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Mountain Daddy: The Single Dad's New Baby (A Baby for the Bad Boy Book 1) by Layla Valentine, Ana Sparks (14)


Gracie seemed happy at my parents’ place. That’s what I kept telling myself as I brooded alone in the cabin on Christmas Eve. The sun had begun its descent over the lake, casting its warm glow across the water. I poured myself a second whiskey, wanting my brain to grow fuzzy. I didn’t want to focus on the loneliness brewing in my brain.

As I lifted the glass to the counter, a noise outside caused me to drop it. The glass shattered across the floor, the shards catching the light. My eyes were alert, already staring through the front window.

Sure enough, somewhere beyond the trees, someone was driving toward my cabin. The cabin I’d built from nothing, knowing I needed to create a safe haven. A place where all the men I’d “wronged” couldn’t hunt after me.

I took a step toward the door, peering through the trees. Beneath my boots, the glass crackled.

My heart hammered as I realized the car’s lights were on bright, as if they were unafraid of being found. Maybe this was a tourist, en route to a cabin up the mountain. Since Serena had left, the cabin hadn’t been rented out by anyone; it had been dormant and dusty, preserving old memories. I had to continually tell myself they were old memories. That they were nothing I should cling to with any kind of hope.

The lights stopped flashing out front. With a jolt, I walked toward the side closet and silently drew out my gun, knowing I couldn’t make whoever was out there aware that I knew of their presence.

Standing behind the door, I listened closely as someone made their way through the forest, creeping through the trees. Their boots fell clumsily, but they made their way evenly—as if they already knew the route, as if they’d followed me down the hidden path before. I felt my heart sputter with anger. How long had someone been following me? Had it been months? Years?

As the stranger crept forward, I lifted my hand to the doorknob and turned it. I bolted out onto the front porch, lifting my gun. But in the next moments, I found myself staring into the most gorgeous eyes, the most stunning smile.

Serena was poised at the base of the steps, her blond hair hanging down to her shoulders and her smile gleaming. She wore a dark cardigan over a gorgeous red dress, and her breasts were busting out over the top of the dress—far bigger than I’d remembered them.

What the…

“Are you going to put that down?” Serena whispered, after a long pause. She pointed to the gun in my hand, her voice wavering. “Please?”

Immediately, I lowered the gun, knowing not to drop it. My muscles relaxed. I felt my lips part, then close again, as I gazed into her stunning face.

“Serena. I didn’t…”

“I guess I should have called. I know you’re…finicky about that kind of thing.”

“Just appearing on my doorstep. Like some kind of…” I said, faltering. “I don’t even mind, baby.”

The word had fallen from my lips. Baby? But she only grinned up at me.

“Is Gracie asleep already?” she asked, peering past me, into the darkness of the cabin. “I was hoping to catch her, for Christmas.”

“She’s out of here,” I told her. I backed up, placing my gun back in the side closet and closing the door tight. I shook my shoulders, feeling apprehensive. Having Serena just appear before me, without rhyme or reason, had brought my life to a standstill.

“Out of here?” Serena asked, laughing slightly. “What do you mean? Did she move out? Go to college?”

“Ha.” I walked forward, trying to seem more certain. I felt my voice shift, become stronger. “She’s spending Christmas with my parents, actually. I’m meant to be driving there soon. But I just wanted a few days—”

“To yourself?” Serena asked, giggling. She allowed for a long pause after that, bringing her shoulders forward. She was still the most gorgeous woman I’d ever seen. Shifting her weight, she gave me a large smile. “Well, I don’t want you to spend Christmas alone. In fact, that would be the worst possible thing.”

“Is that why you’ve come all the way here?” I asked her, tilting my head. I felt the sudden urge to reach forward, to wrap my arms around her and kiss her. “To make sure I don’t spend Christmas alone?”

“No,” she whispered, her voice raspy. “I’ve come because I don’t want to spend Christmas without you. Not without telling you…”

She paused, as we both heard the shuffle behind her, deep within the woods.

Serena whirled around, nearly dropping her purse. Her hair shimmered in the light. I gazed out beyond her, into the trees.

“Did you bring someone with you?” I asked her, incredulous.

“No, no,” she murmured, sounding worried. “I didn’t bring anyone, Ethan. I don’t…”

I felt a growing sense of unease. Taking a step down, I stood beside Serena, feeling the fear rise up in her. I could smell it on her skin.

Taking her hand, I squeezed it, wanting to tell her it was fine, it was all right. But as a dark figure grew closer to us, second by second, I grew less and less sure.

“Maybe we should go inside,” Serena whispered. “I don’t think it’s safe. Maybe an animal, or…”

But just as she spoke, someone burst from the bushes. It was a bulky figure, one with muscles upon muscles. He bucked forward, aggressive, with wild eyes. He shot toward me, his mouth forming a sinister smile.

And as he grinned his horrible grin, as he began that ominous laughter, a million memories returned to my brain.

This was Shane Merkley, the man I’d put behind bars for fifteen years, ten years before. The man who’d murdered his assistant, all the way down in Austin, Texas. The man who’d pointed his finger at me in that courtroom, and told me—in no uncertain terms—that I was fucked if he ever found me again.

And here he was, at my doorstep. His finger pointed at me. And his cackle the very same as it had been ten years before—declaring me dead.




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