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Operation Mayhem Boxed Set: Military Romance boxed set Books 1 - 3 by Lindsay Cross (69)


“Ouch!” Audra pulled back from Diggs’ gently probing finger.

“The swelling has gone down a lot. I’d say in a couple of days, you’ll be good.”

Audra hopped down from her perch on the bench in the small side lab, going for the small hand held mirror on the medical tray nearby. She lifted the mirror and stared in horror at her reflection. “It looks terrible.” She gingerly traced her fingers over the blue and purple swelling around her eye.

Diggs’ large fingers wrapped around hers and forced the mirror down. He took it from her grasp and laid it face down on the table. “You look beautiful.”

He drew her into his arms and she buried her face against his chest, thankful for his kindness. “I’m so glad no one else was here when we came down. I’d hate for your team to see me like this.” She’d never thought of herself as a vain person before, but the right side of her face looked like she’d run into a train.

Diggs chuckled and his arms tightened around her, his strong chin resting on top of her head. “Hate to break it to you, hon, but you’re fixing to see all of them.”

Audra stiffened and tried to pull away just enough to look up at him. “What do you mean?”

“I mean we are going to tell them what you told me about Jeremy and show them the video.”

The now familiar signs of panic started to take hold. Her throat tightened and her chest burned. Her skin felt like there were a thousand spiders crawling over it. Audra pushed away, gulping in a deep breath of air. “I don’t want them to know. I don’t trust them.”

Diggs closed the gap between them, forcing her to face him. “If you trust me, you trust them. We are a team.”

But all the thoughts about why she shouldn’t trust them battered her mind. What if they were somehow involved?

“Stop what you’re thinking right now,” Diggs said gently. “They rescued both of us last night, remember? They want to help.”

He was right, logically she knew this. But she still felt afraid, logical or not. “But your team is so scary.”

Diggs’ expression hardened just before he leaned down and placed his face inches from hers. “Only to the bad guys.”

Audra snorted and rolled her eyes, shoving playfully against his chest to expel some of her anxious energy. “That’s because you’re just as big as they are. To us normal people, you’re all giants.”

“Maybe you’re just tiny.” Diggs caught her up in his arms and yanked her back against his chest, nuzzling her neck and nipping her skin playfully.

An electric shock of pleasure skimmed down her skin and goosebumps raised on her arms. “You’re crazy.”

“Only about you.” And then his mouth closed over her earlobe and she forgot all about her fear as heat swept through her very core.

“What is it with people making out in my lab?”

Audra yanked away to see Melissa standing in the doorway, arms crossed and a dark eyebrow arched. She felt the heat rush to her cheeks and buried her face against Diggs’ chest, taking the cowards way out.

“What’s up, Doc?” Diggs said playfully, his tone showing her he was completely unconcerned being caught in a public display of affection.

“I was sent to fetch you. The team is assembled and waiting.”

Audra did lean away then, watching the doctor warily. “All of them?”

Melissa gave her a firm nod. “All of them.”

She so wasn’t ready for this. “How’s Trigger? Diggs said you treated him last night and that he’s doing much better.”

Surprise flickered across Melissa’s features before she resumed her typical emotionless doctor face. “He’s fine.”

Audra narrowed her gaze, then turned to face Diggs. “Where’s Trigger?”

“Like the doc said, he’s fine. I saw him myself. He was walking around and ate some leftovers from the kitchen.” His words sounded perfectly benign, but something in his tone was definitely off.

Audra crossed her arms and squared off against the man who had just made her toes curl. “I want to see him.”

“Audra, the team is waiting for you to brief them,” Diggs said.

“And I will after you take me to see Trigger.”

Diggs stared at her so long, she began to think he was going to deny her request. And if he did that, the man better be ready for a fight. Trigger was all she had left. If he thought she’d go so much as a day without checking on him, especially after he’d been so savagely beaten, Diggs was about to learn a very hard lesson.

But then his stiff shoulders slumped and he let out a huff of air. “Audra, I’m not sure it’s safe for you to see him right now.”

“What do you mean?” A wave of unease crashed over her.

“I think the beating may have aggravated some of Trigger’s PTSD. He wasn’t himself last night.”

“Is he going to be okay?” her breath hitched.

“Yes.” Diggs took her arms in his massive hands. “He’s going to heal. He’s just . . . a little wary of people.”

