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Queen Wolf (Triad Mates Book 1) by Erin M. Leaf (4)

Chapter Four


Avery stood in the middle of the woods and cursed her wolf. “What the hell were you thinking?” she muttered, striding down the trail. “It was just a kiss. Not a big deal,” she told herself. Her clothes were a mess, and both Fletcher and Mitch probably thought she was crazy. She picked at her ripped tank top, shivering. How would she ever explain jumping out a freaking window? She stopped, head tilted, then grimaced. She could smell them on the wind. Dammit. “They’re following me, as if I can’t take care of myself.”

Because maybe you can’t, a small voice taunted at the back of her head. Anger kept Avery moving, but she knew she was just covering up the fear that pushed through her at the thought of falling for Fletcher and Mitch. She kept walking, grateful that at least her wolf had seen fit to give her back control of her body near one of the Sanctuary’s hiking trails instead of some random game trail in the middle of the thick brush. Of course, it was full dark now, and she had no gear, so she was at a serious disadvantage nonetheless. Her feet were already sore. She’d been wearing flip-flops, and they were long gone. “And I’m at least four miles from home.” She stopped and closed her eyes, centering herself, and then she tried to shift again, but it was no use. Her wolf snarled in her head, and her concentration disintegrated. “Shit. Why do I even keep trying?” she asked herself, annoyed and cold and borderline depressed.


She froze. The hair on the back of her neck prickled. “Mitch?” She spun, eyes aching slightly. Her night vision improved, even as she frowned at the sudden clarity. She’d never been able to do that before. Was she partially shifting? As far as she knew, shifting just one part of your anatomy was an ability that only a strong Alpha and some Betas could do. She heard the distant hooting of a great horned owl, and realized that her hearing had sharpened, too. What the hell is happening to me? I can’t shift, but I can see and hear better? She squinted down the trail and wished she had a jacket, or at the very least, her trail runners. Shifters were mostly indifferent to nudity, and she wasn’t exactly naked, but right now, she needed the comfort of clothing. Her bare feet weren’t exactly injured, but they were sore. Shifter healing only went so far. “Mitch? Where are you? Are you following me?”

“I’m behind you,” Mitch said, and she pivoted, hands going to her breasts. Her ripped top revealed more than she liked. Even with her enhanced vision she could barely see him. The man moved like a ghost.

“Here.” Mitch said, holding out his shirt. “You look cold.”

After a moment’s indecision, she took it gratefully and slipped her arms into the soft flannel. From the scent, she guessed it was his, and her wolf yipped in approval. “Thank you,” she murmured, embarrassed. And annoyed to be embarrassed, she thought, grimacing. Still, she welcomed the warmth.

“It’s the least I can do for my Queen,” he murmured in the sexiest voice she’d ever heard.

Damn, she thought, swallowing thickly as a bolt of arousal pushed through her, obliterating her earlier fear. Then, she took a step back as her brain deciphered the meaning of his words. “Queen?” Avery laughed awkwardly. “That’s a story people tell their little girls at bedtime. I’m no Queen. There’s no such thing. I’m not even a real wolf shifter. I’m the mutant that can’t become her wolf.”

“Not a real wolf? Yeah, right.” Mitch laughed. “Only a werewolf can run the way you just did.” He stepped closer, and Avery could see his face, finally. His dark blue eyes flashed with energy. “And I’m certainly not putting you to bed to sleep, because you’re not a little girl.” He smiled, and Avery’s pussy clenched. He looked like sex and danger and all the things good mothers warned their daughters to steer clear of, which just made him more attractive to her.

Besides, playing it safe certainly hadn’t brought her any prizes. Brian had been “safe”. Brian had been an average wolf, the kind of guy everyone approved of, and he’d banged some other woman on her couch.

No, safe isn’t always the way to go, Avery thought, gaze dropping from his mouth to his chest to his groin. His cock pressed up against his jeans. Even in the dark she could see it. She swallowed, fighting against the lust that flickered through her. She thought of Fletcher, and her wolf howled. Fuck. I’ve got it bad, and I’ve only just met these two wolves again as an adult. What the hell is going on with me?

“Wolves aren’t meant to be chained to rules designed for humans,” Mitch said softly. “It doesn’t matter when or where you shift, or even if you never shift at all. Your soul is wild.”

