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Ryker (Hell's Renegades Book 1) by Dawn Robertson (13)

Chapter 12


I fucking hate hospitals. Everything about them sucks. They are cold and sterile and it never fails… people always stare at me like I don’t fit. I’ve been sitting in the waiting room for… I look down at my phone to check the time again. It’s been twelve hours. Surprisingly, out of the mass of possible baby daddies… I am the only sucker here. I shouldn’t have even come.

My phone buzzes with an incoming text from Diesel. I haven’t talked with him for a hot second, why the hell would he be texting me?

Star told me to tell you Lyric is at the night club.

Of course. Of fucking course. The one time I know I actually get to her, I am stuck here with Tiny in labor and an actual conscious. What if this is actually my baby? Can I miss the birth? Can I think back and know that I willingly left to chase Lyric? I just can’t do it.

Stuck at the hospital. Possible baby Momma in labor.

Keep an eye on her for me, yeah?

I can only hope that Diesel will keep the stream of Intel going while I wait around here. A couple nurses begin making frantic phone calls, and a commotion down the hall seems to be escalating. I stand from my spot in the waiting room and look down the hallway to get a better idea of what is going on. Looking through the small glass window on the doors, I see a flurry of staff surrounding a room towards the end of the hallway.

It could be Tiny’s room, but from a distance it looks like it probably is a different room. I shake it off and sit back down and thumb through my phone some more. God, if I’m not bored out of my goddamn mind. How long does this shit take?

She’s getting drunk.

Drunk Lyric usually ends up in my bedroom at some point in the night. What if she goes looking for me and I am nowhere to be found? It’s only going to fuck her up more. Even worse? What happens if she shows up and one of the other guys try and take advantage of her when I’m not there. I stand to walk over to the nurses’ station and see if I can get an update but no one is there. The lone woman who had been manning the station this late at night seemed to get swept up in the drama at the end of the hallway.

I stand there for a couple minutes hoping someone will notice me and come assist. But no one ever comes. Looking down at my phone, I note that another twenty minutes has passed and I am beyond antsy to get to Lyric. It’s an internal battle over where I am supposed to be. Should I be here waiting for a baby that might not even be mine? Or should I be running to the woman I know this is probably my last chance with? Fuck! The decisions.

Don’t let her leave until I get there.

Finally a woman comes to the desk. She’s older and has gray hair cut in a short pixie style and her glasses take up most of her face.

“Hi, I’m waiting for an update on…” and I blank on her name. Her real fucking name is… goddamn it, I can’t remember.

“The young lady at the end of the hall, Melissa,” she offers, and a light bulb goes off in my head. Yes, that’s her actual name.

“Yes, Melissa,” I respond.

“It’s still going to be a bit. She’s not progressing like the doctors hoped the Pitocin would have helped with,” she says. Whatever the fuck that means?

“I have to step out. Can I leave my phone number if anything changes?” I ask. I mean, what else can I do? I can’t sit around and wait. Maybe I can make it to Lyric and back before the baby is born. I have a million different scenarios and thoughts running through my head, but as much as I try to ignore everything going on with Lyric, I know I have to get to her tonight. I have to see her.

The nice woman hands me a piece of paper and a pen and I jot down my name and phone number. It’s been so long since I’ve actually had to write my real damn name on something.

Ian Rutledge


I shove the paper across the counter and I make my way for the elevators. I gotta get to Lyric before she leaves the club for the night or she ends up so drunk one of my delinquent brothers takes her home for the night just to piss in my Cheerios. The elevator doors open to reveal Sofie and Ace standing inside. I guess that slut found someone else to occupy her time with. Must be why she’s been missing in action from my phone. Thank god, I silently say to myself.

“Look what the cat dragged in. Are you a possible baby daddy too?” Sofie says in a snide ass tone. She’s just pissed that it’s Tiny who got knocked up and not her.

“Shove it, Sofie,” I say walking into the elevator and waiting for the doors to close. I don’t know why, but she always gets under my skin, no matter how many times I shove her off like the piece of biker slut she is. I see her current flavor of the week is Ace. I feel like I should give him some kind of warning, but whatever. I have bigger fish to fry now.

