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P.A. to the Billionaire by Samantha Leal (190)



Kala watched in awe as Zaden burst into the room, flinging the limp body of another man in a robe to the ground from in front of him. But instead of the handsome Zaden that she had known and loved, (had she loved him?) he was larger, and fiercer than anything she had ever seen.

He was still morphing, his body and muscles rearranging and transforming until he had completed his shapeshifting. A dragon. The creature his clan was obsessed with.

Zaden was a dragon shifter.

And suddenly her mission became clear in her mind once again. The beautiful streets of Kaldernon. The Loni village, where the King of Kaldernon had called upon the bravest and most adventurous soul to willingly leap through space time to bring a message of hope to those who had been abandoned for so many years on Earth, a planet long presumed to be dead by the people of Kaldernon. It had been her own choosing to undergo the dangerous and experimental Loni magic that sent her reeling through the continuum. She had known it might scramble her brain, and it might even make it impossible for her to recover her memories of home. She was willing to adapt, she’d said. And so they had proceeded and sent her hurdling to Earth.

The Guardians must have sensed her arrival somehow. They were calling her ‘the visitor’, and acting as if she were the bridge in their gap of knowledge of the people of Kaldernon.

Kala was startled out of her thoughts by a ferocious roar as Zaden bared his fangs and unleashed an icy torrent of breath. Richard’s guards were frozen where they stood, unable to penetrate through the frozen air. Somehow, Kala and Richard alone were unaffected by his breath, and Zaden stared at the man with fire in his eyes.

“I injected myself with Loni blood transfusions,” Richard bragged. “So your ice shit won’t work on me.”

He lunged toward Kala, hoping to finally lay his hands on her, but before he could, Zaden intercepted them. His huge, golden body prevented them from touching, and Zaden, thinking of nothing but avenging his parents and protecting Kala, clamped his fangs around Richard’s tiny body, ending the evil man once and for all.




Kala and Zaden were still for a moment before he finally felt safe enough to return to his human form. Slowly, he shrank back down to his normal size. Kala ran to him and embraced him, despite his glaring nudity. It was nothing strange to her now that she had her memory back. This was the way of the shifter.

“Kala, we have to help them before the ice wears off. I could handle one at a time, but I’m exhausted. I don’t have the energy to shift again.”

“Help who?” she asked as he pulled her toward the door where he had emerged.

She gasped as the horror of the sight became clear. A laboratory full of Loni and Dragon Shifters, who had all but had the life drained out of them. There was a commotion further down the hall. Human voices, some more musical than others. Diluted Loni and Shifter blood.

Zaden was struggling with knobs and dials, cursing in frustration as he tried to open each cage, one at a time. The people inside were no longer conscious, and stared into the air at nothing.

“Zaden,” she said, touching him gently. He was frantic with the need to help, but her intuition was telling her to move on. “Zaden, these people are gone. They have found their peace. We have to keep them from harming anybody else. Please, it’s the only way to win this fight.”

Zaden roared in pain and anger, knowing that Kala was right. He didn’t want to leave anybody behind, but now that he knew they were there, he would never stop fighting for a way to release them.

“They’re going to unthaw soon,” she said gently.

“All right,” he said reluctantly.

“I’m going to get fired!” a man was shouting. “Why is he naked?”

Zaden raised an eyebrow at the man as he struggled to open the cage. Kala gently pushed him aside. She would be able to do this. She closed her eyes and concentrated, willing herself to find the combination and release the prisoners. After a few moments of silent button pressing, there was a hiss and a click, and the door opened.

“Get home,” Zaden said sternly to them. “Now. And get help for the rest of the people here.”

The group nodded. The man’s authoritative voice was convincing enough for them, and they took off running through the back door, which Zaden and Peter had left gaping open.

“I guess we should run, too,” Zaden said to Kala. And so they went.