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Full Night's Sleep: Omega of His Dreams Book 2 by Kiki Burrelli (1)

Chapter One


Grayson Davenwood tapped on his tablet to access the security cameras installed throughout his building. He enjoyed thumbing through the feeds, watching what was going on in each department of his company. At times, owning the country's largest pharmaceutical research and development company felt like too big of a task. Whenever Grayson felt like he wasn't doing something correctly, he would look through the feeds and gain comfort in the way everything marched on as people did their jobs. Together, they were making the world a better place.

He wasn't grandiose in his desires. It felt these days the world had driven itself to a frenzied peak. The world news was on in the back on his flat screen TV, and though the sound was off, images of explosions and marches filled the screen. The AOE, Alliance for Omega Equality, started as a tiny movement and just recently had begun filling the headlines with displays of violence.

At Davenwood Research, they didn't fight angry mobs, but they did create and test some of the most helpful pharmaceuticals out there, drugs that would give omega's control over their urges, even if most legal systems didn't. They were a few hours into the beginning of the workday. Grayson had already fielded several calls as well as led a meeting with a vegetable capsule manufacturer. Alone in his office, he had taken off his suit jacket and rolled up the sleeves of his white dress shirt.

Grayson swiped to access the next screen, the camera at the entryway of the research wing. With his finger hovered over the button that would take him to the next feed, Grayson hesitated. A man had walked into view, coming down the hallway with one of the doctors from behind the camera. Grayson only saw the back of the man's head, and yet that was enough to make him pause.

He was thin and had all the hallmarks of an omega body type. Except, his arms looked a little more muscular under the sleeves of his suit jacket. Grayson watched the possible omega walk with the doctor, wondering what it was about him that gave Grayson such a pause.

The only things that got his attention these days were developments and breakthroughs. And, with the recent acquisition of Melvin Shrel's pharmaceutical corporation's resources and staff, exciting breakthroughs were happening at a faster rate than ever before.

It was indeed an exciting time to work in the field of omega research. Their recent success was almost enough to appease the guilt Grayson carried with him every moment of every day.

All this meant was that it was even harder for Grayson to be pulled from thoughts of his company. Which made the fact that his eyes were lingering on this stranger all that more unusual.

The pair turned to go into a room off the hallway, giving Grayson the slightest look at the side of the man's face. His mouth went dry as his stomach seemed to drop down to his feet.

The man reminded Grayson of an omega he'd once been horrible to. Without a name to scribble on his list, Grayson had added the man's face to his list of things to feel guilty for. That omega had been smaller than this man, with none of the bulk or muscles that the man in the surveillance video carried. Except for in his stomach. Back then, he had been swollen, large with an impending child.

Operating without thought, Grayson set the tablet down, pulled on his suit jacket and got in his private elevator, taking it to the research wing. The ride down felt like it took hours, but it couldn't have been more than thirty seconds before the doors opened silently. Grayson peeked his head out to check if the hallway was empty.

He was acting like a thief trying to rob the place rather than the owner and CEO of the multibillion-dollar company. Grayson straightened his dark blue tie and stepped out confidently. He nodded politely to the researchers who noticed him pass their rooms before slowing to a stop just before the doorway the man had disappeared through.

"The candidates for our most recent trial are being interviewed now," Dr. Lowe said, to the stranger. "We'll take the weekend to decide and once chosen, they'll be gathered to be introduced to you. I'd like for you to assess any fears any of them may be harboring while doing your best to get to know them. I know you won't have much time, but as the trial progresses, you'll get more chances. Do you have any questions so far?"

Grayson waited with bated breath for the stranger to respond. He wouldn't stop to wonder why hearing the man's voice was suddenly so important to him.

"No, sir. No questions." The voice was light but confident. And utterly unfamiliar.

Grayson raised his upper lip in annoyance that this stranger should call Dr. Lowe 'sir.' What were they to each other? Then he remembered that 'sir' was just a polite way to address a person who was his superior. It didn't always have to hold intimate connotations.

