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Nykon (Zenkian Warriors) (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) by Maia Starr (48)




The king asked us many questions about how we came to be on Tiok, and we answered honestly. It was very impressive to be in the presence of the dragon king, and I wondered if he could shift into a full dragon like Commander Triq or if he was only a hybrid dragon like Dekario. I was very interested in all things Draqua as the more time I spent with them, the more I found them fascinating from a scientific perspective. But then Phoenix had enough of the questioning, and I could tell he was getting frustrated when he finally blurted out.


“Are you going to help us get back to Earth or not?”


The king stopped pacing the room in front of the table where we sat. “You wish to go back?”


“Yes. We all do,” Luka said.


“That is a very delicate matter and one that I have to give much thought to. It is not as easy as you think to just get you back to Earth,” he said.


But I couldn’t hold my tongue anymore either. I needed to know the answer to the question that was burning inside of me. “Where are the other humans?”


“How do you know there are humans here?” he asked.


“I put it together. It’s obvious that there are, but I have not seen any so far in the hours that we have been here.”


“Yes, Dekario said you were smart,” the king said. I suddenly felt very impressed that Dekario had commented on something other than my body.


“They are here,” the king said. “My wife is human. My mother was human. So was Dekario’s and the other hybrids'.”


“What the hell?” Phoenix said.


“How is that possible?” Luka asked.


“We Draqua came across a problem many years ago. Our females suddenly became barren out of nowhere. We don’t know if it is a phase or not, but so far it has been the same. So we had to find a way to keep our race alive. This is when we started mating with human females. It was successful and created a hybrid dragon, like I am.”


We sat in shocked silence. So many questions ran through my head, but I couldn’t even figure out how to get the first question out of my mouth. Luka and Phoenix were dumbfounded.


“So you mean that there are human females here that are married and mating with Draqua and creating offspring?” I asked.


“Yes, at least a thousand or more of them,” he answered.


“What? How is that possible? Where did they come from? We never even knew that you existed!” Luka said.


“Yes, that is the delicate situation that you find yourselves in. We take the human females from your planet. We have for years now, unknown to your species, and that is why it is almost impossible to let you go back. You now know that we exist and that is information that could put the future of the Draqua in jeopardy.”


“You have been stealing humans from Earth?” Phoenix said angrily.


“Phoenix…” I said trying to calm him.


“What makes you think you can just do that?” Phoenix continued.


“Phoenix,” I said again.


“I understand you are upset. I would be also, but it is a necessity. Therefore I need time to think about his return to Earth. It all comes down to trust. If you return to Earth, would you not tell anyone about us, or would you tell? It has been done before long ago. A human female was returned to Earth after spending time with us, and she said nothing about it.”


“What happened to her?” I asked.


“She chose to return here and be my wife,” the king said.


I was in complete shock by his answer. I didn’t believe him. “Can I meet her?” I asked.


“Yes. She is always happy to meet new humans, but she is away on the other side of the island with our son, who is in warrior training. When she returns, I will tell her about you. For now, let me think about this return to Earth decision. Antaris!” he shouted.


The door opened, and a beautiful Draqua female with long black hair that fell down her back walked in.


“This is Antaris; she is born of a human female and an elder Draqua. She is a hybrid like me, but she cannot shift like I can. She is the new generation and hope for the future. She is to be your guide today and take you around the village,” the king said as he nodded to her.


“It would be my pleasure,” she said as she looked directly at Phoenix. It was then that I noticed that Phoenix’s jaw was practically on the floor as he looked at her. I guess his anger had suddenly left him.


“Come with me,” she said as she turned toward the door. Luka and Phoenix followed, but I stopped in front of the king.


“King Hydros, I still have many questions,” I said.


“That is understandable. You will get your chance to ask me in time. For now, see the village. See what the Draqua are about. There are humans about the village, and you can see for yourself if they are happy. Go,” he said to me. I sighed and followed everyone else out of the grand palace and down the spiral staircases that led to the beaches.


Once we were on the sand, I was surprised by what I saw. What I had seen from high up in the trees was only part of it. Now that we were on the beach and in the thick of the bustling activity I could see just how many that I thought were Draqua females were actually human females. They were dressed the same as the Draqua females, so it was easy to see why I had mixed it up.


“This is the beach. This is where we swim and fish and have fun,” Antaris said. It was then that I noticed a large mound moving in the water. I stopped and stared at it. Then with a burst of water, a Draqua surfaced and flew straight in the air. It was beautiful. I was jealous of what they could do. They could fly and swim fast and who knows what else. Then I realized something. “Oh, I get it!” I said out loud as they turned to look at me. I smiled a big smile proud of myself as I said, “Draqua means aqua like water and Draq like draco or dragon, so it’s water dragon.”


“Very good,” Antaris said.


“Antaris!” I heard a female voice call out. We all stood in shock as a beautiful human female bounced her way over to Antaris. She was probably thirty-eight years old or so, and she looked very happy as she held up a large shell. “Look what I found. Your father is going to love this.”


“Mother,” Antaris said. “These are humans newly arrived to Kelon.”


“Oh! Welcome! You are going to love it here. Isn’t it beautiful? Nothing on Earth can compare, right?” then she stopped and looked at Phoenix and said, “A male? That’s a first.”


“Yes, the king has asked me to show them around. I will return home for dinner,” she said as she gave her mother a kiss on the cheek and then turned to us. “Come; I will show you the center.”


Luka, Phoenix, and I all looked at each other in shock. I think we had all thought the same thing. We were thinking the human females were locked up in chains and forced to be here against their will, but that was not the case at all. As we walked with Antaris, we passed more and more human females all engaged in the daily activities. None of them showed any signs of being ill or oppressed.


“This is the center. This is where we gather for celebrations and announcements and such,” Antaris said.


“When is the next celebration?” Phoenix asked, flirting with the young Draqua female.


“A month from now. We give thanks to the planet of Kelon for providing for us every month. We are very fortunate to live in such a place and celebrating it reminds us just how grateful we should be,” she said.