“What are you talking about? Wolves have rules,” she countered, imagining her father’s anger if she started dating Mitch and Fletcher at the same time. They’re a far cry from Brian, that’s for sure, she thought, taking in Mitch’s dark pants and white t-shirt. His thick hair was cut short, and she found herself wanting to run her fingers through it. She shook her head. Brian had hated the way she wouldn’t give in when he’d wanted sex, but he’d never felt quite right to her wolf. And when he’d called her fat, well…

Avery shook her head, banishing the bad memories. “What are you doing here?” she asked. She knew Mitch had followed her, but she wanted to hear him explain why. Because if he’s not here to stop me, I have no clue what he’s doing. Her inexplicable attraction to him and Fletcher had thrown her for a loop. She caught herself reliving the kiss he’d given her in the Alpha’s suite, and blushed. Is this some sort of rebound effect? It hadn’t been all that long since she’d dumped Brian, after all.

“Fletcher asked me to follow you.” He shrugged. “I would have followed even if he hadn’t asked.”

“That’s not actually an answer,” she told him. “I can take care of myself.”

“I know you can.” He stepped closer. “But would you let us take care of you?”

What? She stared at him. “I’m fine,” she lied. She was not fine. She was inexplicably aroused, and she couldn’t shift, and she wanted to crawl out of her own skin, but she’d be damned if she’d admit that to a man she’d just met, no matter how kind he seemed to be. He could be hiding his true nature, she thought, though her instincts told her otherwise.

Mitch nodded. “I know you’re strong, but that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to be cared for.”

He thinks I’m strong? That’s crazy. I’m anything but strong. I’m overweight, and I can’t shift, and I’m a coward. I only dated Brian because I was tired of everyone pitying me, and look where that got me. Avery licked her lips, not sure what to say. She wanted him, but she didn’t want to want him. Damn him for following me, she thought, frustrated. Yeah, she wanted him, but she knew anything they might have would never work. He would soon be Boulder Pack’s Beta, and Fletcher would be Alpha. She was nobody.

“Real life doesn’t work that way,” she said, and then pressed her lips together before she got herself into trouble.

“But it could,” Fletcher said, coming out of nowhere.

Avery spun around as her wolf snarled a mental warning. “What is with the two of you sneaking around in the dark?” She gripped the edges of Mitch’s shirt across her chest as her nipples hardened. Fletcher looked like he’d run the entire way here. Because he probably had, she realized, taking in his tousled hair. His eyes gleamed in the dark, and she could tell his wolf was close to the surface. “Why are you guys stalking me?”

“We’re not stalking you,” Fletcher said, hands open and at his sides. Avery scowled. She didn’t care how non-threateningly he held himself. She was still mostly naked in the middle of the forest with two strong men. If she’d been a human female, she’d be worried. As it was, she was more worried that she’d lose her self-control and try to climb one or both of them. She pressed her thighs together. Maybe if I just give in, and let them fuck me, I’ll feel better, she mused, then immediately quashed the thought. She wasn’t going to have sex for the first time simply because of lust. She needed more. Plus, these two males were not the kind of wolves who fucked quick and then walked away. She could see it in the way they carried themselves. And who says they want to fuck me, anyway? They could just be checking up on me because I freaked out.

“I didn’t want you alone out here,” Fletcher continued, stepping closer. “It’s dark. We’re miles from anywhere.”

Avery tossed her hair. “I’m a woods guide. I lead groups of people on extended hikes all over the Sanctuary lands. I’m also a Boulder Pack member on Boulder Pack territory. What could possibly hurt me out here?” She knew the pack’s territory like she knew the back of her own hand. And she knew every single pack member that lived within the confines of their mountain. She might be a female, and defective, but she would defend herself if she had to, which was probably part of the reason Brian had been such an asshole. His ego couldn’t handle dating someone who told him no, and she’d done that plenty of times. I might not be able to shift, but I’m not a total pushover, she mused, gaze lingering on Fletcher’s muscles.

Fletcher shook his head. “I know it makes no sense, but I had to come find you.” He smiled wryly. “Would you come home with us? Maybe we could eat dinner together. Talk.” He ran a hand through his hair, then rolled his shoulders as if he were tired. “It’s been a long time since Mitch and I were home.”

