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Man Enough: A Single Dad Romance by Nicole Snow (13)

Small Blessings (Tabby)

I hold my breath, waiting for his reaction, hoping I haven’t just screwed my one and only chance at true happiness. I love him beyond anything I’d ever imagined, but until this moment, never realized how much having Gramps’ approval means to me.

He's a curmudgeon, a jerk, but he's family. The closest living thing I have to a father. I’ll marry Rex either way. But it'd mean so much if Gramps approves.

Rex is quiet. I start to panic inwardly.

Silly thinking. Nothing in my life's been easy, why should I expect this to be?

Rex closes the lid on the box and I bite my lips together, wishing I could take it back.

But then he smiles, pulls me into his arms, and puts his forehead against mine.

“Cupcake, of course,” he says, a weight in his voice. “Sorry. I expected something else. Hadn’t thought of the old man.”

Happiness surges inside me. I wrap my arms around his neck. “Thank you! Just so you know, it's a yes, no matter what. I'll marry you whatever he says.”

Rex hugs me harder. Kisses me. “He’ll say yes. I'll sell him. Just like I did on hiring me. Won’t stop trying till he does.”

Sincerity sings in his voice like a song. “I love you,” I whisper.

“And I love you.”

I'll never get tired of saying it. Hearing it. Living it.

Our kisses turn heated, my body responding to every touch. If he hadn't just taken me over the edge, before he proposed, I know we'd be naked again. The emotions overwhelming me while we’d made love a few minutes ago were deeper and stronger than before.

He’d taken my V-card, showed me sex. But today, he’s opened my life to love. His love. Our love.

He pulls out of a long kiss where our tongues play hide and seek, and the smile on his face sends my heart reeling.

The teasing glint in his eye as he leans down and kisses above my nipple ignites a fire inside me. I arch into him, giving him full access, letting him know I’m game for round two.

More than game. Hot and oh-so-ready.

He laughs, gently slapping my thigh. “Tonight, darling. I have work to do, and you have cupcakes to bake.” He isn't wrong. Grabbing my hand, he climbs off the bed, pulling me with him.

I refuse to move. “We can be quick.”

“It’s never that quick with you.” He kisses my nose. “And I don’t want it to be.”

He lets go of my hand and stands, straightening his clothes. I can’t believe what I’m seeing. “Really? You’re going to get me all hot and bothered and then leave?”

“I’ve lost count of the number of cold showers I’ve taken since meeting you.” He lifts his head, a seductive glint in his eye. “Tonight, Cupcake, we'll pick this up. I'll fuck you through the wall.”

I sigh, ready to countdown the hours.

I watch him run a comb through his hair, back to his perfect pre-sex state again. Foolishly, because it doesn’t help the burn between my legs. When he sits on the edge of the bed to pull on his socks, I sit up and wrap my arms around him from behind, rubbing my tits against his bare back. “Do cold showers even help?”

“Temporarily,” he says.

I nip at one of his earlobes. “I don’t want temporary.”

He flips around and knocks me onto my back. I’m thrilled and hold up my arms to welcome him. Gripping both of my wrists with one hand, he plants my arms over my head and holds them there.

“You don’t want temporary?”

I shake my head. “Nope.”

He trails a finger down my side, making my breath catch when he doesn’t quite touch the areas that make me throb. “You want more, baby girl?”

“Yes.” Goosebumps kiss my skin, wanting his touch so bad. “More.”

He leans down, but rather than kiss me, he whispers in my ear, “Patience, darling. Wait. Think about it all day. Make your pussy hurt. Make it fucking beg.”

Oh, hell.

“Rex,” I whimper, terribly frustrated.

He gives me a quick kiss, then jumps off the bed. Grabbing his shirt off the floor, he winks at me. “Love you, Cupcake. Can’t wait. Tonight.” He growls the last word, shooting one last wicked look over his shoulder.