“I can’t wait to see it,” Phoenix said with a grin.


“A month from now?” Luka said looking at him, but he was too much in a romantic stupor to realize that he had just said he was going to stay here for a month when we had just asked the king to take us back to Earth.


“Now I will show you the communal eating areas. You can go there any time of day and be fed. No one goes hungry here. Then I will return you to your huts,” Antaris said.


“Lead the way,” Phoenix said.


Luka looked at me and giggled at Phoenix’s sudden change.


In the communal eating areas, we had a lot of fun. There were massive outdoor kitchens, and we learned to take part in the work. I helped cut fruit. It was red and reminded me of mangos. Luka helped the women by beating a sort of flour that they created out of a ground seaweed of sorts. The scientist in me wanted to know how it was all done. I wanted to see the entire process. I wanted to see where the seaweed was harvested and how they got it into flour form. I wanted to know where this fruit was picked. Did it come from a tree, or the ground? I picked up a slice and smelled it then I ate it. It burst with flavor in my mouth. I looked over at a hybrid child that laughed at my reaction to the tartness of the fruit. I laughed too. I saw Phoenix learning to clean and cut open fish as he worked with Antaris. I could tell that he really did like her.


When we were done in the kitchens, we joined for a communal meal. It was much more satisfying to take part in making the meal because now I appreciated it more knowing all the work that went into it.


When we were done with the meal, Antaris took us somewhere I had never seen before.


“Are you sure that we are allowed to go in here?” Luka asked.


“Yes, it is fine, I assure you,” Antaris laughed.


I was concerned too. We were following Antaris away from the beach and away from the village, deep into the jungle. She was following a very narrow path.


“What is in here?” I asked.


“Everything,” she said. “This is where most of the food grows,” she said.


As soon as she said it, I perked up. I looked around and noticed all the wild fruits and vegetables that I had seen in the kitchen.


“Sometimes, if you want to help, we come in here and pick the food but you must do it and right and not overdo it. We need to leave some to grow and feed the jungle animals and keep it all alive. It is a system. You will learn. It takes training,” she said. Then she spent the next hour pointing things out to us and showing us various trails. I knew that I would not be ready to wonder off alone into this jungle any time soon. I needed to study the trail layout first.


After we walked down a very long path, I heard the rushing of water. We emerged from the trail into a clearing. “This is the emerald pool,” she said as she pointed at the stunning scenery in front of us.


There was a pool of water the color of emerald jade. The waterfall coming down the side of the cliff into the pool was small and shallow, which made it perfect for swimming.


“This is incredible!” Luka said.


“I just want to jump right in,” Phoenix said.


“Yes, please go ahead. We use this for swimming too but most Draqua prefer the ocean. This water soaks into the rocks under the ground and travels in an underground river toward the village. It is where our drinking water comes from,” Antaris said.


“Fascinating,” I said as I realized they had their own aquifer.


“Woo!” Phoenix said as he jumped into the pool. Luka giggled and then followed him in. Antaris jumped in, and I followed. The water was refreshing as it hit my skin. It did feel good to swim in some cold water after the long space journey that we had endured. We played and frolicked for quite some time.


A couple of hours later, we were all back at our huts. I looked out the window expecting Dekario to pop in at any moment. The sun was setting, and I remembered he said he would try to be back by nightfall. I wondered where he had gone. I decided to take this opportunity of being without him to run the hot water in the tub and take a long bath. I had gotten a little dirty on the path through the jungle back to the huts and I wanted to clean up.


Plunging myself deep in the water felt great. All of my muscles relaxed, and I realized that I had really needed this. I had done a lot of work in the kitchen and then sightseeing with Antaris. It was more than my muscles had done in a long time.


Boom, the loud thud startled me. I felt my hut shake a little. I grabbed a cloth and pushed it into the water over my naked body.


“Dekario…” I whispered.


The door burst open. Commander Triq stood there. My entire body quivered, and my face turned white.


“Reena, I see you have been waiting for me. You don’t need to wait anymore.”


“Get out!” I shouted at him.


“You don’t mean that. Don’t worry; once I am inside you, it will feel so good you will forget you played hard to get. Look at you lying there wet. How can I not?” he said as he came toward me.


“No! Phoenix! Luka!” I shouted at the top of my lungs over and over.


“They are in the communal area, eating. They are not up here,” he said as he came toward me.


I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want to get out of the tub. I thought it would be harder for him to get a hold of me in the bath. I screamed, “Get away from me, you pig!”


But it didn’t work. He hovered over me as I trembled in the tub screaming. His smile was menacing. He plunged his hand into the water and caressed my leg. I jerked it away from him. “Get away from me!”


BAM! The front door burst open as though a large gust of wind had hit it.


“Get the fuck away from her!” a booming voice shouted.


Wham! Commander Triq was thrown across the room by an invisible force. He hit the wall hard. I looked at the door to see Dekario standing there. His wings were spread wide behind him, and he was staring down Commander Triq with eyes that seemed to be glowing a light brown. I didn’t know what was happening, but I was glad that he was there. I breathed a deep sigh of relief. I was more than happy to see him at that moment. I felt safe.


“What do you think you are doing?!” Dekario shouted.


Commander Triq stood up from the ground and growled at Dekario. I knew he was about to shift. I didn’t think the hut would be able to hold him if he did. I remembered how large the black dragon was.


“Don’t do it,” Dekario said as his head jerked up, and as he did, Commander Triq was raised off the floor. He was floating in the air. I couldn’t believe it. It was then that I realized that Dekario was doing this.


“I’ll pull you out that window and drop you down to the ground before you can shift. Now get out!” Dekario said as he walked in a circle inside the hut, never turning his back to Commander Triq. Commander Triq floated in the air inside Dekario’s force field toward the door. He was finally set down on the platform just outside the door. Then… bam. The door shut and locked.


