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Man Enough: A Single Dad Romance by Nicole Snow (16)

For Us (Rex)

“I can’t believe it,” I say, squeezing Tabby’s hand. We're sitting on the couch in the front room of the lodge.

Right where Morris insisted we park to get settled before answering the many dicey questions about to rain down on our heads. Marcy has the boys with her in the kitchen. I'm grateful for that.

They were crazy excited to see us when we came in, which makes me happy. Almost as happy as the news we’ve just got.

“Believe, buddy,” Knox says, slapping my shoulder. “Can’t promise it’ll hit the news tonight, but the Stone Syndicate will all be behind bars by this time tomorrow.”

He's finally here in the flesh. The tall man with dark hair and steely blue eyes I remember, just a few years older than me. He was already on his way here when we called. It's easy to get around when you've got private jets at your beck and call.

Knox had come through for me. In ways I hadn’t even expected. The FBI agents sitting across from us are here for our protection. Not our ruin, after all.

Same with the ones who’d left a short time ago to see Sheriff Cahill about Alan.

“The Chicago Syndicate’s been on our radar for years,” Agent Sutton says. He's tall, dark, and could easily have a man squirming in his boots. “We were convinced Aiden was blackmailing you, plus several other business owners in the area, but couldn’t get the evidence we needed for a warrant. You were too good at covering your own tracks.”

“Yeah. My sons’ lives depended on that,” I reply. I still can't believe all this evil fuckery might finally be ending.

“Certainly, Mr. Osborne.” Agent Sutton nods at Tabby. “And let me assure you both that we're on your side. We'll make this right in the end.”

“She’s not part of this,” I say.

“She is now, after being abducted. And that’s why we’ll be here, with you, Miss Danes, and your sons under our protection until we're one-hundred percent certain there are no other hit men looking for you.” Sutton then looks at Morris. “Mr. Danes has given us a government discount on our rooms here at the lodge.”

The brief wide grin on Morris’ face has me believing that his government discount is more than twice the amount other guests usually pay.

I look at Knox. “I don’t even know what to say, except thanks.”

He shakes his head. “No thanks needed. You'd have done the same for me, and believe it when I say, I came damn close to cashing in some favors last year. Hurt like hell prying Black Rhino away from my fuck of a business partner.” I see his jaw clench. The partner he's talking about was also the low life granddad of his kid from the baby mama who disappeared. We've got so much in common it hurts sometimes. “Don’t say you wouldn’t have helped because I know better, Rex.”

“Damn straight,” I agree, wondering how the hell I'll ever repay him for this.

Tabby squeezes my hand. I look her way, see the shine in her eyes and the happiness on her face, and it feels like the entire world just lifted off my shoulders. Not caring who's in the room, who might hear me, I say, “It’s over, Cupcake.”

“Finally,” she breathes out.

“I love you.”

“I know you do,” she says. “Almost as much as I love you.”

Knox is watching, grinning like a fool. “Sorry to cut this short, Osborne, but I've got a plane to catch. Gotta get back to Phoenix. Sunflower's showing off some new shoes in LA this weekend. A man never ought to get between a woman's work and her ice cream when she's expecting.”

“Congrats again. Give my best to your wife. Bet your little girl's gonna love having a sibling, too.” I give his hand another squeeze as he nods. I see the knowing look in his eye.

Shit. In a few more years, maybe less, I'll be in his place. My eyes shift to Cupcake again, her soft, perfect belly. My dick twitches for under a second, drunk on the thought of knocking her up.

Knox stands, getting the stuff he's had laid out for the FBI back in its briefcase.

I want to kiss Tabby, but don’t want to hurt her. That only lasts a moment. The pain will be worth it. She’ll agree. The kiss we share is soft and gentle, but so heartfelt I swear my chest swells, and not from the ribs that ache like no tomorrow.

“Excuse me.”

Our lips part as we both glance towards the doorway.

“Evening meal's all ready,” Marcy says. “And your servers will be three very well behaved young gentlemen. With my help, of course.”

