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Queen Wolf (Triad Mates Book 1) by Erin M. Leaf (10)

Chapter Ten


Avery turned over again, and then again, before finally giving up. She couldn’t sleep. Both Mitch and Fletcher were breathing deeply next to her, but she couldn’t quiet her brain down. They hadn’t made love since Sunday, and she was exhausted and cranky and frankly, feeling lonely. She wished she could wake them up and make them pay attention to her, but they were exhausted. Fletcher had spent the week learning the nitty gritty details of the pack’s business interests, with Mitch helping. They needed their sleep.

“Stop it,” she told herself. “Stop being a baby.” She rubbed her eyes, and then slipped out of bed to stare out the window. The waxing moon soothed her, but not enough to fall asleep. She thought back over all the crap she’d had to deal with, from Bridget trying to insist on a room in the big house, to her best friend Paige’s strange moodiness. None of the women in the Pack believed in her new status, and if Lillian hadn’t been there to support her, she would’ve gone crazy. Not that I care. I don’t really want to be head honcho female wolf, anyway. I never did.

“Hey. I can feel you stressing out all the way from the bed.” Fletcher said softly, startling her. “What are you thinking about?”

Avery spun around to find Fletcher’s golden eyes gleaming at her in the dark. “I thought you were asleep.”

He sat up, and Avery couldn’t help but stare at his perfectly muscled chest as the sheet slid down his torso. The moonlight was just bright enough to highlight his skin. “I was asleep, but my wolf sensed you leave the bed.” He pushed the covers down over his legs and stood up.

Fletcher was walking towards her, cock swaying against his thigh.

“It’s been a difficult week, but we’re here with you. You’re not alone, baby.” He stopped just short of her and reached out. She bit her lip as he smoothed a hand down her hair. “Come back to bed where we can warm you up.”

She shook her head. “I’ll just keep you awake.”

His hand landed on the curve of her waist. Avery shivered. She needed something to take her mind off her concern that she would never be truly accepted as the Alpha’s mate. She needed something to distract her from learning her father wasn’t quite who he said he was, and from worrying about what her mother never told her. She sighed, forcing herself to pull away, even as her wolf whined in protest. Her beast knew what she wanted: her mates, a warm den, and a good night’s sleep. Avery’s desires were quite a bit more complicated.

“I’m sorry,” she said when she couldn’t figure out how to explain what was bothering her.

“For what?” Fletcher asked. When she didn’t answer, he pulled her into his arms. “Don’t be sorry, sweetheart. Everything will work out. I promise.”

Avery shook her head, even as she leaned into his warmth. He smelled so good. He felt so good. “They’re not going to accept me, you know.”

Fletcher pulled back and looked at her. His golden eyes told her that his wolf was much closer to the surface at this moment than his human side. “They will accept you. You’re our Queen. They have no choice but to accept you.” He shrugged, then kissed her forehead. “It will take time, but it will happen.”

She swallowed at the growl in his voice. “I haven’t shifted since last Sunday.” And I don’t know if I can do it again, she thought, very privately. Just the thought of trying made her heart race. She’d tried so many times over the years and had failed every single time.

“Why not?” Mitch asked.

Avery tensed. She hadn’t realized Mitch was awake and watching them from the bed. She glanced at him, and his messy hair and stubble made her want to crawl back under the covers and forget that she’d ever said anything.

“You can talk to us, Avery, love,” Mitch said, pushing the covers down and swinging his legs over the side of the mattress. Long, thick muscles flexed in his thighs.

Do I tell them? Avery wondered, torn between arousal and embarrassment. They’d all three of them been so busy with the transfer of Pack business to Fletcher’s hands, she hadn’t really had the time to talk to them about her ongoing issues with … well, everyone. “Because I’m afraid my shifting wasn’t real. I’m afraid I won’t be able to do it again,” she whispered finally. She lifted a shoulder. “It feels like a dream. It only happened once, and Fletcher made me shift right back almost immediately.” Her wolf sat up in the back of her head and growled at her, adding to Avery’s turmoil. She couldn’t even be at peace inside her own mind, dammit.

“Avery, your wolf was no dream.” Mitch got out of the bed and stalked over to her and Fletcher. The way he moved made her forget why she’d ever thought she’d felt lonely. His eyes gleamed fiercely as he moved closer. “You’re a wolf. Our mate.”

Avery inhaled as more heat curled low in her groin. Shifter customs be damned. Why couldn’t her men wear clothes to bed? They were too damned distracting. She tugged at her oversized t-shirt, wishing she owned some pretty lingerie. And the kind of body that looked good in pretty lingerie would be nice, too, she thought, remembering the last time she’d tried on a negligee. Her breasts were too large and too real to fill out the right places in the flimsy fabric. Constantly shoving her boobs back into place did not a sexy woman make. And her butt… She shook her head. Everyone wanted a big ass these days, but no one liked to admit that most of the time, that big butt came along with a soft belly.

