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Recovering Beauty: The Kane Brothers Book Two by Gina Azzi (21)



"You seriously didn't like Crime and Punishment?" I ask her, shocked.

Taylor shrugs, wrinkling her nose adorably. "I just couldn't get into it. Dostoevsky is hard for me."

"That's just Russian Literature."

"Maybe. But I loved Anna Karenina."

"I never read it," I admit. "Truthfully, most of the classics I've read were from high school."

"And you remember them all?"

I shrug. "I liked the English teacher."

Taylor laughs, holding up a hand as the strap of her blue dress slides off her shoulder. "Was she young and hot?"

I waggle my eyebrows, and she tosses a napkin at me.

"My brother Jax liked literature a lot, so we always had books lying around the house. Sometimes, I would pick one up." It's the truth, but it was a lot more than sometimes. I just didn't want my family to know. They would have cracked a bunch of jokes if they knew I spent so many nights devouring the books that Jax and Evie left littered around the living room. "They were all better than Daisy's obsession with The Babysitter's Club." I shake my head. “She got hooked on those books and watching General Hospital because of one of Den’s girlfriends.”

"Oh, my God! I used to read The Babysitter's Club. And Sweet Valley High. I'll have to discuss this with Daisy at length," she says this so naturally, but then she bites her bottom lip, her eyes widening as if she just realized what she said. "I mean, you know, if I ever—"

"I'm pretty sure my entire family is going to show up here tonight. Mostly because they know I'm here with you, and they would never miss an opportunity to make fun of me in front of a girl I'm trying to impress. And because it's Jax and Evie's last Friday night in town. They're leaving for San Antonio on Sunday morning. Also, Daisy's college roommate is in town, and I'm sure Daisy wants to grab some drinks with her."

Taylor tries to hide her smile but loses the battle and allows it to light up her face. "You're trying to impress me?"

I scoff. "Isn't it obvious? Burgers and fries at Raf's and tequila shots? I'm pulling out all the stops here, Taylor."

She giggles, and it's soft and sweet and playful.

"How am I doing?"

She tilts her head to the left, studying me, and opens her mouth, but before she says anything, her eyes soften. "This is the best date I've ever been on."

Surprise rocks through me, as I wasn't expecting her to be serious or to hear those words. This is a woman who has been wined and dined at the best restaurants in Savannah, has attended all the fancy parties in designer gowns and luxury cars. And this, joking with me at Raf's, is her best date?

I reach over the table and run my fingertips along the inside of her wrist. "Mine too," I say truthfully because being with Taylor is better than being with anyone else. Hands down. She’s the first girl I’ve ever really connected with and felt at ease confiding in. Things with Lori were always convenient. Things with other girls were always fun. But with Taylor, it’s just more.

"Carter!" A voice rings out as Texas Ink stops by the side of our table.

I look up, startled and feel Taylor's wrist slide out from under my fingers. Staring up at Texas, his black leather cut ensuring all his MC patches are on full display, I groan. Taylor doesn't need to deal with his shit. And to think, I’ve already cut ties with the MC.

"Hey Tex."

"Who's this gorgeous girl?" Texas turns toward Taylor, reaching out a hand.

Taylor shakes his hand politely but when he holds her fingers for a beat too long, I witness the flash of uncertainty that crosses her face.

What the hell do I introduce her as? If I say my friend, I risk hurting her feelings and honestly, Texas wouldn't buy it. If I say my girl, well, isn’t it too soon to make that declaration? I mean, it’s a first real date.

But I want it to be more than that.

The realization slams into me and makes me say exactly what I want, no fucks given.

"You can stop staring at my girl now, Tex.”

His eyes swing to mine, surprised, but he drops Taylor's hand and shuffles away a few steps.

"Just wanted to say hey. Haven’t seen you around lately.”

“Yep. Been busy and all. Good seeing you though. Enjoy the rest of your night.” I say, giving him the brush off. Turning back to Taylor, my heart pounds in my chest. She doesn't need a visual, an up-close-and-personal introduction to MC members to understand all the shady shit I did. I already told her the truth about my past, and that’s where I prefer to leave it. In the past.

Thankfully, Texas takes the hint and shakes his head, chuckling, before walking back to the bar.

Taylor's quiet, and I'm at a loss. How the hell do I explain that? I told her I was done with the MC; does she think I’m still tangled up with them? Is she worried that Texas saw us together? I don't want her mixed up in all the irresponsible portions of my life. She's too good for this shit. Above it.

"I'm sorry," I say finally.

Taylor picks a French fry off my plate and pops it into her mouth, chewing thoughtfully.

"Don’t be. That’s one of the motorcycle guys?”