Tabby looks at me. We both slump slightly, then smile.

She grimaces, taking in the Federal Agents and my buff friend filling the room. I imagine her thoughts are the same as mine.

With the kids serving dinner, we'll soon have a room full of FBI men with food spilled all over their crisp suits.

“You two stay,” Marcy says, eyeballing me. “You’ll eat your meal here. No need to move around more than necessary. I’ve also prepped a room upstairs for you so you don’t have to walk all the way to the cabin.”

“That’s not necessary,” I say. “I'm not hurt that –“

“Humor her,” Morris snaps. “And them.” He nods towards Knox and the FBI agents walking out of the room.

We're the only three left in the room when he adds, “And me. I uh, well, damn, I guess I...” He swipes his fingers across his mouth, inhaling a long breath. “I owe you both an apology.”

Now I know Cupcake and I are thinking the same thing.

Ouch, that had to hurt.

She squeezes my hand again.

“Listen, I’d be a real jackass if I can’t admit when an old man's wrong. About more than one thing. I’ve been hard on you Tabby-kitten. I’m sorry about that, but you were all I had. I was afraid to let go. Scared you’d leave me. Just like your mom did. I should've known better. You’re not like she was. Not at all. You’ve proven that to me a hundred times over, but I was still afraid to take a chance. To let you have your own life with him.” He nods toward me, a softness I've never seen in his eyes.

Tabby doesn't say a word, so I don’t either, knowing she needs to hear him out. Needs to know how truly wonderful she is, confirmed by the one person she’s been trying to please her entire life.

I know something about that. Morris reminded me of my father since day one.

“I knew it was inevitable. Someday, some good-looking stranger would check in here and you’d fall in love.” Morris chuckles slightly. “Just never counted on it being three of them all at once.”

She nods and glances at me. “That’s true.”

“I know it is,” Morris says. “Knew it for certain when you stood up to me. Oh, you’d argued with me before, but never with the passion you had when it came to Rex and AC, and I can accept that. I can accept them, Tabby, because they’ve shown they're made of tough stuff. Just like us.”

Morris looks at me. “Rex, if you’re still interested, I’d be honored to have you marry my Tabby. Honored to call you my grandson.” He stands, holding his hand out to me.

I stand, hiding a flinch at how badly my ribs bother me, and take his hand. Shake it hard. “Marrying this woman's all I'll ever want. Thank you, Morris, I’m honored, too. Honored to become part of your family.” Although I’m happy to have the man’s approval, I’m extremely happy for Cupcake, knowing how much his consent means to her.

“It won’t be easy.” Morris lets go of my hand after giving it a final firm shake. “She’s a handful.”

“Oh, I’ve discovered,” I say, my smile growing wider than the sky.

He chuckles, bends down and kisses Tabby’s cheek. “I love you, Tabby-kitten.”

“I love you, Pops,” she says, kissing his cheek right back.

They both laugh, and I feel as if I’ve been left out of a secret, but I don’t mind.

Morris looks at me, “By the way, I have another job for you, soon as you're better. The spa room needs to be remodeled. It’s about time. Got ourselves a brand new hot tub ready to go in, courtesy of an estate sale from the Caspians. They're upgrading to an indoor pool, I hear. Those billionaires can buy anything.” He nods towards Tabby. “You remember them, don’t you?”

She nods.

I know the name. Ryan Caspian's enormous palatial property backs up to the acreage next to the lodge. I've barely seen the house – the castle – through the trees. Him and his company are the reason Split Harbor's back on the map in Michigan.

“Caspian wants to talk to you, Rex,” Morris says. “His wife, Kara, heard about the work you did in the barn. Wants you to do some for them next, if you're game.”

“Sounds good,” I say, trying to hide my excitement.

I'm not used to this, my good luck multiplying. Working for this billionaire could open doors to God only knows what. I'm beyond willing to start a new business right here in Split Harbor as soon as possible, maybe resurrect the T-Rex Construction brand and see how many of my old crew are willing to relocate.