“Dinner? You want me to have dinner with you?” Avery choked on a laugh. “Like, a date?” She was already shaking her head. “No, thank you. I just got rid of a cheating jerk of a boyfriend and I’m not looking for another one.” She looked at Mitch. “Or two, thank you very much.” The memory of Fletcher and Mitch’s kisses burned in her skull. “Even if you are a great kisser.” Her face went hot.

“I can do more than kiss, Avery.” Fletcher’s lips lifted into a half smile, taking the threat out of his flirting. “At least come back to the house. It doesn’t have to be a date. You must be hungry.”

As if on cue, Avery’s stomach growled. She sighed as Mitch smirked. She hadn’t really planned on roaming around the forest half naked, anyway. “Fine,” she said, annoyed with her digestive system. It wasn’t like she couldn’t stand to lose a few pounds, but now that they’d mentioned food, she realized she was starving. She started back down the trail, ignoring the heat pooling in her groin. She swore she could feel Fletcher’s gaze on her ass. Mitch’s shirt barely touched the top of her butt cheeks, dammit, and she knew her shorts didn’t cover much. “I’ll eat with you, as long as you don’t mind stopping at my place for a change of clothes.” She glanced back, not surprised to find them following her closely. “I’m sorry for being so cranky. I don’t know what’s going on with me lately. Just giving you fair warning.”

“I know you said you can’t shift, but have you tried recently?” Mitch asked.

“Of course I have.” Avery appreciated the concern in his voice. He seemed genuine—the complete opposite of her jerky ex. She decided to share some of her recent difficulty with them. “I try every single day. But the more I try to let my wolf out, the antsier I get. It feels like my body is trying to turn itself inside out, but nothing happens.” She pursed her lips. “It’s not just the shifting issue that’s really bothering me, though. I’ve dealt with that for years now, and I’ve accepted that it’s just not going to happen. I’m more upset about feeling so out of sorts these days. I’m moody. Everything feels like a huge struggle.” She shook her head. “I don’t know how to explain it. My skin prickles at weird times, and it’s like the entire world is too abrasive. I can’t stand anyone touching me, not even Paige. She used to be safe, but earlier tonight I had the same reaction to her, too.” She smoothed her shirt down again, wishing she were skinny, or human, or someone else. Someone normal.

The two men exchanged glances.

Avery frowned. “Out with it,” she said, still walking. The sooner she put clean clothes on, the better she’d feel. Like armor, she thought, suddenly amused at herself. Her mood swings were ridiculous. If these two males believed they could handle her, especially given how she’d been feeling the past several months, the more power to them.

“You won’t like it,” Fletcher finally said.

Avery slowed, then stopped when she realized he wasn’t following her any longer. “Why won’t I like it?”

“Because most wolves believe it’s impossible,” Mitch said.

“My father doesn’t,” Fletcher said to Mitch.

Mitch grimaced. “And I’m starting to agree with him.”

Talk about cryptic. Avery stepped closer to them. The full moon suddenly peeked out between the trees, lighting the trail with flickering shadows. She shivered. “Okay, guys. What exactly is it that Alpha Boris believes is possible?”

Fletcher nodded at Mitch, who smiled briefly, then spoke. “They say that in the past, all the packs followed a bonded triad,” he murmured. “Alpha.” He looked to Fletcher. “Beta.” He touched his own chest. “And Queen.” He pointed at her.

Is he serious? He thinks we’re fated to each other? Avery stared at him as her mind chewed through his words. “Queen? I’m not even a real wolf. I can’t shift, remember?” She shook her head, inexplicably disappointed. “As for being bonded, well, that’s crazy. We’ve only just met.”

She started off down the trail again. Was that why her wolf had freaked out and jumped out the window? Did she somehow instinctively know that these two males were meant for her? If so, no wonder she panicked. Avery cupped her hot cheeks. Neither Mitch nor Fletcher had said anything about her embarrassing flight, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to bring it up. “And also, I’m the freak that can’t shift, remember? No one in the pack would accept me as part of the leadership in any way.”

“You’re not a freak,” Mitch said.

“We’ve only just met again, but we’ve known each other all our lives,” Fletcher added. “As for shifting, I think you may surprise all of us one day.”

