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Potion Perfect by Billie Dale (22)

Chapter Twenty-One

I have changed my mind. Chocolate AND good sex make the world a bearable place.

—Tensanne after sex with Kohl


WE SPENT THE rest of the night in a blissful euphoria. Take away all the early drama and I couldn’t have dreamt of a better first night with Kohl. I haven’t forgotten the violence Chase inflicted but I know Kohl will never let anything happen again. I’m glad he was there to stop it before it went any further and I’m glad I didn’t let it completely ruin our time together.

Chase has stayed away from me, only crossing paths with Kohl during practice and games. He apologized profusely to Kohl for the first few days, making excuse after excuse for his behavior, begging for Kohl to relay his remorse to me. I think his guilt had very little to do with me and more to do with the talk Ronnie’s dad had with him before he kicked him off the property. I’m not sure what exactly was said but I know there was a threat of harm that not even Chase’s dad could get him out of.

I could have gone to the police; I could have gone to the Dean but Mayor Leeland assured me he would handle it and I didn’t want to be known as the girl that ruined The Berries basketball season. I trust he has been handled in a sufficient way. Mayor Leeland can be a scary guy when he wants to be and you don’t hurt someone he cares about. Now, whenever Chase sees me his eyes widen and he quickly turns the opposite direction. He is not in any of my classes and though Kohl still plays ball with him, he is not a thorn in my side any longer.

Kohl is mine and I’m his. He makes sure I don’t forget with each kiss, each touch, each thrust and there have been a lot of thrusts. I don’t think I have been able to walk straight for the few weeks we have been together. The constant ache between my thighs always makes me smile because I know it’s where he’s been.

He insists I wear my glasses, he huffs when I wear makeup, he pushes food at me all the time bitching my curves are getting less curvy with every workout. He loves that I’m getting healthy by working out but he doesn’t like my shrinking size. Especially the shrinking size of my breasts; he sobs with every inch they shrink. When we’re together he pays ample attention to my chest. Whether we are watching a movie or studying, if we are not in public, he makes sure my boobs never feel lonely.

I’m content with being me. I don’t hate the woman in the mirror. I’m not sure I ever did. I needed to see past the reflection. I needed to see the whole picture. Kohl likes me the way I am. He saw me when I was invisible. He has helped me see there are so many more layers than what the cover on the outside shows. He’s not the reason for my transformation but he helped heal the damage years of teasing has done.

I love him.

I want to tell him. I fight the words falling out of my mouth every time his arms wrap around me, every time he pulls me close, every time I breathe when he’s around.

Tell him, tell him, tell him, screams in my mind while I watch the trees pass on our way to

Banker’s Life Field House for Kohl’s date with the Pacers. His excitement is palpable; I can feel it radiating from his jittery body, his thumbs tapping a rapid rhythm on the steering wheel and his knee bouncing up and down.

We haven’t spent a night apart since January, with the exception of his away games. I either sneak my way into his dorm or he sneaks his way into mine. Last night he was like a kid the night before Christmas, his legs restless, his body tossing and turning. His nervous energy filling the room to the point that Ronnie threatened to make him sleep in the hall.

I did my best to relax him with a secret hand-job under the covers after Ronnie fell asleep but all it accomplished was a goofy grin on his face and an ache between my thighs. An ache he wanted to cure, but I needed sleep. After scratching my nails along his scalp and rubbing his back for hours he drifted off, tossing and turning deep into the night.

I can’t help clenching my thighs together thinking of his hard steel erection exploding his seed across my hand while he hid his moan in the pillow. Knowing I had that power over him. This hot man, who could have anyone, is next to me. Being pleased by my hand.

Many nights have been spent learning Kohl’s body and learning what gets me from point A to point ecstasy with a quickness. Having a roommate makes orgasms a hot commodity. Men are so lucky, their equipment is on the outside and accessible for quick anywhere, anytime pleasure. Women need a place to lose their pants and spread their legs, so unfair.

Sometimes we have hours, sometimes we have minutes. We’ve gotten quite creative in our attempts to find sexy time alone with each other.

“What are you thinking about over there, Tennie Girl?”