I toss a pillow after him and miss. His laughter lingers after the door closes. I laugh, too. I may be aching inside, but I’m also happy, eager for tonight.

He’s gone by the time I’m dressed. As I’m walking out the door, I turn around and run back into the bedroom. There, I pick up the box, take out the ring, and put it in my pocket. I want to see it on my hand, but it's another sweet agony. I'll wait. Wait for Rex to slide it on my finger for the first time after he gets Gramps’ approval.

The sun seems brighter, the air sweeter, the entire universe more perfect as I walk to the lodge to make cupcakes.

The evening drifts by in a happy blur. My baking is complete and the evening meal ready to serve when Gramps and the boys arrive home. Adam and Chase are full of stories about riding horses, playing with puppies, watching a cat catch a mouse. The final story was quite animated, and we're all laughing when Rex walks into the kitchen.

All it takes is one look and I’m right back where he’d left me in the cabin.

Hot and bothered.

He and the boys eat in the kitchen with Gramps, and every time I walk in, his secretive glances nearly send me over the edge. Which makes waiting on the other customers more of a chore than usual.

Especially Alan Schweikert. The way his beady eyes catch me when he thinks I'm not looking.

When will he finish his piece and leave?

Thankfully, I carry the last of the dirty dishes into the kitchen.

“You sit down and eat,” Marcy says, taking the tray.

“Where’s everyone else?” I ask.

“Went to the cabin.”

“Where’s Gramps?”

“He went with them.” Marcy pointed towards the table. “And you need to give them some time, so sit down and eat.”

I hadn’t expected Rex to act so quickly. A part of me is nervous about the conversation he and Gramps are having. I’m also nervous about the twinkle in Marcy’s eyes. “Time for what?”

“To talk.”

I nod and sit down at the table.

She laughs. “There’s no use pretending. Not after the way you two were almost melting every time you looked at each other.”

She’s right, there’s no use denying it. “I thought I’d kept it hidden,” I admit.

“So did he.”

I sigh and set down my fork. Not hungry. At least not for food. “So you figured it out?”

She laughs again. “I saw it coming.”

“How? When?”

“When you stood up to your grandfather over Rex. You’ve never done that before.”

“No, I hadn’t, had I?” Recalling that one significant evening, I say, “You stood up to him, too. More than usual.”

“I had to,” she says. “He’d gone too far that night. Besides telling him he was being a jackass, I told him it was time he let you get out from under his thumb. He was going to lose you, Tabby. Lose you forever, and then this lodge.”

“I couldn’t really leave Gramps.” It's a hard confession, but it's true. I owe him.

“I'm not so sure. If that’s what you really want to be free, to have your own life, you’d have to.” She waves a hand. “This place might be your birthright, but it doesn’t have to be your life. You have that choice, and don’t for a moment let anyone convince you that you don’t.” She smiles. “Choice is yours. Always. But if you’ve found someone who's willing to share it with you, the good and the bad, then that's your choice, too.”

I ponder that while I help her do the dishes and get the kitchen in order for morning. Gramps had returned to the lodge, but he'd gone straight upstairs.

I heard him. I’m not sure if that’s a good sign or a bad one. With him, it's hard to say.

“I’ll lock up,” Marcy says. “You go, now.”

“Night,” I say, walking out the door.

The air is cold and crisp, winter's last gasp. There's even a few buds beginning on the trees out front. Before I get to the cabin, I hear a snap, like a twig snapping underfoot. Not mine.

I whirl around, looking in the direction the sound came from. It’s too dark to see anything, but that doesn’t convince me there's nothing there.

I squint harder, peering into darkness.

I turn back towards the cabin. Rex hadn’t been standing on the porch a moment ago, but he is now. I'm relieved. I jog toward him. “You're home early. What's going on?”

“Waiting for my cupcake.”

I laugh. “You already had a cupcake for dessert. So did the boys.”

“Two dessert night, darling. I'm hungry.”

I couldn’t be happier, or more excited, and literally glide into his arms.

