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Rising Tide: A Changing Tides Novel (The Changing Tides Trilogy Book 1) by Bryce Winters (10)



THE scalding water bit at Reid’s arm, elbow-deep in suds. He scrubbed dish after dish and piled them into the industrial dishwasher, which, thankfully, wasn’t on the fritz. Reid cast a glare at the oven, which had been hanging on since he had made the repairs nearly a week ago.

He knew he needed a new oven. He could buy one right now, but not the one he really wanted for the restaurant. He hoped it could hold out for a little longer until he was in a much more comfortable spot. Then he could close for a few days right before the spring rush hit in April and install it. Just a couple more weeks.

If he had accepted just one of Harris’ generous tips, he probably could have done it a week ago when it had been necessary. As it was, he hadn’t touched those receipts, voiding the transactions.

He wouldn’t take advantage of any customer like that, not even if Harris insisted.

At the thought, Reid’s stomach tightened. He hadn’t seen Harris since their kiss on the beach. Reid felt like a heel, invading Harris’ space like he had. Especially after telling him how he didn’t have flings with tourists. He should have been more controlled, more careful.

That kiss. Reid’s mind kept gravitating toward it, day after day, hour after hour. Harris’ lips had been warm and firm, responsive. Holding Harris’ smaller frame within his arms had felt like a homecoming, one that filled Reid with a fire that refused to be put out. He had spent more than a couple nights and mornings in the shower reliving that moment, those feelings. Sasha and Jake had caught him more than a couple times staring off at nothing while remembering that kiss and teased him mercilessly.

Reid had apologized to Harris, wanted to apologize again, but knew he should just drop it. Even when all he wanted to do was pull Harris back for more.

Harris hadn’t shown up that night at the restaurant. The place had been unexpectedly slammed with a bachelorette party, so Reid couldn’t exactly leave and go looking for him. And he figured Harris needed space, time to process. But when three days went by and still no sign of him, Reid had begun to worry.

Chloe dumped another bin filled with dirty plates, cups, and silverware on the counter near Reid’s elbow. He winced at the sound, hoping none of the plates chipped. That’s just what he needed right now.

“Sorry,” she said, sounding genuine for once. She gestured to the bin. “It’s a busy night.”

Reid shot her a grin. “It’s the best problem to have. Don’t worry about it. Keeps me out of everybody’s hair.”

Chloe snorted. “If that’s what you need to keep telling yourself, boss,” she said.

Reid felt heat rise to his face. She always was more straightforward than the rest. Everybody had caught on to Reid’s mood and had been giving him knowing glances but had left well enough alone. He had had enough of those looks and wanted to do some honest, backbreaking work. Work off this negative energy he was feeling.

“What do you mean?” he asked, deciding to play dumb.

“You volunteered for dish duty tonight,” she said, as though she was speaking to a five-year-old. Reid considered docking some of her hours for the attitude, but she was the fastest busser he’d ever seen, even though she was only a sophomore in high school. Every minute counted in this business. “Nobody volunteers.”

“And?” Reid asked, lifting an eyebrow.

She lifted one right back at him. Reid held in a snort.

“You’re washing those dishes very rigorously,” she said, peering into the sink. “Working off some aggression? Sexual frustration?” she asked, donning an innocent look.

“Chloe.” Reid’s voice was sharp with reprimand, and his defensive walls snapped into place immediately. “Don’t you have tables to clear?”

Chloe’s laugh echoed in the room as she sailed out. Reid had the distinct feeling he had lost whatever game she had been playing.

Reid knew he shouldn’t have gone to Changing Tides that morning. The only inhabitant had been Dylan, and he had given Reid such a disappointed look that Reid had wanted to turn tail and run away as fast as he could. Instead, Dylan had gestured for Reid to come into the Sunroom where a hearty breakfast waited for them.

Pleasantries exchanged, Dylan leveled another look at Reid.

“I know you didn’t come here just to visit with me,” Dylan said matter-of-factly. “Harris is not here. He has been leaving the house early and gallivanting off to who knows where just to avoid you, I think.”

“Me?” Reid asked, his stomach sinking to his ankles. He had felt even more of a heel in that moment. Harris had come up here to relax and rejuvenate after everything that had happened down in L.A., and Reid had ruined that.

Dylan lifted an eyebrow at him. “I think you need to figure out what you want, Reid.”

Dylan always had a knack for knowing what Reid needed to hear when Reid needed to hear it. Especially when Reid didn’t want to hear it.