I was in the tub with my mouth wide open. I could not believe that this had just happened. I truly was in an alien world with these strange alien dragon men that had all kinds of mystical powers. It was a lot to wrap my head around. Yet one thing kept interrupting my science logic, and that was that I was completely turned on by Dekario’s rescue. He was so damn attractive to me at that moment. I never thought I would enjoy being the damsel in distress, but now that I was rescued, it was a heady feeling. It filled me with desire, lust, and passion for this dragon being.


“Did he hurt you? I will kill him,” he said as he moved over to me and knelt down beside me.


It was then that I could no longer hold back my feelings and the floodgates opened. I cried. I put my face in my hands, embarrassed that I was not being strong, but I couldn’t help it.


“He didn’t physically hurt me. But he scared me. I really thought he was going to… I mean he wanted to…”


“Shh… it’s going to be all right now. He’s gone,” Dekario said as he put his arms behind my wet back and pulled me against his chest. The moment he did it, I felt a sense of safety. I relaxed against him and cried as he moved his hand up and down my back. The thin piece of cloth was still stuck to my body, but I knew that it didn’t cover anything. I was naked against him, and it was a confusing mix of emotions. I felt turned on beyond anything but also still in fear of the encounter with Commander Triq. It was a lot to deal with after dealing with drifting in space aimlessly, then crashing, then losing my crewmates in such a brutal way, and then learning about these alien beings. It had all built up inside of me to this moment of release, and I needed to release.


“He will never hurt you again. I promise you that,” he whispered to me as he pressed his lips against the top of my head in a gentle way.


“Promise?” I whispered back.


“Yes. I promise on my honor as a Draqua,” he said. “You are shaking. Come on; let’s get you out of there,” he said as he let me go and stood up. He moved to the cabinet shelves on the wall and grabbed a bright yellow cloth. He handed it to me as I clung onto the wet cloth trying to cover my body.


“Turn around,” I said as I grabbed the cloth from his hand. He grinned and then turned around. I stood up, and the sound of the movement of water was joined by the sound of Dekario letting out a small moan and a sigh.


“This is torture, Reena,” he said playfully.


“Then you will just have to be tortured,” I said as I stepped out of the tub and wrapped the cloth around me. “Okay, you can turn around,” I said.


He turned and looked at me up and down. I knew the wet cloth sticking to me wasn’t much of a cover up and I was dripping wet.


“That really isn’t much difference, thankfully,” he said with a grin.


“Dekario!” I said as I crossed my arm over my breasts. He cleared his throat and said, “Right, I will leave you now, or I won’t be able to not kiss you,” he said, moving toward the door.


His leaving left me in panic. “Wait!”


“What, Reena?” he said as he turned to me.


“Don’t go. I don’t want to be alone. What if he comes back? I can’t possibly sleep.” I said stepping to him.


“You don’t want me to go?” he said arching an eyebrow.


“No, I don’t. I want you to stay here. Please…” I said as I moved an inch from him. I couldn’t’ stop myself. I had no control whatsoever over my body. It was on autopilot all of a sudden. He groaned. I pressed my palms against his chest and ran my fingers lightly over his scale pattern.


“If you touch me like that…”


“You’ll kiss me?” I asked as I turned my mouth up to his.


“Yes,” he said with a thick sound to his voice. He leaned down from his tall height and pressed his lips to mine.


“Mmm…” I whimpered into his mouth. Dekario’s mouth opened and I opened mine in response. His tongue slipped onto mine softly and gently, and I welcomed it. I was on fire. My whole body was full of this energy that I was receiving from him. It was joy. It was passion. It was lust. I was following my instincts, my womanly instincts to be with this dragon and experience it to the fullest possible extent.


I got up on my tiptoes and put my arms around Dekario’s neck, brushing against his long black hair. As I did so, the cloth fell from my body. I pressed my naked, damp body against his and he groaned. He pulled my mouth from his and pulled my arms from his neck. I was shocked by this. Was he going to reject me? He stepped back away from me.


I gasped. He couldn’t leave now. I wanted him. I was too far gone in lust to stop now.


“What are you doing?” I whispered.


“I just want to look at you,” Dekario said.


“Oh,” I said, as I stood there vulnerable and naked. He stared at my feet, and I wrinkled my toes up, feeling very exposed. Dekario’s eyes moved up my calves, over my knees, and to my thighs. His gaze lingered between my thighs, and my breathing grew heavier. Then his eyes moved up over my belly to my breasts. Dekario bit his bottom lip as he stared at my ample breasts. I liked this sign of approval from him. It was only turning me on more. Then Dekario’s eyes locked with mine and he said, “Come here.”


I moved to him. Then he held his hand up and said, “Wait. Wait there while I shift back.”


“No!” I blurted out.


“You want me to stay like this, in dragon form?” he arched an eyebrow at me.


“Yes, I do. Is that okay?” I asked as I moved to him and ran my hands over his toned abs.


“I don’t want to hurt you,” he said.


“You won’t. We will be careful,” I whispered. Then I couldn’t help myself anymore. I pressed my lips against Dekario’s toned stomach. He moaned as I did so. Dekario put his hand on top of my head, running his fingers through my hair. I placed soft kisses over his long torso. There was a little bit of dark curls going from his belly button down into his waistband. I licked over it up and down. “Fuck…” he whispered.


Then I moved up his body and placed my arms around his neck again and reached up for him to kiss me. Dekario put his hands on my bottom and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around him, and he carried me to the bed. He laid me down on it very softly. He kissed my breasts and I moaned and wiggled on top of the mattress. His mouth pursed over my nipple as he sucked on it, pulling it into his mouth. I thought I would explode in orgasmic pleasure right then and there. Then his tongue flicked at it. Then he moved over to the other breast and did the same thing while his large hand wrapped around the side of my body. His hand was hot, and my skin where his hand met my side was tingling.


“You taste amazing,” Dekario said.


“You feel amazing,” I said.


Then he moved down my body using soft kisses to guide him all the down. He then kissed the inside of my thighs. I held my breath, as I knew what was next. Dekario pushed his face between my thighs and pressed his mouth against my center.