He answers me with a kiss that makes me hope the boys go to bed extra early tonight.

His lips leave mine with a promise that leaves my insides smoldering like a bed of coals that won’t need much coaxing to ignite.

“I spoke to Morris.”

I hold my breath. “And?”

“He says he'll think about it.”

“Damn.” I let out a growl, eyebrows digging into my face. “That doubtful old fart!”

Rex takes my hand and leads me to the door. “But he also said he’s gotten used to me and the boys being around and he'd hate to see us leave. Told me he knows I make you happy.”

“Well, that’s something.” It's a start, I concede.

You’re something,” he says, slapping my butt as I walk in the cabin. Echoing my words from this morning makes me smile.

Dressed in their pajamas, the boys are lying on the floor, watching a movie I know they’ve seen ten times.

“They’ve already had their baths. They'll be out in no time,” Rex whispers in my ear. “I’m going to take a quick shower while we’re winding down.”

I kick off my shoes, hang up my coat, and then sit down on the sofa. I’m antsy, and can’t sit, so get back up. I chatter with the kids a few minutes, but they're hooked on the show. Needing something to do, I go into the kitchen and get the coffee pot ready for morning. Lately, I’ve been keeping more food in the cabin. The four of us have breakfast here sometimes before heading to the lodge.

It's a nice worry to have. One more change I’m really enjoying.

The stars must have aligned in some celestial way, because when I walk back into the living room, the boys are both, head down, sound asleep. I’ll have to thank Gramps for wearing them out so thoroughly today.

I go to the bedroom to tell Rex that Adam and Chase are ready to be carried into bed, but he isn't out yet.

More happiness ripples through me.

The shower is still running. We’ve shared more than one, and each time has been amazing.

I take the ring box out of my pocket and set it on the table beside the bed before stripping down to nothing and quietly open the bathroom door.

Steam fills the room. I slip in and two steps later, peak around the edge, where the shower curtain closes to the wall.

Rex’s back is to me as he massages shampoo in his hair. I step into the tub real stealthy.

He sticks his head under the water, humming gently to himself, rinsing away the bubbles. I step forward, grabbing his ass with both hands.

“What the fuck!” he shouts, spinning around.

I laugh. “Yes, please.”

There's something sexy about the alarm on his face, the urgency. He'd fight to protect himself or any of us without hesitation. His fierce lion face adds to the heat between my legs.

“Cupcake. You scared the shit out of me.” He grabs my waist and pulls me closer. “Please, what?”

“Didn’t you ask if I want to fuck?” I run both hands over his slick, wet, chest. Another growl leaves his throat. “Because I do. I’ve been thinking about it all day. Just like you said. Send me through the wall.”

“Fuck,” he whispers, cupping my boobs. “Are the boys –”

“Sleeping on the floor. We’ll have to carry them to bed later.”

“Sounds like a plan.” He pulls me closer, his cock pressing into my stomach. “A very good plan.”

I grab the bar of soap. “Let me clean you up. Worship this body like it deserves.”

We lather each other up and down with soap, teasing and playing until suddenly the water runs cold. I gasp softly because I’m the one directly under it. Damn, these old pipes...or the tank.

Rex quickly turns the water off and shoves back the curtain. Grabbing a towel, he flips it open and wraps it around me. It’s sweet little things like this, simple acts of kindness that makes me love him all the more.

“Better?” he asks, warming me with a kiss.

I nod. Far better.

Using one corner of the towel, he pats my nipples dry. “Will you look at that?”

“What?” I ask, looking down.

He takes one nipple in his mouth without warning, teasing it with the tip of his tongue My knees buckle, threatening to give out from the pleasure spiraling through me. When he lifts his head, he says, “It was still wet.”

“Was it?” I ask.

“This one, too.”

As he gives the other ample attention, a hand saunters between my legs. Wet doesn't begin to describe the slick heat leaking from my pussy. Rex looks down, growling, noticing what I'm doing.