“The past few weeks. How everything is so good,” I replied feeling my cheeks warm.

“That’s not all your thinking. You’re rubbing your thighs together and breathing heavy. Your skin is the pink color I love so much. Tell me what’s going on in your pretty head.”

“You. I’m thinking about you,” I respond softly.

Reaching over the shifter in Ronnie’s Tesla, we borrowed for the trip, he moves his hand slowly up my thigh, lifting my dress as he goes. Yes, I’m wearing a dress. I still love my yoga pants but I have extended my wardrobe to include some other things. Kohl loves my legs; he can’t keep his hands off me when my legs are exposed so I made sure I had a few cute dresses to wear when we go out together but always with my Chuck’s on my feet.

His fingertips burn a path along my heated flesh leaving goose bumps, “Are you thinking about how my tongue feels while it flicks your clit? How my fingers feel buried deep inside that amazing pussy?” he asks teasing his finger along the edge of my panties.

Throwing my head back against the headrest, I protest but his dirty mouth is a weakness, “Kohl, you’re driving,” I whimper.

“You love my dirty mouth, don’t you?” he asks glancing at me and back to the road. “Spread them sexy thighs for me,” he commands leaning forward toward the steering wheel, never taking his eyes off the road.

His dirty mouth and wicked fingers have me angling my body toward him, spreading my legs wide. My breath baited waiting for more of his touch. I’ve discovered that Kohl’s domineering commands take me from dry to soaked in the blink of an eye. He has proved, more than once, sex is amazing and my earlier analysis was wrong. He’s made it his mission to show me all the ways he can please me and he’s right, sex is a great stress reliever when done with the right person.

Rubbing his finger over my panty covered pussy, I feel the wetness pooling. I smell my arousal filling the car.

“Hold your panties to the side,” he rasps.

Grabbing my boy shorts, I slide them to the side giving him full access to me. He plays my body like an instrument, knowing exactly what I need and how to draw out my pleasure. Bending his wrist, he slips two fingers inside, as far as he can reach, curling them up with each plunge. Bringing them back out he puts them to his lips and sucks my essence off before plunging them back inside me. I love when he does this, it’s one of the most erotic actions I have ever witnessed.

“Play with your luscious tits. Tease your nipples, like I would,” he orders.

Reaching with my other hand I grasp my breast, kneading, massaging, pinching my pebbled nipples through the material of my dress and bra. Feeding the fire that’s building in my body. I’m so close, the flames of my orgasm are right there but I need more. More he can’t give driving 70 miles per hour down the interstate.

If you had told me a few months ago that I would be comfortable enough to play with myself in front of someone I would have laughed in your face. If you had told me it would be in front of the magnificence that is Kohl Black I would have said you needed to be placed in the looney bin. Sitting here next to him, following his commands, seeing how much he wants me, knowing his lust filled eyes and straining erection are all for me is empowering. All my insecurities fly away when I’m with him, he makes me feel beautiful.

Taking my hand from my breast I move it between my legs. Rubbing my clit, quickening my way over the orgasmic cliff I’m hanging on while he continues to push in and out with his fingers.

“Oh fuck, that’s hot. God, I’m so hard for you right now, Tensanne,” Kohl groans from the driver’s seat. Torn between watching the road and watching our hands work me. “Yeah, that’s it, work that clit, Baby. Come for me.”

His words are all I need to send me tumbling off the cliff into orgasmic fun town. My come floods his fingers drawing a scream from my lips.

Growling, he removes his hand, flexes his fingers, rolling his wrist, bringing his hand to his lips he licks them clean. Purring his approval as he savors my taste. I orgasm again at the erotic sight of him taking his pleasure from something so dirty.

Fixing my underwear and straightening my dress, I groan. Sucking my bottom lip, I see the bulging erection pressing against his zipper, my mouth waters for a taste.

“Don’t even think about,” he says with a chuckle.

“Think about what?” I ask, batting my eyes.

“I know that look,” he replies nodding to me. “It says I’m a steak and you’re a starving woman. As much as I love the feeling of your plump pink lips wrapped tightly around my cock, we are at our exit,” he groans, his voice laced with want.

Shit, I love his dirty mouth.