I wonder if my looks are part of the reason why no one takes me seriously? She was well aware that she looked cute and soft, not strong and fierce and beautiful. She could take care of herself, and she’d been on her own for so long she didn’t know any other way to be, but that didn’t mean others saw her as capable. She wasn’t strong, but she was a survivor. Her wolf snarled at her, and Avery sighed, knowing that her beast didn’t understand her self-consciousness.

“Whatever you’re thinking, stop it,” Fletcher said, cupping her cheek. His thumbs smoothed out the tension lines between her brows.

“I don’t understand why your wolf chose me,” she whispered. “I’m nobody. I’m a bit too plump in all the wrong places, and I’m not fierce. I’m strong, but I certainly wouldn’t scare anybody if it came to a confrontation.” She laughed shortly. “Sure, I talk big, and it was easy to burn Brian’s stupid crap, but when he trashed my place, I felt like a failure.”

“Stop. You’re intelligent, and persistent, and so damned beautiful it makes my heart ache,” Fletcher replied, voice low. “And don’t forget, your wolf chose us, too. This bonding isn’t just about me choosing you.”

Avery looked down. He had a point, but she still felt like a loser.

“Avery, this week has been hard on all of us, but especially on you. You lost your home, and you’ve had to deal with a lot of life changes,” Mitch added, pulling her close to him. “Don’t let it get you down.”

“It’s not just this week.” Avery sighed and rested her forehead on his shoulder. “I’m not good at this leadership thing. I’ve felt like an outsider all my life.” She snorted and pulled away, starting to pace. “My one and only boyfriend cheated on me, my best friend won’t tell me what’s bothering her, and how am I supposed to help you lead the pack when all the women still look at me as if I’m their annoying little sister?”

“Okay, that’s enough,” Fletcher said, grabbing her and picking her up.

“Fletcher! Put me down.” Avery grabbed onto his shoulders. “Oh my God, you’re going to hurt yourself.”

“Are you serious?” Mitch laughed. “We’re werewolves. We can pick up a car. You weigh almost nothing.”

Avery squirmed. She knew Mitch was right, but she wasn’t used to someone just plucking her off her feet.

“Put you down?” Fletcher grinned, and Avery’s breath caught at the wildness in his gaze. “No problem.” Fletcher strode over to the bed and dumped her on it, then immediately climbed on top of her legs, immobilizing her. “Mitch?”

“Right behind you,” Mitch said, grabbing Avery’s hands and holding them over her head. He knelt very close to her, and Avery could feel the heat of his body against her cheeks. If she turned her head just a little, she’d be able to kiss his cock. Her face burned at the thought. “Hold still, love,” Mitch said.

“Let me go,” Avery said, twisting against their grasp. Her voice didn’t sound very convincing, and she was pretty sure she wouldn’t be able to make herself sound serious, even if she tried again. She didn’t want to admit how turned on she was by their behavior.

“Let you go?” Fletcher laughed. “Not a chance. Not ever, babe.” He grabbed her shirt by the neck and ripped it right in half, shocking her into stillness. Her wolf approved, however, howling into her mind at an ear-splitting volume.

“Holy shit.” Avery stared up at him. “What the hell are you doing?” She had to admit, very privately, that having him and Mitch go all beastly on her had pushed her arousal from a slow burn into a searing heat.

“We’re making you see that not only are you fierce, you’re very much our equal,” Fletcher said, pulling the shreds of her shirt off her body and tossing them to the floor.

“You’re making me see that I’m your equal by holding me down?” Avery raised an eyebrow.

“It worked last time,” Mitch muttered.

Avery flushed, remembering how they’d restrained her.

“You seem to like being held down,” Fletcher said, opening her legs. He knelt in between them, thumbs going right to her pussy. “Now hold still.”

Avery frowned at him, embarrassed that he’d be able to see how wet she was. “Or what?”

He smirked at her. “Or I’ll have to spank you.”

“You wouldn’t dare.” Avery bit her lip. She knew those words were a challenge.

Fletcher grinned. “Oh, Avery. You know exactly how to rile me up.” He lifted his hand and swatted her right on the pussy.

Avery sucked in a breath as sparks of pain flared throughout her groin. “Oh my God.”

Fletcher swatted her again, and then again. Avery panted, writhing as the prickles from his hand mutated into a steady burn, but Fletcher didn’t relent. “This is for thinking that loser you dumped deserved to be your boyfriend.” Swat. “This is for thinking it was your fault he was an asshole.” Swat. “This is for doubting yourself.” Swat.

Avery tossed her head back and forth as heat spread through her entire body. He hit her hard enough for it to sting, but not so hard she wanted him to stop. When she finally broke and moaned out loud, Fletcher scooted down and put his mouth where his hand had just been. The moment his lips closed around her clit, she bowed up off the bed. Pleasure rushed through her in a huge wave. Fletcher tongued her clit, riding her through it. He gentled his sucking as her orgasm receded, but he didn’t stop.

