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P.A. to the Billionaire by Samantha Leal (101)



Jessa couldn’t sleep. All she could think about was Michael in the next room. Rather than toss and turn, she went to the covered window, peeling back some of the cloth to look up at the moon. It was large in the night sky, almost full by the looks of it. And it was beautiful. She stared out for several minutes, trying to clear her mind, but her thoughts always went full-circle back to Michael. And her body still ached for him. Shane was out cold in the second bed. The kid slept like a rock and she knew he wouldn’t stir ‘til morning. Of course it would be 5am, but still he was out for hours.


She knew it was useless. She would never get back to sleep, with her body insistently yearning for satisfaction. She sighed to herself and looked once more at the bed that she knew she should be in. She just couldn’t bring herself to get back in it. She was losing the battle quickly now. She was already accepting that she couldn’t deny her desire any longer.

Jessa opened her door slowly. She waited for the loud creek that would alert Milo or somehow wake Shane, but she was able to open it without any horrific loud noises at all. She tiptoed over to the room next to hers and paused with her hand on the door knob for what felt like several minutes. Jessa almost turned around, but instead just turned it suddenly before she lost her nerve. Here goes nothing, she thought.

Stepping into the room and closing the door softly behind her, she waited to see if she had awoken him. When he didn’t turn towards her or move at all, Jessa took the time to allow her eyes to adjust to the dimness of the room. When she could finally see, she walked towards the side of the empty bed. The closer she got to him, the more her insides shook in anticipation.

God, I need this. She kept thinking to herself.

Jessa started to pull her clothes off slowly, trying her best to be quiet. She didn’t want to wake him, until she was ready. He had indeed been very patient with her, and now she wanted to reward that patience…and reward herself. Jessa touched her soft breasts, pulling on the hard ends with her fingers. Her flesh was more than ready for him and when she finally slid in next to his warm body under the covers, she molded herself against him. He was wearing just a pair of briefs and his skin was hot against her night-air-cooled flesh.

She didn’t move for several moments as allowed her heart and breathing to settle down a bit. She wanted to just feel him against her for a little while. She could feel the swell of her breasts pressed against his hot back, her nipples tightening with anticipation. Jessa moved her arm to encircle his chest as he began to stir.




“God, please tell me this isn’t a dream.”

Michael whispered the words, mostly to himself as he felt her warm flesh against his back. He had awoken when the door opened and though he had wanted to turn and see her, he was still afraid, even then of scaring her off again, so he had waited patiently for her to get up the courage to climb into bed with him herself. He was pleasantly surprised as he realized she was absolutely naked.  Michael couldn’t suppress the groan that came out as her body pressed against him. Her arm went around him, grasping at his chest as she pulled tighter against him. Finally she was ready. Thank God, he thought.

If it was a dream, Michael did not want to wake up. He tried to stay quiet, afraid that any quick movement might ruin it…like when you spot a deer on a morning walk. He had already failed miserably though. It was impossible not react to her, especially since he had been waiting for her for what felt like years. He took the hand that was on his chest into his own.

“Are you awake?”

“I’m not sure.”

Michael turned towards her, his hands moving to her ass and low back as he pulled her hips to him as they lay on their sides. His lips met hers, but with even more insistence than before. He held her chin with one gentle hand as he pulled her closer. When he finally pulled away from the kiss, her eyes were shut.

“It’s about time Jessa.”

At this, Jessa’s eyes fluttered open and met his. But there was no smugness in his comment that may have killed the mood. She could only see desire and a raw need in them. Their lips met again, though this time his hands ran down her side, stopping to caress the underside of one of her breasts. She cooed softly and pressed even harder against him. She could feel the excitement growing through the thin cloth that covered his hardening shaft. Her own sex was quickly growing wet with a desperate desire to receive him inside of her.

“Michael, I need you now.” She almost begged as she removed his shorts with first a hand and then her foot, pushing them down and then off of his body.

Mike grabbed her hips again, parting her legs as he raised one of her thighs over his own. His hard length pressed up against her quim. Mike spread her legs around him and pushed through her quivering thighs. He felt the liquid coating his shaft as he rubbed his cock across her exposed wet lips. He allowed the head to dance against her opening, as she squirmed to try and guide him inside. If she could just position herself right, she could push herself down onto him, but he anticipated her movements and teased her as he resisted.

Jessa whined, her body trying desperately to drive him inside of her, but he evaded every attempt, driving her into a virtual frenzy. She was becoming needier by the second, begging him to take her. It was a stark difference from the woman who had refused him so many times before. Her dam of resistance had finally broken.

“Please Michael, just give it to me,” she half demanded.

Michael paused, and allowing his rod to slide along her hole once more, he moved his body lower in the bed, while his arms held her thighs open to his gaze. He gazed at her open sex for a moment before running his tongue over her mound.

“Oh fuck,” she gasped.

Jessa moaned and pulled him closer, her thighs squeezing his neck as his mouth ravished her slickened core. Her hands pushed through his hair, pulling him in even tighter, her whole body screaming for more. Jessa’s muscles started to tense under him, her hips moving quickly against his lips and tongue as she sought to grind her clit against his willing mouth.

She felt a small nibble on her most sensitive part and cried out into the quiet night. Michael forgot how loud she was and eased off, lest she wake the rest of the house. His mouth released her and he looked up at her face as he slid a finger inside of her, even as he offered his other hand‘s fingers for her to suck on. Contented to suck and not scream she allowed him to pump his fingers inside of her, reigniting her orgasm anew. She relinquished his fingers from her mouth as she cried out his name.

Finally prepared to feel her around him, Mike pulled his body back alongside hers as he pressed his mouth against her. Just as quickly he rolled on top of her, his weight pressing her into the mattress as once again his hardness pressed against her aching, ready core. She could feel his heat on her and she rose her hips to try and meet it. The contact made him hiss under his breath. He felt her hot wetness against the base of his sex as Jessa desperately pulled her hips up in an attempt to finally land his head solidly against her swollen center.

“Stop teasing me Mike, Come on, enough is enough,” she said huskily into his ear. “I get it, I made you wait so so long,” she purred.

Her hips moved up again, straining to allow herself to be entered by him completely. Jessa was soaking wet and she couldn’t have possibly been any more ready than she already was. His cock was so close now, the tip beginning to press against her lips. The slightest twist and he would finally be filling her need.

“I want you forever Jessa, not just for tonight. Lying here with you now, I can’t even imagine the world without you. Tell me you are not going to run away again. When are you going to see that I really care for you?”

“I am not going anywhere Mike. Please!”

Mike was on the edge of giving in himself now, but he had been burned too many times by her to give in without just a little more reassurance. He had not let on how much her prior abandonments had hurt him.

“Tell me you love me Jessa. I’m tired of the games. I don’t want to be with you until you say it. I want to hear it from your lips. No more denying, because I already know you do.”

Jessa’s hips relaxed as the shock of this revelation sank in. She knew he cared but she had not really allowed herself to feel. Now there was no escape from the full impact of his devotion.

“I can’t Michael.”

“I love you Jessa, and I know you love me…please just let me hear it. After all the chasing, I need to hear it.”

Despite, or perhaps because of the gravity of their words, the passion had only increased between them, and Jessa let out a sigh as she felt him straining at the entrance between her outstretched legs. Now they were both waiting to see where this would lead. She squirmed trying to pull him in without giving in with those final words. She was amazed at his restraint. Even as he still held back, his blue eyes filled hers with the love that he clearly had for her. She knew she loved him too, but found her mouth could not utter the words. Everyone she had said those words to had left her, except for Shane. They were all dead, and Jessa didn’t know if she could take another loss.