“Oh god. Oh god,” I whispered.


“How does that feel?” Dekario asked.


“Delicious,” I whimpered. I could feel him grin before he went back to pleasing me. His long tongue moved over my clitoris. He pressed on it, applying soft then heavy pressure, then soft again. I crumpled the sheets into my fists trying to hold on to something. I looked down at him and saw his wings spread open wide, hovering behind him. The pattern of scales down his strong arm that held up his weight was very exotic to me. I was with an alien, and that brought me to the brink. The sensations started in the pit of my stomach and filled me with vibration. I could not hold on anymore.


“I’m going to release, Dekario. I’m going cum,” I said over and over again in a breathless whisper.


“Good, I want you to. I want you to cum for me,” his distinct voice said between licking me. Then he moved his tongue faster and faster as his hand reached up and moved over my belly and cupped my breast, squeezing and massaging it. It was all that I could handle. At that moment, I released into orgasmic pleasure. My body pulsed in my center between my thighs and I screamed out. “Oh yes! Oh yes! Don’t stop!” He licked and kissed me over and over as I allowed the sensation to wash over me. It was so intense that I pushed my fingers through his hair and held on to it, maybe pulling a little harder than I should. Then he slowed down, and I squeezed my thighs together, pressing against his square jaw.


Then he moved from my thighs and kissed my belly, going up my body until he was on top of my mouth. I kissed him with passion. I kissed him deeply. Dekario kissed me back with such a hunger that I knew that he wanted to be inside of me right then and there and was struggling to control himself. But I was going to make him wait. It was now my turn.


“I want to do it to you now, Dekario,” I said.


“Do what?” he asked as he kissed my neck.


“What you just did to me,” I said.


He stopped kissing me and looked at me. His brown eyes were filled with desire, and he bit his lower lip.


“I’m not going to argue with that,” he said.


I pressed my hand against Dekario’s chest and rolled him to the side. He was now on his knees as he folded his wings behind him. I stood up from the bed, placing my bare feet on the wooden floor. I grabbed his hands and pulled him from the bed.


“Stand up, Dekario,” I said.


“Yes, as you command,” he said playfully.


He stood up, and I kissed his strong chest. I licked around his nipples and then made my way down. My hands pulled at the loincloth.


“Here, let me. It’s on there good,” he said as he undressed himself. Now he stood there naked in the clunky boots that had a blaster gun tucked in a holster on one side and a large knife in the other. I took a step back, putting a couple of feet between us.


“What are you doing?” he asked.


“I just want to get a look at you,” I said with a smile. He laughed a little and put his hands behind his head as though to surrender himself to me. I let myself get an eyeful. Dekario was naked in front of me, and he was absolutely beautiful. His toned body was firm and masculine. His skin was sun kissed and perfectly smooth. His strong chest was very broad, and his abs were hard. Further down, a mass of dark curls surrounded his massive cock. It was long and firm. It was so thick I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to get my mouth around it. I gasped at the sight of it.


“Like what you see?” he asked.


“Yes, I do,” I said as I stepped toward him. I got right in front of him and got down on my knees. I wrapped both of my hands around his rigid staff, and he groaned as I did so. I looked up at him towering over me. He was such a strong presence, and I couldn’t wait anymore. I licked his staff up and down, over and over as slow as I could. I wanted to tease him. Dekario moaned loudly. His breathing was heavy, and I could see his muscles tense up at my touch. Then I let my tongue move over the tip of it, and my hands moved up and down faster and faster. “Oh, fuck…” he whispered.


I was enjoying this experience. It was different. It was new, and I was feeling more aroused than I had ever been in my life. I wanted him inside of me. I couldn’t wait any longer. I stopped. He looked down at me and put his hands on my wrists and pulled me up to him.


“I can’t wait any longer,” Dekario said to me. “You’ve made me wait long enough, and I want what I want.”


I bit my lower lip as his sensual demands made me feel so damn sexy. I felt alive and beautiful. I watched as his wings stretched out to their full length and then folded neatly behind his back. Dekario picked me up into his arms, carrying me the few steps to the bed. He laid me on the bed gently and playfully growled as he crawled over me. I kissed Dekario’s full lips and prepared myself for what I had waited for. Dekario placed his hips between my thighs, and I immediately felt the tip of his cock press at my center. I gasped as I felt it. Then he pressed his body against mine, and my hands immediately went to his chiseled forearms that had that distinct pattern on them. Dekario pushed his thick cock inside of me, but just an inch. He moaned as we both soaked in the deliciousness of the moment.


“Damn, that feels so good. You are so tight,” Dekario whispered to me in a husky voice. I moaned in response to his words, or purred is more like it. Then he moved slowly inside of me. I opened my thighs wider as he went deeper and deeper. Once he was all the way inside of me, we both let out a sigh and then he began to move in and out.


Dekario swayed his hips in a pumping motion as he moved in and out of me. I cried out in extreme ecstasy. Then the room became a chorus of our moans and breathing as we lost ourselves in this erotic moment. I ran my hands up and down the sides of Dekario’s torso, feeling every ripped muscle as he moved. I couldn’t hold on any longer. I was still very sensitive after the explosive orgasm he gave me, so I had to release the energy building up inside of me.


“I’m going to release. I can’t hold on anymore,” I whispered. Dekario moved in and out of me, faster, and faster. I let out a loud moan as my body convulsed in release. I pressed my face against his strong chest and squeezed my eyes shut as my fingertips dug into his torso. My toes curled, and my legs felt weak and numb. It was not what I expected. It was better. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced in my life. I was with this alien, and he was shifted into dragon-man form while he was inside of me, and that was something my body was rejoicing in climatic pleasure.