I wish. Avery felt a stress headache creeping up her neck. “I’ve met you before, sure, but the last time was what? Several years ago? I didn’t grow up with you. You were on walkabout. We don’t really know each other.” And yet I kissed them both. What the hell is going on with me? She ignored the way her wolf scratched at the inside of her mind. Her wolfish instincts were telling her to stay, but her human side told her to flee. Nothing good will come of this. I’m moody and cranky and terrible company. She wished she had the nerve to tell them how she was really feeling, but deep down, she didn’t want to be alone.

“It’s a good thing we only just met again,” Mitch said.

Avery increased her pace. She wasn’t far from the road, and from there she’d be able to run the rest of the way home, even barefoot. A run sounded excellent, right now. She could use it to work off the energy sparking through her. And this stupid arousal. “Why is that a good thing?” she asked, moving faster. The two men easily kept pace with her. Of course they can keep up. They’re both full werewolves in the prime of their lives. I couldn’t outrun them if I tried. They’d just shift and catch me in wolf form. Avery was afraid to admit to herself that the idea of them hunting her down appealed to her on some level.

“Because if we’d felt this way a few years ago, none of us would’ve been ready,” Fletcher said.

Avery made a face, then exhaled when she broke out of the trees onto the road. Without speaking, she increased her speed until she was running. She knew she couldn’t outpace them, but for some reason, her wolf needed this. Bonding, huh? she thought, feeling more aroused with every step she took. She was running now, sprinting up the road to her cabin.

“You can’t outrun us,” Fletcher called, from not very far behind her.

“Watch me,” she said, grinning when she heard him growling under his breath. For the first time in her life, she felt strong. Desirable. Her mood lightened. Bonding. She mulled over the concept and shook her head. It was nuts, but it made sense. It would explain her bizarre attraction to them. It would explain her wolf’s agitation. And it would explain why touching them felt so damned good, when touching anyone else made her want to crawl out of her own damn skin. She ran faster.

Just because we’re feeling some sort of weird, mystical voodoo throwback shit doesn’t mean everything is going to turn out like you hope, she tried to remind herself, but her wolf was having none of it. Avery was going full tilt now, and she knew that both men were right behind her, though she couldn’t hear them. Inside her soul, her wolf howled, but this time in joy, not frustration.

“Fuck,” she panted, spotting the turnoff to her cabin. “This is crazy. Talk about mood swings.” She’d woken up this morning, pissed off and tired, and then, boom! By evening, her entire life had swerved into some insane loop-de-loop of need and arousal. A soft growl behind her told her that the two men wanted her to know that she had no hope of losing them. They were right fucking there. She spotted the turn off for her driveway, and took it at full speed, skidding a bit on the gravel.

“Slow down,” Fletcher called, a warning in his voice.

Avery snorted, running faster. As if. She put on a final burst of speed, and then stopped short. The buzzing arousal in her body turned to shock, and then fear as she took in the destruction around her cabin.


Fletcher saw the mess almost as soon as Avery skidded to a halt. “Aw, shit,” he said, as anger took over the eagerness of the chase. “What the fuck?” He walked up to Avery and folded her into his arms. He knew she was upset because she didn’t make even a token bit of protest at the gesture. “Avery?”

“He did this,” she said in a small voice. “That bastard.”

“Who?” Mitch asked, joining them. “Who did this?”

Fletcher handed Avery off to his Beta so he could circle the small building. Books and pots and pans littered the ground. Most of them were ripped to pieces, or broken. Nothing looked salvageable. He growled under his breath as his wolf forced himself closer to the surface. He wanted the scent of the asshole who had done this to her imprinted on his bones. “Male. Maybe twenty-five, twenty-seven years old,” he said, stalking around the debris that littered the perimeter of the cabin. He inhaled again as he struggled to keep his wolf contained. The beast wanted out, so he could rip the interloper to shreds, but Fletcher knew that wouldn’t solve anything, especially not with Avery here. “And he’s Pack,” he added, enraged at the thought that one of their own would do this to his Queen.

“Not for long,” Mitch said, voice low and angry. He stared at the smoldering remains of a fire in the front of the cabin.

Fletcher made a sound of agreement in the back of his throat. “Who is he?” he asked Avery again, but the sound of a car pulling into the driveway drowned out his question. He turned just in time to see his sister fling herself out of her car. Dammit. What’s she doing here?

