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Potion Perfect by Billie Dale (17)

Chapter Sixteen

Love makes the world go around, chocolate makes it bearable.

—Tensanne’s inner thoughts


I HATE VISITING the eye doctor. I have been visiting regularly since I was four years old. I despise having my eyes dilated. Glasses equal insults.

Four Eyes.”

“Window face.”

“Geek girl.”

Later it changed to, “Coke bottle wearing, fat ass,” teenagers being not so original with their insults.

Kids are dicks. I learned early in life. They don’t like someone who’s different. They get jealous of someone who makes them feel inferior. They aim their aggression on someone they deem weaker than themselves. One kid can change your world as a child. They can either become your friend or become your enemy. All it takes is one popular person to say one mean thing in front of your peers and you become the target.

Being accelerated drew a target on my back early in elementary school. Wearing glasses that got thicker every year, plus gaining weight, made the insults worse.

I have always wanted to wear contacts but the thought of touching my eye gives me the heebie-jeebies. Ronnie’s dad has offered me an amazing opportunity. The thought of LASIK is terrifying but I’m ready to shed my glasses.

Dr. Greg Camp’s office is warm and inviting. Soft, comfortable chairs line the walls, a small coffee table covered with magazines, a small nook in the corner offers toys for children to play with while they wait. Photos of famous people wearing glasses hang on the soft brown walls, interwoven with quirky photos of animals wearing glasses.

I check in with the receptionist and take a seat in the waiting area, my legs bouncing with my nervous heart beating out of my chest.

After fifteen minutes, a nurse calls, “Tensanne Craig,” and leads me into an exam room.

Wringing my hands together, sitting in the big black exam chair. I wait for Dr. Camp to enter. The room is a light blue, off to the side is the refractor which is the machine that switches different lenses in front of your eyes to quickly determine which ones will correct your vision, the slit lamp, and the retinal camera also within reach of the chair. Across from the chair are an eye chart and a small desk.

“Hello, Miss Craig,” Dr. Camp cheers, entering the room. “I understand you are here for a contact fitting and to learn about the benefits of LASIK surgery, yes?”

“I have read quite a lot about LASIK and right now I’m not sure it’s something that I want to do; but yes, I would like to wear contacts. However, I’m terrified of touching my eye.”

Nodding his head in understanding, Dr. Camp says, “That is very common. I will show you the best way to insert your lenses and if you are able, extended wear lenses are the best option for individuals with your phobia. Are you positive you are not interested in LASIK?”

“Yes. Using a laser to cut away at my eye to correct my nearsightedness is not something appealing to me right now.”

“Very well. Remove your glasses and I will begin your exam.”

Doctor Camp gives me a thorough exam, explaining dilating my eyes is not necessary now, as I had it done a few months ago at my regular yearly exam.

“The contacts I’m giving you are training lenses to use while we wait for the shipment of your prescription. You can wear these for three days at a time. If you notice they are bothering you when you try to sleep or are irritated when you wake in the mornings you will have to take them out each night,” he explains as he inserts the small flimsy plastic into my eyes. Once he’s finished, I blink to clear some haziness while he brings a mirror for me to see.

Raising the mirror, I see cute brown eyes dazzling back at me. The contacts enhance the green and gold in my eyes, no longer hidden behind thick lenses. My face feels empty without the weight of my glasses, but the person blinking back at me is kind of cute. A small breeze passes across my skin and chimes jingle in my ears. Peeking at Dr. Camp at his desk, he doesn’t move, he didn’t hear the jingle. I heard the same sound and felt the same breeze the first time I drank the potion. I have heard the chimes several times over the past few weeks. I wonder if this is some of the potions magic giving me signs?

Leaving Doctor Camp’s office, I head to The Brew Station. I feel good about myself for the first time in my life. My head held high, a little pep in my step, I get to see Kohl in a few days and tomorrow I get to pick up my dress. I’m happy.

My shift starts slow, the early afternoons are always our lull, it’s the four to five o’clock crowd craving their last caffeine fix of the day that swamps us. Once we get the machines clean, Leah and I sit down with our own coffee, taking a break while we can.

My phone pings with a text:

K: Whatcha doing, pretty girl?

I can’t stop a smile from lighting up my face, loving that I was thinking of him as he was thinking of me.

T: Having coffee with Leah

K: RU working?

T: Yep, just taking a break while it’s slow.