Dekario slowed his movement inside of me. He rubbed his hand over my wet hair. Then he moved inside of me with short bursts of movement. His breathing was heavy, and he was wild, like a beast. We stayed in this rhythm for what seemed like twenty minutes. Then I felt his body tense up. Dekario groaned louder and louder as he moved quicker inside of me. “I’m going to release inside of you,” Dekario said to me. As soon as he said the words, I felt the build up inside of me coming to the edge. I released almost instantly as I grew louder and wiggled under him. Then I felt his warmth flow through me.


I placed soft kisses on his strong chest. Dekario moved in and out of me slowly, enjoying the lasting sensations of climax. After a minute or so he collapsed his heavy weight on top of me. We lay there in silence, and once again I could hear the waves crashing against the beach outside. I was hyper aware of my surroundings as he stayed inside of me. I was in a hut high in the jungle trees of an alien village on an alien planet. Incredible.


Finally, Dekario pulled out of me and stood up. He walked over to the table and grabbed a glass of water and handed it to me.


“Thank you,” I said with a smile at this act of kindness from this arrogant dragon. Then as he stood in front of me, he shifted out of dragon form. It was miraculous to watch. Dekario climbed into bed with me and lay on his back, staring at the thatched roof of the hut. As I watched him with his perfect body and completely mysterious ways, I now had time to think. I remembered his rescue of me from Commander Triq. How the hell did he do that?


“Tell me something,” I began to say.


“You are beautiful,” Dekario responded cutting me off. I laughed.


He put his large hand on my back as I sat up in bed next to his long, nine-foot body. “But, how did you do that? With Commander Triq. Some invisible force pulled him off of me? Then he was in the air and out the door. You did that, didn’t you?”




“Wow. How?”


“It’s a mind power that I have. I can move objects with my mind.”


“Like telekinesis? No way,” I said.


Then the cloth at the foot of the bed suddenly floated in the air and covered us in bed.


“Oh my god. That is amazing. But how? How is this done?” my scientific mind asked.


“I am not entirely sure the specifics. I only know that I was born with the ability to do this. Many of us hybrids have something like this.”


“Hybrids, the result of humans mating with Draqua,” I said.


“Yes. That was when it started. Some hybrids can see visions of the future. Others are able to have mind persuasion. Kavik has the ability to paralyze others with the touch of his hand.”


“That is insane! I can’t believe it. Though now that I think about it, some humans have claimed to be able to move things with their mind. So I guess the blueprint is there for something like that to happen if you are going to interbreed species like that.”


Dekario laughed, “Wow, you really are a scientist as you said.”


“Yes, of course I am!” I said playfully slapping his chest.


“It only makes me want you again and again,” Dekario said as he grabbed me and pulled me back onto the bed. I let out a little scream. He kissed me. I kissed him, back wrapping my legs around his back and preparing myself for more magic.






Reena was not the first human female that I had been with, but she was definitely the best. I was feeling a hunger for her that was unlike any I had ever experienced. I had known after meeting her that she was the one, she was my mate. But being inside of her only solidified that thought. Reena needed to be mine. I didn’t know if King Hydros would allow them to return to Earth and if she would want to return. It was all that I could think of as I slept that night with her in my arms. So the next day, I had to find out all that I could.


On top of that, I was still pissed beyond belief about Commander Triq trying to force himself on Reena. I could have killed him with my bare hands for doing that. I had every intention of finding him and sharing some words with him. So as I walked with Reena along the white sand beach that morning, I knew that I had to do something to keep her safe at all times. I did not trust Commander Triq to not try it again when she was out of my sight.


“I have to get going. I have a lot to do today. So I must regretfully leave your side,” I said as I grabbed her hand and led her away from the crashing waves around her small feet.


“Where are you going?” she asked as I led her toward the communal eating spaces in the heart of the village. It was very early, and only a few Draqua were around, but it was enough to make me feel safe enough to leave her in this public space.


“I have work to do. I am a warrior, remember? I have to meet with the king. You will be safe here,” I said to her, only half telling her what I was really up to. I was going to find Commander Triq and bitch him out.


“But what about…”


“Commander Triq? Do not worry. He wouldn’t dare do anything as drastic as he did yesterday in this space. What he did to you yesterday is illegal, and he knows it. He won’t try something like that here.”


She looked around at the space. “I see Luka grabbing some food over there. I will be fine here.”


“Promise me not to return to your hut. It is not safe there without me. I don’t know if Commander Triq will return and try something again if he finds you alone. So don’t go. Promise me.”


“I promise,” she said.


“Good. Stay in the village until I come find you later. I will return for you,” I said as I pulled her close to me and kissed her. She whimpered softly, and then I pulled myself away from her, a hard thing to do.


A few moments later, I was heading to the warrior barracks near the landing port. The barracks were the center of warrior activity. This was where we stored our weapons. This was where we trained and learned. It was where the younger warriors lived before they graduated from training and could live anywhere they wanted to. I found Kavik cleaning his blaster gun as he sat in the courtyard. Two Draqua warriors were fighting each other nearby in a training session.


“How was your night?” Kavik said with a grin.


“Better than you can ever know,” I said.


“No, I think I know,” he laughed.




“I was assigned to take food supply to the new human guests. When I got to Reena’s hut, I didn’t dare knock because of the sounds coming from inside. I recognized your voice,” he laughed.


“You creep!” I playfully said as I slapped his back hard.


“I did nothing but my assignment,” he laughed. “What brings you to the barracks this early? I would think you would still be taking a couple of turns with Reena,” he said.


“I’ve come to look for Commander Triq. He attacked Reena last night,” I said angrily.


“What? Commander Triq did that?” Kavik said surprised.


“Yes, I caught him in the act, and we had a confrontation. But I am not finished with him. I have a few choice words for him,” I said looking around for him.


“That makes sense. That would be why he left in such a rush earlier,” Kavik said putting his blaster gun in his boot.


“What? He left? Where did he go?” I said, pissed off that I missed my opportunity to scold him, but also relieved that he was no longer near Reena.


“He left to Tiok with Nalox and another warrior team,” Kavik said.


“Tiok? I wasn’t aware of this mission,” I said.