“No. My job,” he growls, swatting my hand away. “Know how to handle this kind of wet.”

Of course he does. He picks me up, carries me into the bedroom.

He lays me on the bed, whispering, “Don’t go away.”

That’s the last thing I'd ever do. While he walks over and shuts the door, I scoot up and lean against the headboard. My legs are splayed by the time he returns. He climbs over the foot of the bed and all the way up to me, like a tiger stalking its prey.

I curl one finger, encourage him to keep crawling.

We're nose to nose when he says, “I can’t get any closer.”

“Yes, you can.” I wrap a hand around his cock. “There are parts of you I need to lick dry, too.”

He plants his knees on both sides of me, straightening upright so his dick stands directly in front of my face. “Cupcake...”

“I’m always right,” I say, kissing the head of his dick. Then I lick the length of it, loving how his coarse hair tickles my chin when I get to the base of his shaft. “Oh, yes, it’s definitely wet.”

I wrap one hand around his length, giving it a squeeze. Pre-come spills from his tip, sticky and hot.

“Bullshit. You just love sucking me off.”

Guilty. I give it another long lick. “Maybe I do.” I then kiss it. “And I like making you come, too.” I sink my teeth softly into the tip. “And teasing before you do.”

“Cupcake.” His thunder deepens, sticking in his throat, but I know what he’s saying. His fingers slide through my wet hair. Doesn't stop him from fisting my hair just as well as always. I love the tingle on my scalp when he pulls.

“You like it, too. I know you do.”

“Fuck yes.” It's not even a question.

I pump his cock with my hand several times, getting him good and hard, sucking just the tip. When I release it from my mouth, I finger the end, until his huge body twitches. “And I love this. Love watching how hard you get for me.”

“Fuck your torture,” he snarls again, a strained smile on his face.

“You made me wait this morning. Fair is fair.”

He moves so fast, I can’t stop him. He grabs me, pulls me down flat on the bed, a devilish spark in his blue eyes.

“Know what's fair, Cupcake?” he asks, stuffing a pillow under my butt, then pulling my legs apart. “Fair is eating this pussy till you scream. Fucking it with my tongue till you come so hard on my mouth we both see stars.” His tongue brushes through my folds, adding to the burn lit by his words. “Fair is making you fuck these fingers while I taste your sweet cunt as long as I want. Fair is you, undone, begging for every inch of me.”

Holy hell. I don't know what fair even means.

I arch upwards, into his hand, gasping as his fingers slip inside me.

“And fair is how much harder I'll own this clit when I call you my wife.”

I'm twisting, writhing, losing my mind. There's nothing fair about it, but he's made me love it.

And I really do love the last thing he said – when I call you my wife.

Rex licks again, thrusts his fingers in, finds the spot that make me seize. I'll have a lot of catching up to do if I ever want to tease him like this.

I’m fighting my O, holding it in so this delightful torment continues as long as possible.

But he says, “You're lucky I'm addicted to your tits, your ass.”

He leans forward, sucking my nipple. “And I'm a lucky man.”

Oh, God. He’s doing everything he describes and it's so hot it hurts. My pussy aches, begging to be brought off, bringing a whimper to my lips.

He fingers me harder, his other hand plumping my other breast.

“I'd tell you to beg, but there's no hiding how wet you get, Cupcake,” he says. “You're ready for this dick? Ready for release? Ready for me?

“Yes!” It's a whine and I'm barely able to speak. “Please.”

“Another minute,” he says, pressing hard on my clit.

Even through the friction, the sweet agony, two can play at this game. I twist, leaning far enough to one side so I can grab his cock. He’s oozing, too, and I use my thumb to spread it over his pulsing tip. “Maybe you’re right,” I manage to say. “Maybe it’s not time. Why don’t you sit up again, so I can make sure?”

He rises to his knees again, and in the process the tip of his dick brushes against my nipple. I gasp at the pleasure.