“So, you won’t mind if I join you?” rumbles in my ear. Whipping around in my chair, my hand hits my coffee, the lid flies off, flinging a light mocha latte right into Kohls crotch.

“Oh, shit,” I exclaim, quickly grabbing napkins wiping the coffee mess from his pants.

“I guess we’re even now. I dumped coffee on you and now you dumped it on me. If you don’t stop rubbing, there is going to be a bigger problem down there,” he laughs, turning his coffee-soaked crotch away from me but not before I notice the growing bulge in his pants.

“Oh, God,” I whine my face flaming tomato red.

“I love it when you blush, Tennie Girl. Did you miss me?” he purrs, his warm breath tickling my ear causing my shoulder to draw up.

“Yes,” I pant, jumping up and wrapping him in my arms, inhaling his succulent scent. “I’m glad you’re back. Wait, why are you back? You said you would see me New Year’s Eve.”

“I was bored at home. I couldn’t sit there playing PlayStation anymore. Plus, I wanted to see you,” he says, pulling back away from me, “Let me look at you.”

His eyes start at my feet, moving up my black yoga pants, over my apron, stopping at my chest briefly and ending at my eyes. Putting his hands on my cheeks he stares into my eyes, “You were wonderful with your glasses on, but now I can see all the colors in your eyes. The green and gold flecks all wrangled by a dark brown outer ring, your eyes are glowingly hypnotic.”

His hold on my cheeks keeps my eyes on his, “Thank you,” I mumbled shyly.

The bell above the door rings, signaling a customer and the end of our break.

Dropping my shoulders, heaving a sigh, I pull out of his grasp, “I have to get back to work,”.

Tucking a hair behind my ear running his finger along my jaw, “Text me when you get off, I’ll walk you back to your dorm and we can order some dinner,” he orders.

Nodding my head, he walks out the door. Giving me a glorious chance to regard his nice, tight ass at the top of those long, long legs. A sigh escapes me at the magnificent that is Kohl’s backside.

“You two are so cute together,” Leah says, shocking me, I forgot she was there.

“What? We’re not together. We’re friends.”

“Girl, there is so much more there than friendship. The chemistry between you two can be felt in the air. His eyes feast on you like you’re his last meal and you swoon so hard when he’s near you forget where you are. That is more than friends.”

“I wish it were that way. He really is amazing. He’s still seeing other girls, so I know you’re misunderstanding the way he looks at me. For Kohl, we’re just friends,” I say sadly.

* * *


I couldn’t stand sitting at home anymore. I missed her too much. I missed her laugh, her smell, her smile, I missed listening to her ramble about random things. I missed her, everything that makes her Tensanne.

When I planned to surprise her, I never thought it would get me a coffee shot to the crotch. I shouldn’t expect anything less though. I know she was trying to help but if she didn’t stop rubbing my dick with those napkins she was going to be in for one hell of a surprise and have a bigger mess to clean up.

Her head is positioned at the right height, her warm breath caressing the outside of my pants, her hands moving in an up and down rhythm had ‘little Kohl’ starting to stand at attention. My mind creating a much more erotic scene in a much more private place. One involving her on her knee’s much like she is now and her mouth sliding along my cock while her hands continue to rub. Her blush when I stopped her sends me right over the edge, not even thoughts of Grandma could keep him from rising.

I had to switch gears, a safer subject. Asking her if she missed me seemed like the right direction to go.

Wrong, again.

When she wrapped her arms around me and pressed her curves into my body, what should have been an innocent hug became my ultimate fantasy. I wanted to rub my hands all over her plump round ass, pulling her into my erection; I wanted to kiss the spot right below her ear, I wanted to claim every inch of her. Right here, right now, in this coffee shop. Screw going someplace private, my need for her is too great.

I need to get myself under control. Damn, this girl and the fact that I haven’t been laid in while is making control impossible. I fail miserably at keeping my body in check.

Pulling her back so I can behold her is my final mistake.

I love her glasses. They were so thick they magnified those brilliant eyes but without them, I can see all the spectacular color bursting in her eyes. Colors the lenses hid. Her brown eyes are not only chocolate they’re a spectrum of greens, golds, and browns all surrounded by a dark brown ring. They’re mesmerizing and put me under her spell.

Thank god, a customer came in or I was going in for a taste. I hadn’t tasted her since Christmas. The imaginary line she has drawn making us friends, is blurring and disappearing. I want her. I need her. She is the next breath I want to take. I’m done being in the friend zone. I will start the New Year with Tensanne Craig as mine.