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Razing Kayne by Julieanne Reeves (23)



Jess didn't have to look in the box—it didn't matter what it held. Kayne loved her! “Yes.” God, yes!

Before Jess could open the box, Kayne laid his hand on hers. “I don't want another marriage ceremony, Jess. I know it didn't seem like it at the time, but what we did that day matters too much to me to replace. However, I do want to speak my vows to you in front of our family and friends. So you make all the plans you want and invite as many people as you want. I'll wear whatever you ask, and give you opinions about things I probably don't really care about, like the flavor of the cake or the color of the ribbons. All I ask in return is that it be done on the first anniversary of the day we began. ”

“Chocolate-cherry cake, and blue and silver. I already know those answers.” And she wholeheartedly agreed on sharing their vows on their first wedding anniversary.

Jess opened the box. Resting on a bed of black satin was a custom wedding band. Solid platinum, banded with a row of trefoil knots, each encircled by a connecting heart that formed an eternity knot around the band. Set deep in the center of each trefoil was a different colored stone.

“I designed this and had it made especially for you. The trefoil is the symbol of immortality: a beginning without an end, like our life together. The hearts represent my love for you. Forever love. Unending like the knot they form. I chose opals instead of diamonds, because opals are warm living stones, each color a birth stone, yours being the center of this ring just like you are the center of our family.

“I know the inscription isn’t original, but the meaning behind the words is. I wrote those words for the wife I dreamed of. And here you are. With My Last Breath.” He slipped the ring on her finger. A perfect fit.

She leaned in and echoed, “With my last breath,” against his lips before she kissed him.


Kayne glanced at Jess for what must have been the hundredth time in the last ten minutes as she sat curled up sideways on the passenger seat, facing him, Lifehouse’s “Falling In” playing softly in the background. “You look tired.” Happy, but tired, he thought.

“I am. Old age seems to be catching up with me. At least I get to sleep in a little tomorrow.” She smiled.

“No way. Come five o'clock, I'm up, you're up.” Kayne imagined setting his alarm a little early so he could wake her properly, but knew he’d let her sleep in if he could. He was so in love with her his heart hurt looking at her.

She pouted prettily. “That's not nice, Mr. Dobrescu.”

Jess played with the cuff of his shirt sleeve, wreaking havoc on his body. While he knew she'd had the kids spend the night with Del and Polly for practical reasons, he hadn't missed the fact that they would have the house entirely to themselves.

“I have to know—” He teased a finger into the slit of her dress, gently pushing the thin material to the side. “What are you wearing under that dress?” Jesus H. Christ! He touched skin. Absolutely bare, no panties, no...nothing but silky smooth flesh. He’d have never gotten out of the house had he known for sure.

“This dress doesn't leave our bedroom again,” he growled. “You're lucky you didn't give someone a heart attack tonight.” Hell, she might give him one before the night was over.

Jess simply gave him an indulgent smile and laughed. “Yes, dear.” 

Kayne knew better than to divide his attention when driving, but he couldn't resist dipping a finger or two into her delicate folds. “You're wet.” He nodded his approval, gathering her juices on his finger, circling her swollen button.

His finger was poised to sink into her core when a car came barreling up behind them with its high-beams on, all but blinding him. “What the fuck?”

Knowing his lead foot had gotten the better of him while he'd had a hand up his date’s skirt—if that wasn't a blast back to high school, he sure as hell didn't know what was—he expected to see flashing lights, but the vehicle continued to ride his bumper.

“Is your seatbelt on tight?” Kayne reached over to check, even as he asked, all cop now.

“What's he doing?” Jess sat up straight and glanced over her shoulder. He could hear the nervousness in her voice.

“I think he's just an impatient driver. We're almost to the passing lanes. I'll slow down, and he can go around us.” Even as he said it, Kayne had an uneasy feeling. They'd been doing right at 80 in a 65 mph zone, so there was no reason for anyone who wasn't a cop to have issue with his speed.

When they reached the passing lanes, the vehicle slowed down, backing off slightly, but didn't pass. The moment the highway narrowed to two-lanes it was right back on their ass.

