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Mated by The Alpha Wolf: The Lone Wolf Book 2 by K.T Stryker (14)



Connor drove silently for half an hour, letting Sarah and Beth talk quietly. They were close to the Old Church now, and already it was starting to get dark. Stephen hadn’t specified a time on his note, but Connor guessed that he’d want to wait until it got dark before revealing himself.

“It’s just the next left,” Beth murmured, leaning forward. “And then drive for another five miles or so. You’ll see it. There’s countryside all around it, and it’s the only building for miles.”

“No one goes there anymore, then?” Connor asked, his hands tightening on the steering wheel. “It’s abandoned.”

Beth sighed. “Yes, it is. It’s been like that for years although the graveyard is pretty creepy.”

“Do you think Stephen will have gotten inside?” Sarah asked, looking out of the window. “Is that where he’ll have Thomas?”

Connor shrugged. "Maybe. I don't know him well enough to say. He could have Thomas anywhere and not necessarily taken him at all." He glanced at Beth who was looking pale.

“I’ll check out the church when you two are trying to deal with Stephen,” she said, attempting to sound matter of fact. “Provided he’s outside, of course.”

That idea had warnings going off in Connor’s head. “That’s not a good plan, Beth.”

“I’m not going to just sit in the car and let you two deal with it all!” she retorted, sounding a little frustrated. “You wanted me to be brave and to stand up to him, didn’t you?”

“I did,” Connor admitted, surprised at her level of vitriol. “But I’m worried he’ll—”

“I know,” she interrupted. “You’re worried about what he’ll do to me if he gets his hands on me, and I’m not going to pretend I don’t feel the same, but I’m never going to be able to find the courage I need if you don’t let me at least try!”

Connor opened his mouth to argue, only for Sarah to speak.

“Connor’s afraid he’ll lose you, Beth,” she said quietly. The softness in her voice helped diffuse the tension that filled the vehicle. “He cares about you and wants to protect you. I can understand that, but at the same time, I understand how you feel. It must be really frustrating knowing that you can’t shift.”

Beth let out a long sigh. “Yes, it is,” she muttered, sitting back in her seat. “I want to help, though, Sarah.”

Sarah nodded. “I know. If Stephen is outside, then I can’t see any reason why you can’t scope out the church, just so long as Connor knows where you are.”

Connor’s chest rattled with a protective growl, his wolf already wanting to stop Beth from going anywhere without him.

“Connor,” he heard Beth say, almost pleading with him. “Please, let me help. I can do this.”

She’s right, Connor told himself, his own heart and conscience warring with each other. You told her to be brave, to find the courage she needs to stop being under Stephen’s control, but now you’re telling her what to do instead of him. Just let her scout the church. If you know where Stephen is, she’s not in any danger.

“You’ll shout if you’re in any kind of danger,” he said, looking at her for a moment before turning back to face the road. “Promise me, Beth.”

She smiled at him. “I will. I swear I will. I want to help, Connor. Once we know Thomas is safe, there’s nothing to stop you from grabbing Stephen.”

Connor nodded, aware of the sudden ache in his throat. He very rarely allowed his emotions to get on top of him, but the thought of his brother being chained up somewhere, being held by a crazed shifter who was almost drunk with power both repulsed and terrified him. He had to get Thomas back, safe. He couldn’t let his brother down.


“This is it.”

Beth’s hand tightened on his shoulder as she leaned forward to look out of the window. “That’s the Old Church.”

“It looks almost medieval,” Sarah commented as Connor pulled the car to one side of the road. “Almost pitch black out there too.”

Connor turned off the engine but didn’t open the door. A sense of foreboding was pulling at him, telling him that something wasn’t right. “I don’t like it.”

“Of course, you don’t,” Sarah replied, with a trace of humor. “We’re about to go into the dark, into a place we’ve never been before, to confront a strong and slightly insane shifter, as well as trying to find Thomas.” She slapped Connor on the arm. “What could possibly go wrong?”

Shaking his head, Connor turned around to face Beth. “Are you sure about this?”

Beth looked back at him, and he saw the fear hidden in the depths of her eyes. She was trying hard to find the courage she needed to just get out of the car and make her way into the church. It was admirable, especially when she was going to be at a disadvantage since she couldn’t shift.

“You don’t have to do this, Beth.”

Her face became resolute. “Yes, I do. This is about working as part of the pack, right? And I’m going to do my bit.”

Taking in a long breath, Connor resigned himself to the fact that he was going to have to let Beth go out on her own. He wouldn’t know where she was or what she was doing, he’d just have to trust that she was able to take care of herself. “Scream if you need me.”

She smiled and brushed his hair away from his forehead. “I will. Shall we go?”

Connor tried to smile back, but he couldn’t quite manage it. “I guess we should. The minute we get out of the car, we stick together. Got it?”

“Got it,” Beth murmured, opening her door and stepping outside.

The night air was cool, and Connor drew in breath after breath, searching for any kind of scent he could. “I need to shift,” he growled, as Sarah and Beth came to stand next to him. “I can’t get any clues this way.”

Sarah peered into the gloom. “What will we do?”

“You’re Beth, remember?” Connor asked, glancing over to where Beth stood. “Have you got her clothes?”