“Oh my God, Avery!” Paige ran over to her and hugged her right out of Mitch’s arms. “That asshole! I smelled something burning, and I drove down to investigate. I knew you weren’t here, and I just had the worst premonition that something awful had happened. And the fire smelled wrong. It wasn’t wood that was burning.” She pulled back and looked at the mess. “Jesus. What the hell did Brian think he was doing?” She dragged Avery back into a hug, ignoring her friend’s slight wince. “All your stuff.”

She wasn’t kidding about her skin feeling prickly, he mused, watching carefully as Avery forced herself to accept Paige’s touch.

“It’s just stuff. And it’s not like I owned all that much, anyway,” Avery said, clearly trying to pull herself together, but he could tell she was still freaked out.

“That’s not the point,” Paige said, glaring at the cabin. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” Avery said, reassuring his sister with a small pat on her back. “I wasn’t even here.” Fletcher noticed that Paige didn’t get the hint that Avery wanted out of the hug. He was about to go pry her off when Avery finally pulled away. She took a step back.

“This is horrible,” Paige muttered, staring at the carnage.

“You told me that he was leaving the pack, and it looks like he felt the need to shit all over everything I owned before he left. I can smell him all around here,” Avery said, sounding angry now, instead of upset. She walked closer to the cabin, then flinched when one of the cracked windows suddenly shattered and fell into the interior. “Shit. How much you want to bet that jerk trashed it inside, too?” She walked to the firepit set in the center of the small front patio’s flagstones and frowned down at the embers. “This is burning cloth. That asshole burned my clothes!” She picked up a stick and poked at the remains of what looked to have been a very large fire. “Talk about vindictive. I bet there isn’t a shred of fabric left inside the cabin for me to wear.” She flung the stick down and rubbed her eyes tiredly, leaving a smear of ash along her cheek.

 “I’ll buy you all the clothes you’ll ever need,” Fletcher said, walking over to her. He hated to see her so unhappy. “But first, you need to tell me about the wolf who did this.” He’d memorized the names of everyone in the pack recently, but he knew the numbers fluctuated, especially with a group the size of Boulder Pack. They had a couple hundred members. The core membership was solid, but sometimes younger males came and went as they entered and left relationships with the females. The women were the ones who kept the pack together, ultimately, even if a male Alpha was the leader.

Avery shook her head reluctantly. “If I tell you, you’ll find him before I do.”

Mitch laughed, but it wasn’t a pleasant sound. “You can be damn sure of that.”

Avery shot Mitch a glare, but Fletcher could tell her heart wasn’t in it. “I want to be the one who makes him pay for this bullshit,” she said, pacing. Every third turn or so she’d kick at the debris in her path.

When a piece of crockery went sailing, Fletcher pulled her close again, and Avery let him. She even snuggled under his arm, to his surprise. “Shit,” she said again, sounding sad this time.

“Don’t worry, baby. I’ll take care of it,” he murmured, unable to help himself. He tensed, sure she’d take it the wrong way.

She sighed. “I would rather take care of him myself, thank you very much. You can hold him down for me, though, if you want.”

Fletcher smiled, but shook his head. He decided to speak his mind, and to hell with the consequences. If she couldn’t handle him being an Alpha, then any relationship they could hope to have would be dead before it even began. “You know it’s my job to deal with him, Avery.” He looked at Mitch and found an answering need to protect her in his friend’s gaze. “Mine and Mitch’s.”

That made her tighten up in his embrace, but she didn’t pull away from him. “Dammit,” she muttered into his shoulder.

He nodded. She knew he was right. He was the Alpha. Or as good as. I’ll be Alpha as soon as my father officially steps down. “What’s this piece of shit’s name?”

Avery didn’t answer, and he prepared to assert his power, but his sister spoke up before he had to speak.

“Brian. His name is Brian Grant, and he and Avery dated for a few months before she dumped his stupid, cheating ass,” Paige said, prodding at a stone with her toe. “The fire department will be here in a minute,” she added. “Dad called them after I told them I smelled smoke. He went to meet them at the Sanctuary boundary, where the private road runs. He has to unlock the property gates.”

Fletcher was already shaking his head when Avery pulled away, grimacing. “Dammit. They’re not going to be happy at being called here for nothing.” She looked at Paige. “Call your dad and tell him what happened. Maybe he can turn them away at the gate. God, I hope my father doesn’t get wind of this. He’s already impossible about me not living at home with him.” She glanced at the cabin. “I’m going inside to see what Brian the jerk did in there.”