“There. Something we both like a whole hell of a lot,” he says, rubbing his cock over my breast.

Briefly, I push my breasts around his cock, moaning while he thrusts between them. I love how he shakes my entire body, makes me think how hard he'll feel later, deep inside me. Just when I think he'll go over, let go, he pulls away with a reluctant rumble.

“No. There's something else you'll like,” he whispers.

“Show me,” I say, even though I’m already so enveloped in pleasure, I can’t imagine more.

He flips onto his back beside me. “Come the fuck here. Sit on my face. Backwards, so I can suck your pussy the same time you do my cock.”

How could I ever say no? A husky moan escapes my lips as I position myself over his face. He's impatient, grabs my hips, pushing his tongue against my clit as I lean forward and draw him deep in my mouth.

Adrenaline fills me as we suck and lick. Faster. Harder.

It’s all so freaking good. Before long, I can’t take any more. His cock slips out of my mouth as the pressure inside me peaks. “Rex. Rex. Rex!

He jerks my hips down, sucking with no mercy as my climax hits. The release is nuclear, a full body shock, wave after wave of pleasure. I'm coming on his face, coming for him, coming forever.

Aftershocks ripple through me minutes later, leaving me feeling nothing shy of euphoric.

I flip off him, laying on my back, trying to get my breathing under control. “I don’t know how you last so long.”

He runs a hand over my stomach. “Because watching you come is some kind of black fucking magic.”

I smile. The sound of him opening the drawer of the bedside table gives me my second wind. I sit up. “Give me that,” I say, grabbing the condom he’s taken out of the drawer.

I throw it to the other side of the bed, giving him a knowing glance. “Why go back? I told you, I'm on the pill. And I really loved the feel of your cock inside me before, without anything in the way.”

“Cupcake, fuck,” he whispers, running his hands on my hips.

Then, in one swift movement, I straddle him. Taking him deep inside me.

“Tabby, damn!” His next whisper melts into a growl, and then he's thrusting hard and deep.

The time for thoughts is over. Same for words. We're lost in the language of our flesh, our hearts, our very souls in blissful harmony.

It’s glorious. Despite thinking I was spent, a sweet spiral of heat loosens inside me, full and enveloping. I ride him long and hard, slow and fast, and everything in between.

His breathing changes, his rhythm, telling me he’s close. He pins me to him, flinging my body around, using it for his pleasure.

I can't take much more.

And when his hands latch onto my hips and holds me still, growling, his cock going off inside me, I marvel how his body shudders, how his climax makes me peak all over again. I can't resist the heat of his seed, how it hurls so, so deep.

We're in rapture.

Panting. Convulsing. Lost.

The heavenly tension that's driven us here melts away. I fall forward, landing on his chest completely spent.

His chuckle is as sexy as the tiny kisses he places on the top of my head.

“Love you, Cupcake. More with every fuck. More every day.”

I kiss him again, too exhausted to put into words how right he is.

He hugs me tight. We lie there for some time, until I roll off and flop onto the bed, utterly and blissfully happy.

Climbing off the bed, he gives me a quick kiss. When he returns, he sits on the edge of the bed. “Let me put something on you.”

I sit up, expecting him to hand me my bathrobe so we can put the boys to bed. Instead, he takes my left hand, holding it in his iron grip.

“This ring's a symbol of us, Cupcake. It's also a promise: I'll keep loving you forever, just like I do now. I'll keep you this happy with my whole heart and soul.”

Happy tears blur my vision as he slips the ring on my finger. “I love you, Rex. I promise, too. All I can and then some to make you and Adam and Chase smile for the rest of our lives.”

* * *

The days that follow are as close to perfect as they can be. Gramps hasn’t yet given his approval, stubborn as ever. But he did ask me if I thought I was ready for marriage. I said yes, without hesitation.. He nodded and walked away.

I hope it means he'll crack soon and finally give Rex his blessing.


