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New Beginnings: Holiday Novella Barrington Billionaire's Series Book 5.5 (Barrington Billionaires) by Jeannette Winters (3)

She never procrastinated about anything, but she was putting off hitting send on her term paper. Myla was questioning the content. She knew the material, but ever since bumping into Leon, she was a bit distracted. She feared it was interfering with her own studies. What am I doing helping someone else when I have my whole future riding on this?

Myla closed her laptop and pushed it across the small table. Coming to the café was a huge mistake. She was going to have to tell Leon this was the last time they could meet. That is if he gets here.

At least Leon texted her, requesting a change in time. That had been an opportunity to cancel. Instead, she agreed. Myla told herself it was a convenient place to finish her term paper while waiting for him. She liked the quiet of the library because her dorm was usually very loud. She didn’t blame them as they were mostly freshman right out of high school. No matter how she tried, Myla couldn’t relate to her supposed peers. A six-year age difference didn’t really sound like much but add her life experiences so far, and sometimes she felt ancient.

As she looked around the café, the age varied, but the decibel level wasn’t much better than her dorm. Everyone was laughing and enjoying themselves. Myla couldn’t remember the last time she had relaxed and let go. It was impossible back home in Tabiq where she’d spent all of her adult life looking over her shoulder. When Alex brought her here, he told her whatever she wanted or needed was only a phone call away. The problem was she didn’t know what she wanted outside of getting a college degree and going back home to become a teacher. Why don’t I dream like others? Is it because I don’t see any happiness in my future?

The change in Tabiq wasn’t the only thing that was going to take time. Myla had yet to accept the fact she was safe. It probably was the reason she kept to herself instead of spending her free time with the Henderson family. The ladies were always inviting her out for lunch or shopping with them. Each time she graciously denied their offer. The most she’d done was walk in the park with Zoey and her new baby daughter, Pearl. Now with the cold weather that even came to a stop. Myla hated to admit she missed it a little. If she did, then she’d also have to face that she wanted what they had. Love and a family.

Myla reached for her backpack, and it fell off the table and bumped into the couple at the next table before opening and spilling its contents over the floor. She expected one of them to look her way, but they were so into each other, they didn’t notice her retrieving all the items from around their feet. Please, don’t let me interrupt you.

When she was confident that all the contents had been picked up, she sat back down at her table. Her binder holding all her papers in order by class and date had opened, and the entire thing now looked like a jumbled mess. No one could understand. She’d had very little control of her life back home. Now she found herself trying to control every aspect of her new life. She wanted everything to be perfect. And no matter how much I try, nothing ever is.

She sat back down and started to organize things, but Leon entered, and she was forced to shove it all into her bag and zip it. The only thing she needed was her laptop, and thankfully that hadn’t fallen.

“Is everything okay?” Leon asked.

Forcing a smile, she said, “Yes, just clearing off space for you.”

She watched as he looked around the room. “It’s really busy in here today.”

“Guess with the frigid weather everybody wanted someplace warm to study.”

Leon laughed. “I don’t think there’s a lot of studying happening in here.”

Myla chuckled. “I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed that. I already checked; the library is closed due to the storm last night. Maybe we can reschedule.”

“We could go to my apartment.”

Myla sucked in a deep breath. There was no way was she going to his apartment. “Oh, I don’t think so,” she stated firmly.

“It was an innocent offer. Nothing more.”

His words sounded sincere, but there was a look in his eyes that said otherwise. “I’m sure there are other places we could go.” She knew her dorm wasn’t one of them either.

“So where do you want to go?”

She hadn’t taken the time to explore Boston. She could make it to her classes and local places to eat. Nothing struck her as a place she could take Leon. Then she remembered Alex’s offer to use his study at his home anytime. Showing up with a strange man probably wasn’t what he had in mind when he made the offer.

Opening her bag once again, Myla slipped her laptop inside. Although she wanted to make a bit more money today, she couldn’t think of any other place that would be suitable and open. “I think we should skip it today. Your exam is not until next week. I think it’s best if I use this time to study for some of my other courses.”

She was all studied out. If she looked at her notes anymore, her head would explode. There came a point of overthinking things, and she was there. Never thought someone could become OCD about schoolwork.

Myla had anticipated an argument from Leon, but surprisingly there wasn’t one. “Sounds good. Maybe Friday night?”


“Yes. I know this great little pizza parlor. It quiets down around ten. How do you feel about a late-night study time?”

It sounded absolutely ridiculous, but it wasn’t as though she was busy. “Okay, tell me where to meet you.”

