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Safe Haven: Hollow Rock Shifters Book 2 by Brenda Trim, Tami Julka (10)

Chapter 10

Liv stepped from the bathroom, and Lawson’s jaw dropped to the floor. She’d never looked sexier.

“I don’t think that getup is legal to wear in public,” he surmised as he took a step back, perusing her from head to toe.

“I take it you like,” she replied and turned in a circle.

“No wonder the wolf was so tempted,” he said as he rubbed his chin, all the while eyeing the cleavage spilling over the top of her costume. “Promise you won’t be taking off the cloak during the party. I don’t need every male in the house drooling over your assets,” he admitted.

Thankfully, the blood red cloak had a large hood and fell past her knees, but the skimpy dress underneath left little to the imagination. The strapless garment hugged her breasts and pushed them up which made them look even more substantial. The fishnet hose and thigh-high boots brought visions of wicked fantasies to Lawson's mind. Role-playing took on an entirely new meaning, and he looked forward to indulging later that night.

“Me? Look at you,” Liv said as she walked over and lifted the hem of the long vest he was wearing. “Don’t dare take this off because that bulge in your tights is quite obscene. I think I should’ve ordered a larger size,” she confessed with a shake of her head.

Lawson looked down at his costume. “Yeah, but all my bits and pieces are covered. You bend over, and everyone will know what color panties you’re wearing,” he countered with a grin.

“I have no plans of removing my cloak until the after-party,” she said with a wink. “And who says I’m wearing any panties?”

Lawson reached out and tugged her to his chest. His hands immediately slipped under her short dress to make sure she was kidding. He sighed when he felt the silk fabric covering her ass.

“How about we skip the next couple hours and go straight to the after-party. The bulge in my tights is growing at an alarming rate,” Lawson confessed as Liv's lemony scent tickled his nostrils.

“No way, José,” she spouted and walked to pick up her wicker basket. It had a hinged lid, and Lawson couldn’t tell if it was a costume prop or contained something.

“Whatcha got there, naughty red riding hood?” he purred playfully.

“Just a little pre-party treat,” she replied and lifted one side of the basket and retrieved an oversized syringe filled with a blue substance.

“What’s that?” he asked curiously, staring at the plastic object.

“Jell-O shots, baby. Try the blue raspberry,” she coaxed and placed the item to his mouth.

Lawson hesitated then opened his mouth. She pushed the plunger, and a fruity flavor filled his mouth. “Damn, that’s pretty good. I have to warn you that I’m a lightweight when it comes to alcohol.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. Maybe I’ll get you drunk and take advantage. Here, try this one. It’s my favorite. Watermelon,” Liv instructed and dug through her basket, pulling out another syringe filled with pink Jell-O.

“Fine, but then I’m switching to beer. That I can drink all night,” he divulged and opened his mouth so she could inject him again. He had to admit he liked it better than the first. “Save some of those for later. I’ll spread that shit all over your body and lick it off,” he added and leaned down to kiss her.

“You got yourself a deal, Outlaw,” she murmured against his mouth. “Now let’s get downstairs. I want to get there before everyone else arrives. Plus, Ashley might need some extra hands.”

Kissy noises sounded, and Liv rushed to the bedside table and grabbed her phone. Her smile turned upside down as she stared at the device.

“What’s wrong, sunshine?” he asked, concerned at what could make her happy mood disappear so quickly.

She sighed then answered, “It’s Bart. He can’t make it tonight. Says he’s swamped at work,” she stated and tossed her phone to the bed.

Lawson wasn’t upset at all by the news. In fact, he was relieved the male wasn’t coming to the party. Bart had a perpetual hard-on for Liv that made him want to pummel the guy. But Lawson hated seeing Liv so upset.

“Look, I know you were hoping he’d show tonight. I’m sure this is about work. Didn’t you mention he’s up for re-election next month? I’m sure that’s why he’s been so busy,” Lawson reassured. “Hey, at least Cassie is here. Did she get settled into one of the rooms?”

“Yeah, she did. She was beyond thrilled you set her up in one of the suites. I can’t wait to see her costume. She was secretive earlier when we were decorating. Come on, Outlaw, let’s go and get our scare on,” she quipped and grabbed his hand.

* * *

Liv’s blood hummed as she and Lawson rode the rickety elevator down to the main floor of the hotel. She couldn’t wait to see Lawson’s face at the transformation downstairs.

The door slid open, and she lingered in the boxcar, wanting him to step out first. As soon as he breached the opening, an ear-piercing scream echoed through the air and Lawson jumped and took a fighting stance. Liv doubled over, laughing uncontrollably.

“What the fuck?” he yelled then looked her direction. “Oh, I see. You think you’re pretty funny,” he commented then yanked her hand to pull her from the elevator.

Another scream rent the air as she stepped in front of the motion-sensitive witch. It was one of Liv’s favorite decorations. She typically placed the life-size cackler by her front door to scare the trick-or-treaters. She wasn’t one of those happy ghosts and smiling pumpkin types. No, she liked scaring the shit out of the neighborhood kids. You want candy? You better man up and earn it, she felt.

“You should’ve seen your face,” Liv managed, trying to catch her breath.

“Wait, Naughty Red. I’ll get you back before the night is over,” he vowed and tugged her to his chest. “This place looks amazing,” he admitted as he looked all around.

“Come on. There’s more,” Liv squealed as she grabbed Lawson's hand and led him to the great room.

The place did look incredible. Purple mini lights were strung throughout the hotel, giving their home an eerie ambiance. Several fog machines pumped mist along the floor, and her various statues were strategically placed to garner the best effect. Spooky music blasted from a nearby speaker, and Liv walked to her iPad to lower the volume then pulled Lawson to the far side of the room to her most favorite display.

