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Rise of the Alpha by Jessica Snow (60)

Chapter 46

"Congratulations on the birth of Jay," Akiko said over the video link as she adjusted her camera. "My only regret was that I could not have been there for his birth."

"You were quite busy, from what Keith tells me," Melanie replied as she held Jay in her arms. "Apparently you've made some progress on repairing the Great Rift?"

"I have," Akiko replied. "It's a tenuous bridge, but I think so. I had to go through my brother in Japan, who has trading partners in Europe. Using those connections and a few of the other traditional Thornblood allies, I’ve been able to talk to some of the Alpha Females in a few of the European houses."

"Akiko, explain this Great Rift to me please. I understand it has something to do with the American Revolution, but it would seem in all the years since then that the Rift would have healed. After all, if Britain and the USA can be allies again, why not the North American and the European Clans?"

"Houses, my Sister. Only in Scotland and Ireland to the Lycans refer to themselves as Clans. We adopted that system in America because of the strength of the Irish and Scottish Clans that settled here first. As for the Great Rift, basically it comes down to most of the European Houses were supporters of the status quo in Europe circa seventeen seventy-six. Despite the fact that North America was settled by what was more or less the leftover refuse of the European Houses, they thought that the Clans would support their point of view, which was Loyalist to the British Crown. When most of the Clans, including yours I might add, joined instead with the Colonials, it tipped the balance of power in favor of the Colonists. Lycan warriors slaughtered Redcoats on a massive scale, especially every time the British left their strongholds of Boston or New York. Of course, the history gives credit to Colonial sharpshooters, but most were actually Lycans."

"Okay, so I get why the British Houses might have cause for being pissed off two hundred years ago, but that doesn't explain now."

Akiko shrugged. "The American Revolution was the domino that tipped over the European system as well. The French Revolution was just the beginning. Houses that had stood powerfully in the shadows, and sometimes not in the shadows even, for hundreds of years, dating back to the time of Charlemagne or even the Caesars, found themselves destitute and hunted by the emboldened kinbushi. Losing that amount of wealth and power, and turning House against House in the wars of the upcoming century and a half was quite the blow. Add in that most of the European Houses make Clan Thornblood look like raging liberals, and you get the problem."

"Which made you the perfect person to start and heal that rift. Non-American Alpha Female originally from an Asian Clan, once considered very conservative. Impressive. So what have you been able to discern from them?"

"They’re willing to meet with Keith and Kimberly, as they see them as the leaders of this war on the American side. But they will only do it at Thornblood Hall. In the meantime, their agents within Interpol have agreed to share what information they have with you. Be glad the House in charge of Interpol infiltration and information gathering is French. Their Alpha was moved by the romance of your situation. I don’t want to repeat what some of the British and Russian Houses said about things."

"I bet," Melanie deadpanned. "But I don't care about that, I care about results. Thank you, Akiko. I’ll have Kimberly connect our systems to set up the transfer tonight. Can you have Owen Tchernova assist on your end?"

"He's already set things up," Akiko said. "He’ll send you detailed instructions, you can probably do it yourself if you want. Owen's quite good at simplifying instructions for people like me, who grew up in the non-Internet generation. You'd get along easily."

"That sounds fine then, link him in when we are done talking," Melanie replied. "Kimberly and Edward are busy right now anyway."

"Oh?" Akiko commented, arching a regal eyebrow.

Melanie read her meaning and laughed. "Not that. Keith had a weird feeling right after Jay was born through his Link with her, and wanted Kim to go in for a checkup and everything. Edward is along for the ride, although I think they also planned to do some shopping before the appointment. Edward's getting his workout equipment soon. Keith and I decided to clear out a very large space in one of the Lockwood owned buildings and making it into a space for all Lockwoods, but especially him, to use as they wish."

"I hope they reinforced the floor of the basement," Akiko joked. "Kimberly told me some of the numbers Edward claims. It might have been easier to just have him pick up cars for fun."

"Actually, if I remember right some of the parts are coming from a foundry, using some sort of high strength alloy that is used in building skyscrapers or something like that. Edward started geeking out about it, quoting me A99-this and maraging that, but I kind of tuned it out. He just sounded like a kid in a candy store when he was talking about it this morning at breakfast, I couldn't bear to tell him I had no idea what the hell he was talking about."

Akiko laughed. "I can see his point. Some of the younger Lycans in Clan Thornblood often complain to the elders that they want more challenge and that exercise equipment is too expensive. We at least are able to use commercially produced equipment, we just have to order a lot of it. I wonder what he did in Canada?"

"Apparently dragged trees through the woods and snow," Melanie replied. "I'd hate to think of the amount of power it would take to drag a thirty or forty foot long tree through deep snow."

Akiko shook her head, not knowing either. "Well, I hope he enjoys it. But I don't want to hear about him, I would like to hear about my little Jay. How’s he doing?"

“He's doing great. He's very energetic, but he sleeps well at night. Seriously, I'm getting five or more continuous hours of sleep a night. With Keith agreeing to take care of him for diaper changes and stuff like that half the time, I'm actually sleeping more than I was before I had him. Even feeding him is easy."

"Oh, what do you do?" Akiko asked. "I brought Kensuke to bed with me and Nioclas for the first year he was alive. When he needed milk, it was right there for him."

Melanie chuckled and nodded. "Me and Keith too. The baby room is mostly for storing his clothes and things like that right now. By the way, I love the little outfit you sent. A jinbei, right? It's great, Jay loves it. And of course the red, black and brown work so well together."

"I'm glad. You’re still using the kimonos I sent you, I hope?"

Melanie nodded. "I plan on wearing the formal one when I come and visit you at Thornblood Hall. Tell me, when do these European Alphas wish to meet?"

Akiko's smiled faded, and she shook her head. "Ideally they would like to meet within a week. I doubt that you or Jay would be ready for such a strenuous journey so quickly. Two weeks post-birth is not the best time to travel a thousand miles, no matter how it’s done."

Melanie sighed and nodded. "You're probably right. Well, until then, I'll still be there via video conference, and I'm getting myself back into shape too. When Jay and I can come to visit, I promise you I'll be only half the size I was the last time you saw me."

"I'm sure you’ll be as beautiful as ever. I'll let you in on a secret that your Mate might not know. Since you share his life force, you’ll also find that your body will bounce back from your pregnancy quickly. I've helped a few of the Thornblood non-Lycan women, and they all reported that to me. No stretch marks either."

Jay squirmed in his mother's arms, opening his eyes to blink up at her calmly before turning his head towards the sound of the video. Melanie looked down and smiled at her son. Hey little guy. Good nap?

Love and agreement poured back over the Link, and Melanie smiled. She could sense the question in his thoughts, and she picked him up to look at the screen. She had read he was still too young to be able to focus, but it couldn't hurt. That's your Aunt Akiko.

Taking Jay's little hand in hers, she mimicked the baby waving, and was rewarded by seeing Akiko's smile widen and her eyes glisten. "Kawaii, Sister. He's adorable. I look forward to visiting soon."

“I look forward to it. I'll pass along the information to Keith, and I'll be ready to get the data link setup with Owen as soon as he wants."

"Of course. Just remember, Sister, your number one job is that little bundle in your arms right now."

"That's what all this is for, isn't it?"