“Fletcher,” she gasped, and he looked up at her. His golden eyes sent a fresh bolt of heat through her body. “What are you doing to me?” The tingle from the spanking still flickered over her skin.

He lifted away, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “I’m making love to you, what else?”

Avery closed her eyes against the emotion she saw on his face. She couldn’t handle it, but then Mitch let go of her arms. “Hang onto me, love,” he said, and then suddenly he was pushing his cock into her cunt with one, rough thrust. Avery’s eyes flew open. Mitch’s blue gaze looked like liquid fire, and she felt his wolf against her skin. He kissed her savagely as he fucked in again, and then again, and then he stilled, eyes closing.

Avery dug her fingers into his arms. She wanted more. She wanted him to fuck her until she forgot where she was. “Mitch?”

“Don’t move, Avery. Don’t fucking move,” he said, voice cracking. “Please, love.”

Avery kissed his temple, and then looked over his shoulder. Fletcher was leaning into Mitch, face intent. When he looked up, he smiled at her. “You don’t mind if I fuck you, Mitch, do you?” he said, not taking his gaze off of Avery.

Mitch shuddered. “No.” He dropped his head onto Avery’s shoulder.

Avery heard the lid of a small bottle click, and she trembled as she realized that Fletcher was opening Mitch with his fingers. “Oh God.”

Mitch grunted, face going taut. “You got that right.” He moaned, shuddering.

Avery felt his cock swell inside her pussy, and she squirmed, wanting more. Wanting it hard. She forgot all about the pack and her worries about her weight. She forgot about everything except the two men looming over her. Making love to her. Fletcher is right. We chose each other. She couldn’t imagine any other woman daring to touch her mates. Her wolf growled, and Mitch grabbed her arms again, holding her down.

“I told you not to move,” he said, eyes flashing.

Avery bared her teeth at him, and then she felt Fletcher push inside Mitch. She felt it in her body, as Mitch’s cock pressed right up against her womb. “Yes,” she hissed, feeling as if she could fucking fly right now.

Mitch groaned, and then he smiled, pressing his fingers into her wrists. “You want it, love? You want this? I know you do.”

Avery nodded, wishing she could grab his hair, his arms, anything, but then Fletcher put an arm around Mitch’s waist and rubbed her clit, and she shattered, screaming. Fletcher laughed, wild and somehow forceful, and he fucked into Mitch so hard that every movement pushed Mitch further into her. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t move, couldn’t do a damned thing except let them into her body, and her men took exactly what they wanted. And it was perfect.


Mitch clenched his teeth, holding on to his control through sheer will. When Avery came around his cock, he thought that was it, but Fletcher kept going, fucking into him with violent thrusts he could barely handle.

“Let go,” Fletcher muttered in his ear.

Mitch shook his head, savoring the burn in his ass. He loved it. He loved feeling Fletcher so deep inside it was as if they were one person. And Avery looked completely blissed out, but he knew she had another orgasm in her. “One more,” he ground out, clenching his muscles.

Fletcher bit down on Mitch’s shoulder, and somehow that made everything even more insane. Avery’s eyes flew open. Her irises had bled to silver, and he saw her wolf staring up at him. Fletcher thrust in again, and he hit something inside, and abruptly Mitch lost it. He moaned as his climax pushed through him like an avalanche.

Fletcher shuddered, biting down, and Mitch couldn’t help it. He leaned in and bit Avery’s neck. Something flashed through them, and their bond flared up with heat. Avery screamed, climaxing again, and Mitch’s pleasure stretched out and out and out. Suddenly, Fletcher gripped Mitch hard enough to crack bones. Liquid heat spilled through Mitch and out of him, and he knew that there was no going back from this. Not ever.

Fletcher fell against him, breathing hard, and Mitch couldn’t hold himself up. He collapsed, managing to fall to the side, so they wouldn’t crush Avery, but it was a close thing. He rolled into her, pressing his face against her neck. Fletcher wrapped his arms around Mitch’s waist so that his hands were on Avery, and that was the moment Mitch’s wolf walked to the forefront.

Fletcher sighed, and Mitch growled as the shift took him. He changed and the power of it trigged Fletcher’s shift, and then Avery changed, too. When it was done, he shook out his fur and looked at his mates. “Hunt,” he told them.

Avery stood up and shook out her gorgeous white fur. “Yes.”

Fletcher didn’t reply, but he padded to the window and touched a paw to the hidden latch beneath the pane. The secret door beneath the window opened, and Mitch shouldered past his Alpha, jumping out and down from their suite. He waited on the edge of the clearing, anxious to run in the forest, and it wasn’t long before Avery joined him, and then Fletcher.

“Run?” Avery asked.

Mitch lifted his face to the wind and howled. “Always.”

Fletcher joined him, and then Avery added her voice to their message. Mitch knew the Pack would hear. Mitch knew the Pack would know who was Alpha, and who was Beta, and even if they denied it as humans, their wolves would know that their Queen had come into her own.