Giving up the ghost, Reid braced his elbows on the table and lowered his head into his hands. “I had a plan. I had principles. I had a way of operating my own life. And then he showed up.”

He had heard the smile in Dylan’s voice when he spoke. “Funny how that can happen.”

Chloe dumped off another bin of dishes, startling Reid out of his memories.

“Don’t rush out now, but there’s a certain loaded gentleman with a goatee at the bar, ordering some fish ‘n chips.”

Reid nearly dropped the glass he was holding, swiveling to stare at Chloe.

“Harris?” he asked, his voice all at once hopeful and cautious.

Chloe’s grin could redefine mischievous.

“Shit.” It was Sasha who had just entered the kitchen. “Chloe, I swear to God…”

Reid rinsed the glass, threw it into the dishwasher, and set it to run. He wiped his hands, scrunching his nose at how red and wrinkled they looked. Then he turned to Sasha.

“Five-hundred-dollar bonus this pay period to anyone who wants to take up dish duty for the night,” he announced.

Both Chloe and Sasha shouted their consent, Sasha just a hair faster than Chloe. Chloe swore, loud and vigorously.

“Split it with you if you take the second half of the night,” Sasha said with a wink.

Chloe glared but agreed. Reid made a mental note to give her a little extra for telling him Harris was in the restaurant.

He turned to Sasha. “You weren’t going to tell me.”

She shook her head. “You know why.”

Reid sighed, resigned. “I do know. And I think I’m about to go make the biggest mistake.”

Chloe wolf-whistled. “Go get ‘im, tiger” she called.

Sasha shook her head at Chloe’s antics, but her lips curled upward. “Be careful,” she said to Reid.

“Always am,” he said, though he wondered how true that statement was now.

Reid walked through the main kitchen door into the bar, resolutely not looking at where Harris was seated. He kept his face solely on Michelle and made his way to her in record time.

He didn’t want to have this conversation with Harris at the bar.

“Michelle,” he began. She shot him a winning smile.

“I’ve put you and Mr. Brewer at table six.”

Reid grinned and patted her shoulder. She would be getting a little bonus in her paycheck, too.

So much for that oven.

Turning back toward the bar, Reid startled at the sight of Harris staring right at him, turned in his chair, ignoring everyone around him. Reid could see the tense line of Harris’ shoulders, the protective way they hunched in, the tight grasp his hand had on the back of the barstool. But what caught Reid’s attention the most were his eyes.

Those deep, dark eyes were hungry. Burning. Reid almost tripped over his own feet, nerves suddenly multiplying tenfold.

He could do this. He wanted this.

If nothing else, he owed Harris an explanation.

Squaring his shoulders, Reid marched toward Harris with purpose. He watched closely as Harris straightened in his seat, his eyes growing cautious, yet defiant. Reid’s eyes met his, held them, as he drew near. He invaded Harris’ space, leaning close, letting himself feel the body heat that radiated from Harris. His warm, clean scent filled Reid’s senses. He heard Harris’ breath catch as he reached one arm around him and smiled.

“Come with me,” he whispered into Harris’ ear. Then he pulled away, taking Harris’ beer with him. He looked up at Grayson, manning the bar and staring at him with a look of approval. “Just a water for me and another order of the fish ‘n chips. Table six,” he said to Grayson, who nodded. Then Reid looked back at Harris. “I want to keep my head about me tonight.”

He watched Harris’ pupils dilate with desire as he realized just what Reid was implying. Then Reid pulled away further and turned to take them both to table six.

Table six was situated near a quiet corner of the dining room beneath one of the windows along the front. It seated two and was generally considered the most intimate and romantic spot in the restaurant, if any bit of the place could be considered romantic. It didn’t have the most aesthetic view, but that didn’t seem to matter.

He pulled out Harris’ seat, who snorted even as he took it.

“Standard protocol in the dining room,” Reid said in explanation. Then he took his own seat.

A heavy silence fell between them. Reid hadn’t the faintest idea of how to approach Harris.

Their food arrived just as Reid opened his mouth to start what promised to be a painful attempt at small talk. Sasha gave Reid a meaningful look as she set their plates down. It was the motivation he needed.

“I went to the inn this morning,” Reid began as Sasha walked away.

“I heard,” Harris said, focused on his fish. “Dylan sicced Maggie on me, I’ll have you know.”

Reid smiled, unable to stop the small spark of hope from growing. “Yeah?”

Harris looked up at Reid. “I’ll have you know that I wanted to go to Hawaii. Or Mexico. She said no.”

