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Rescued by the Alien Prince: Celestial Mates (The Alva) by Miranda Martn (8)



I glance over at Ling as I urge the juntta to go faster. She is even more beautiful than in the picture. Her skin is pale and smooth, perfect. Small, adorable spots are speckled across her nose and her eyes are an unusual shape, tilted up at the corners. Her hair is a shining sheet of black. Her voice is just as arresting as her appearance. Lower than I would have expected, strong and confident.

And her accent. I always thought it was charming on Margot and Clara. but I could listen to Ling all day.

"Are you...fine?" I ask as we near House Viir. "Did they hurt you in any way?"

She does not look physically hurt, but many hurts are not so obvious.

She says something in the human females’ language and then slowly speaks in Alvan. I have heard Margot and Clara converse enough that Ling's words sounds vaguely familiar, but I suddenly wish I had taken the time to learn more.

"No," she says, looking over at me. "I was not hurt."

I nod, some of my tension easing. I do not know if I would have been able to stop myself from doing something rash if she had been.

"How have you learned Alvan so quickly?" I ask, curious at her grasp of the language, though her speech is still slow.

She says something in her language and then replies in Alvan. "Celestial Mates gave me a translation device," she explains, turning her head and pushing her hair back to point at a small object in her ear. "It translates Alvan for me. And if I speak in my language, it tells me how to say the same in Alvan." She lets her hair fall back into place. "So that’s why I sound like I’m talking to myself," she adds wryly.

I chuckle. "Interesting. And very useful. I am certain Margot and Clara would have greatly appreciated such a device when they first arrived."

Her face lights up. "Margot and Clara? There are more people from Earth here?"

"Yes," I say, happy that she will have other females to speak to. "I am sure you will meet them soon."

"Oh, I would really love to," she agrees. After a slight pause, she continues. "Are we going to House Viir?"

"Yes," I confirm.

"Hmm. But Malathin will know where we are. Is that a good idea?"

I look over at her with a slight smile, knowing it has no warmth. "If Malathin would like to attack me in my stronghold for taking my female back after he kidnapped her, I welcome him to try."

In fact, I almost hope does attempt such a foolhardy move. I would like to grind him down under my boot.

"Why did he take me anyway?" she asks, frowning. "Did you do something to him? What did he want?"

I sigh. "I have helped bring about many changes recently. Not all of them could be seen as...traditional. And Malathin Saren is a traditional kind of Prince."

Her face clears somewhat. "I see. I can understand that. I’m guessing he was using me as leverage against you, what did he want in exchange?" she probes.

She is a quick study. Not the first topic of conversation I would have chosen to have upon meeting my possible Pari, but I appreciate her curiosity and intelligence.

"He wanted me to step down as Prince of House Viir," I say, wanting to be truthful. "I would have done so if left with no other choice," I add, not wanting her to think I do not value her. "But there are many people depending upon me. I thought exploring other possibilities first would be a more practical solution."

I am half afraid she will be offended that I did not step down immediately, but she only nods thoughtfully.

"I get it. I’m glad you didn’t step down." She smiles at me. "I don’t like it when people like Malathin get what they want after sinking so low. I almost wish I could see his face when he realizes I’m not there anymore."

I chuckle, surprised at her view of the situation. "Yes. I would have liked to see his face as well. It would be most satisfying."

We turn the corner and the lights of the tunnel leading to our rakennus are up ahead. "We have arrived at House Viir," I say and the juntta immediately increases its speed without any urging on my part. It recognizes home.

As we pass through the intricately painted tunnel, all done in warm colors, I find myself looking at everything with new eyes. Will Ling like her new home?

"The art is beautiful," she says as we reach the end of the tunnel.

"It was painted in generations past by a very well known artist," I say with pride. "It is coveted by many other Major Houses."

"I can imagine."

I glance over and there is a small smile on her tiny, beautiful mouth. My chest expands and a surge of blood rushes to my cock. I empathize with the juntta as I find myself eager to reach home with my new mate.

As we travel across the flat rock between the tunnel and the border wall, Ling's eyes land on the Celestial Mates structure.

"Oh," she exclaims. "Is that another Celestial Mates office?" she asks, leaning forward.

For the first time since it was built here, I almost wish it was not so close to House Viir. What if Ling decides she would rather go home after all?

"Yes," I say shortly. "This was the office that you were meant to come to. I do not know what Malathin did to have you arrive at the other one, but rest assured that I will not forget. The representative does not know yet what occurred, but he will be looking into the matter."