Paige looked at Fletcher, and he nodded agreement with Avery. “Do it.” He’d happily call their father, but he didn’t want to be trapped on a phone right now. His wolf wanted all his senses engaged with Avery and this situation.

Paige made a face, but she pulled out her cell phone.

“Brian is not from one of our original pack families,” Mitch said, looking up from his phone. “He’s not on the new list Lillian set up online.”

“No, he’s not.” Avery shook her head as she walked to the front door. “He joined up a couple years ago when he interned at the Sanctuary as a student researcher. Uncle Marcus wasn’t all that impressed with his data collection, if I recall correctly, but he wasn’t the worst person to ever work there. He ended up with a job in town, filling orders in one of the big warehouses.”

“I don’t really care what he does for a job,” Mitch said. “I care what he’s done here.” He pointed to the mess.

“And I don’t care what he does, as long as he does it somewhere else,” Avery said, pushing at the door. It sat ajar, as if Brian had tried to rip it off its hinges and failed.

 “Whoa, wait up, baby,” Fletcher said, stopping her from entering. “You have no shoes on.”

“Ugh.” Avery made a face, but then waved him by her as she glanced inside. “Fine. You’re right again, dammit.” She glared down at her bare feet.

“I’m not always right. I just don’t want you to cut your feet.” Fletcher smiled grimly and pushed open the door. It hung off its top hinge, and creaked as it opened. When he took in the chaos inside, he sighed. “Paige, tell Dad to make sure the fire department doesn’t come here. They’ll want to call the cops, and we don’t need them sniffing around in our business.”

His sister nodded, already on her phone. “He says he’ll leave it to you to handle it.”

“Good,” Fletcher said, already thinking about his next move. He wanted to make sure her ex didn’t come back on pack property. “Mitch, we need to let everyone know that this guy is no longer welcome here. He’s no longer Pack. Got it?”

“Already on it,” Mitch said, tapping at his phone’s screen. “I texted Marcus. He said he’ll inform the rest of the pack. He’s already had his name removed from the membership list.” He made a face. “Apparently, the guy quit the pack last week.”

“What did he do that made you dump him, Avery?” Fletcher asked, turning the full weight of his Alpha power on her. He wanted an answer.

To her credit, she didn’t back down. She just shook her head. “I really don’t want to talk about it.” The hint of pink on her cheekbones told him she was embarrassed.

“The bastard cheated on her, and she kicked him to the curb,” Paige said, walking up to the door and peering past them. “Holy crap, that’s a mess.”

“That sucks,” Mitch said. He didn’t look inside. Rather, he stood near them, scanning the clearing and trees beyond the cabin, like a good Beta. He wouldn’t let anyone get near them as Fletcher examined the destruction of Avery’s house.

“Yeah. Not one of my better ideas, was it?” Avery ran a hand over her face. “I was lonely. He was available and not too annoying.” She snorted. “Until he screwed some random chick on my sofa. I did not take that at all well.”

“She tossed him out on his ass,” Paige added, ignoring Avery’s annoyed look. “What? My brother needs to know.” She nodded her head at how close Avery stood to him. “Especially if you’re going to hook up with him, now.”

Avery grimaced. “Yeah, about that—” She glanced at Mitch.

Fletcher put a finger on her lips. “Later.”

She growled at him, and God help him, Fletcher found it adorable. And arousing, which is inconvenient, not cute, he thought, turning quickly to hide his sudden erection. The last thing he needed was his sister seeing his arousal. He strode inside, not even bothering to flick the light switch on. His vision was excellent, thanks to his wolf, and all the lamps had been shattered, anyway.

“Did my laptop survive?” Avery asked, peering in the door.

Fletcher glanced at the desk in the corner, then regretfully shook his head. The sleek little machine had been ripped apart. He saw claw marks on the outside surface. “Sorry, baby.”

Avery snarled, and stalked off. Fletcher jerked his head at his sister, and wide-eyed, she followed her friend. Mitch glanced inside, then went after the women, albeit at a judicious distance. Fletcher checked Avery’s bathroom and bedroom, then gathered up a few toiletries that had survived the rampage. On the way out, he stooped down and picked up a book of poems that hadn’t been damaged, and added it to the small bag.

Hell of a thing to come home to, he thought, not sure if he meant himself or Avery. Not that it matters. He headed outside, shaking off his exhaustion.





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