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Rahab's Domination (Demons on Wheels MC Book 5) by Ravenna Tate (11)

Chapter Eleven


Rahab’s dick was as hard as a rock by the time he convinced Liz to lie on her back on the bed, arms overhead, and let him experiment. He’d never hurt her, but she didn’t know that yet. However, he also wanted to test her limits. This girl was a wildcat. He’d been right about that the first time he laid eyes on her.

Turning the vibrator to its lowest setting, he teased her nipples and the undersides of her breasts with it, before smacking them very gently with each of the three paddles he’d brought over. The wooden one, which resembled a fraternity paddle, seemed to be her favorite, or at least, the one she was able to tolerate the most.

The small, black, leather one he’d have to be careful with. She said it burned even with the softest smack. It figured that was his favorite one to use. But she did enjoy the thin leather one with holes in it, which surprised him. Of the three he’d chosen, that was the one women hardly ever let him use a second time, once they had a taste of it.

When he turned his attention to her pussy, she definitely enjoyed the paddling a lot more. He was able to give her several hard swats with each of the paddles, alternating those with vibrator teasing.

He turned up the speed on the toy. “Lift your legs. Keep them apart and grasp your ankles.”

This way, he was able to play with the toy, using it to torture her towards another orgasm, and still smack both her pussy and now her ass cheeks, too, with the paddles. He was careful, as promised on her ass, because it really was bruised from the other night.

Playing with her like this turned him on something fierce, so he hoped she got used to it over time. Maybe he could convince her to take a week off work and stay in this room the entire time? His own curvy sex toy, waiting for him in bed twenty-four seven. He could get used to that.

Her pussy lips and upper thighs were soaked with her juices by the time he turned off the vibrator and tossed the paddles to the other side of the bed. He couldn’t wait any longer to fuck her. Rahab lay on top of her and kissed her deep and rough. Listening to her moans, and feeling the warm curves of her flesh as she pushed her body closer to his, made him crazy with need.

When he truly couldn’t wait any longer, he sat up and pulled down his jeans. After donning a condom, he rolled her onto her stomach and pushed his dick into her pussy from behind. She cried out and grabbed fistfuls of the comforter, squeezing it in her hands as he slammed into her.

At this angle, it was tighter than fucking an asshole for the first time, but he didn’t mind. She was obviously enjoying it tremendously, and that in turn spurred him on. A weak orgasm started again, and her moans turned to whimpers and soft cries.

“Do you like this?”

“Yes,” she whispered. “Exquisite.”

Exquisite, indeed. Rahab was out of his mind with the need to come, but he wanted to milk this for all it was worth. He massaged her ass cheeks, and slid one hand underneath to rub her clit as he thrust.

“You feel so damn good, Liz!”

“This is amazing.”

She sounded really spacy, and he was nearing his limit, so Rahab increased his speed and let the climax overtake him. He yelled and grunted until every drop was squeezed out, and only then did he withdraw and peel off the condom.

“Wow. Holy fuck.” He flopped down on the bed, turning his head to look at her. Her eyelids fluttered a few times before she opened them.

“Yeah. Wow. I like your paddles, Rahab.”

“They like you, too.” Now he sounded spacy. He obviously needed sleep. Rahab closed his eyes and gave into it.


The smell of roasting chicken woke him. A quick glance at his cell phone revealed it was almost dinnertime. Whatever was cooking down there smelled delicious. But where was Liz?

He had fallen asleep still dressed, with only his cock hanging out of his pants, so he adjusted his clothes and glanced around the room. Her bag was still on the floor where she’d dropped it. She wasn’t in the bathroom. Where the fuck had she gone this time?

Heading down to the kitchen first, relief filled him so much that he grinned like an idiot when he spotted her with Rai, Chloe, and Meghan, helping them prepare dinner. He had no clue how that had happened, but was grateful it had. Maybe if she got to know the other women here, she’d be more likely to stick around.

Meghan spotted him first. “Oh, hi. We stole her after we found out she knew how to bake Cornish hens without messing them up.”

“You can’t mess them up,” said Liz, giving him a big smile. “Sorry I didn’t leave a note or anything. I came down looking for something to eat that I could bring up for both of us, and was told they were just starting dinner. I figured since I knew how to make these, I might as well help.”

“It’s fine,” he said, perching on a stool. “Smells fucking delicious. How long until it’s ready?”