“Yeah, neither was I. He said it was to take charge of a cargo transfer in Pacu. He was very adamant that you and I were not needed,” Kavik said.


“We have been replaced,” I said.


“Ye, and I now know the reason why. It was because of your encounter with him last night. He probably feels humiliated and doesn’t want to face you, so he replaced us,” Kavik said.


“Perhaps. But that sounds a little strange to me. Something is not right with that. I am going to dig a little on this. I don’t like it,” I said.


“Anything I can do to help?” Kavik asked.


“Yes, find out which ship he went in. Which warriors he took and if there really was an order for this cargo transfer,” I said. “I have a meeting with the king. I will meet up with you later.”


“Sounds like a plan. I can handle that,” Kavik said as we grabbed forearms in a Draqua arm shake and parted way. Then I made my way to the palace to see the king.


“Are you aware of Commander Triq’s departure to Tiok?” I said after I greeted the king with a bow.


“Commander Triq has left Kelon?” King Hydros said.


“Yes. I thought it was odd.”


“I am not aware of every single departure; nothing would ever get done if that was the case. But you have reason to think of it as odd? Tell me why?” King Hydros moved over to an open area of the room and shifted out of dragon form. When I arrived, he had just come in from a flight around the village. I followed his lead and shifted out of dragon form as well.


“Because he was adamant about not taking Kavik and I and we have always accompanied him on missions to Tiok. We are a team, but there is a factor that I must inform you of that could also have affected his decision to leave Kavik and me out of his plans,” I said as the king handed me a glass of water.


“Go on,” he said.


“Last night I found the human female Reena screaming for help in her hut. Commander Triq was attempting to force himself on her. I put a stop to it,” I said.


“Commander Triq did what?!” the King roared. “That is not tolerated here!”


“Yes, as I told Reena. I protected her the rest of the night and led her to the communal spaces this morning. I did not know of Commander Triq’s departure from Kelon at the time, but I knew that she could not stay in her hut alone.”


“Protected her?” the king asked with an arched eyebrow.


I grinned. I couldn’t help myself as I remembered what Reena and I had done. “She asked me to stay and protect her. I did not do anything unless she asked me to.”


“And did she?”


“She did.”


“Good,” the king said.


“What? Do you mean you are not cross with me for taking her? I have not been granted her as a mate. It is not the Draqua way.”


“No, you are right. It is not the Draqua way. But your disobedience in that matter might work out for us. The humans are anticipating returning to Earth, which as you know is a very complex situation for us since humans on Earth do not know of our existence. By taking Reena, as you have done, perhaps she will want to stay on Kelon. She might even grow to love you.”


“I can only hope,” I said.


“As for Commander Triq, if you feel that something is not righ, then I trust your instincts. I give my permission to keep an eye on it. You and Kavik keep an eye on it together but take no action toward it. I am sure that it is nothing. But it might get us some needed information. I am still wary of the Aeriwana Draqua hybrids, and I can feel that something is happening on that front. Perhaps it is linked.”


“I will keep an eye on it, as you say,” I said to the king, a bit annoyed that he was not letting me depart to find out what Commander Triq was up to.


“Yes. If you find something, report to me immediately,” he responded.


But as soon as I realized that he just wanted me to stay on Kelon, my mind jumped to Reena. I didn’t want to leave her, not now. I didn’t trust that she would be safe in the village without me. So perhaps it was a thing that the king was not ordering me to leave Kelon. It would be a hard thing to do. I think King Hydros sensed my hesitation.


“What is it?” he asked.


“I want her. I want Reena as my mate. I know I am only a warrior, but I am one of your trusted warriors. If you think it is worthy, may I be granted a human female wife?”


“You know my wife; she will insist that the human female want you in return. I know that is not the traditional way of the Draqua. It used to be that the king granted a human female to a Draqua male, but since she came into my life…” he smiled.


“Yes, I am aware,” I grinned, suddenly understanding how he allowed his human female to influence him so much. I would also do anything that Reena asked of me.


“We grant you permission to court her, if she wants you in return, then you shall be granted her as a wife,” a soft feminine voice said. I turned to see Queen Melody Hydros entering the room.


“Yes, my queen,” the King said going over to her and placing a kiss on her cheek. She blushed.


“Now, if there isn’t anything else, I think you should get a move on that mission and leave me with my beautiful wife. I have a lot of… business… to discuss with her,” the king said.


“Yes, sir!” I said playfully, understanding his notion. I bowed to them, “My queen, my king,” and then I moved to the veranda and shifted. I ran fast and swan dived off the edge and flew straight to the village to find Reena. She would be relieved to hear of Commander Triq’s departure, but that didn’t make me feel good about leaving her for too long. I still did not trust that she was safe, for some unknown reason.


I flew over the white beaches and spotted her immediately. Her long brown hair was down around her shoulders, and she was wearing the very vibrant cloths of the Draqua. It was the first time I had seen her dressed in the Draqua fashion. She had worn her space suit since arrival. It suddenly filled me with joy to see her in the sheer white dress over the long horizontal strip of green cloth covering her breasts and the blue loincloth covering her from waist to thigh. It was a sign she was embracing the Draqua life. I watched as she did a cartwheel in the sand and laughed and giggled with her friend Luka. I landed near them and walked over.


“Having a good time on the beach?” I said playfully.


“Yes,” Reena said, walking over to me with a big smile on her face. Her friend Luka blushed at seeing me. I wondered how much she had told her close friend about our encounter. Or had Luka simply heard us the way Kavik did?


“Good, I am glad that you are. What’s next?” I asked implying what was next for the day.


“Well, we were just talking about how we were hungry again,” Reena said pointing at Luka.


“I’ve got that covered. Watch,” I said ready to impress the human females. I gathered a pile of wood and placed it in a fire pit as they watched. They looked confused. Then I took a deep breath as I looked at Reena. I could feel the warmth in my chest begin to build. Then I opened my mouth and shot fire at the woodpile.


“Oh my god,” Reena whispered as I lit the fire pit. Then I stopped and turned to them.