“I’ll pick you up at seven thirty.”

She shot him a puzzled look. “I thought you said ten.”

“We study at ten. I thought maybe it’d be nice to have dinner first. What do you say, Myla? Is it a date?”

Date? Her heart raced. She was twenty-four years old, and she’d never been on a date. There were good reasons for that, but nonetheless, she knew nothing about dating. It wasn’t as though she wasn’t attracted to him, but it was obvious Leon was far more experienced than she was. At least in some areas.

“I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” Myla said, her voice cracked slightly, giving away her uncertainty.

“Because you don’t like pizza?” Leon asked, arching a brow. She couldn’t tell if he was playing with her.

“I love pizza. It’s more about . . . keeping this business.”

“That’s easily solved. You don’t have to tutor me any longer.” He got up from his seat and said, “So I’ll see you at seven thirty.”

He waited for her response. She wanted to say no. This was going to go badly. Instead of studying, she knew she’d be thinking about how many different ways she could screw up her first date. If she wanted to date, it would be with someone like Leon. Smart and sexy as heck. Before she knew it, she was nodding her acceptance, and he was heading out of the door. She didn’t remember giving him her address, but somehow she knew she’d be hearing from him before Friday. Or maybe that’s wishful thinking.

Leon had ignored the vibration of his phone the entire time he’d been with Myla. He had no doubt it was his mother. She’d been hounding him for days. As soon as he got back to his apartment, he called her. If he put her off any longer, she’d probably call the state police, requesting someone check on him. Someday, Mom, you’ll get it. I am not MIA. I just don’t want to hear the same bullshit over and over again.

She picked up on the first ring, not a good sign. “Napoleon, where have you been? I’ve been worried about you. Is everything okay?”

“Yes, Mother. Everything is fine.”

“Then you’re coming home for the holidays, correct?”

And here we go. “Mother, we’ve had this discussion already. You’re going to have to celebrate without me.”

“Napoleon, you know I want all my children home with me.”

Don’t I know it. “We aren’t children any longer.”

He could hear her frustration as she gasped at his comment. She excelled at being overly dramatic. It worked wonderfully with his father, but over the years, it had lost its power with him and his siblings.

“Are you trying to break your dear mother’s heart?”

He knew he was going to regret calling her, but this wasn’t anything he hadn’t expected or heard before. “I’m just stating facts, Mother.” It wasn’t that he didn’t love his mother, but she was overbearing and had overstepped her role more times than he could count.

“I expected as much. I have made arrangements for you so you won’t be alone.”

“What does that mean?” Please don’t tell me you’re all coming to Boston.

“Your father has called a business acquaintance of his, and he’s agreed to have you join him and his family for Christmas.”

Oh hell no. His tone rose as never before with his mother. “I don’t care who or what arrangements you have made. I want you to cancel them.”


“It’s Leon. And I’m not joking.”

“What are you saying?”

“That I have my own plans for the holidays.”

“But Dean Henderson has already agreed to—”

“Henderson?” Leon remembered meeting him several years back. It was one of the first deals he’d tried making on his own. Dean had been out for blood, and, one might say, he didn’t play by the rules. Leon lost that battle, but when Dean went up against Leon’s father, he didn’t fare as well. One shark to another. They were both ruthless in business. It’s what was expected to be successful. I’ve done my share of cutthroat deals, and that’s exactly why I don’t want anything to do with the family business. “That sounds more like a holiday you and father would enjoy. I have another call coming in. I have to take this. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Napoleon, I really think—”

“Sorry Mother. This call is important. I have to go. I’ll call you later.” He disconnected the call.

He loved his family, but they were focused on one thing only. Networking to the next big moneymaker. Leon knew exactly why they’d called Dean Henderson. It wasn’t about Leon being alone. There was something going on, and his family wanted him to find out what. The only problem with that plan is that I have no interest in playing either of your games.

Leon put his phone back in his pocket and leaned back on the couch. He was able to shut his mother down this time, but he knew she was pushy and persistent. If he were a gambling man, he guessed he’d hear from her or his father by the weekend. They were used to getting their way, and it infuriated them to know Leon played by his own set of rules.

He closed his eyes and thought back to something more pleasant. Myla. What is your story? I know you wanted to say yes, but you hesitated. What held you back? What made you finally say yes?

Leon smirked knowing part of the answer. It was the reason he’d asked her. The attraction between them couldn’t be denied. Of course with their major age difference, it also couldn’t be acted upon either. Why am I putting myself through this torture?

The answer was simple. Not seeing her again was even worse.