“About a half hour,” said Chloe. “You’re welcome to stay, but if you do, you need to grab a knife and help chop vegetables for the salad.”

“Since when did any of them help cook?” asked Meghan, laughing.

“Never,” he said. But he didn’t want to leave Liz. What the hell had happened to him? “Okay, but I’m not chopping any fucking onions.”

“We’re not putting fucking onions in the salad,” said Liz. “They’re red onions.”

Meghan, Rai, and Chloe laughed hard, and it took all of Rahab’s self control not to join them. She had a witty sense of humor that was easy to miss when he let his ego get in the way.

“Here.” She handed him a knife and a colander filled with celery. “Small pieces. As small as you can make them, please.”

He gave her a droll look, but took the knife and celery. “Where do you want the pieces?”

She handed him a bowl. “In here.”

Rahab leaned close and whispered, “I’m only doing this because you’re so fucking good in bed.”

She gave him a look of desire that made his damn dick hard again. If he wasn’t so fucking hungry, he’d take her back upstairs for another round. As he worked, he let the memories from earlier wash over him. It was rare to find a woman who enjoyed sex and play with toys so much. One would think it wouldn’t be, but it was.

While quick and easy pussy or blowjobs had never been in short supply for him, he rarely had intimate moments like the ones they’d had, or been able to convince a woman to have so much sex, and engage in so much play, within such a short time frame. Liz was a rare find in bed. She was also fun to be with, and easy to talk to.

“When you go to law school,” said Chloe, “what kind of law will you practice when you finish?”

“I have no idea. Everything I do now is so interesting. I especially enjoy digging into contract language for businesses, so I might focus on that area.”

“After I have this baby, I want to go to school.”

“For what? Have you decided?”

“No, not really.”

“You can just take classes for a while in general studies until you find something that holds your interest.”

“That’s what Gorgon suggested. And Rai, too.”

“Well, I admire all of you for even wanting to tackle college,” said Meghan. “I’m too scared to try.”

“Why?” asked Liz.

“I just don’t see myself as the studying type. The idea of writing all those papers and taking tests scares the hell out of me.”

“We’d pitch in and help you,” said Chloe. She cut her gaze quickly toward Rahab. “If Liz ends up sticking around for a while, you’d have two college graduates to help you.”

Rahab pretended to ignore Chloe.

“Is your paralegal training from a degree, or do you have a certificate?” asked Rai.

“It’s a two-year degree from Cuyahoga Community College.”

“But you need a bachelor’s degree to get into law school.”

“I know. Russell and I have discussed that. He said they’ll work with me to pay for whatever I need to finish law school.”

“That’s wonderful.”

Rahab stopped chopping. He hadn’t realized she’d need more college before she could even apply to law school. What she’d gone through, and her determination to reach her goals, was even more impressive now.

“Let’s take out one of the hens and see if they’re done,” said Meghan. She and Liz opened the top oven and slid out the roasting pan, and Liz cut a piece of the bird off and put it on a plate. After closing the oven, Meghan tasted it.

“Wow. Yeah, I think they’re just about there. This is wonderful. Where did you learn to cook like this?”

“Hit and miss at various places.”

She hadn’t told them about her past. He could tell by the tone of her voice, and the way she averted her gaze. Her answer was too nonchalant. He hadn’t realized earlier exactly how ashamed of her childhood she was.

These women each had issues or secrets in their pasts. They would never judge her. If only she knew that, but he couldn’t say anything now. It would embarrass and humiliate her.

“How is the celery coming?” Chloe gave him a curious look.

“Almost done.” Rahab finished it, and told them he’d go and find the others to let them know dinner would be served soon. “About twenty minutes?”

“Yes,” said Meghan. “Tell them to bring their appetites. This is going to be a feast.”

He was halfway down the hall when he turned at the sound of footsteps. “I hope you’re not upset I came down here.”

Rahab pulled Liz close. “Of course not. It’s nice to see you working with them.”

“Why is that?”

“Because maybe I can convince you to stay here instead of at that shithole you live in?” He had no fucking clue why he’d said it, but as soon as he did, her entire demeanor changed. Fuck it all to hell and back. Way, way too much, too soon.

“Just kidding.”

She smiled, but he wasn’t fooled by that. He’d just made her very uncomfortable, and Rahab had no fucking clue how to undo it.