“Take my phone and call dispatch. See if there's a unit nearby. This guy is making me uncomfortable.” Uncomfortable being one hell of an understatement. Kayne reached into his jacket and released the snap of his holster. He wasn’t required to carry a firearm off duty as officers in some other states were, and normally didn’t, but with the strange things that had been happening recently, he’d felt compelled to do so. He prayed to God that he wouldn’t have a use for it tonight.

“District Eleven, this is Candy.”

Of all the dispatchers in all the radio rooms... Kayne couldn't help the sigh that escaped.

“Candy, it's Jess Dobrescu, Kayne needs to know where the closest unit is.” Jess rattled off their location and a concise situation report, then put them on speaker. Hell, she'd known their location better than he had.

“Eleven- three-two is checked out at the substation in Payson. Do you need him sent your way?”

Kayne threw a glare at the phone. “Uh, yeah.”

Kayne dropped down to thirty miles an hour; the vehicle stayed right behind them, its high-beams on so Kayne couldn't even begin to guess the make and model.

“What are you driving, sweetheart?' Candice asked, her tone flirtatious.

“My wife's Aston Martin Vanquish.” Kayne threw Jess an apologetic look. He hoped she realized he didn't encourage this shit.

Candice gushed. “Wow! Sweet ride, you should come up to Flagstaff and take me for a spin in it sometime.”

Jess laughed. He was glad someone found her funny.

“Where's Eleven-three-two now?” Kayne glanced in his rearview mirror. The vehicle was sitting tight on his bumper.

“He's at the east Payson town limits waiting for you, sweetie.”

“Slowing down didn't work. I'm going to try picking up the pace a little.” Kayne glanced at Jess. “Baby, make sure your seat belt is tight.”

Kayne tapped the gas, and the car rocketed forward, but the other car kept pace.

“Whatever he's driving, it has some power under the hood.”  Kayne lifted his foot, leveling off at ninety-five.

“You think he’s another sports car wanting to drag?”

“Payson-555 wants to know your twenty and speed,” Candice advised.

Kayne recognized the call sign. Rafe. “Sitting right at one-hundred now. We're just passing through Little Green Valley,” Kayne responded. “We so need this for a chase car,” he murmured under his breath. The Vanquish hugged the road like a desperate lover, just as responsive.

“Of course you'd volunteer to be its designated driver,” Jess replied dryly.

“Payson-555 says they're waiting at the turn off to Station-21.”

Station-21 was the Hellsgate Fire Department headquarters and sat right off the main highway on the east end of Star Valley, Payson’s neighboring town. With the highway alternating between two-lane and divided four-lane through this section, Kayne knew it was really the only place the backup units could fall in behind the vehicle.

Kayne shifted gears, he didn’t know what this asshole’s game was, but he wished to hell he was alone. The thought of anything happening to Jess scared the ever-lovin’ shit out of him. “Tell Payson 555 we’re crossing Dealer’s Choice, down to 85 mph.”

“Payson-555 copies,” dispatch replied.

Having divided his attention between the road and the rearview mirror, Kayne saw the other vehicle drop back slightly and edge into the oncoming lane. Then the chase vehicle made its move, swift and merciless, and, in moments, the driver was parallel to Kayne’s back fender, leaving Kayne a split second to recognize the PIT maneuver for what it was and get the fuck out of the way.

“Hold on!” He tapped the gas, and the Vanquish shot forward, just as the other vehicle would have pushed him into a spinout. Not the move of an amateur, which meant the driver had to know at this speed that even a vehicle like the Vanquish was almost guaranteed to roll. Still, the chase vehicle’s front bumper managed to graze his backend, sending him fishtailing.

“We've been hit.” Emotion vanished, and training took over. Kayne steered into the skid, taking them to the very edge of the paved shoulder before attaining the traction he needed to pull them back onto the highway. From the sound of the squealing tires behind him the other vehicle was having a harder time recovering, giving Kayne the extra seconds he needed to gain full control and ensure he stayed well in front. He didn’t dare take his eyes off the car or the road. “You okay, baby?”

“Yes.” Her response was clear and strong. A good sign.

”What’s your 10-20?” dispatch asked.

“We're about to enter Star Valley.”