My future thoughts are interrupted a second later. Adam and Chase, each carrying a small tray, along with a woman who cleans for the lodge during the week, walk in the room. “Dinner, Daddy!” they both chime at once.

“Easy, boys, let me get them some TV trays,” Morris says, scurrying across the room to a stand holding several wooden flip top trays. “I was too busy talking.”

“Well, look at you two!” Tabby beams at the boys.

“We’re helping so you and Daddy get better faster,” Chase says.

“We are,” Adam says. “And it’s fun. And we're sorry.”

“They're doing a great job,” the woman, Betty, says. “Even that other little rascal is minding his manners.”

“What'll happen to Brandon?” Tabby asks, looking at me.

Before I can form any thoughts, Betty says, “The FBI already contacted his parents. His mom's on her way to get him.” She shakes her head. “Poor little boy, stolen away from home like that. We were harboring a kidnapper and didn’t even know it. Can you imagine? Right here in Split Harbor.”

Neither of us want to think about it. From what I've read about the Caspian's drama, things as dark and crazy as this have happened before in this little town. And I hope this is the last time.

Morris had already stood two trays in front of us. As soon as Betty and the boys fill them with plates of food, utensils, glasses of water and some condiments, she ushers the boys out of the room.

“You two eat up,” she says. “We’ll be back to see if you need more in a minute.”

“I feel sorry for him,” Tabby says once we are alone. “Brandon.”

“Me, too,” I admit, staring at the food before us.

The room takes on a heavy silence while we eat. Earlier, I'd felt the weight lifting off my shoulders, but there's still too much unknown. Too many loose ends. Too many complications that can still crop up like jungle weeds after all that’s happened.

Too damn many lives damaged, destroyed, and all thanks to my mistakes.

Me. And I’m imagining how the good folks of Split Harbor will gossip once they learn the full story. The whole truth about Nelia, hit men, my escape, the boys.

Can Adam and Chase have a normal life here?

What about the lodge?

We'll need every lucky break we can get.

I realize I'm picking at my food and lift my fork. “We'd better eat something, or Marcy will spoon feed us.”

She nods. “You catch on quick.”

There’s a tiny smile on Cupcake's face, but it’s strained. So is mine.

My ribs hurt like hell every time I twist, and now the weight returns to my shoulders, sending an ache deep through my bones.

We eat what we can and set our forks down after barely making a dent in the hefty portions. I lean back, wrap an arm around her, and pull her against my side.

As her head settles on my shoulder, she lets out a heavy sigh. “It’ll all work out. I know it will.”

“It has to,” I agree. It fucking has to. I can’t be this close to a perfect life and have it shattered. I’ve already had that happen once.

I don’t want her happiness shattered, either, but can’t deny the fact Knox never said anything about me being cleared. Though the FBI said they're on our side many times, they also know I was money laundering. That doesn’t just go away. There'll be consequences to pay. Possibly money or even jail.

My thoughts are turning darker when I hear the front door open. Tabby lifts her head off my shoulder as the sheriff walks in the room, followed by one of the FBI agents who’d gone to town earlier, and a third man I don’t recognize.

“Ms. Danes, Mr. Osborne,” the sheriff says. “This is Dr. Mumford, he’s here to examine you both.”

I didn’t know doctors made house calls, especially not under these circumstances. However, I do know they make jail visits.

My heart starts thudding. “Why, Sheriff? We were already checked out by the paramedics.”

“Precautions.” One word is all he gives.

“If that rib’s broken, you could have a punctured lung and don’t know it yet,” the doctor adds, taking off his coat. “And I should look at that hand.” He’s staring at Tabby now.

I glance her way. Her face turns pink as she pinches her lips together and looks the other way. I reach over and gently lift the hand she has lying on her lap under her T.V tray. Remorse washes over me.

“Why didn’t you say something?” I ask, examining the hand that's almost twice as big as it should be. How had I missed it? Or the welts on her neck. She’d straightened her sweater, buttoned it to cover herself, but not just because of modesty.

She was trying to hide just how hurt she is. No different than me.