I nod. “If he scared you at all, or you’re worried about anything –"

“It’s fine, really. I was just surprised at first. I’ve never met anyone in a motorcycle club before.”

“It’s nothing to write home about.”

She snorts. Then pauses, her mouth hanging open as if she wants to ask me a question but isn’t sure how to go about it.

I stare back, raise an eyebrow expectantly and watch as color blooms in her cheeks.

“Am I really your girl?"

Huh? That's the part of the exchange she's focusing on?

I chuckle, relief and surprise flooding my chest. This girl.

"If you want to be." The words are out of my mouth before I can check them, and I realize that as much as I feel Taylor would be settling with me, that I know, hands down, that she deserves better, more, I also don’t want to let her go. Not for a second. I don't want her to hang on the arm of Barrington Wade or men like him. I don’t want her to go to fancy parties with men who could afford to throw all the money at all the problems but won’t give her their time and attention. As much as I should let her go, I won't. So, yeah, I want her to be my fucking girl.

She gives me a shy nod. "Yes."

At the sound of that word, a smile splits my face. A real one. One that fills me up with excitement for tomorrow, as if I have so many things to look forward to now. And that’s something I haven’t felt for a long time because, let’s be real, there wasn’t much to look forward to.

Taylor waves down Mindy as she passes our table and orders another round of shots. "To celebrate," she explains to me.

And watching her eyes dance, noting the happiness that floods her cheeks, seeing her bright smile, I'm pretty sure this is the moment that I fall in love with Taylor Clarke.

As night falls the dynamic in Raf's changes. The families from the dinner crowd disappear, heading home to tuck their kids into bed. Little by little, couples and groups of friends enter, standing by the bar or gathering around high-top tables.

I wave to friends and acquaintances, shaking my head when I see one of Evie's best friends, Jenny, do a double take when she spots me with Taylor. Jenny tugs on the hand of another friend, Miranda, and nods in my direction. Miranda turns and stares at Taylor before turning to me and flashing the thumbs up sign. I laugh.

"What is it?" Taylor asks, turning in her seat.

"Those girls over there, they're Evie's best friends. They approve."

"Oh." She turns back to me. "Well, that's a good thing."

"Yay! You're still here." My sister's voice calls out moments later as Daisy appears at the side of our table, Sierra a few steps behind her. "Hi." She practically gushes, bending down to envelop Taylor in a hug. "I'm Daisy. It's so good to meet you. And I'm not sorry for crashing your date."

Taylor hugs her back, a blush creeping up from her neck. "It's nice to meet you, too. Carter's told me a lot about you."

Daisy turns and gives me a weird look.

"Mindy!" I flag down our server. "Can we grab the check? And then start a new tab. Whatever my family is drinking goes on it." I know the moment the words are out of my mouth, my entire pay from Cork’s this week is going toward this tab. But having tonight, being with Taylor, having her meet and hang out with my family, and celebrating one last weekend with Evie and Jax, I also know it’s worth it.

She nods, holding up a finger to indicate that she'll be over in a minute.

"Aw, thanks big brother." Daisy throws an arm around my shoulder and squeezes.

"Yeah, thanks Carter," Sierra calls out, knowing she's my family, too.

"Don't go crazy tonight. I'm not carrying either of you home," I warn them, and they look at each other and exchange a mischievous grin that has my suspicions rising and causes Taylor to laugh loudly.

I lean toward her and lower my voice. "I'm sorry about this. We can go somewhere—"

But she waves a hand, cutting me off. "No. This is great. I'm excited for the full Raf's experience."

The door opens, and I see Jax and Evie walk in, Denver close behind them.

"Well, get ready for it."

And instead of moaning about my family's lack of boundaries, her eyes light up and she waves over my brothers like it's the most natural thing in the world.

All of us Kanes, hanging at Raf's on a Friday night, drinking beers and taking shots.


"No, no, your form is all off." Jax corrects Taylor as her dart misses the board completely. "Come back again." He waves her over, going through the motions and showing her his unbeatable technique.

Evie rolls her eyes. "Just let her have fun, Jax. Not everything needs to be a competition."

"Oh, that's rich." He chuckles, his eyes flicking to her, amusement and admiration rippling across his features. "You're the most competitive person I know."

Evie tilts her head to the side, considering this observation. "Correct. Which is why, Taylor, you should be listening to me. Hold the dart here," she says, walking closer to Taylor and Jax and begins to explain the science behind her dart-throwing skills.

I lean back on the barstool I pulled over, raising my beer bottle to my lips. Watching Taylor is mesmerizing, and I could spend the whole night staring at her. The way she gravitates toward my family, engaging with my brothers, talking with Evie, Daisy, and Sierra, is natural. She’s open and genuine and I can tell by her animated hand gestures and laughter that she’s enjoying tonight.