He still didn't like it.

"As our Omega Relations Officer, you will play a vital role in relating to the omegas that take part in the trial. It doesn't matter how friendly or transparent our alpha and beta scientists are while interacting with an omega group, you will still be able to reach them and communicate with them in a way that would be impossible for the rest of us to attempt."

Despite his recent annoyance for Dr. Lowe, Grayson definitely had to agree with him. Ensuring the comfort and wellbeing of his omega test subjects had been crucial to Grayson from the very beginning. Not only did fear and stress release chemicals that could alter test results, but he didn't want any of his trial patients to ever feel forced or afraid.

"I understand," the stranger replied.

This time, there was a glimmer of recognition deep in the back of Grayson's memory. He'd heard those words, spoken similarly by an omega, younger than the one in the room now and much more pregnant.

Early in Grayson's research, he had done tests on Aggressive Heat Syndrome without a lot of success. The syndrome was doubly hard to get subjects for because it wasn't as prevalent and because those afflicted were often embarrassed or afraid to leave their homes. Grayson had been cautious. Not allowing even himself to be alone with any of the subjects and had done his best to ensure the team of scientists was comprised of mostly betas. He'd assigned each alpha scientist with a beta buddy to make doubly and triply sure that there were no mistakes or accidents.

The omega that had spoken those words, 'I understand,' all those years ago had spoken others as well.

"I need this drug, Mr. Davenwood. I can't live with this heat. Look at me, I am obviously pregnant, yet my body won't stop craving to be filled." The omega had clutched at the front of Grayson's suit, and he had been forced to turn his face up and away just to get a gulp of air that wasn't riddled with the man's heat pheromones.

Grayson removed the omega's hands and stepped back, using all his strength to school his face into a hard mask. He'd had his eye on this particular omega from the moment he walked into Grayson's building. He'd awoken Grayson's alpha urges something that hadn't happened in more than fifteen years. And yet, the omega was obviously pregnant, he was due any moment. The thought had made Grayson's lip curl. This omega was claimed, and Grayson had no business getting any ideas about him.

Of course, the omega had no business being out and about this far pregnant while in the middle of an abnormal aggressive heat either. The omega had been correct on at least one thing. Experiencing a heat while pregnant was incredibly rare. This omega needed to be home where his alpha could tend to his needs while keeping their baby safe. "This isn't an appropriate trial for you," Grayson had said with tight lips. He'd barely been able to breathe, afraid that one more gulp of lusty omega air would rip apart his willpower.

"Please," the omega had begged, his eyes large and full of tears. "You don't understand."

"No, you don't understand," Grayson replied sharply. The longer he remained near the man, the more he realized that lust wasn't the only thing that rolled off the omega. Fear came from him in waves. "You are not fit for this trial. Give me your emergency contact information so that I can have you picked up." Grayson sure as hell wasn't sending an omega in the middle of an aggressive heat out onto the streets alone.

The remaining blood seemed to drain out of the omega's face. "I don't have anyone to call," he had said while nibbling at his bottom lip.

Grayson wasn't sure if the omega was lying or not. His attraction to the man was secondary to getting him out of the dangerous situation he was in. Grayson knew the omega couldn't be his mate, his mate had died. But, he was still a person in trouble that needed help.

"Wait here," Grayson had said, leaving the room to retrieve an escort that would assist him in transporting the omega to a safe room where he could ride out his heat.

Except, when he had returned, the omega was nowhere to be seen. Furious, Grayson had torn through the omega applicants, searching for his contact information. The information the omega had provided had all be false. Grayson had sent his beta security team out to search for the omega. At that point, he only wanted to see him to a safe place where he could ride out his heat.

But Grayson hadn't been able to find the omega. He hadn't been able to save him, just like he couldn't save his best friend, Coran.

"What are you doing lurking down here?" Henry, his newly appointed building manager, asked. He carried a clipboard and wore plain blue overalls even though Grayson had told him on many occasions that as building manager he shouldn't dress like regular building staff.