* * *

Before I walk into the club, I stand on the sidewalk and take a few minutes to think about exactly how I am going to pull this off. Lyric doesn’t want to see me. She doesn’t want anything to do with me. I either have to be really sweet or a caveman, there is no in-between now. Caveman is always a better role for me, more natural, more like me. A couple people walk by and into the club and I still stand there. This could be the last time I ever really have a chance with her. My phone buzzes in my pocket but I ignore it.

Fuck it.

Pushing the door open, I scan the tight space to find her. From side-to-side I look, but I don’t see her anywhere. I take a couple steps in and see a couple of the guys huddled in the corner nursing beers. I make my way in their direction and then I finally see her. She is sitting at the bar in the far corner in-between her sister Seven and Chrome’s wife, Star. Which means Chrome is also lurking around here somewhere. Shit.

Change of plans since I have to be on my best fuckin’ behavior now.

“What are you doin' here, aye?” Chrome asks me as I sit at the table they are sharing.

“Shouldn’t you be at the hospital?” Judge chimes in.

“A little birdie texted me that Lyric is here. I gotta talk to her, so I took a break. Plus, Ace showed up with that cunt Sofie so it was my time to bounce. Hell, I don’t even know if this kid is mine. It’s not like Tiny and I were ever really a thing. We banged a handful of times. Just ain’t old lady material,” I say trying to explain myself away.

“What are you gonna say to her?” Chrome asks me, and I still don’t have much of a plan. I shrug my shoulders in response.

“You better hurry; she’s been throwin’ back those fruity beers for a good two hours,” Judge chimes in again. He’s obviously been keeping an eye on her for me. Without putting anymore thought into it, I get up and make my way across the small bar. She doesn’t even notice me until my hands are firmly resting on both of her shoulders.

“We need to talk, Princess,” I whisper in her ear. Goosebumps spread across her skin; I can see them on even the smallest pieces of exposed skin. The back of her neck, down her arms, all over her body.

“What if I don’t want to talk to you?” she counters, trying to brush me off.

“You don’t have a choice, Princess,” I say in a more stern tone.

“Why don’t you take this into one of the rooms?” Star encourages from her side, not wanting this to go down in the middle of her night club on a busy night.

“Room seven is free,” Seven says helpfully with a giggle.

“Hey, grab me the key for seven,” Star calls to the young bartender who quickly grabs a keychain with a large number seven on the key ring. Star hands me the key and I spin Lyric around on the barstool and pick her up, throwing her small body over my shoulder.

She shrieks with surprise as I make my way to the long dark hallway off the back of the main bar. Hoots and hollers in the background come from the bikers in the back corner. Cheering and catcalling because they know exactly how this is going to end.

“Put me DOWN!” Lyric yells while smacking my back and ass in a desperate attempt to free herself. The only thing she is doing is turning me on. My cock starts to harden under my jeans as her body squirms all over my shoulder.

“Stop fighting it, Lyric. You can’t avoid me forever,” I tell her as I use the key to open the private room. All kinds of shit goes down back here. I really do feel bad for the cleaning crew that maintains them. Talk about random cumshots everywhere.

Tossing her down onto the spacious bed in the middle of the room, I put a safe distance between the two of us. I’m here to talk and if I don’t start talking, I am going to end up ripping all her clothes off.

“Talk,” she demands, waving her hand at me in a hurry motion while sitting up on the bed.

“What are we doing?” I ask her.

“It’s more like… what are you doing? You walked out on me, remember?” She’s pissed but behind all that piss and vinegar is a girl who is hurt. Hurt by her previous boyfriend, hurt by Pierce, hurt by me. The long list of transgressions against her continues from the very people who are supposed to care about her the most.

“I was trying to protect you from more club bullshit.” I shrug. I don’t know what other excuses to make for myself. I can’t tell her the full extent of everything going on because it would gut her.

“I already know about that pregnant bimbo,” Lyric says with disgust in her voice. Exactly what I wanted to avoid.

“I can explain,” I start, and try to get a couple words out but she cuts me off before I can tell my side of the fucked up story. Everything about the Hell’s Renegades lives are all fucked up.

“You don’t need to, Ryker. Shit happens. I know the life you live. I know what these guys do. Don’t you think that Seven and Star have filled me in?” Lyric says, but the fire in her eyes is gone.