“I can’t believe you are able to do that,” Reena said.


“I’m not done. Now, you said you were hungry?” I said.


Reena looked at Luka and both of them nodded. I ran at a fast speed toward the ocean as though I was going to jump into the tide, but before my feet hit the water I flew straight up into the air. I could hear the women gasp as I did so. I flew fast and hard over the water and then stopped mid air and changed direction. I dove straight down very fast and dove into the water. I was down in the water for five minutes. I didn’t need to be down there that long, but I wanted Reena wondering where I was. I wanted to make her want to see me emerge. Then, I finally did. I broke through the surface and flew into the air with a large fish in my hands. I flew onto the beach and threw the fish on the fire.


“Food will be ready soon,” I said as I walked over to Reena, dripping wet. She was staring at me with her mouth slightly open.


“That was so cool!” Luka shouted as she giggled.


“Yeah, what she said,” Reena added.


“Should we go for a swim?” I said.


“Yea!” Luka shouted as she pulled off her sheer white dress and ran into the waves. Reena grabbed her dress, but I stopped her. “No, allow me,” I said as I grabbed it from the bottom hem at her knees and slowly slid it up her body, allowing the back of my hand to graze her skin. She breathed in a sharp breath of air as I moved over her thighs, then her belly, breasts, and then finally over her head. I leaned down to press my lips to hers, but as I got close, she jerked away with a laugh and ran straight into the water. I growled at being denied a kiss. I ran and dove into the water, speeding out as they watched and then back to them. We played and frolicked in the cool crystal waters for some time. Then when we returned to the beach, Kavik was waiting for us.


“Kavik!” I said.


“I took the liberty of turning this over and then removing it. It is done,” he said pointing to the fish that he had placed on a long leaf.


“Thank you. Join us! There is plenty,” I said.


“Yes! There is plenty,” Luka said interrupting us.


Kavik smiled at her. I knew that smile well on him. “I would be glad to. I have some business to discuss with you as well.”


“Understood,” I said as I motioned him to me closer to the shoreline. I pulled my long knife out of my boot and handed it handle first to Reena. “This is for the fish. I trust you can manage?”


“I am a scientist. I think I know how to serve fish,” she said as she grabbed the knife from me and her and Luka made their way to the fire and to the fish.


“What new, Kavik?” I said.


“I found out as much as I could about Commander Triq’s mission.”


“Lay it on me,” I said quietly.


“Yatew and Borvon are the warriors that replaced us on the mission.”


“I do not know them,” I said.


“No, neither do I. They only finished their training a month ago. Very young hybrids,” Kavik said.


“So they are young and impressionable. They know nothing but following orders. It makes sense that he chose them. What else?”


“He took a small ship, a Kiva 867.”


“A Kiva? That is not a cargo ship. That is a speed ship. It is one of the fastest in the fleet.”


“Yes, exactly, and get this: there was no mission for a cargo transfer for him on the books. He convinced the port to let him take the ship by making up some bullshit story about a trade that needed immediate attention on Tiok. No doubt he scared the shit out of the port guard in some manner or other to allow that to happen.”


“Just as I thought. Good work, Kavik. I will report this to the king and see what actions he wishes us to take. When I spoke to him earlier, he said that only you and I should secretly keep an eye on Commander Triq and that situation but to take no action. I will see if this new information changes that, but I doubt it.”


“Good, because I’m done with work for the day. The sun is setting, and I have grown… hungry,” he said as he looked over at Luka. I saw her turn to him and give him a smile. We moved toward the human females.


“Have you already cut yourself?” I playfully said as I sat in the sand next to Reena.


She smiled. “I have perfectly cut the fish with no incidences,” she smiled.


“That’s impressive,” I said looking at her work. We all sat around the fire eating and having a good time. It was very strange to get along so well with these humans. I was not expecting to have anything to talk about or to spend time with a human female other than the mating that was necessary. This was refreshing.


“Come on, I want to show you something,” I said to Reena as I stood up and held my hand out to her.


She stood up and said, “Where are we going?”


“You will see,” I said with a smile.


“But I promised Luka we would walk back to our huts together,” she said.


“I’ll walk her home!” Kavik blurted out. We were all silent for a second. Then Luka cut through the silence as she said, “Oh yes, that will be fine. Don’t worry about me, Reena.”


“All right,” Reena said with a smile. I grabbed her hand and led her down the beach a bit as we walked in silence. Then I stopped and looked at her.


“Well?” she said.


I didn’t answer. Instead, I picked her up into my arms and flew into the night sky. She let out a little squeal as I did so. “What are you doing?” she said as she wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist.


“Having some fun,” I told her.


I flew out over the water and then got very low over it. Reena laughed as the spray from the water wet her. I had fun taking my time allowing her to enjoy the flight. I never understood how humans could ever find any enjoyment without the ability to fly, so I wanted to show her what it was like in a fun way. We weren’t running from any monster or flying to a specific destination with a purpose. We were just flying for fun. She giggled and placed soft kisses on my chest. As soon as she did so, I found myself aroused. She shouldn’t have done that because now there was no stopping me. The queen herself did give me permission to court Reena, as she put it. I assumed this was as close to courting as a Draqua could get.


“There,” I said as I looked ahead.


“What is it?” she asked.


“It’s an island called Eita. It is isolated and very small. That is where we are going,” I said as I flew to the island. It was only about the size of a very large hut in the village. I landed on the sand.


“Oh my gosh. This is incredible. It looks like it’s just floating in the ocean,” Reena said as she walked around the small area of land surrounded by water.


“Look at these trees; there are only three but they are tall, and they look happy to be on this small piece of land,” she said as she excitedly took it all in.


“Yes, and look up. Without the light of the village, you can see all the stars and our three moons,” I said. She looked up and gasped.