The second they reached the four-lane highway, the chase car fell way back. Kayne thought they were about to make a U-turn and get the hell out of dodge, making him wonder if they had a scanner and knew there were units waiting. But before he could articulate the thought, the chase car accelerated hard, and Kayne knew they were done fucking around. “Hang on, Jess this might get rough.”

She laughed. Laughed. God love her.

Kayne watched, waited. At the last possible moment, he braked hard-left and slammed on the brakes, hoping to God that he wouldn't flip them himself. He snagged a peripheral glance of the black Mercedes sedan as it sailed past, missing them by mere millimeters.

The Vanquish came to a halt facing north on the east-west highway. Kayne watched the Mercedes skid into a one-eighty and head back toward them. This was no joy rider. That fucker knew how to drive, probably better than he did.

“Get down!” Kayne released his seat belt and threw himself over Jess, covering her with his body. He pulled his firearm and flipped the safety, ready to do whatever it took to protect the woman he loved. Instead of shooting like he'd feared, the vehicle took off back in the direction they'd come from.

“Black Mercedes AMG, no plate,” Kayne relayed to dispatch, not sure where the hell the phone had gone. “Passenger side front end damage.”

“PD wants to know if you are Code-4?” Dispatch's question was partially drowned out as marked and unmarked police cars blew past them, lights flashing. The damn Mercedes would top out at 186 mph without governors in place, and there was no fucking way the officers would catch him if he could lose them on a straightaway. God, if Jess wasn't with him, he'd go after the fucker!

Jess shoved at his shoulder, and he slowly sat up. “What are you waiting for, go after him!” She threw her hand in the direction of the fleeing vehicle.

Kayne told dispatch they'd be waiting at home. Even if he caught the asshole, he'd be without backup, and Jess would be a sitting duck in the car. There was no fucking way he'd risk Jessica's life for anything.


The phone rang as Jess and Kayne walked in the door, because, of course, Payson was a small town and everyone they knew owned a police scanner. The one person Jess wanted to hear from, fortunately, was one of the first—Polly. She assured them the children were all tucked in asleep, and Del would be sleeping on the couch. He, like Kayne, didn't believe in coincidences. Too many strange things had been going on lately.

Rafe walked into the kitchen a few minutes later, Trace and Nick on his heels.

Rafe whistled. “Ho-ly shit. You are a walking wet dream in that dress.”

Nick staggered back dramatically holding his hands over his chest. “Be still my horny heart, I think I'm in love.”

“Jesus, not a panty line in sight.” Trace gave Kayne a knowing grin. “Did you put that sexy little thing on for me, babe?” He gave her a long once over.

Kayne growled in response, stepping in front of her and blocking their view. The men laughed, and Kayne realized too late they'd been screwing with him.

Jess laughed. “Ignore them, especially Trace. He's a man-ho. He can't help himself; he's been that way since junior high. Rafe too.”

“You say that like it's a bad thing.” Trace leaned in and kissed her cheek. “Besides I was faithfully married once, as you well know. Before the bitch cleaned out my bank account and disappeared while I was stationed in A-stan. Oh yeah, and let’s not forget the seven months pregnant part that she never bothered to tell me about, according to the neighbors. I mean hey, why would I want to know that my wife was pregnant?” Trace threw up his hands in exasperation and let them fall to his sides.

Jess frowned sadly. “And you're so obviously over it.”

Trace gave her a serious look. “I wish someone could tell me they'd heard from her. Just so I know she's safe. No questions asked, that she’s alive.” Trace looked away for a moment. “It would be so much easier to hate her knowing she was alive and happy somewhere.”

Jess laid a hand on his arm. “I never heard from her after you guys moved away, Trace. I don't know what happened to her.”

Thankfully, Rafe turned the topic to the incident with the Mercedes. Kayne gave them a play-by-play, answered the standard questions: Had he noticed anyone following them, had there been any suspicious incidents lately, was there anyone who might have issue with them?

Kayne gave him a get real look. “You mean other than Cody, right?”

“We checked Johnson's place for the car first, though I don't think he'd take a chance with Jess in the car, even if he was that stupid. Besides, when we knocked on the door to talk to him he, uh...had company. We'd clearly interrupted. Apparently, he's not opposed to cougars.”

