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Runaway Omega: Harley: M/M/M Mpreg Romance (Shifters of Stell Book 1) by Kellan Larkin, Kaz Crowley (11)


I should've known this was coming, but in all the excitement, it didn't occur to me that it would happen so soon.

Lars asked me out on a date.

He said he wants to get to know me better, and that he thinks there could be something between the three of us. His partnership with Carson could use a third, an omega, someone who could give them a child and complete their family.

I told him that I didn't think any partnership needed the third, because I didn't want them to feel like there was something missing. But clearly, there is. Maybe other alpha couples are happy with each other, but these two men need what only an omega can provide.

He said we can take it slow, especially if seeing him and Carson is overwhelming. But I don't want to take it slow. Everything in my life is coming together right now, and these two men, I know deep down in my heart, are what I need.

Even if they’re wolves. I had no idea werewolves existed, but I can't say I'm surprised considering the rumors I've heard about the city back in Spruce Springs. Some of the rumors had a kernel of truth, so I figured they had to be based on something. I could never have guessed that actual shifters were real, much less that I would end up becoming close with one.

But Stell itself is already so unlike anything I've ever known that the two alphas aren’t even what's most shocking. The public transit system, the luxury cars… I feel like I'm living a century into the future. Who knows what other things I’ll discover the longer I live here.

I’m regaining my strength every day, and Hunter is growing remarkably. I never knew quite how fast babies grew until now. He gurgles at me happily as I peek my head over the crib, and I wave at him. “Hello, Hunter. Hi, baby!”

He giggles, and I start humming to him to help him get to sleep. I want to swaddle him and put him in his carrier so we can take him to Marie’s house.

The alphas don’t like that I'm relying on Marie and Morty, but they aren't telling me what to do, which I appreciate. Regardless of whether or not I was close with Marie or not, I'm at risk. That means that there isn't a clear path to take.

I just have to trust the alphas to keep me as safe as they can.

At least this is something we could go to the police about. I went and filed a report with them, and thankfully, I had pictures of some of the injuries Morris gave me. Now the cops are alerted to Morris's arrival, which makes me feel slightly better.

My doorbell rings, and I go to get it, opening it to see Lars smiling at me. His sleek blonde hair shines in the light, and his eyes sparkle. He has a very different vibe from Carson. Something about Carson is more measured and calm, while Lars radiates energy.

He gives me a hug, and I instantly feel safer in the alpha’s arms. When I was a kid, I never believed adults when they told me that love was such a good feeling, especially between an alpha and an omega. We’re able to form special bonds with each other.

I felt that draw towards every alpha a little bit. The kernel of promise. But I never knew how I would know the one.

Or two, as the case may be.

I take a deep breath while I'm pressed against his chest, and we lean back to look at each other. “So handsome,” I murmur, smiling a little.

Lars seems to appreciate how dazzled I am. He puts his arm around me and leads me out. After he gets Hunter’s carrier, I lock the door and we head downstairs.

Marie lives on the western side of the Paisley, which makes it easier for us to get to it. Lars stays in the car, because even though Marie knows that I'm dating him, I don't want to spook her more than necessary.

I wait for her to open the door. This problem is going to come to a head sooner or later.

She gives me a kiss on the cheek before seeing me off, and I feel safe knowing that Hunter is there. There's no way she would ever give Hunter to Morris, I know that. Even if she is associated with the gang, she would never betray an innocent baby. I trust her.

Lars and I head down the highway towards yet another neighborhood of the huge city of Stell, but this one looks completely different. There are canals and bridges connecting different blocks, and narrow lanes allow cars and bikers to pass. Boats of all kinds drift along in the canals.

It looks absolutely enchanting, and I wonder if it had started as a completely different city, it looks so different. I never seen anything like it, not even on TV.

Lars seems to notice how enchanted I am, and smiles at me. “This is our stop,” he says.

The canals are steep, and we end up walking down the stairs to the river level, where there is a cafe.

“I feel like I'm in a different world,” I say, taking Lars' hand as he leads me through the door.

“That's because you are,” he said. “This the beauty of Stell.”

Carson and Lars live together, so I'm not surprised when he suggests we go back to my apartment after dinner. That was only after all the kissing we did back in the canals, finding shadowed corners near bridges to enjoy each other. Lars exudes a sort of raw sensuality that turns me on like nothing else. It isn’t something I’ve ever experienced.

We’re on each other as soon as we’re in the door, his cock pressing me up against the wall, promising the delicious sort of pain that only penetration can provide. I can’t have him quickly enough, and he feels the same, so we start peeling each other’s clothes off with wild abandon.

I can’t talk because his mouth is covering mine, hungrily searching my mouth for something, for pleasure, for release. I moan as he slips his finger into my entrance, which is already soaked with slick.