Ling nods, her attention turning to the border wall as we draw near. Our walls are made of the same tan stone that many of the Major Houses use. It is prettier than the gray rock the Minor Houses utilize, though not quite as strong. I always thought it quite symbolic of the Major Houses to put appearance over practical function.

The gates are already open and I blink as we pass by the bright lights. The guards hail in greeting, though their attention is very firmly on my pretty passenger. I look over to and she is fiddling with her cape nervously as the people we pass stop to stare, bowing, their eyes firmly locked on Ling.

"They are simply curious," I reassure her, smiling and waving at my people. "I did not inform them ahead of time for fear the news of my actions would reach Malathin before I could safely remove you from House Saren."

She nods, smiling back at everyone tentatively. "I don’t know what my role here is meant to be," she murmurs, as she continues to behave graciously.

I do not know either. She is not yet my Pari.

Though the more time I spend in her company, the more I hope she is.

We pass through the busy marketplace, Ling's eyes wide as she takes in all of the wares and the variety of people assembled.

"Can I come out here later?" she asks, her head turning from side to side as she attempts to take it all in at once.

"Of course," I say, smiling at her enthusiasm.

Then we are past the marketplace and her eyes are on the buildings, built with the same stone as the border walls. Because of the heat, many of the structures are built with open latticework windows, the architecture designed to be light and airy.

I slow the juntta so she can have a good look as we near the House Mansion. "I will give you a tour once you have rested and settled in," I offer as we finally reach the courtyard.

"I’d like that," she says, smiling at me before looking up at the House Mansion. "Wow. It a picture in a story."

I look up at my home and try to view it through her eyes. Delicate towers and pretty stone with fine carving. It is large, pretty, and quite impressive. I suppose I tend to forget that as I am so accustomed to it.

"I am happy you like it," I murmur as I descend from the carriage and circle around to help her down.

She takes my hand with a smile, the soft touch of her palm not enough to justify the surge of sensation in my body. My cock is rock hard in my trousers. I help her down, marveling again at how small she is. But though she is much smaller than I am accustomed to, her body is curved in all the right places.

Very feminine.

And I want to touch every inch of it.

My cock throbs in agreement.

I adjust myself when she is not looking, not wanting to scare her with my body's response to her nearness.

"Come," I say, leading her inside. "I will show you to your bedchamber." I call to the first maid I find. "Will you please prepare a bath in the bedchamber next to my own? And bring a meal there as well?" I ask the young female.

Her eyes widen as she looks over at Ling. A smile spreads across her face and she nods quickly. "Of course, my Prince! Right away!"

"Thank you," I say gently, knowing the excited response is going to take some time to ease. My people know I have been waiting for a match. Naturally, they will be excited to meet their future Princess.

I lead Ling down the hallway to her bedchamber as she looks around with interested eyes. "You can look all you please," I say with with a smile. "But I would like it if you rested first, ate, and had a bath to relax. I know you must be exhausted from your ordeal."

"That sounds wonderful," she admits. "But where are you going?"

I am not quite accustomed to being questioned in such a manner but I suppose I will have to get used to it. "I am going to call an emergency meeting of my allies," I admit, wanting to be open with her. "We need to discuss what Malathin did and how we are going to respond to it."

She nods. "I think that’s a wise idea. I’ll bathe and eat quickly. Don’t worry, I’ll be right out," she says, turning to enter the bedchamber.

I frown. "I think it is best you rest," I say firmly. "You have had a difficult day."

She looks back at me over her shoulder, raising an eyebrow. "I want to be at the meeting. I am not too tired."

"I prefer you rest and let me take care of the meeting," I say clearly.

She turns to face me, her hands going to her hips. "This affects me too," she says, her eyes and voice direct. "I need to be at the meeting."

I stare, taking in her stubborn stance. "You do not yet know our politics or the details of the matter."

"Then what better way to learn them than by attending the meeting," she counters sweetly. "I will be ready in but a moment."

I open my mouth to argue some more but she slips into the room and closes the door. I shut my mouth in surprise.


My mouth twitches into a smile. I suppose that is that. My female is not one to be pushed into doing as she is told. I don’t actually mind it so much.

Perhaps...I might even like it.

Odd. I would never have guessed such a response in myself. I am quite accustomed to being in control at this point in my life, I very much enjoy it, in fact. However, meek people tend to irritate me. I would much rather have a fight than have someone who simply agrees with my every wish. I have enough of that already.

Though I have no illusions that Ling and I will have an easy time of it if we both are so headstrong. Things are going to get very interesting.

I’m still smiling as I walk away.

I look forward to going toe-to-toe with my pretty mate.