“We all have lives before we meet people. We do things we may not have done had certain people been in our lives. It’s just a fact of life, Ryker. You can’t beat yourself up over the past. Ain’t shit you can do to change it.” Her tone is slightly slurred as she explains herself.

“I never wanted Pierce. Seven set me up because she thought I was lonely. He was never my type. I came to New York City because I knew you would be here. I followed you here with hopes that you would come back to me, Ryker!” I stand there in shock.

“Why didn’t you ever say anything to me?”

“The time was never right. The time has never been right for us. It’s just life.” She shrugs and stumbles while trying to stand up and make her way to the door. My arms wrap around her waist and pull her against my body, hard cock pressing against her ass.

“You aren’t going anywhere, Princess.” I press my cock against her ass harder, pulling her against me and gently biting the exposed skin of her neck. A chill goes through her entire body and instantly her body betrays her mind.

“Ryker, I’m not doing this again. I can’t do this back and fucking forth shit. You either want me and we fucking do this or leave me alone!” She spins in my arms and slaps me straight across the face.

“And that’s for leading me on all this time while you are still out there fucking anything that walks!” Fuck, that stings, but I don’t let go of her. I won’t let her get away this time no matter what she says.

“I tried to walk away. I tried to fuck you away. I tried to get you out of my system after that one night. No, one night wasn’t enough and it never will be, Lyric. I need you. I can’t live without you. I need to be fucking you every day for the rest of my life.” Shit, did I really just say that?

“And all those other bitches?” she sneers with the meanest goddamn look I’ve ever seen on her face.

“They aren’t shit. I’m done. I just want you,” I plead, turning our bodies to the bed once again.

“Lyric, you are my everything. The perfect woman. I can’t get enough of you. You are the only one I want. I’ll never touch another slut as long as I live, please don’t leave me.” I’m basically begging. Fuck My Life!

She sits on the edge of the bed and looks at me with this drunken look of lust. Kind of like the night she showed up at my apartment, drunk and begging for just one night.

“I want to, Ryker,” she says, and she starts to pull her shirt over her head, exposing the most perfect tits covered by a barely there sheer bra.

“It’s just so hard. You keep leaving me. You keep never coming home. How do I know this time is any different?” She looks at me with those big, beautiful blue eyes, tears pooling in the corners and it kills me.

“I can’t reassure you, Lyric. But what I can say is I never want to see you cry again. Ever. I never want to see you like this. I’ll do anything to prove that to you.”

She slides her pants off, exposing herself further to me. She’s completely naked except for the bra barely covering her tits. It’s driving me absolutely fucking crazy. It’s taking everything out of me to continue standing here waiting for her permission.

“What are you waiting for?” she asks me.

“For you to say you’ll be mine forever. Not just tonight.”

“Ryker, I’ve been yours since the first night we met.”

Her fingers move to my jeans and start to unbutton, releasing my hard cock from the straining material. Taking my cock in her hands she moves closer, teasing it with her tongue and licking up and down the length. Fuck

I fist my hands in her hair as she sucks my cock, but the only thing I can think of is getting back inside that perfect little pussy of hers. Jesus, it has to be the best I’ve ever had, and damn, I’ve had some good pussy over the years.

“Stop,” I say, taking control.

“Is something wrong?” She looks up at me with confusion.

“Yes, something is wrong… I need to fuck you. Right now.” I toss her farther back on the bed as my pants fall the rest of the way to the ground. Within seconds her body is under mine with the tip of my dick pressing against her, begging for entry. I close my eyes and enter her. This is the only place I want to be right now. Or ever.

She lets out a quiet moan as my cock enters her wet cunt. Inch-by-inch she squirms, eyes rolling back into her head. I lean in to kiss her, breaking the first rule to fucking I ever made… no kissing. Kissing makes it more intimate, but with Lyric that is all that I want.

I pull out and push my cock slowly back in a second time as she moans and begins to buck under me.

“Ryker, stop teasing me!” she begs. I pick up my pace before whispering in her ear.

“What do you want, Princess?”

“I want you to fuck me, make me yours.”

Her words start an inferno of primal need. I want to make her mine. I want to fuck her like no one has ever fucked her before. I want her to know that when she walks out of here tonight, my cock will be the only one she ever gets again. Lyric will be mine from here on out and no one will fucking change that.