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One and Done (Island of Love Book 1) by Melynda Price (18)

Chapter Eighteen

Was it possible that Balen was just as broken as she was? Were they in another time, another place, she might have taken on the challenge of proving him wrong—sometimes life wasn’t about letting go, it was about holding on.

“It feels like you’re holding on pretty tightly right now,” she challenged.

He flashed her a roguish grin that might have held a hint of regret. “This is just me ‘enjoying the moment,’ because I know I’m going to have let you go soon.”

Before his words fully sank in, Balen’s mouth was on hers. The hot crush of his lips sent a sizzle of electricity coursing through her veins. His hands reached up to tangle into her hair. She gasped at the sharp tug that was more surprising than painful. The way he took control and thoroughly consumed her with his kiss made her wonder if she wouldn’t enjoy him dominating her in other ways. She thought she might like to find out.

Autumn sensed an undercurrent of possession in his touch and it both frightened and excited her. He’d told her earlier he was trying to hold back, and if this was Balen restrained, what would he be like unleashed? Just kissing him made her feel like she was drowning, but in the most pleasurable way imaginable. His tongue swept into her mouth, tangling with hers, then retreated to nip her bottom lip. He licked away the sting, a throaty groan that sounded equal parts pain and pleasure rumbling deep in his chest.

“Tell me to stop, Autumn…” He growled the demand against her lips. “Before you make a liar out of me and I break my vow and fuck you right here in this cave.”

His vulgar honesty surprised her, but not as much as the hot need flooding through her at those graphic words. She wasn’t sure she wanted him to stop. In fact, she was rather certain she didn’t. He felt too good. Too right. His mouth was on her neck, sucking that sensitive spot over her pounding pulse. The accelerated tempo of his breaths marked his failing restraint as her hands explored the map of muscles over his pecs and down his stomach. Her thumb was tracing the divot near his hip when a chorus of shrill laughter echoed on the other side of the falls. She might have convinced herself she’d imagined it if not for Balen’s snarled curse.

The voices were growing closer by the second and she could physically feel the effort it took for him to let her go and step back. His hand dropped between his legs to adjust his erection, the length dangerously close to straining past the waistband of his board shorts, when a couple came splashing through the curtain of water.

They startled when they saw them, appearing surprised to discover they weren’t alone. “Oh… Sorry, man. We didn’t realize anyone was here.”

Balen reached for Autumn’s hand before turning toward the couple. “No worries. We were just leaving.”

* * *

2:15 a.m.

2:16 a.m.

2:17 a.m.

Autumn stared at the clock on the nightstand, watching the numbers tick interminably by. After leaving the waterfall, Balen had taken her to dinner. Of course, the food was fantastic and she’d had a great time with him, but to her surprise and admitted disappointment, Balen did not try picking up where they’d left off in the cave. In fact, he’d been the perfect gentleman all night.

If she hadn’t experienced that mind-numbing kiss in the cave, heard the strain in his voice as he struggled for control, she never would have believed it happened. Oh, but it had, and it was playing through her mind on an endless loop, robbing her of sleep. Her fingertips tingled with the phantom ache of feeling his flesh stretched over all that sinew and muscle.

No man had ever had made her so hot, or made her feel so good. They’d shared a connection in that cave. She couldn’t describe it. She wasn’t even sure what it was, but it made her chest feel tight and her heart beat a little bit faster

No… she told herself when that stirring of emotion began churning inside her. You are not falling for this guy. But, damn, maybe she was. She’d never met a man like him. Make-out sessions aside, she couldn’t remember when she’d had so much fun just being with someone. Sure, she and Summer had a blast when they were together, but Balen was a different sort of fun. The kind that made her pulse quicken and her core ache. Just thinking about it, about him, had her shifting uncomfortably in bed. The Egyptian cotton sheets felt like sandpaper against her overheated skin.

Exhaling a frustrated sigh, she tossed the offending bedding aside and lay there letting the ceiling fan cool her.

2:23. It seemed like the harder she tried to rest, the more elusive sleep became. Autumn closed her eyes, trying to forget that hunger in Balen’s eyes. It had been the most erotic thing she’d ever seen. No man had ever looked at her like that—as if she were the very air he breathed

Autumn’s cell chirped. She reached for it, wondering who would be texting her at two-thirty in the morning. And then she remembered it was afternoon back in the states, and Summer was probably just checking in. Foregoing any hope of sleep, she grabbed her cell and swiped her thumb over the screen.

The text wasn’t from Summer. Balen was sending her the pictures he’d taken of them. The first one that came through was of her on the paddle board, then their selfie of him kissing her cheek. She scrolled lower and found the one of her touching the rainbow.

Was it the vacation that put the carefree smile on her face or was it something more? Before she could think on it any longer, her cell chimed and a new message came up.

More pics for your scrapbook. I had a fun day with you.