Or he was freaking out because she wasn’t there. “Take me to him, please.”

“Alright, I’ll take you to him. But I need you to stay behind me until I make sure it’s okay.”

Audra didn’t bother replying to that ridiculous request. Instead, she grabbed Diggs’ hand and pulled him from the room, gesturing for him to hurry up and lead the way. He went two doors down and stopped, peering through the small glass window. Audra squeezed up next to him, peering through the window and seeing Trigger immediately. He was holed up in the corner, his body visibly shaking. She let out a cry and grabbed the door handle, but Diggs stopped her before she could go inside.

“The worst thing you could do is go in there in a rush or panic. Be easy. No fast movements. And Audra, if you don’t stay behind me, the deal is off.”

“Can’t you see he’s scared?” They had left him alone in this cold, sterile lab, with so many unfamiliar sights and sounds that he was probably freaking out. He needed her.

He’d needed her last night . . .

“Yes, I can and I understand why you want to go in there, but I’m not wavering on this. Stay behind me.”

“Okay, I will.” She acquiesced, but only because she didn’t want to delay any longer.

“Here we go.” Diggs eased the door open, entering the room with caution.

Audra stayed close, but with Diggs’ massive shoulders blocking her view, she had to lean sideways to keep the dog in sight. The moment Trigger spotted Diggs, he started to growl.

Diggs stopped just inside the door and held his hands out in a nonthreatening manner. “Easy, boy. Easy.” Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out a napkin, unfolding it to reveal crisp strips of bacon. “This is how I got him to come to me last night.”

Diggs crouched down and Audra placed a hand on his shoulder, completely in awe of Diggs’s compassion. She didn’t know any other person who would make that kind of effort. He continued to amaze her, and her heart swelled in reaction to his kindness. “Thank you,” she whispered.

But Diggs didn’t react or respond. He kept his gaze focused on the dog, dangling a long strip of bacon from his fingers. “Come here, Trigger. Come on.”

Trigger’s lips pulled back and he snarled, his black eyes wild. This wasn’t like him. He’d been wary of Diggs before, but the ferocity rolling from his body now could have been seen by a blind man.

She had to do something. He’d been comforted by her before, maybe she could reach him again. “Trigger, it’s okay.”

Trigger’s gaze shifted to her and his snarling eased. Encouraged, Audra tried to step around Diggs, but Diggs threw out his arm and blocked her. Trigger growled.

“Diggs, put your arm down.” Audra kept her focus on the dog and her voice gentle. She wanted to believe that he felt connected to her and that she could calm him, but his gleaming white canines and crazed look held her back.

“Get behind me,” Diggs said.

“I won’t go any closer. I think he wants you to stop touching me.”

The muscles in Diggs’ back tensed, but he slowly lowered his arm.

Audra tried again. “Come on, boy. It’s me, Audra. You remember me.”

Trigger’s growl eased but his ears stayed upright and forward, and his stance defensive.

“That’s it, good boy.” Audra eased her hand toward Diggs, palm up. “Hand me that bacon.”

Diggs did as she asked and Audra took the smallest step forward, her arm outstretched. Tension rolled off Diggs now, and from the corner of her eye she could see his mouth tightening.

“Come on, Trigger, come get some bacon. I know you like it.” She flapped it in the air, hoping the smell would entice the dog.

His furry coat, which had been standing on end only seconds ago, eased down, except for just between his shoulder blades. He rose to a standing position, his bandaged front leg standing out in stark contrast to his dark fur.

“Good boy. Come on, come see me.”

Trigger lowered his head and took a small hop forward, his gaze bouncing between her and Diggs.

Audra knew she needed to put some distance between herself and Diggs, but she also knew he wouldn’t like it. “I’m taking a step forward now,” she warned and then stepped, focusing on Trigger, even though she could feel Diggs’ frustration.

Trigger took another hop forward.

“Audra, don’t,” Diggs said in a firm tone.

Trigger froze. His lip curled but he didn’t make a sound.

“Come on, Trigger, don’t listen to the silly man. Come see me.” Audra eased another step forward and Trigger’s attention turned back to her.

His face relaxed once more and he hopped closer.

Audra continued, matching him step for step until Trigger’s nose was only inches from the bacon. She kept her voice as soothing as possible, lowering herself into a squat so that she didn’t tower over him. “Good boy.”