Fucking fool, this is your fault, I tell myself. I should've been honest up front. No more secrets.

I remember her words after we got engaged and quietly vow to make them law, from here on out.

“It’s fine,” she says. “I’m fine. Really.”

That fucking bastard, Alan. Call me a fucking-bastard, too, but I’d never been prouder of her than the moment she’d smashed him in the nose. “Let him, Cupcake. Better to be sure. Go ahead, doctor,” I say. “Let's get this done. I'll be next in line.” If she won’t participate unless I do, so be it.

“I’ll need an examining room.”

“Right this way.” Morris is in the doorway, gesturing towards the elevator.

The TV trays are lifted away and every muscle in my body screams as I stand up, but the real pain comes when I see how much agony getting off the sofa causes Tabby. She winces, using her good hand as much as she can for leverage.

“We should get her to a hospital,” I say. “Now.”

“If I deem it necessary, certainly,” the doctor says. “For either one of you. Or both.”

We're escorted to room 205. Soon, she’s on one bed, me the other, wearing nothing but our underclothes and draped with hotel bathrobes. I insist the doctor examine Tabby first.

A mixture of sorrow and anger roils inside me at the sight of the bruises marring her skin. I know that body. Every inch of it, and there hadn’t been a mark on it anywhere this morning.

Marcy is in the room with us, just around the bend so she can't see, listening intently to everything the doctor says. There's an FBI agent right outside the door. Which makes me believe they aren’t here in case there’s another hit man out there.

They're here to make sure I don’t run again. Couldn't be more obvious.

The doctor sits on the edge of the bed beside Tabby and touches the ice pack on her hand. “Ice will help with the swelling. Don’t think anything’s broken, but if it’s not better in a couple of days, we’ll need to have it x-rayed to make sure.” He waits for her to nod before saying, “You’ll be sore for quite a while, especially your throat. He was quite forceful, I'm afraid. If it starts to swell, or you lose your voice, come to the clinic right away, or the hospital if it’s after hours.”

She nods again and it dawns on me then how little she’s spoken since we got home. Alan had strangled her, almost to death.

Fury knots my stomach tight. I'm starting to regret not killing that sick fuck.

“There'll be a prescription waiting for you at the drug store in the morning,” the doctor says. “For now, I’m going to have you take these. One’s a muscle relaxer, the other a pain pill.”

Tabby pulls the robe around her as she sits up and takes the pills. The pain on her face renews the agony in me. This was the last thing I’d wanted. Her to be hurt.

“Your turn,” the doctor says, standing next to my bed.

“I’m fine.”

“I'll be the judge of that.”

If my rib wasn’t broken before his examination, it might be by the time he’s done prodding, but even that would be nothing compared to Tabby’s shins. I swear new bruises are appearing on her sweet skin the longer I stare while she sits on the edge of her bed. She's asking the doctor a multitude of questions about broken ribs.

Her concern is for me. All of it.

I don’t dare close my eyes or even blink. When I do, I see Alan dragging her up to the top of the lighthouse, her fighting the entire way. If I'd been too late, if I hadn't saved her...

“You’ll have a prescription waiting, too,” the doctor says, reaching for the pill bottles he’d set on the table after giving Tabby some.

I sit up and shake my head. “I don’t want anything.”

“Take them,” Tabby says. “Please.”

The way my hand goes out to take the pills and glass of water from the doctor tells me something I already knew but hadn’t recognized until this moment.

My heart no longer belongs to me. It’s hers, forever bound to her happiness.

There's no more me. There's just us, her and I, two souls forever lost in shared passion, pain, fury, and grins.

As soon as the doctor and Marcy – who says not to worry, that the boys will be with her all night

leave, I climb off the bed. Folding back the covers, I ease the robe off Tabby’s shoulders. “Hot bath or bed?” When she doesn’t answer right away, I sit down next to her. “You can point if it hurts to talk.”

“It doesn’t hurt that much to talk.”

I softly run a finger along the side of her face. “You haven’t said much since we got home.”

