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Omega's Claim: An M/M Shifter MPreg Romance (Foxes of Scarlet Peak) by Aspen Grey (27)


“Go ahead and push again for me, sweetie,” Osana said soothingly as I took a deep breath and tried to keep my head in the cool and calm state I’d managed to find during my labor. It had been a longer labor than I’d anticipated, but then again I don’t really know what I’d expected.

During our research for the water birth, I’d seen women and men just hop into the tub, lie back with some soothing music and pop out a baby. They must have been professionals, because this was nothing like that.

I’d managed to take my contractions without screaming bloody murder, and really had reached a state of relative peace as my body did its thing, but I was starting to get worried about just how long everything was taking. I was probably just worried for no reason – hormonal, but that didn’t change what I was feeling.

Red had turned off the lights and brought in some of the leftover candles, which gave the whole room a quiet feel that really helped. I’d had my eyes closed for a half hour or more, just listening to my own breaths, feeling the sensations going through me, and feeling Red’s loving touch against my skin as he stroked my arm.

“Oh, why won’t they just come out!?” I finally said with a deep sigh. I didn’t want to talk too much and interrupt my breathing, but I was getting frustrated. I wanted them in my arms. I wanted to be in the bedroom with my mate, lying wrapped up in a towel with my two little boys.

“They’re coming,” Osana told me. “And you’re almost there. Once the first one’s out, the second one won’t be far behind.”

“You’re doing great, babe,” Red told me, squeezing my shoulder tenderly. Without opening my eyes, I leaned my head in his direction. It had become an unspoken signal letting him know I wanted him to run his fingers through my hair, which he did again. I groaned happily at his touch.

I’d read somewhere that children develop better when they’re held or experience some form of human contact. Babies that were sick in a hospital got better faster when they lay with their siblings, and by the way I responded to Red’s touch, I had no doubt that it was true.

“What do you think of Bernard and Garrett?”

“For our boys?” I asked.


“Hmmm,” I thought. “I like Garrett. Is Bernard too…formal? I picture a Bernard like a stuffy English man with a top hat and a pipe.”

Red chuckled, “Okay. How about Garrett and…”

“Austin,” I whispered. I don’t know where it came from, but it somehow it seemed to fit.

“Garrett and Austin,” Red said. “I like it.”

“So do I,” Osana chimed in.

Another contraction hit me and I knew one of my baby boys was close to entering the world. I lifted my hand and felt Red’s close around it and squeeze. I was going to have to push soon, but for just a moment, I allowed myself to get lost in the moment and my memories.

We’d come a long way from Mrs. Brown’s. Two orphans, meeting and falling in love, finding their fated mates and then losing each other. Ten years, ten years later and we run into each other again. What were the odds for either of those things happening?

And then Sonny had come for me, but we’d fought him off – together. Red would do anything for me, and I would do anything for him. We were a strong couple that would raise our children in a family like we never had. It would be a lot to learn, but the challenge excited me.

Finally, I opened my eyes and looked up at my mate. I could see the intensity there, how badly he wanted to fix everything for me, but this was my battle to win and I had to push through on my own. All he could do was support me, and that’s what he was doing.

“I love you, you know?” I said, smiling up at him.

“Of course I know that,” he replied, his hand tightening around mine. The others never saw this side of Red. To them he was a stoic leader who spoke like a man from another time, but to me he was all that and more. He was my light, my strength and my shoulder to cry on. He was strong and sensitive and would always be there for me. It was almost impossible to put into words how I felt about him.

“I know you know,” I laughed. “I just like to say it.”

“I like to hear it,” he replied.

“Okay,” I said, more to myself than anything. “Time to do this. “

I looked down at my belly, half submerged in the water that Osana had been warming up occasionally for me. Soon it would be gone, and the two boys inside me would be in my arms – or Red’s, of course.

I tightened my grip on Red’s hand, closed my eyes and pushed.

“Ah!” I growled as I focused, summoning all my strength.

“That’s it!” Osana cried out.

“You can do it,” Red whispered to me. I was holding his hand, but I thought I might end up crushing it.

“Ah!” I cried out as I felt something shift.

“There you go, honey!” Osana urged me on. “Push!”