“Dekario, this is beautiful. I have never seen so many stars in my life. They completely cover the sky barely leaving in black. The moons, they are glowing and—”


She couldn’t finish because I placed my mouth aggressively on hers, cutting her off. I couldn’t wait anymore. She moaned and put her hands against my forearms. I put my hands on her bottom and squeezed. Then I let my hand go down her bottom, further and further as I kissed her. Then I let my long fingers slide between her thighs. Reena sighed and lifted her thigh against my leg. I groaned in response. I pushed them up her loincloth and directly onto her sweet center.


“Oh god,” she whispered between kisses. I allowed two fingers to push inside of her warmth. She whimpered and pressed her body against mine. I moved my fingers slowly within her as she cried out. My cock was completely hard. I rubbed it against her small frame. Understanding my needs, Reena reached down and placed her hand on top of it. She rubbed the material of my waistcloth up and down over it. I growled in response. I knew that I couldn’t wait any longer, but I wanted to please her. I wanted her ready for me. I moved my fingers from inside of her and pushed them on top of her sweet spot.


“Oh yes. Right there; don’t stop touching me there,” Reena said. I played with this spot, allowing my finger to move in a circular motion. I felt her tense up as she pushed her face into my chest.


“I’m going to release,” she whispered.


“Good,” I whispered back. Then her body convulsed slightly as she moved her hand off of my cock and pressed her fingertips into my sides. She held on as though she was going to lose her balance. I moved my hand from her center and put my hands on her back, holding her up as she whimpered and went limp. I smiled at her. I scooped her up into my arms and laid her on the soft sand. I pushed my face between her thighs and tasted the result of my work. She moaned and wiggled. “I’m so sensitive still,” she said as I slowly licked her.


“I can tell,” I said as she jerked in small movements as while I slowly let my tongue move up and down her wet slit. But I needed to be inside of her. As much as I enjoyed playing with her and teasing her until she could hardly stand it, I also needed to be inside of her. I was hungry for her and needed to feel her warmth envelope me. I moved from between her thighs and slowly placed soft kisses on her body as I moved upward. I licked and kissed her belly and moved up over the cloth on her breasts. I playfully tugged on it with my teeth. I sat back on my knees and then I pulled off my loincloth and moved on top of her. She opened her shapely thighs for me, and I placed soft kisses on them, moving up her body as I pulled off her loincloth. Then she pulled on the cloth covering her breasts and hoisted it up. Her pink nipples were hard, and I put my mouth on one immediately.


“Oh Dekario…” she whispered as she pushed her fingers into my hair. I spread out my wings behind me, as I knew how much she enjoyed it when I was shifted into dragon form. She moaned in response. “You are so beautiful. You are such a beautiful and mysterious creature,” she whimpered.


I loved hearing her words. I was exotic to her, and she was exotic to me. We both turned each other on.


Then I placed the tip of my cock in her warm center and pushed in. She arched her back in response. I could feel her lips press against my chest as I moved forward. She was delicate and petite underneath me, and I did not want to hurt her. The sand under her was soft, but I was heavy.


“How does that feel? Does that feel good?” I asked her.


“Yes, it does. It feels really good. Don’t stop what you are doing,” she whimpered. I noticed her legs began to move higher up my thigh. She was opening herself up to me. I grinned knowing she wanted more and more of me. I moved faster inside of her. The sound of the crashing waves of the ocean only a couple of feet away was filling my ears. The spray of the water was hitting us. It was the perfect way to cool off while I was getting so damn hot.


“I think it is happening again…” she said.


“What?” I asked.


“I am going to release again,” she whimpered. She dug her fingertips into my torso and held on. I moved faster and faster. Then she let out a loud yell. I knew then that she was releasing. I smiled. I reduced my pace and moved my cock inside of her slowly, then out. She wiggled under me as the sensation moved through her. I let a few seconds pass before I once again moved faster and faster inside of her. Then I felt myself coming to the edge. It built up inside of me, and in seconds, I was shouting and releasing. I pressed my body to hers as I allowed the shudders of the orgasm to go through me.


Moments later I was laying beside her in the sand. We were both winded from the workout. Then I felt a drop land on me, and then another.


“What is…” Reena began to say.


But then it suddenly poured, cutting her off. We both laughed as fat drops of rain hit us.


“The sky was so clear a while ago!” she screamed at me over the pouring rain.


“Yes, but then we became distracted,” I said to her. “Come on. I will get you back home,” I said picking her up from the sad. We each put on our clothes as best we could in the pouring rain. Seeing her hard nipples sticking out from the cloth made me thankful for the rain. I smiled at her.


“Let’s go. It’s coming down harder,” she said.


“Hang on,” I said as I pressed my body against her belly. She put her arms around my neck, and I scooped my hands around her bottom. She wrapped her legs around my waist, and I took off into the pouring rain back to the main island.


I landed outside her hut and placed her on her feet. The rain was still coming down as she opened the door and we went inside.


“I’m soaking wet!” she said as she moved over to the table with plenty of clean, dry cloths. She grabbed two and handed one to me as she dried off.


“I think this storm is going to last well into the night,” I said looking out the window.


“Yes, it is beautiful though. On Earth, I always get the best sleep during a storm. I like the rain,” she said.


“Do you miss Earth?” I asked not wanting to hear her answer.


“Of course. It is my home,” she said.


The smile faded from my face. She looked at me as though she was regretting what she said and quickly changed the subject. “I need to get out of these wet cloths.” She moved toward the washroom and began to grab cloths to tie around her body.


“Do you want to be left alone tonight?” I asked her as I leaned against the wall of her hut. She turned to me and looked at me with wide eyes.


“But what about Commander Triq? What if he comes for me?” she said in a slight panic.


“He won’t. He left Kelon this morning. He went to Tiok,” I said.


“Oh, I see. That is good news,” she said.


“Yes, and no reason for me to guard you anymore. At least not until he returns,” I said.


“Well yes, but…”


“But what?”


“I want you to stay anyway,” she said.


“I would be delighted,” I said as I moved to her and scooped her into my arms. She giggled. I was ready to go for another round, and another, and another…




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