Reid felt a tiny sliver of panic but shoved it aside and pressed on. After all, Harris was here. If he had really wanted to leave, he would have been long gone by now.

“I’m sorry if I’ve made your stay at Seaside uncomfortable,” Reid said. Then frowned as Harris winced. “Not for kissing you, though.”

Harris’ eyes snapped to his. “Really.” It wasn’t a question, but Reid nodded regardless.

“You know my stance,” he began. “But what I didn’t tell you was how you have somehow weaseled your way behind every one of my defenses.”

They stared at each other for a long moment. Reid held his breath. His heart pounded so hard he was sure Harris could see the pulse jumping in his neck. And still, he waited. He had made his decision, made it clear to Harris just what he wanted. The ball was in Harris’ court.

“I revoke those tips,” Harris announced suddenly, that defiant look settling over his features once again. “If you cash those, I’ll leave this town and never see you again.”

In response, Reid stood. “I’ll be right back.”

He strode away from the table, not missing Harris’ face morphing into sudden shock. He maneuvered through tables, dodged Sasha, Jake, and Chloe, each of them giving him an incredulous look. He winked at them all in passing.

He entered the kitchen and turned into his little closet of an office. He ripped the two receipts off the massive corkboard on one wall before turning on his heel to march back toward the dining room.

Harris hadn’t budged an inch, though the shock was gone, replaced by disgruntlement. Reid could tell the moment Harris noticed his return. Harris shifted in his seat and grabbed for his beer, his face morphing into the picture of cool confidence.

Reid bit his tongue to prevent a laugh from escaping.

Approaching the table, Reid didn’t bother to sit. Instead, he held the receipts up for Harris to see. Harris’ eyes widened once again. Then Reid made a show of ripping them to shreds and dropping them right there in the middle of the table. He was fairly certain he heard Grayson’s cry of despair from clear across the restaurant.

“Well,” Harris said, clearing his throat. “I guess that clarifies things.”

Reid held out his hand to Harris, palm up. Harris didn’t hesitate before placing his hand in Reid’s. Reid hauled him out of the chair and slid his hand behind Harris’ back, ushering him through the restaurant and out the front door without a backwards glance at his team.

They knew he wouldn’t be back down that night.

Reid tugged Harris around the side of the building and up the staircase to his apartment. Reid shivered in the chilly air, grateful it hadn’t started to rain. He had left his jacket downstairs.

Before he could unlock the door, Harris pushed Reid up against it, his front to Reid’s back, arms braced on the door on either side of him. Reid’s heart stopped, then began to race double time. He felt Harris’ breath on his neck, sending sparks down his spine and making him arch up against the door.

“Christ,” Reid hissed.

Harris chuckled, the small bursts of air dancing along Reid’s heated skin. “No, just me.”

Groaning, Reid fumbled with his key and pushed the door in, Harris hot on his heels. Wasting no time, Reid used Harris’ body to shut the door, pushing him up against it. Leaning down, Reid covered Harris’ mouth with his.

Both men let out obscene moans at the contact, opening up to each other. Harris’ hands crept up under Reid’s T-shirt, brushing against the skin and muscles beneath, exploring. Reid tightened his abs against the sensation, shuddering. His hands gripped Harris’ arms to hold him in place, utterly dominating the kiss. He stepped closer, sliding a thigh between Harris’, adding pressure to the hardness he found there. He gave a slight chuckle into Harris’ mouth at the mewl that escaped.

Harris ripped his mouth away from Reid’s panting. “Fuck.” He bucked his hips up against Reid’s thigh, his erection persistent. Biting his lip, Reid ground his own hips forward, letting Harris know he wasn’t alone.

Anticipation and lust burned through Reid. He wanted to go slow, take his time to explore, savor Harris inch by inch. But it had been weeks. Weeks of watching the man, wondering, hoping, and now he was finally here. All of Reid’s control stretched thin, ready to snap as soon as he spotted Harris sitting at his bar.

Harris squirmed in Reid’s grasp, his hands moving to Reid’s hips and pushing him away. A sickening twist of fear broke the haze as Reid stumbled back, an apology at the ready on his lips. Only to die when he focused on what was in front of him.

The sight before him deserved to be captured with oil on canvas. Harris looked like the definition of debauched. Face flushed, lips swollen and wet, hair more disheveled than normal, his eyes blown wide with desire. Harris’ chest rose and fell with the effort of his breathing, and Reid suddenly remembered the scar he saw so many days ago.

