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Ragnar - Lord of Jaegar by Sasha Gold (49)


Five Years Later


The carriage moved at a brisk clip through the crowded Fort Worth streets. Elizabeth’s hands felt clammy in spite of the December chill. The twins, Nicholas and Rose, sat across from her with Mrs. Donovan, their governess, perched between them. The hour was getting late and the children blinked like sleepy little owls. Even the ever-correct Mrs. Donovan stifled a yawn.

Nick pulled Elizabeth closer and she welcomed the heat of his body.

“Another success for my brilliant wife,” he said. “Don’t you agree Mrs. Donovan?”

The elderly woman beamed. “Oh yes, Mr. Helm. I was so proud when the governor bought the painting of the children in the rose garden.”

“Nicholas and Rose’s behavior was stellar,” Nick added. “Next time we can bring Henry.”

Rose wrinkled her nose. “Ew, Daddy no. He’s too little.”

Elizabeth closed her eyes and rested against Nick’s shoulder. “We won’t have another show for a year or so. Henry won’t be a baby anymore. Dear heavens I’m tired.”

Nick patted her knee. “Poor darling. These things still take so much out of you. Mrs. Donovan, I’m going to draw a bath for my wife when we return to the hotel. Do you think you and Mrs. Worthington can manage the children without her help?”

“Certainly sir.”

Elizabeth smiled at the thought of sinking into a warm bath, but first she’d have to see Henry. She wouldn’t rest well if she didn’t kiss her sweet baby good-night. The carriage turned towards the hotel, lurching when it hit a rut in the street.

Nick muttered. “Next time I order a carriage for my wife and children, I’ll make sure to get a driver that knows how to damn well drive it.”

Elizabeth opened her eyes to see Rose and Nicholas’ impish grins. The streetlights made their eyes sparkle with delight. It never failed to amuse them when their father cursed. Mrs. Donovan cleared her throat with obvious disapproval.

By the time they arrived at the hotel and returned to the room, the twins had found a second wind and were chattering happily. Nick shushed them as they entered the hotel suite.

“Henry’s probably asleep,” he told the children. “Wake him and you’ll get coal in your Christmas stocking.”

With Christmas just two weeks away, the threat held some weight and the children quieted down. Elizabeth kissed them goodnight and Mrs. Donovan led them to their rooms. She slipped into the bedroom they used for Henry’s nursery.

Fast asleep in his crib, he looked angelic. She wanted to linger, but Nick came to her and drew her away, silently. He already had a bath drawn and steam filled the bathroom.

“Come take your bath Mrs. Helm,” he said, undoing the back of her dress. “So I can tuck you into bed and work on my next chapter.”

She stepped out of her dress, a shimmer of awareness threading through her. Over the years he continued writing stories for her. Sometimes he left them on her writing desk. Sometimes he read them to her in bed, but always they brought a smile to her lips. The stories were like secret love letters.

The idea that he might have a chapter ready and waiting for her made her hurry with her bath. She dressed in her gown and found him in bed.

“You have something for me to read?”

He looked up from his writing. “Not yet. I’m still working on some details, but so far I have a heroine who has snuck onto a ship to escape an arranged marriage.”

Elizabeth brushed her hair. “The poor dear. How is it no one notices there’s a woman on board?”

“She’s dressed as a boy.”

“Clever. I like her already.”

He shook his head. “Not clever enough. The captain sees right through it when he lays eyes on her, but by then they’ve been out to sea for a day.”

She set her hairbrush down. “Can’t turn back then.”

“The captain throws her over his shoulder and takes her back to his quarters.”

“And he feeds her bonbons?” She pulled back the covers and crawled into bed next to him.

“I’m sorry to say he spanks her bare bottom.”

She gave a huff of indignation. “What a horrid beast!”

Nick set the papers aside and put out the lamp. “Stowaways have to be punished. But there might be a way I can lessen the penalty. If you care to assist me with research, I’ll go easy on her.”

He tugged her into his arms and held her in a soft embrace.

She closed her eyes and sank against him. “Aye, sir. I’ll do anything you ask,” she said. “Captain Nick…”






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