This is easily some of the wildest sex I’ve ever had already. It’s about the attitude Lars brings to it, like it’s some kind of sport.

I love it.

I’m almost lifted off the ground as he continues writhing against me. I love feeling his body pressing me against the wall, and I can’t help but moan and squirm against him, grinding my crotch with my rock hard cock against his.

He reaches down and takes both our cocks in his hand, stroking them together. They’re already dripping precome, which smooths the velvety skin and makes the feeling delicious.

I feel like I’m ready to come already, but I want Lars to take me. I need to feel an Alpha cock inside me again, and I want it right now.

“Lars,” I whisper.

He’s ahead of me. He takes me by the waist and turns me around so I’m facing the wall. I can’t believe we’re in the living room and already going to fuck. I close my eyes and feel the cool paint against my skin.

His cock slides against my entrance, warm and wet. The head pops in, and then his length slowly follows.

He is stretching me to the limit, which is exactly what I’d expect from an alpha cock. And it hurts, but it feels so good at the same time. I’m pretty sure Lars and Carson have the biggest cocks I’ve ever seen in my life.

Maybe it’s a shifter thing.

Lars starts thrusting in and out of my ass at a quick pace, getting deeper and faster as I get more lubricated. I’m moaning a little with each thrust, the wind nearly getting pushed from my lungs, but I’m going to explode.

“P-please,” I moan, not sure what I’m even asking permission for.

“Yeah?” Lars whispers in my ear. “You want something?”

He slides his hand down and wraps his fingers around my cock, jacking me off as he thrusts inside me.

There we go. It feels absolutely heavenly, and I shudder as the very first flitters of the orgasm pass through me. And when he comes inside me, his breath hot on my neck and his chest pressed against my back, his groan in my ear, I come too.

Our cries are a harmony as the pleasure rockets through us and we’re soon spent, panting and holding each other.

“I guess… now we can go to the bed,” says Lars.

I laugh, but then he swings me up into his arms and carries me in the bedroom, tossing me onto the plush sheets, where I quickly make a nest.

I feel so safe here it’s unbelievable. After some moments of silence, I realize I dozed off in Lars’ arms.

“Hey Harley,” starts Lars.


“I’m pretty worried about your involvement with Marie and Morty,” he says. “We know for sure they’re connected to the Blacktails, we just don’t know how. And if something goes down in the shop… I know Carson has grown to really care for you and Hunter, and so have I…”

“I get it,” I say, surprising even myself. “It makes sense why you’d be leery of them. I can keep my distance without killing off the friendship entirely.”

“Yeah?” he says, seemingly surprised that I didn’t put up much resistance.

“Yeah. I mean, it’s not going to be super easy, because they’ll think I chose the side of people who think they’re trash, but…” I trail off, wondering how I’ll spin it to them.

“I hate that they think about us that way, but I get it,” says Lars. “We should probably figure out some kind of publicity campaign for the pack, make sure people know the good we do in the neighborhood.”

“Yeah. Hey, it’s time to get Hunter,” I say.

We clamber out of bed reluctantly and I put on my clothes. Soon enough, we’re speeding down the highway to Marie’s house. Lars’ scent still clings to my skin and turns me on even further. I can’t help but surreptitiously sniff my shoulder every so often.

We pull onto Marie’s street and get out of the car. I go first, but Lars parks and steps out.

“Something’s wrong,” he says.

I feel a spark of irritation inside me—how can he mistrust them so readily? But then I realize he’s right.

We walk up to the house and knock the door. There’s no response for a whole minute, during which Lars knocks more.

“Do you think—” I start, but Lars puts his finger to his lips.

He pushes the door open slowly and I wait a moment before following him inside. I see him do a quick check of the house—it’s small and only has one floor, so it doesn’t take long.

It’s pretty apparent that the house was ransacked. Some things have been knocked over from a shelf, books scattered everywhere, a ceramic cup shattered on the floor. Marie must have put up a fight.

Marie and Hunter are nowhere to be seen. The house opens into the living room, which is where Marie usually spends her time and keeps the baby.

The crib is empty.

I start to panic.

I sit down on one of Marie’s couches and sniff, tears threatening to overtake me. My vision is going slightly blurry. Lars is on the phone, and I can’t tell what he’s saying. I don’t know who he’s talking to.

All I know is that my baby is gone. Hunter is gone.

The most precious thing to me in the whole world—gone.

Numbly, I watch Lars as he hangs up and looks around the living room, as if for clues. After a few minutes, he sits next to me on the couch and wraps an arm around me.

Carson is the one who’s warmer, who knows how to comfort people better. But Lars’ solid presence and warmth beside me are helpful. They keep me grounded.

“Carson and some other pack people are on their way,” says Lars.

I blink through the tears and my voice croaks out, “Okay.”