He reached a hand forward, hooking a finger in the V-neck of Harris’ sweater, a deep blue this time. The material was soft to the touch, and he could feel the heat of Harris’ body beneath. He raised a questioning glance up to Harris.

“Is this okay?” he asked. Then looked back down at Harris’ chest, running his hand down the front of it. “I mean, um…” He didn’t quite know the polite way to inquire after Harris’ health. They had worked out before, and he knew Harris would go for runs, but that didn’t tell Reid all he needed to know.

Harris gave a soft chuckle, lifting his hand to cover Reid’s over his heart. “I’m fine. Everything is in working order, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

Reid flashed him a smile, letting it grow into something suggestive. “Good. I’ll be putting it to good use tonight.”

Harris’ eyes flashed as his hand gripped Reid’s tighter. “I’m looking forward to it,” he said, his voice a low whisper.

Reid dove forward again to claim Harris’ mouth. He couldn’t get enough of the taste, the warmth he found there. He could taste the remnants of Harris’ beer, a rich and heady experience, but also the hint of mint and coffee beneath. Reid thrust his tongue inside, caressing, teasing the top of Harris’ mouth.

Suddenly, Harris’ mouth was gone. Snapping his eyes open, Reid found Harris kneeling in front of him, looking up at him beneath impossibly long lashes.

“Is this alright?” he asked, raising his hands up to Reid’s belt. Fire tightened into a ball in Reid’s abdomen, a kaleidoscope of lust and anxiety. He nodded.

“I have protection in the bedroom,” he said, a blush rising to his face. “I know this isn’t exactly the best time and place to discuss, but I am clean. Recently tested. But protection is good.”

Harris’ face split into a wide grin. “I fucking love it when you blush,” he said. “I think I might make it my new favorite hobby. How many times can I make Reid blush, I wonder?”

Reid shook his head and laughed even as he felt his blush grow hotter. “Stop it.”

“I don’t think I will,” Harris said. He pulled the fly of Reid’s jeans wide open, his long fingers already sneaking in beneath the rigid fabric. “And that’s good to hear. I’m also clean, but if you’d rather we use protection for this bit, say the word.”

Reid shook his head. “I trust you.”

Harris’ eyes met his, suddenly serious. “I do, too.” Then he slid Reid’s jeans over his hips and down his thighs. And stared.

Reid’s erection strained against the dark blue fabric of his boxer briefs, peaking up over the edge. He knew its appearance could be intimidating. Reid tried to step back, nearly tripping over his jeans, now pooled around his ankles.

“Sorry,” he said as Harris helped steady him, his fingers gripping Reid’s thighs hard. Reid’s cock throbbed.

Harris’ eyes snapped to his once again. “Don’t you dare apologize.” Then he lowered his mouth. His hot breath seeped through the thin fabric of Reid’s underwear, the wetness of his tongue adding pressure in all the right places.

As he groaned long and low, Reid’s eyes slid shut, and he tilted his head back. He needed a wall to lean against. His knees were already weak, and like hell was he going to collapse in front of Harris during their first time together.

“Wall,” he choked out, trying to pull his hips away. Harris gripped his thighs tighter, moaning a negative sound against Reid’s cock, not stopping his mouth’s progression along its length. “Harris, babe, it feels too good. I need…” Reid gasped at the little, barely there nip Harris gave him. His balls tightened, the brink of orgasm much closer. “Fuck!”

Reaching down, he placed his hands on Harris’ head, pulling him away. Harris moved reluctantly, shooting a pout up to Reid. Reid panted with the effort of staving off the orgasm, unable to stop staring at the pretty picture Harris made. It made him want to haul Harris up over his shoulder and make his way into the bedroom right now.

Instead, Reid released Harris and reached down to grab his jeans. He yanked them up but didn’t button the fly.

He walked backwards until his back hit the cold wall between the entrance to the kitchen and the hallway. Then he pushed his jeans and boxer briefs down in one swift motion, kicking them off. He stood proud, waiting for Harris to make his move.

Harris licked his lips, his gaze hot. Reid’s cock pulsed upward in response. Grinning, Harris shifted forward onto his hands and knees, pushing his ass out as he began to crawl toward Reid.

Saucy. Sexy. Sinful. Reid’s mouth went dry as he watched Harris crawl toward him. He watched as Harris eyed him hungrily, unable to look away.

After what felt like an eternity, Harris knelt upright before him once again. Harris looked up at Reid with a crooked grin.

