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Only You by Denise Grover Swank (6)

Kevin considered going straight to the coffee shop after work, but Matt had taken him on a tour of the mall after lunch. If he was going to stand by his pretense of looking fresh for his mother, he needed a shower.

When he got home the kitten was mewling in the laundry room that had been attached to the back of the house, off the kitchen. He’d picked up a bag of kitten food, some milk, and cat litter on the way home, although he had no idea why he was taking care of the cat. But the alternative was to take it to the animal shelter, and that wasn’t happening. So he was the temporary caretaker of a tiny gray kitten until he could find some other poor sucker to take it.

He scooped up the kitten, groaning when he saw the vinyl floor. “How did such a tiny thing make such a disgusting mess?” But then he wasn’t all that surprised. The night before, he’d fed the poor thing some of his lasagna.

He thought he’d given himself enough time to get everything done and be at the coffee shop a good five minutes early. Instead he arrived right at four and found his mother waiting at a table, a notebook in front of her. She looked up at him and stood, tears filling her eyes. “You’re really here.”

He was fairly certain she didn’t mean at Starbucks. “I’m here.”

He gave her a warm hug, and she clung to him for a few seconds longer than he’d expected before she dropped her hold and looked strangely devoid of emotion.

Despite the fact that she drove him absolutely crazy, he loved her. Nicole Vandemeer would go out of her way to help her children. Unfortunately, she rarely asked if the help was needed.

“You look lovely today, Mom.”

She beamed, tugging at her lightweight jacket. “Thank you. I have to say, my day started off terribly, then progressively improved. Now that I’m here with you, it’s nearly perfect.”

“What happened this morning?” he asked as they got in line in front of the counter.

“First I was involved in an accident on Seven Highway—”

That got his attention. He reached for her elbow and looked her up and down for signs of trauma. “Are you okay? Why didn’t you call me?”

She reached up to pat his cheek. “Kevin, I’m fine. It was very minor. In fact, my car is still driveable.”

“Thank God.”

“You’re such a sweet boy to worry. But that was the lesser of my morning evils.”


“That ridiculous girl lost my biggest client to date. You have no idea what doors the Johansen wedding could have opened for us.” They moved forward a few steps, under an air-conditioner vent, and she swept back several stray hairs that had blown onto her cheek.

“Your assistant?”

She frowned. “Of course. Who else? I was tied up with the accident and she had one job: keep them there until I got there. How could she screw up something so simple? And on top of that, she tried to steal them from me. Can you imagine?”

“Every time I’ve talked to you over the last few months, you’ve done nothing but complain about your assistant. Why don’t you just fire her?” But he also knew his perfectionist mother. She rarely thought anyone was up to her impossible standards and would clone herself to do the job if possible, yet when someone came close to hitting her standards, Nicole became defensive and threatened.

His mother took a breath and something flickered in her eyes that Kevin couldn’t read, confirming he might be on the right track. “It’s not that simple.”

“Seems pretty simple to me.”

But before she could respond, the barista took their order. Kevin insisted on paying for the drinks, and they settled at a table close to the windows.

His mother made a show of getting comfortable, then leveled her gaze on him. “I want to know more about your house. Megan won’t tell me a blessed thing. But then she was always an obstinate child, defying me simply for the joy of driving me crazy.”

“It’s a small two-bedroom, one-bath house. It needs a little work.”

“So what’s the big deal? Why can’t I see it?”

“It’s still a mess. …”

“Please…” She dramatically waved her hand. “Whenever I visited you, your apartments were always impeccably clean. Even your bedroom when you were a kid was neat as a pin.”

“Like I said…I’d like to fix it up a little before you make a judgment.”

Her gaze leveled on him. “What has your sister done?” She shook her head, releasing an exaggerated sigh. “I knew that girl would get you into trouble.”

His mother was saying exactly what he’d been thinking the previous night, but sibling loyalty trumped the truth. “Matt agrees it will be a good investment.”