“Already wearing them,” Sarah replied, pushing herself away from the car.

Connor nodded. “Good.” Turning to face Beth, he saw the way she was twisting her fingers together, anxiety evident in her face. “Are you going to be OK, Beth?”

She looked up at him quickly. “I’ll be fine.”

“You’ll call for me if you need me?” He couldn’t help but slip an arm around her waist, drawing her in close. Breathing her in, he dropped a kiss on her temple, hearing her let out one long breath. “Be safe.”

Stepping back, he kept a hold of her hand before they walked toward the Old Church. It was a good few yards up the road, and even the moon seemed to hide in shadow as they walked. It was an ominous warning, as if it were aware of the threat they were about to face.

"In there," Beth whispered, pointing to a gate that led into the graveyard, with the church on the right. The rusty gate creaked as he pushed it open, making Connor tense immediately. He didn't want any sound to give away their position, even though he had the uncomfortable feeling that Stephen already knew they were here.

“I’m going to go this way,” Beth whispered, gesturing to the church building. “Be careful. He’ll be watching.”

Connor nodded, squeezed her hand lightly for a second before letting it go and watching her walk into the darkness. Everything in him told him to go after her, to stop her from leaving, but he knew he couldn’t. She was doing the right thing for her and for the White Fire pack. He just hoped she would be safe.

"Are you going to shift?" Sarah whispered as they moved slowly toward the side of the old church, opposite of where Beth had gone. "How do we know where he is? Where Thomas is?"

Connor shook his head. “I don’t know,” he replied quietly. “I’m guessing Stephen will find us. I want to shift, but I won’t just yet. The moment I think he’s about to attack, then I’ll change. I want to be here for you just now. Remember, you’re Beth and I’m pretending not to care about her. It wouldn’t make sense for me to shift now and leave you in your human form.”

Sarah didn’t say anything but kept walking beside him in silence.

“I think we should stop here,” Connor murmured, as they reached the outer wall of the old church. “Stephen will find us, and I want us to stay out of the wind for as long as we can.”

He turned and leaned his back against the cold stone, trying not to shiver. Even the sight of the graveyard in front of them gave him the creeps. The waning moonlight bounced off the old stones, the stone figures seeming to move in the light.

“Look.” Connor nodded, hearing Sarah’s quiet gasp. One of the stone figures was moving, except Connor was sure it wasn’t a statue. “That’s got to be Stephen.”

“Then where’s Thomas?” Sarah asked, her voice betraying her worry. “Why isn’t he there?”

“You brought her, did you?”

Stephen’s voice jarred him, but Connor set his jaw and took a step forward, keeping one hand on Sarah’s arm. “Where’s Thomas?”

A mocking laugh echoed across the graveyard toward them. “He’s alive.”

“You don’t expect me just to believe that, do you?” Connor asked, loudly. “I want proof.”

“And the finger wasn’t enough?” Stephen laughed, still wandering through the gravestones. “I’m guessing that was a gruesome find for you, Connor.”

Connor didn’t reply, trying not to wonder how Stephen knew his name.

"But I suppose you're allowed to ask for proof," Stephen said after a few moments had passed. "Look."

A bright beam of light shone out of nowhere, coming from one of the windows above them. Connor and Sarah looked up instinctively, only to see the figure of Thomas slumped against the window.

“He’s inside the church,” Sarah whispered, her fingers digging into Connor’s shoulder.

“He doesn’t look alive to me,” Connor replied, making sure to keep his eyes on Stephen and forcing himself not to look back up at his brother. “Prove it.”

Stephen let out a heavy sigh before shouting something. Daring a quick glance, Connor saw Thomas jerk as though he’d been kicked, his eyes opening for a moment. It was all the proof Connor needed.

“He’s alive,” he whispered to Sarah, trying desperately to stop his heart from beating frantically. He found her hand and squeezed it tightly, trying to pass on to her the message that she had to remain calm and remember who she was supposed to be. She squeezed back, and, out of the corner of his eye, he saw her drop her head low.

“Who’s there with him?” Connor asked, realizing they weren’t going to just be taking on Stephen alone. It wasn’t a surprise, but it certainly made their challenge greater.

A low growl came from Stephen. “It doesn’t matter,” he replied, his voice harsh. “You just hand Beth over, and I’ll leave Thomas there for you to collect.”

Connor stepped in front of Sarah and blocked her from Stephen’s view, just as clouds moved away from the moon. “You’ll leave Thomas alive?”

Stephen drew closer, and Connor’s muscles rippled with anticipation. His wolf wanted out, wanted to fight, but he had to wait until just the right moment.

"I said I would," Stephen sneered. "Now had over my stupid stepsister and this will all be over."

Connor lifted his chin. “What are you going to do with her?”

“Why should that matter to you?” Stephen spat, and Connor saw his hands clench into fists. “She’s my stepsister, and I'll do what I like." Taking one more step closer, he glared at Connor, his dark eyes flashing. "Give her to me."

In one moment, Sarah and Connor shifted at once, leaping for Stephen as one. He was thrown back onto the ground but managed to shift underneath their paws. Now it was two against one. Connor just had to hope that he and Sarah could defeat Stephen for good.