“What do you think?” she asked excitedly.

Lawson’s gaze roamed over the Halloween village. “This is something else, Liv. When you said this was your favorite holiday, I had no idea you were obsessed,” he said, shaking his head.

“You do have a point. I like to call it my passion, but Cassie said the same thing. Oh well, go big or go home, right?” she replied.

“Is that Crystal Lake?” he asked, pointing to the far corner of her village.

“Uh huh. I even have a Jason figurine. And there’s Michael behind that tree and don’t forget Freddy over here,” she pointed out. Her village contained all the epic stuff of nightmares.

“Aaaah,” intruded a woman’s voice and Liv turned to see Cassie clutching her throat as if she was being strangled.

“Girrrrrl,” Liv shouted and made her way over to her friend, eying her costume. “What the hell are you supposed to be?” she asked in shock.

Typically, Cassie went for the less is more for Halloween but not this year. She was wearing a t-shirt and jeans like any other day. Did she forget it was a costume party?

“Can’t you read?” she quipped and pointed to her t-shirt. Across the chest, it read, ‘The Real Housewives of Safe Haven.’

“It’s cute, but I don’t get it,” Liv admitted.

Cassie held up her left hand and wiggled her fingers. A gold band caught Liv’s attention.

Liv’s eyes widened, and she grabbed her friend’s hand. “Oh, God. Please tell me you didn’t get married as part of some sick Halloween joke,” Liv exclaimed.

“Hell, no! I’m not deranged. I’m a desperate and lonely housewife looking for a shifter by the name of Ryan to fulfill my wicked desires,” she said with a smile.

Liv exhaled her relief then shook her head. “Nice play, my friend. I’m sure that will get his attention.”

“Get whose attention?” Lawson asked as he came up behind Liv, wrapping his arms around her waist.

Her body had the same reaction every time he touched her. Racing heart, panting breath, and clenching with need. It seemed ridiculous. After three months with a guy, Liv was usually ready to move on to the next disaster, but not with Lawson. It felt like they were always on date three when the passion was at its peak.

“Cassie was asking about your brother. He is coming, right?” Liv asked as she inconspicuously rubbed her ass against Lawson’s groin.

“Hey now. These tights don’t have much forgiveness, Naughty Red,” he whispered in her ear. “And, yes, Ryan will be here. In fact, I think I hear him now,” he said with a chuckle.

A deep shout came from the other room, and Liv guessed Lawson’s brother was as frightened by the welcoming witch as he was.

Ryan, Haylee, Hannah, and Brenlee walked into the great room. The sisters were laughing hysterically, but Ryan not so much. “I just beheaded an ugly bitch that tried to attack me,” Ryan said as they approached.

“No! You didn’t,” Liv replied and started towards the other room.

“Just kidding. Next time that witch pulls that stunt I’ll shove something in her mouth that will really make her scream,” he responded with a wink.

“You are so gross,” Haylee interjected and punched her brother in the arm.

“You all look fantastic,” Liv announced as she took in their costumes.

Haylee and her twin Hannah dressed up as the two girls from the movie, The Shining. Brenlee, the baby sister, was dressed as Marilyn Monroe, and Ryan dressed up like a police officer. Liv had to admit she’d never been pulled over by a cop that looked so good.

“Thank you. And I love this, Liv,” Haylee said and tugged on her red cloak. “Very sexy,” she added with an approving nod.

“And who the hell are you? Robin-wearing-gay-ass-tights-Hood?” joked Ryan as he shook his head at Lawson.

“I’ll show you, gay, when I take your baton and beat the ever-loving shit out of you,” came his immediate reply.

“Let’s go to the dining room and get some drinks,” Liv interjected, grabbing Lawson’s hand. The others followed suit, and they made their way to the adjacent room.

The large room looked as festive as the rest of the home. Ashley was putting the finishing touches on the taco bar, and Knox was behind the bar, pouring himself a margarita. She dressed like a sixties hippie, complete with headband and embroidered vest.

“I’ll have one of those, bartender,” Liv called out as she approached the shifter.

Knox also dressed in sixties fashion with a paisley print shirt and bell-bottom jeans. Liv loved when everybody got into the spirit of the occasion. She could tell it was going to be a night to remember.

“Coming right up, Red Riding Hood,” Knox answered with a smile. “I like the way your mind thinks.”

Liv glanced towards Lawson. She couldn’t take her eyes off him. He was by far the best-looking man in the room. No wonder he was the Alpha. His presence filled the room. And he filled those tights like nobody else. She couldn’t stop thinking about the large bulge between his legs. She really hadn’t considered his endowment when she ordered his costume. Thankfully, the long vest covered him well.

Liv sat her basket on the bar top. “And, I’ve got Jell-O shots for anyone interested,” she announced as she accepted the skull goblet filled with tequila goodness from Knox.

Hands went flying as everyone grabbed one of the syringes. Cassie grabbed a green one then looked at Ryan. “So, will you arrest me if I give you a shot,” she purred.

“I’ll arrest you if you don’t,” he replied and opened his mouth. Cassie plunged the fruity goodness into his mouth, all the while giving Liv a knowing look. Yep, she was making her move.

Two men that Liv didn’t recognize walked into the room. “And, there are our dates for the evening,” Hannah announced as she grabbed Haylee’s hand and tugged her twin towards the two men.

Liv glanced around the room. The Anderson family was eating at a nearby table and she spotted the Halls on the other side of the room. They looked outstanding, dressed as two vampires. Devin was talking with Tyler at the other end of the bar and seemed to be enjoying themselves. The party was off to a great start.

And then Kristi walked in.