Her scowl returned. “I have no idea why you agreed to work in construction. You could always come work for your father at the engineering firm.”

“I don’t want to work at Dad’s firm. Besides, Josh has taken charge and he’s doing a great job.”

“Josh is your father’s son-in-law. You are his son and heir. If you want the company, it’s yours.”

He didn’t try to hide his shock. “You’d have Dad fire the father of your grandchild?”

She shuddered. “Of course not. Don’t be ridiculous. He would merely be…reassigned.”

Kevin shook his head. “From what Dad has said, Josh has worked his ass off to turn the company around. He’s earned his place there. I would never dream of screwing him out of it.”

She frowned. “Kevin. Language.”

“My language is far less insulting than your suggestion.”

“I would never suggest moving Josh out, but surely you two could share responsibilities. He works long hours—maybe he’d like someone to take part of the load so he can spend more time with Megan and the baby.”

When she put it that way, he could see her point. Perhaps his mother’s biggest problem was her delivery, not her intent. “It’s a moot point. I don’t want to work for Dad. I never did.”

“So you’d rather work for Matt’s father’s company?”

“You know Matt’s father died less than a year ago, so it’s Matt’s company now. He asked for my help and I like the challenge. It’s a fresh start and I’m helping a friend.”

“But are you making very much money?”

He shouldn’t have been surprised she asked, but he was still offended. “Enough.”

“Well…” She smoothed her skirt as she planned her next attack. She looked up with a forced smile. “I suppose this is an opportunity for you to explore your options”—she used air quotes—“or whatever you kids call it these days. I have high hopes that you’ll realize it’s time to take on your other responsibilities.”

“What does that mean?”

She stared at her cup for a moment. “If you’re ready to have your own home, then you’re ready to consider settling down.”

He laughed. “You think I’m going to the Power and Light District to get drunk every Friday and Saturday night?”

“No.” She scowled again. “I mean marriage. Children.”

He’d hoped Megan’s pregnancy would curb her “I need a grandchild” mantra, but he should have known better. “I think I’ll take it one step at a time.”

“You’re thirty-four years old, Kevin. You’re not getting any younger. All your things”—she pointed her finger in the air and made a squiggly motion—“are going to die and leave you childless.”

Kevin choked on a mouthful of coffee, sputtering it down his shirt. “You mean my sperm?”

She cringed. “Such coarse talk, Kevin.”

And things with a hand motion was any better? “Mom, I’m not sure where you’re getting your biology facts, but my sperm are good for decades to come.”


He shrugged. “You brought it up.”

“It’s time to consider starting a family.”

He fought the urge to groan. Definitely time to change the subject. “The Royals had a five-game winning streak. I’m thinking about taking Dad to a game next week.”

She narrowed her eyes. “So you refuse to have this discussion?”

“I’m focusing on other things, Mother. My job. My new house. My new niece or nephew. Maybe when I feel settled with everything else, I’ll be ready to consider marriage.” But he didn’t see that happening for a very long time, not that he wasn’t open to it. He just didn’t want to settle for the wrong kind of woman—the women he typically dated.

She pushed out a breath and gave him a tight smile. “Of course you know best.”

He steeled his back. “But? What aren’t you saying?”

Instead she patted his hand. “Always so suspicious. Since I can’t bring dinner to your house, then I insist you meet your father and me for dinner tomorrow night.”


The smile she bestowed on him made him nervous

“Oh, look at the time.” She grabbed her purse and stood. “I’ll text you the details about dinner tomorrow.” She started to leave, then turned back to him. “Oh, I hope you don’t have plans for Saturday afternoon. I need you to come to Megan’s baby shower.”

“What?” he asked in dismay. “Is it a couples shower?”

“No, but you’re playing bartender. I’ll let you know when to show up.” Then she walked out the door with a tiny wave.

He already regretted agreeing to dinner. But expecting him to come to a baby shower? He’d seen that look on his mother’s face before.

She was definitely up to something.