Grayson straightened, his hand going to the knot at his tie. "I'm not lurking. I own the place. I can be anywhere."

Henry's eyes widened. "O-kay. Well, it is good that you are here anyway, I have some heating and cooling figures I need to run by you. The system you have is adequate, but as the system is, you lose a lot of energy to installation."

Inside the room, it sounded like Dr. Lowe had finished giving the omega employee his badge and information packet. "Some of us meet up at Earl's for drinks on Fridays if you want to join us."

Grayson strained to hear the omega's response. At that moment, he heard another voice whisper in his ear.

"Why are you eavesdropping?" Henry asked, his lips nearly brushing against Grayson's ear.

Grayson stepped away from the door so quickly he ran into the other alpha. "I'm not."

"Is it because Earl's is awful? Their microbrews are way overpriced."

"'s because..."

Before he could finish the lie he hadn't quite thought up yet, Dr. Lowe walked out of the doorway with the omega employee behind him.

He was a nice enough alpha, had a slew of omega sisters, which had endeared him to Grayson. Right now though, he was standing between Grayson and what was his.

Hold on there, not yours, buddy, just another employee. Your mate died, this omega could provide you nothing more than a distraction.

Dr. Lowe stopped short when he saw the two of them lingering. "Mr. Davenwood, how nice to see you. I was just welcoming our newest Omega Relations Officer."

Grayson steeled himself for his first, unfiltered view. The omega looked at him curiously for a second before recognition flared. His cheeks went pink, which only made his face that much more attractive. Grayson's gaze remained on the man's eyes, trying to decide if they were brown or hazel. He finally decided the right one was a chocolate brown while the other was definitely hazel. "Welcome to the team," Grayson replied.

The omega recovered. He cleared his throat and gave Grayson a generic and fake smile. "I've been trying to get in here for years. Glad to be a part of the team."

Grayson didn't look down to see if the omega was attempting to shake his hand. He would only have to ignore it if he wanted to keep from slipping his hand in the omega's and pulling him away from the other two alphas.

Unlike Henry, who flashed his boy next door dimples to the new hire and shook his hand warmly. "Nice to meet you. I'm Henry. I'm new too."

Grayson didn't like the way the omega's face brightened when Henry introduced himself.

"He's married," Grayson blurted out. "I was at the wedding," he mumbled. "It was beautiful."

Henry raised one eyebrow at him. "Thanks. " He said slowly. "I'll be sure to tell Will you mentioned you thought our ceremony was beautiful."

Thankfully, Grayson's phone chimed, giving him a reason to look away and at the screen. "I'm needed on a different floor. Welcome to the team Mr...?"

"Varner. But please, call me Lochlan."

Lochlan. That hadn't been the name on the form of that omega, but then, that name could have been false. Grayson studied the omega, attempting to fit the image of this man completely in the space of the man his memory. It couldn't be done. The omega from before had had darker eyes, though that was likely due to his pupils dilating during his heat. He'd been frail and had had a gentle quality about him that had surpassed his frantic begging. It was possible that that omega and this omega were not the same, but he was almost sure they were. Even if there weren't the physical similarities, there had been that flicker of realization, the blushing cheeks.

Grayson had so many questions. If this omega was the omega from his past, how had he gotten from that point to here? What had happened to the child? Was there another alpha that had stepped in to care for him? He looked at Lochlan's hand discreetly checking for a ring. There wasn't even an indent of where a ring had been.

"Good to meet you, Lochlan," Grayson said when he realized it had been a while since anyone had spoken. He wanted to ask Lochlan if he was going to Earl's, if he was the omega from his past, if he was taken, if he was open to a strictly physical relationship and okay with the fact that Grayson could never give him his knot. Instead, he bid them all a good day and ran down the hallway like a coward.

Back in the safety of his elevator, Grayson berated himself. Who cares if Lochlan called to him. Grayson wasn't finished with his research. He hadn't fulfilled the promise he'd made to his mate and best friend so many years ago. Until that happened, Lochlan and every other attractive omega might as well not exist.