Flushed cheeks, wide eyes, her mouth slightly open as she hangs onto every word Jax and Evie say, she is beautiful in the most natural way. She's pure. Her long hair is everywhere, hitting the center of her back, flowing over her shoulders, and sweeping across her face as she concentrates on her next throw.

I want to fist it in my hands, slide the silky strands through my fingers, tug on the ends, and hold her steady so I can kiss her senseless.

The dart hits the board this time, emitting a soft thud, and Jax throws his hands in the air as Evie jumps up and down cheering. Then they begin bickering over who showed Taylor the right move that caused her to throw better, getting lost in their own debate. Taylor turns to me, her eyes dancing with excitement and pride, the goofiest grin I've ever seen on her crossing her lips. She points to the dartboard, and I lower my beer bottle to whistle loudly, blowing her a kiss.

She pulls out the darts and walks back to the line to throw again when Denver sidles up next to me.

"Hey." I glance at him from the corner of my eye.

He nods, taking a long pull of his beer. He's quieter than usual, his expression more severe.

"What's going on?" I ask.

He shrugs, reaching up to rake a hand across his head, stopping when he hits the messy bun at the back. His eyes dart to the left, and I follow his line of sight until it connects with... Sierra. Hmm.

"Daisy okay drinking with her?" he murmurs after a long pause.


He nods gruffly, as if the sound of her name pisses him off.

"Yeah, man. She's been drinking with her for the past four years."

"She just seems a little, I don't know, wild for Dais."

I choke on the beer I'm swallowing and pound my fist against my chest. What the hell is Denver going on about? "Sierra? Wild? I don't know, bro. Sure, Daisy and she have a good time when they're together, but I think all the trouble they get into is split pretty even between them." I rub the beer bottle between my palms. Remembering all the times my sister and Sierra called me wasted needing money, advice, or just to wake me up and piss me off at three in the morning.

Denver's eyes darken, turning almost black, before he rips his gaze away and downs half his beer. I'm about to ask him what the hell his deal is when he nods toward Taylor. "She's good for you."

I turn again to take in the little hop Taylor does as her darts slowly drift closer to the bulls-eye. "She's too good for me," I correct him.

He pierces me with a look. "Why'dya think that?"

I shrug, not wanting to get into it.

"She's different," Denver says.

I nod; she's definitely different—more—than any woman I've ever ran around with before. Mainly because my feelings for her are sharper, more intense, than I’ve ever felt for another woman. I can’t explain how it happened, I just know that what I feel for Taylor could be the beginnings of what Jax feels for Evie. And that’s something I never anticipated experiencing but God, is it good.

As if summoned by the thought, Lori Filton strides into my line of sight, her steps faltering when she sees me. Then she squares her shoulders and walks over to Den and me.

She leans close to me, brushing a quick kiss across the corner of my mouth that has me jerking back in surprise.

Next to me, Denver chuckles, but there's a warning bite to the sound, and Lori glares at him.

"Hey baby," she purrs in the next breath, and I can smell the sweet alcohol on her breath.

"Lor," I reply, my eyes going to Taylor, who regards me with a wide-eyed stare that quickly narrows into an uncertain scowl. Jesus. “You doing okay?”

“Yeah. Haven’t seen you around much lately.”

“I know. I’ve been working a lot of double shifts at Cork’s. Plus, hanging with Marco.”

“Still, you could hit me up at night.” She raises her eyebrow and I know I need to shut this down, be straight with her.

“I met someone, Lor.” I nod in Taylor’s direction and Lori follows, her eyes connecting with Taylor. Her shoulders deflate a little and I feel guilty for hurting her even though I’ve also always been honest with her. “It’s new and I definitely didn’t expect it but Taylor’s my girl now.”

“Oh.” She breathes out, taking a step back.

“We’re still friends, Lori. We’ve known each other a long time.”

“Right.” She nods, her voice tight, her lips pinched. “Friends.”

“If you want.”

“Sure. Okay. I’ll see you around, Carter. Denver.” She nods at us stiffly before walking to a booth in the back.

Denver whistles low under his breath and I look at him, narrowing my eyes. “What?”

“You really didn’t know she was into you?”

“Not like that. I mean, not until recently.”

“Little brother that girl has been sweet on you for years. Since high school.” Den says as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. Maybe it was and I missed all the signs?

I shrug. “I always thought we were just friends with benefits.”

“It doesn’t matter now. You were straight with her. Now go see your girl.” He points his chin in Taylor’s direction and I grin, slipping off my barstool.