“She was hot. For an old lady.” Trace shuddered

Jess hopped up on the counter. “Why couldn't he have stayed in California?”

Kayne’s eyes snapped to hers. “California?”

She cocked her head. “Yeah, he studied at Oxnard for a semester or two before they kicked him out.”

Kayne’s brow furrowed. “Oxnard. When?”

Jess waved him off. “I don't know, right after Isabelle was born. He was back before the whole Meg–” Jess froze. Shit she'd been about to talk about Megan in front of the guys. “You know, the night of the accident, Cody was supposedly out with some ex-girlfriend he'd met while he was there.” Jess bit her lower lip.

Holy fuck! Kayne’s mind began to race. “The Russian Community Center is in Oxnard, but that's a huge area compared to Payson.” Still, could there be a tie somehow between the two? Kayne did some quick mental math. Cody had attended and left college more than a year before Gracie had been abducted, but had his ex-girlfriend known the people in the car the night of the accident? Had Cody?

They made small talk. Kayne decided it was time to take that trip to Santa Barbara and follow up on the new leads he had since the detective seemed to be getting nowhere. The Russian Community Center kept working its way into conversation, and he didn't think that was a coincidence. When he outlined his plans, the guys readily agreed to hold down the fort at home.

Kayne wasn't surprised when the Sheriff's office advised they'd located the vehicle abandoned on the Tonto Village fire control road. It came back stolen from a dealer in Scottsdale. Of course, it had been sanitized.

“So, not that I'm complaining, but what are you guys doing out this late?” Kayne glanced at Rafe then Trace.

Rafe ran a hand over his scraggly jaw. He shook his head. “Baby-sitting the boys from Alphabet-Soup land.”

“Feds?” Kayne was surprised he hadn't heard something about them being in the area.

Rafe rolled his eyes. “Yeah, something big is about to go down in the area, hush-hush. There's a joint task force camped out—ATF,   FBI,   DHS—you name it, they're here. Hell, we've even got a sexy little French thing from InterPol running around, making everyone’s life miserable. And they aren't telling us jack shit. We're all supposed to just pretend they aren't here unless they want us to stoop, fetch, or carry for them, while they go about their business of hunting down some bad guy they’re expecting to show up any day now.”

Kayne chuckled. “So, tell us how you really feel about them being here.”

“You know, we may be a small town, but our officers know their shit. Several have transferred in with big agency experience like me, and the hometown boys are just as thoroughly trained. Hell some of us have even been through the academy at Quantico. This isn't our first rodeo, and I’m tired of them treating us like we’re incompetent country-bumpkins who are in their way. Glory seeking bastards,” he grumbled.

“So what happens if one of us accidentally has a run-in with this terrorist—I’m assuming it’s a terrorist of some sort to have garnered this much attention—without realizing it?” Nick asked.

Trace shook his head. “I don't think they'd let one of us get within a country mile of him. I'm telling you, the place is crawling with agents, and I agree with Rafe, I'm done babysitting. I have better things to do.” 

“Such as what?” Rafe scoffed.

“Damned if I know. Kayne said they're leaving for Santa Barbara on the first flight out, so maybe Unka Trace will stay home and play Mr. Mom. You know corrupt and spoil the kiddos. If I have to babysit, I might as well enjoy it.” Trace gave them an unrepentant grin.

Hell! Trace probably would corrupt his kids too, but Kayne sure would like an extra set of eyes on them while he and Jess were gone. He hated the idea of letting the kids out of his sight. The feeling that this was somehow tied to his past and that his family was in danger had taken hold and wouldn’t let go.


Kayne had long ago removed his jacket and tie. He toed off his shoes and stripped, leaving the pile of clothes where they fell. Stepping into the shower, he wrapped his arms around Jess from behind. “I was so afraid I wouldn't be able to protect you,” he admitted, squeezing her tight.

Jess turned in his arms. “But you did. You were amazing.”

He leaned in and kissed her. “I want you.” He nuzzled her ear. “I need you.”

She came willingly into his arms, the look in her eyes telling him how very much she wanted him too.

Hours later, as he held her close and watched her sleep, he thanked all that was holy that she hadn’t been taken from him tonight.





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