I go to the kitchen door and shove it open. “I’m here. What do you need?”

Gramps barrels down the hallway. “Where's AC?”

I smile at the nickname he’s given the boys. He can’t quite tell them apart, so figures AC covers both of them. I frown then, replaying his words.

“I thought...aren't they with you?”

“They were, but I had to clean up a mess that other kid made. He’s a real tyrant. Knocked over the shelf with all those movies in the front room. On purpose, I believe.”

Alan is still at the lodge, with Brandon, whose behavior has just gotten worse. It's reached the point where I don’t like Adam and Chase playing with him. Too bad it's hard to keep them away from the only other boy here right now. Spinning around, I ask Marcy, “Have you seen the boys?”


“They’re with that kid,” Gramps says. “And he’s up to no good.”

Urgency flares inside me. “We have to find them.”

Marcy tosses aside her dish towel. “I’ll check upstairs.”

“I’ll look outside,” I say. “Gramps, you search this floor, and the basement, please.”

We all scatter, going our separate ways. Running out the back door, I suddenly wish Rex hadn’t gone to town for supplies. I check the cabin first. Finding it empty, I recall how Alan insisted Brandon wanted to see the barn, and run that way.

The side door is unlocked, which pisses me off. Rex would have locked it before he left. I know that for certain.

I step inside. The smell of new material hits me. I love it. The remodel is almost complete and looks amazing, but the row of newly-built stables also gives plenty of hiding places.

I’m almost around the edge of the row when the door slams shut. For a second I wonder if Rex returned and didn’t stop in the kitchen to let me know. That would be weird, but

My thoughts go blank as I see the man standing beside the closed door.


This doesn't make sense.

Unnerved, I say, “Mr. Schweikert, I'm afraid guests aren’t –”

“I know, Cupcake,” he cuts in. “Know all about your little rules, where guests are and aren't allowed.” He steps closer, waving one of my pink T-shits. “Some guests, but not all, it seems. Especially not Rex Osborne, who gets to trod around wherever he damn well pleases.”

He’s given me the creeps before, but right now, holding a shirt I know should be in my bedroom, he scares the shit out of me.

“The same Rex Osborne who has a price on his head.” His nasty laugh echoes off the walls. “My friends can’t wait to get your boy-toy in their hands. Gotta give him a hand, he's got a long way from Chicago. But they're paying mighty well to bring him home.”

My stomach sinks. Bile churns. I'm going to be sick.

I’m paralyzed. Afraid to say anything. Certainly nothing that confirms Rex is the man he's looking for. Even though we both know he is.


“You’re a nice, pink ticket to my paycheck,” he says, circling like a shark.

My blood turns to ice as panic tightens, noose-like on my throat. I have to get past him, get the hell away.

“What's the matter? Tongue-tied, Cupcake?”

“Screw you,” I snap. “Rex will –”

He laughs. “Do what, exactly? Lover-boy’s in town, and dear old grandpa will be too busy fighting a terrible fire to bother looking for you.” He strikes a match on a board and tosses it towards a stack of hay and scrap lumber that hadn’t been there when I’d fed the horses this morning.

I scream, rushing forward, trying in vain to stomp it out. “You fucking idiot!”

It's insane, what I'm doing, but I can't control the reaction. It's visceral, watching the place I've devoted my life to go up in flames.

He grabs my arm.

I kick and squirm and lash out at him, shrieking to be let go.

He swings at me, hitting my face so hard my jaw pops and I taste blood. I hit back, using my nails to claw any skin I come in contact with. It hurts him, but not enough.

“Bitch!” He shoves me backwards, hits me again, knocking me to the floor.

I scramble to get away, but he jumps on me then, sitting on my stomach. I kick and scream, try to get him off, but then he grabs my neck.

I can’t breathe.

Can’t scream.

My eyes blur, struggling to stay conscious, and I can see the fire growing.

I scream for Rex inside my head as everything goes black.