She shrugs. “I haven’t had much to say. I'm just glad you're safe.” Sighing she leans her head against me. “I want to believe it’s all over, but...”

She pauses. Shaking her head, she continues, “I just don’t know, Rex. I want it over, I want it done, but nothing's this easy.”

I kiss the top of her head, agreeing completely, but I don’t want to admit it.

I’d rather assure her it's over, make her believe. At the same time, I can’t lie to her. Can’t tell her another fact that eats at me every time I see one of her bruises, either. With a good enough lawyer, Alan could get off free. Maybe not for years, but damn it, someday.

In the best scenario they charge him with kidnapping Brandon – if the boy’s mom presses charges

and with abducting Tabby. Serious crimes, but neither guarantees a life sentence.

Not like murder. Knox never mentioned that. Aiden’s dead and I killed him.

Accidentally or not. I can’t run from the truth. Have to face it, but Tabby doesn’t. She doesn’t have anything to do with it, thank God.

She lifts her head and stares at me, her dark eyes bore deep.

Stepping back, out of my arms, she shakes her head. “Stop. Just stop.”

“Stop what?”

“Stop thinking.”

“Cupcake, I'm not –”

“Yes, you are.” She grabs the robe off the bed and grimaces while shrugging it on. “Don’t lie to me, Rex. And don’t you dare try running this time. You're completely lost inside your head.”

“Darling, I can’t. We've got the FBI right outside.”

“But that’s what you were thinking, isn’t it?”

How can she know that? My deepest, fucked up fears? She can’t truly read my mind. Right?

“I know,” she says. “You had the same look in your eyes when you left the cabin that morning. The day you loaded up Adam and Chase and skedaddled. You're afraid. For me.”

“Skedaddled?” I say, a sorry ass attempt to ease the anger flashing in her eyes.

“Yep,” she snaps. “Skedaddled. And the only reason you came back was because you needed –”

“You,” I interrupt. “You, Tabby, are the reason I always come back. Hope you know it. Whatever the fuck happens, there's nothing that'll ever tear me away. Not anymore.” Now I've got her attention. “No running. No skedaddling. No surrender. Not this time, Cupcake. Even if there's heavy, fearsome shit to work through.”

“I know,” she whispers. But I'm not convinced yet she believes it.

“Things I need to work out.”


“Yes. Me.” I sigh at the pressure inside me. There's no other choice. “If it's too much, Cupcake, we can slow down.”

“Slow down?” She nods. “Slow down what?”

“Us. Just till we heal and fix this shit. Wait for things to get worked out, and –“ I'm babbling like a madman, but fuck, I just keep seeing her in the lighthouse. Hurt and afraid and under the gun, literally, thanks to me.

“No. You’re not getting cold feet now.”

“No, no cold feet, darling. Everything happened so fast.” I shake my head. “Hell, everything you do to me comes fast. You never sit down and rest. Never sit still. Never quit, every second you're in my head.”

“Rex...” my name sounds like a curse on her lips.

“Darling, I'm not done. I don't want you hurt. Can't stand the thought of anything else ever happening to you because of my past. I –”

“Bullshit!” She moves suddenly, shoving at my chest with both hands. “Bullshit, Rex! You can’t run away this time, so you’re trying to run from what you can: me. Well, I won’t let you. You hear? I won’t let you! So take your doubts and second guesses and scary nightmares and shove them –” She pauses while my eyebrows try to bolt off my face. “Rex, you know what I'm trying to say. Whatever happens, whatever we have to do, we’ll do it together. There's no more me and you. There's us.”


Fucking-A, she’s right.

Right about everything.

So painfully correct I want to kick my own selfish, battered ass.

That’s exactly what I was trying to do. Run. Push her away without even realizing it. Still seems like my only choice, but it is a choice, isn't it?

“You can't suffer due to me. Not again,” I growl.

“And I won't. That's over, Rex. Over and done. Remember?”

Yeah. Maybe, just maybe, she's right about that, too.