Trigger sniffed the bacon and, although her heart was breaking, Audra sat right where she was, making him come to her. She knew he needed that freedom, that choice, to know she wasn’t any kind of threat.

Trigger inched closer, nipped the end of the bacon, and tugged. Before Audra let go, she slid her free hand down Trigger’s neck and shoulders, her heart hammering with fear and hope. Trigger didn’t growl or bite, he just stood there and swallowed the entire piece of bacon in one gulp.

Audra continued to pet him, her hand shaking. “Good boy, Trigger, good boy.”

Trigger popped in closer, nuzzled her now bacon-free hand, and sat down so that his side was pressed against her legs. The urge to cry rose sharp and fast, but she pushed it right back down. Maybe it was because she smelled a little bit like Jeremy, or maybe it was because she was a female. She wasn’t sure and didn’t care. All that mattered was that she and Trigger were connected.

“Audra, I’m not comfortable with this.” Diggs’ deep masculine voice carried across the room.

Trigger immediately shifted his head to the right and gave Diggs a low growl before returning to nuzzle Audra’s hand for more petting.

Audra did not fight the grin that tugged at her lips. She turned to Diggs and said, “I definitely think he doesn’t like you.”

Diggs had been in the process of taking a step but eased back down onto his haunches and stayed right where he was. “I’m the one with the bacon.”

“Don’t take it personally. He just needs more time to warm up to you.”

“I could be wearing a bacon suit and he’d still not like me,” Diggs said in a sarcastic tone. “It’s because he’s protective of you.”

Audra dipped her head to Trigger, giving him a good scratch behind both his ears. “He likes the way I smell.”

Diggs’ gaze darkened. “So do I,” he said in a toe-curling deep tone that knocked the breath right out of her.

Dear Lord, she was in way too far over her head. Images from their lovemaking last night flashed in her mind and heat rose to her cheeks. Diggs’ intense gaze burned, and she knew he was thinking the same thing. “Stop looking at me like that.”

“Like what?” he asked.

“Like you want to eat me alive,” she said breathlessly.

“I do.”

Trigger, unsure, looked around her shoulder at the bacon dangling from Diggs’ hand and whined.

Audra latched on to the distraction with desperation. “Maybe you should toss that my way.”

Diggs didn’t take his gaze off her. He tossed the bacon across the room, and it landed on the floor at her side. Trigger swooped in and inhaled the meat.

Audra kept her hand on his fur, but all her attention was on Diggs. Raw masculine lust radiated from every pore in his body, drawing the same level of desire from her. Her nipples tightened and her breasts felt heavy, full, and aching for his touch.

Diggs’ nostrils flared, as if he could smell her need. She thought she would melt right on the spot. Unable to stand the intense heat coursing through her, Audra ducked her head against Trigger’s fur like the coward that she was. When he looked at her like that, she couldn’t think. This man was going to make her fall in love with him if she wasn’t careful.

* * *

He could smell her desire and it was making him hard. Which in turn made his crouched position as uncomfortable as hell. He shifted, trying to get a more comfortable angle, but Trigger’s gaze snapped to him like a damn rubber band ready to break loose.

“All right, Audra, visit time is over. We need to get to the team to brief them.”

She shot him a look that could kill. “I’m not leaving him in this place. There’s nothing familiar here. He’s going to be terrified again.”

“You can’t take him out. Not until we know he’s stable.” Despite the fact the dog was nestling her like she was his mama, Diggs still didn’t trust him. Not that he didn’t want to, but Audra didn’t know what Melissa had given Trigger—and Diggs did.

He knew exactly what kind of unstable reactions the serum caused in humans, and he had no doubt it would have the same effect on the dog. Even though Melissa felt justified in giving him the drugs to save the dog’s life, Diggs had made up his mind—if Trigger lashed out and went after Audra, he’d have no choice but to put him down.

And that was something he most definitely did not want to do.

“Think about it, Audra. Look at how he’s reacting to me. What do you think he’s going to do when he sees one of the team walking down the hall?”

Her fiercely protective gaze faltered and Diggs felt a huge rush of relief. That was, until that stubborn sexy chin of hers lifted and she said, “Let’s take him to our room. We can keep the door shut, but at least he’ll be comfortable and I can be with him.”

Diggs’ ears latched on to one word in that sentence: our.

She thought of his bedroom as theirs? The thought warmed him from the inside out and a feeling of possession washed over him.

His. She was his.

