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Runaway Love (Satan's Sinners MC Book 6) by Colbie Kay (12)

"Damn, Daphne!" Makayla turns her leg and hip from side to side, checking out her finished dragon tattoo. "This is beyond what I expected. It's gorgeous and so detailed."

I beam proudly. "I'm glad you like it."

"I fucking love it!" She walks back over for me to bandage it up. While she’s putting her yoga pants back on, I check my phone. There's a text from Emery.

It's our last night in town. Wanna hang out at the studio?

I type my one-word response and send.


I have nothing better to do since Devon is away on club business, Audrey is at the compound, and I don't really want to hang out at my parents’ house. I shake my head. I need more friends.

I send Devon a text letting him know where I'll be if he tries to call later.

Walking Makayla up front, I take her money for the tattoo and then flip the open sign to closed. I gather my belongings from my office then lock up for the night.

* * *

"Daphne!" Emery runs up hugging me as I walk into JR Recordings. She releases me from her death grip and hugs Zane. "Hey, Z!"

"Where's Sis?" He asks hugging her back.

"She's downstairs in the play area. Now that you guys are here, we can head down with everyone else."

We follow Emery’s footfalls to a closed door at the end of the hallway. When she opens it, we have to take the stairs down to where the guys are behind the glass already playing songs from their new album.

Zane runs over, opens the half door, and joins Sicily while I sit at the table with Emery to listen to the rock music.

They finish a few songs, which sound amazing. Emery pushes a button, talking into a microphone. "Sounds good guys. I'm going to silence it out here."

"Alright, babe," Dawson replies into his microphone.

All four of them give me their sexy smirks and in sync say, “Hey, Daphne." They have no issues getting women in bed.

I wave and tell them, “Hey.” I miss these guys. I went on tour with them a while back when Dawson had some shit going on with his psycho ex-girlfriend. She was literally batshit fucking crazy and will be in jail or a psycho ward for many years to come.

Emery pushes another button on the sound table. It grows quiet in our room, even though they have started up another song. Her chair swivels toward me. "I'm really happy you came tonight. What's been going on?"

"Me too." I smile, but dip my head down for a moment and bite my bottom lip.

"Ohh!" She points at me and laughs. "You're biting your lip. This is going to be good." Damn it why do I have to be so transparent?

"Devon's been coming around."

"Really?" Her eyes widen, mouth gaping open. "Like, how much?"

"Like every day. And we've been talking on the phone at night."

Butterflies swarm in my belly just thinking about it. He has me feeling like we’re in high school all over again.

"So, what's going on with you two?"

I shrug my shoulder. "We're taking things slow." My eyes light up and I grin. "We've kissed a few times. Well, more than a few, but we haven't taken it further than that. I swear, Em, he makes me feel like a teenager again." I laugh at how true that statement is.

She smiles. "I'm happy for you. As long as he treats you right and doesn't fuck you over again."

My brows knit. "I'm starting to wonder if there wasn't more to him leaving."

Her expression turns to confusion. "What do you mean?"

Shaking my head, I reply, "I don't know. My mom mentioned something about it, and then Devon's mom said some stuff."

"Have you asked him?"

"No, I don't want to mess up what we have going on. I figure he'll tell me eventually."

Her brow arches. "Daphne, it's been eleven years. Don't you think if he was going to tell you, he would have? You deserve answers. So maybe, you should start asking for them. After everything, he owes you that much."

I sigh heavily. "I know, but I'm enjoying having him back in my life for now, and I don't want anything to ruin it."

Her hand lands on mine, and she gives it a comforting squeeze. "Whatever you want, I'll be here for you. I just don’t want you to get hurt."

"Thanks, Em."

"You're welcome. I love ya, girl." Her smile returns.

"I love you too."

She turns back to the sound table, pushes the button, and music fills the room again. I sit back and enjoy the sound of the guitars, drums, and Dawson's haunting melodic voice.

Later into the night, I take a sleepy Zane home, tuck him into bed, and check my phone, but have no missed calls or texts. I’m taken back by how it makes me uneasy not hearing from Devon, but maybe he’s busy too.

I change into my pajama pants and t-shirt, wash away my makeup, and climb into bed.

Day fifteen of mending has come to a close.