“Fight this time, Rex. Fight just like you did with Alan. Stay, join, and fight. Fight for yourself. Fight for the boys. For us.” Tears glisten something fierce in her eyes, the truest thing I've ever seen. And she's not done. “Fight for me.” She takes a hold of my hand. “And I’ll fight for you. Always. You and the boys. We'll work this out, Rex. I know we will. Together.”

I pull her forward, wrap my arms around her, and hold on. Give her a grip so tight I finally see the naked truth.

She’s right. Again. Always.

Hell yeah, I'll fight this time. Fight to my last breath. Whatever it takes. As long as it takes.

Fighting for us, all of us, is worth it.

It's worth damn near everything.

She sighs and nuzzles my chest with her nose. “You don’t have to admit I’m right, but I am. And I’m not too fast. I’m efficient. There’s a difference.”

She looks up at me, and the smirk on her face does what it always does. Makes me grin, makes me happy. “Efficient?”

“Yes, I’m very efficient.”

“Too efficient,” I whisper.

That's her, the first time in my life I've heard that word without it being attached to some cold, boring crap. But it works because Tabby Danes really is 'efficient' in everything, including making me see the light in this endless dark. I kiss her, carefully since her lip is still swollen, and watch the darkness go like a bad tide rolling out to sea.

Won't always be as easy as tonight. But with her on my lips, reminding me how real us can be, it doesn't stand a chance.

A knock sounds on the door, breaking us apart. My disappointment must show on my face because she laughs softly.

“Let them in,” she says. “Neither of us are in any condition to do more than talk, anyway.”

“Soon,” I promise, kissing the tip of her nose. I wait for her to tie her robe closed before saying, “Come in

The door cracks open slightly. “Are you decent?”

“You’ve seen me in less,” I tell Knox.

“I have, sad to say. War and privacy don't exist in the same universe,” Knox says, entering the room. He closes the door behind him, a mysterious smirk on his face. “You both doing okay?”

“We’ll live,” I say.

Knox folds his arms across his chest and leans against the door. “Almost went to the airport without the big news, but it came in at the last second. Listen, I didn’t get a chance to say much earlier, and I know you, Osborne. Your mind's coming up with every fucked up scenario. You’re busy trying to figure out what you can do about each and every one of them.”

He does know me. Almost as well as Cupcake. I wrap an arm around her shoulders. “There’s more than just the money laundering?” I ask, knowing there must be. “What did the Feds decide? Do they know the rest?”

“Enough. You know you can trust me when I say, stop worrying.” Knox shakes his head. “At least you should. You did everything you could and you did it the right way. Kept your nose clean. The profit and loss records you had your accountant email to your lawyer every month, your tax filings, it’s all there. The Syndicate thought they were dealing with a pansy, a dickless, sloppy boy scared out of his mind. Not the man who'd take them down.”

“There's got to be consequences. What I did was illegal, Knox. And I knew it.” I huff out a breath. “Plus Aiden’s dead. That's on me, too.”

Knox nods. “He is. Good fucking riddance. What I couldn’t tell you downstairs, Osborne, is that Aiden didn’t die from a blow to the head. He was shot. Killed along with his bodyguard while his man tried to stuff him in the back seat of his car. The drive-by happened quick, not long after the guard reported you to the capo.

“Drive-by? I didn’t shoot him.” My mind searches, making sure I’m remembering correctly. “I know I didn’t, I had the boys and we had to get the hell away.”

I grab my head. This doesn't make sense.

“There was no one else there that night. Just the bodyguard,” I say, recalling every dirty detail.

“Wrong. Someone else was there, all right” Knox tells me. “Turns out it wasn't just you and his own mafia Aiden was screwing over, skimming money and drugs. He'd just done a big cross-country shipment to Chicago and stiffed the man in charge of the escort on pay. And right after you left, he showed up. Shot both Aiden and the bodyguard right behind the penthouse.” Knox's smirk grows bigger. I remember how much fun he liked to have leaving us in suspense during our Army days.

“Enlighten me?”

“His pissed off security chief and part-time bounty hunter. Alan Schweikert.”