So did she. A lot more fun than she ought to have had. Are you still awake? Maybe she wasn’t the only one suffering from insomnia.

Yeah, I can’t sleep. Every time I close my eyes a gorgeous redhead keeps haunting my dreams. The sound of her crying my name as she comes against my tongue keeps waking me up.

Holy shit! What happened to the gentleman? Had they really done that? God, she wished she could remember. At the thought of it, a rush of heat swept through her body, igniting her core. Her pulse quickened. She couldn’t believe he’d just said that to her. How was she supposed to respond to that?

Before she could formulate a reply, another message came through.

In case you were wondering, THIS is sexting. ;)

She laughed, remembering their conversation that first evening when she’d accused him of sexting her when he was just trying to return her declaration papers. What should she do? Should she sext him back? What would she even say? She’d never done anything like this before. Balen was just down the hall…five little steps away, which made it seem even more forbidden. But there were two doors separating them, and the barriers emboldened her to reply.

I figured that out when my panties got wet. If I keep thinking about your tongue, I’ll never get to sleep.

A moment later, she was pretty sure she heard a tortured groan echo from the spare bedroom. She bit her bottom lip to hold back her laugh, afraid he’d quit sexting her if he knew she could hear him. Autumn was going to torment him and have a wickedly fun time doing it. Before she could send him another message, a new one appeared.

I think you should take them off

Oh boy… So he was going there. My panties? What makes you think I haven’t already? She hit send and hooked her lacy thong with her thumbs, dragging it down her thighs. If she was going to do this, then she was really going to do it. Sadly, she hadn’t been kidding when she’d told him she was wet. The power Balen held over her was startling—that he could command her body through a freaking text message...

Do you have any idea how hard I am right now?

Are you naked?

I’m about to be. You?

She pulled her nightshirt off before sending a reply. Completely bare.

You should lock your bedroom door.


Because if you don’t I’m afraid I won’t to be able to stay away.

Did she want him to? Autumn was torn… This was fun, it was safe, and there was no doubt in her mind that if Balen walked through that door they’d be having sex. But was she ready? She thought maybe she was. Only now she had to figure out a way to keep her heart from getting involved. This would have been so much easier if he could have been her One and Done—no emotional attachment, but then look at everything else she’d have missed out on. Experiences she wouldn’t have traded for the world.

Autumn decided to err on the side of caution. They still had more time to take that step and she needed to figure out a way to disconnect her heart. Climbing out of bed, she walked over to her door and turned the lock before sending the message. Door’s locked, temptation averted.

Hardly. Are you in bed?

I am.

Where are your hands?

Where do you want them?

I want one between your legs and the other on your cell so you can keep texting me.

Autumn slowly slid her hand down her stomach to her wet center. It surprised her how turned on she was, though why shouldn’t she be? Everything Balen did seemed to turn her on. I’ve never done this. She wasn’t sure why she felt the need to confess that to him.

Never done what? Touched yourself, or done it while on the phone with a guy who was doing the same thing?

Oh wow. The thought of Balen sprawled out on his bed—naked—with his aroused length fisted in his hand was a mental image she wouldn’t soon forget. The muscles of her empty core clenched, longing to be filled. Of course she’d touched herself before, lots of times, but never with someone else on the other end of a phone. Maybe Balen wasn’t here in the flesh, but he was still here—just down the hall, which was oddly erotic. With someone else on the phone.

Does it make you feel any better to know that I haven’t either?

He hadn’t? The thought of being his first at anything excited her. If she’d wavered in what they were about to do, she wasn’t anymore. Tell me what it feels like.

Sweet torture. I’m remembering how beautiful you look in my arms, and how delicious you taste. I’m so worked up right now my cock is weeping like a baby. Touch yourself the same way I wish I was touching you.

She slipped two fingers inside her empty channel, imagining it was Balen. She pictured his hard, muscled body stretched taut on that bed one room down from hers—his hand fisting his cock in a brutal grip to keep himself from coming as the escaped liquid rolled over his fingers, slicking his shaft. It's not the same without your tongue.

Just say the word, baby, and I’m there.

Her thumb hovered over the keypad, working up the courage to take things further. It was a big step. There would be no turning back… Autumn found her sweet spot and the tension began to coil low in her belly. Balen, I’m getting close.

Seconds ticked by before another message came through. Autumn, I can’t hold back any longer. I’m going to come.

Several heartbeats later, a low, throaty groan echoed down the hall. The raw, guttural sound was all it took to send her spiraling over the edge. She didn’t try to muffle her release. Autumn’s moan filled the room, Balen’s name a breathy cry on her lips. A fine sheen of sweat coated her body as she lay there catching her breath, the euphoria slowly fading. Several moments passed before her cell buzzed again.

I love the way you sound when you come.

I was just thinking the same thing about you.

Good to know I do it for you.

You totally do.

Goodnight, Autumn.

Goodnight, Balen.