”

“Don’t apologize. I’ve never met anyone so taken with reading.”

Nodding, I turned the tap on, rinsed my dishes, then placed them in the dishwasher. I was yet to meet the elves that cleaned the house or did the food shopping. It usually happened when we were both at work.

“You were close with your mother?”

Straightening, I turned and pressed back against the counter, meeting Grayson’s stare. “Yes. She was amazing. Kind, smart, beautiful.”

“What happened?”

I moved my eyes from his face to the floor. “Cancer.”

“Cancer fucking sucks.”

A laugh brought my gaze to his. “Yes, it really does. Can I ask… your parents?” I knew they were dead, but that was all.

“Were never really parents. They aren’t worth the breath to even talk about them.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I’m not. Really, it got me to where I am today.”

I smiled, teasingly. “A workaholic.”

He chuckled. I loved his laugh. It twisted my belly in a pleasant way. When I heard it, I took the time to watch, to listen, and to cherish.

“Something like that,” he admitted. “What movie are you going to see with my brother?”

“He said I could pick, and I heard he hated scary movies.” I paused to grin. “So we’re going to see one.”

Grayson smiled. I was so glad he came into the kitchen that morning. Even if he caught me singing and scared me. At least I got to see him smirk, smile, and even laugh.

He wasn’t so cold after all.

“That’s evil of you.”

“Oh, I know.”

“The two of you have become close.”

I knew my expression softened because I warmed every time I thought of Dylan. He saved me and became my closest friend. He would always hold a place in my heart.

“We have. He came into my life right when I needed him. I would be lost without him.”

“I’m glad you have that with him then. Even if he annoys the fuck out of me.”

I threw my head back and laughed. Nodding, I admitted, “He does that to everyone. I think it’s his charm in a way.”

Grayson snorted. “I better let you get ready for the library. Enjoy your day, Makenzie.”

“You also, Grayson. Don’t work too hard.” I winked before exiting the room, giggling to myself over the wink. It was something I never would have thought I’d do to Grayson, but I was more relaxed around him. I only hoped he didn’t think it was a twitch instead.

It was the most Grayson and I had spoken, and it had nothing to do with business. I found myself smiling and skipping along with a new spring in my step.

I would not get a crush on my boss though.


No way.

Still, it didn’t stop me from thinking about our chat in the kitchen all day long.

Even after the movie, when Dylan was cursing me black and blue, threatening payback tenfold, I was smiling.

In the elevator after dinner, Dylan curled his arm around my shoulders and said, “I can’t help but sense your happiness tonight. Was it from torturing me or is there another reason?”

Shrugging, I grinned. “No reason really, though torturing you was extra fun.”

He scoffed. “The way you get your thrills scares me.”

“Only because it’s at your expense.”

“Exactly. Did you enjoy your dinner?”

“I did. Who would have thought a biker bar would serve the best steak in town.” Laying my head against his chest, I told him, “You are the best gay friend anyone could ask for.”

He hummed and then kissed the top of my head.

The elevator doors opened, and my eyes went right to the man standing at the bar, helping himself to a drink. I stepped out of Dylan’s arm and into the room.

Grayson smirked and then asked, “Did you enjoy the movie, brother?”

Dylan groaned, stepping up beside me. “No. I’ll be having nightmares all night. So if your phone rings in the middle of the night, and since you’re my big brother, you need to take care of me by reading me a bedtime story.”

Grayson laughed. “Not happening.” His eyes came to me. “Did you have a good night, Makenzie?”

Smiling, I nodded. “I did.”

“Did you visit the library today?” he asked.

My face lit up. “Yes, and I got over a billion books.”

He lifted his chin at me and grinned. “I’m glad you found some to your liking. I’m off to bed. Good night, Makenzie, Dylan.”

“Yeah, night, bro,” Dylan answered. His voice seemed strained, so I looked at him as I said my good night to Grayson.

As soon as Grayson was out of the room, I asked, “What?”

He was staring at me strangely. He sighed, rubbed a hand over his face, and said, “You like my brother.”

My head jerked back. “What? No! No, nope, nah-uh.” I shook my head. “I mean, I like him as a person, but that’s all.”

Dylan crossed his arms over his chest. His head went back, eyes to the ceiling where he cursed, “Fuck. Fuck me.” He pulled his head down, his eyes on mine. “You do like him.”

I shook my head, again and again.

Dylan stepped forward. His hands landed on my shoulders. “I get that you do, but remember, Grayson isn’t the warmest person, and you just got out of a marriage with a person who didn’t give a shit about you.”

Dylan, of course, knew everything there was to know about Robert, and he hated him. Even warned me to stay away from Robert or he’d end up dealing with him. Dylan also told me if he ever caught me self-doubting myself in any way, he would deal with me also.

In what way, I wasn’t sure. But his tone and expression had told me he was serious.

In a whisper, I said, “It’s not like that. I admire him as a person. Honestly, Dylan, there is no way I would start anything with anyone. I’m not ready. I’m only just living again. I want to enjoy me for a while longer and when the time comes, and I feel like dating”—I shrugged—“I don’t actually know. It’s been a while, and I’m afraid I’ll act like a fish out of water, gasping for air.”

Dylan sighed again, that time heavier. “I’ll help you through it. What are best friends for?”

“Thank you. But it won’t be for a long time yet.”

“I goddamn hope not. I’m not ready to let you go just yet either. I’m selfish.”

“I know.” I smiled, patting him on the hard stomach. “Which was why you growled at that biker tonight, saying, ‘Mine’ like some caveman.”

“Yeah.” He smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “That’s right.”