“It’s Christmas, isn’t it?” he asked. Reid laughed and reached down to brush a lock of hair from Harris’ forehead. Before Reid could reply, Harris brushed Reid’s hand away. He reached a hand forward, gripping Reid’s cock at the base, and leaned toward him.

Heat engulfed Reid, forcing a gasp from him. His hand carded through Harris’ thick locks, pulling tight against the pleasure that coursed through him. He had never had somebody take him in most of the way so quickly before. Most of his previous partners had needed to start slow, intimidated by his length and girth. Harris’ enthusiasm for the activity caught Reid by surprise, nearly blinding him.

“Harris,” he groaned, leaning back against the wall, his head thudding dully against it. “Warn a guy.” His voice cracked against the strain.

He felt rather than heard Harris chuckle. He moaned and tightened all over, trying not to thrust deeper into Harris’ mouth.

It became apparent to Reid that Harris had talent, not just enthusiasm. Harris’ lips caressed even as his tongue traced the underside of his cock, finding all the most sensitive spots and exploiting them. He had established a steady pace with what felt like the perfect amount of pressure, making Reid shudder and cry out in no time at all. What length Harris hadn’t managed to slide into his mouth, his hand covered. Harris wasn’t hesitant to use liberal amounts of saliva, making everything deliciously messy. Reid clenched his fist into Harris’ hair, the other one scrabbling at the wall behind him in an effort to hold on just a little longer.

Then Harris’ fingers brushed Reid’s sack, and Reid nearly came right then and there.

“Shit, Harris, stop. Stop, stop, stop,” Reid begged, his voice breathy.

Harris pulled off without hesitation. “What? What’s wrong? You okay?” he asked, worry etched on his face.

Reid sucked in a deep breath and gave Harris a reassuring smile. “Yeah. Just, don’t want to come yet.”

The worry disappeared from Harris’ eyes, and his features melted into one of mischief. “Well, I wanted you to. Don’t I get a say?”

Reid laughed and shook his head. “I’d rather get a chance to enjoy you tonight.”

Harris’ grin widened. “Oh, you will. Who says you’re only going to have one orgasm tonight?”

At that, Reid’s cock jerked with renewed interest. He had assumed that he and Harris would sleep together, and then Harris would head back to Changing Tides for the night.

He hadn’t anticipated that Harris would want to stay the whole night.

The worry began to creep back into Harris’ eyes, and Reid realized he was staring openmouthed, not saying a word one way or the other. Snapping his jaw shut, Reid cleared his throat and gave Harris what he hoped was a sexy grin.

“Well, in that case,” Reid began, leaning back against the wall and thrusting his hips forward ever so slightly, “you may continue.”

Harris laughed loud and long, running his hands along Reid’s thighs. “Thank you for your blessing,” he quipped before his mouth descended once more.

Reid was back at the brink of orgasm in no time at all. He panted Harris’ name, his fingers scratching at the wall and tugging at Harris’ hair. Harris moaned around Reid’s cock when Reid gave a particularly hard yank. From his vantage point, Reid could see Harris reach down and unbuckle his belt before sticking a hand beneath the waistband of his jeans.

But then Harris’ hand was back, rolling Reid’s balls firmly. A finger inched further back behind them, caressing the sensitive skin, brushing up against the furl behind.

“Harris,” Reid hissed, white flashing before his eyes. Tension curled and exploded at the base of his spine, making him arch his back against the wall, head falling back. “Fuck!”

Harris didn’t release him. Instead, he sucked hard and long, coaxing the entirety of the orgasm out of him. Eventually, Reid shuddered his last and slumped against the wall.

“Holy shit,” he said, panting with the effort.

Harris released him gently, looking up and smiling. “You taste amazing.”

Reid’s cock gave a little twitch, which Harris noticed. Harris lifted an eyebrow, and Reid blushed again.

“Shall we continue this in the bedroom?” Harris asked.

Reid nodded, offering a hand to Harris and pulling him up. Then, because he wanted it, he drew Harris close and into his arms. Harris responded by nestling his face into Reid’s neck and giving him sweet kisses as his hands drifted behind and stroked his back, reaching further and further down.

Unbelievably, Reid felt his cock stir. It brushed up against the stiff fabric of Harris’ jeans, seeking more friction. Harris withdrew and glanced down between them.

“Well. That was fast.”

Reid’s face flamed as Harris laughed. Then Harris stepped back and began to saunter down the hallway. Reid watched, enjoying the view of his ass wiggling in those jeans.

“Coming?” Harris called over his shoulder, sending Reid a coy wink.

Reid almost tripped over his jeans.