“Diggs, I mean it. Trigger is not staying down here in this cold, sterile lab.”

Diggs fought to keep his expression flat when his lips wanted to curl into a grin. The woman had no idea she’d already won this argument, but part of him didn’t think he should capitulate so easily. “So, how exactly do you propose we get him to our bedroom,” he emphasized the word, “without running into anyone else?”

“You’re just going to have to go tell them to hide somewhere. It will only take a couple of minutes. Surely they’ll understand.”

“You want me to order my team to hide?” Diggs asked incredulously.

“Yes,” she answered in a tone that dared him to argue.

Diggs snorted and rolled his eyes. “Number one, I’m not in the mood to be laughed at today. And number two, I’m not leaving you alone with that dog. Not until I know he’s safe.”

“You can’t ask me to leave him in here.”

As if on cue, Trigger let out a low-sounding whine and licked Audra’s chin. It was Diggs who glared at the dog this time. Trigger knew exactly what he was doing. And when Audra hooked her delicate arm around his furry neck and buried her face against him, Diggs knew he’d lost.

“Fine. There’s a phone in here connected to the command center. I’ll ask the team to stay put.”

Diggs rose to a standing position. Trigger’s gaze snapped to his and he was forced to move in a calm, slow manner to the internal phone system on the wall. Diggs snatched the receiver off the wall and held it to his ear, pressing the code that connected him to the war room.

Hicks answered. “Hicks.”

Diggs covered his eyes with his hand and dropped his head. Diggs had ribbed Hicks mercilessly when the man had fallen head over heels for Whitney. He’d never thought he’d have to worry about the tables being reversed. “It’s Diggs. Is everyone in the war room?”

“Yep. Waiting on you and your woman,” Hicks answered.

Audra called out, “If they’re not, maybe you could ask them to stay in the rooms or something.”

Diggs covered the receiver and shot her a quelling stare. “I’ve got this.”

But it was too late. Hicks had heard every word. “Stay in our rooms?”

Oh, he was going to catch serious hell for this. “We need to move the dog upstairs, but he’ll freak if he sees any of you. You need to stay in the war room until I get the dog squared away.”

Hicks made a choking sound and Diggs’ fingers curled into a fist in response. “So, your girlfriend wants to take her puppy up to your bedroom?”

“Yes,” Diggs bit out.

Diggs heard the receiver on the other end being shuffled around and then the loud booming voice of Hicks making the announcement to the rest of the team. Gleefully.

Diggs smashed the phone against his ear. “Just do what I said. I’ll be down in a couple of minutes.” And then he hung up, turning to glare at Audra who was watching him with a satisfactory smile.

“All right, princess, how exactly do you propose to get him to follow you up to our bedroom?”

Audra’s grin dipped. “Don’t you think he’ll just come?”

“He’s a trained military K-9. He needs commands just like a soldier would.”

“What kind of commands?”

Melissa had given Diggs a couple of papers on canine training and therapy for dogs with PTSD last night. Diggs debated on whether or not to help Audra out after she’d put him in such an embarrassing position with his team, but in the end, he caved. He’d give her whatever she wanted to make her happy. “They teach them some common commands, as well as some that are top secret. Try Come. We’ll see what he does.”

If this didn’t work, Diggs didn’t know what they’d do. Trigger sure as hell wasn’t going to get in a cage without a fight, any more than he would allow them to lead him with a leash.

Audra rose to her feet and took a couple of steps backwards, patted her thighs, and said, “Come.”

Trigger went to her immediately.

“It worked,” she said with excitement.

Thank God. “Now tell him to heel and walk around the room in a wide circle.”

Diggs crossed his arms and leaned back against the wall.

“Heel,” she said and made a circle just as Diggs had instructed. Trigger stayed at her side the entire time. When Audra came to stand back in the same position as she’d started, Trigger dropped onto his haunches sitting at attention.

Of course, he would mind perfectly now. But that didn’t mean Diggs was going to totally relax his guard. The dog had been nearly rabid just minutes ago.

“You go in front.” He wanted to keep his eyes on both of them. The dog may bolt or snap or anything when he was introduced to a new environment.

“Yes, sir.” Audra snapped her heels together and gave Diggs a mock salute.

Trigger sat there and panted harmlessly, his missing and bandaged front leg giving him the appearance of a helpless injured animal.

Diggs fought off a scowl. That dog was as helpless as a lion.




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