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Safe Haven: Hollow Rock Shifters Book 2 by Brenda Trim, Tami Julka (21)

Chapter 21

Liv paced outside the entrance to Smith and Kimbro. After Lawson’s text, she decided to go ahead of them and prepare for their arrival. The last thing they needed to deal with was her fumbling for the keys to the door or traipsing through a dark hall.

Arriving early also gave her time to set out any needed supplies. First thing on her list was drawing blood. Taking a sample while the Ravin was unconscious might be her only chance, and she didn’t want to miss the opportunity. The sooner she began testing, the better. She included a sedative with her supplies in case the tranquilizer started to wear off.

She chewed on her lower lip as she waited for the van to arrive. Was that what was taking so long? Had they run into complications on the drive over? She prayed everything went as planned. Lawson explained how tranquilizer darts worked, and she knew he guessed the weight of the Ravin, which if underestimated, could result in a shorter downtime. However, if he overestimated, it could mean death. She knew Lawson would never forgive himself if that happened.

Liv wiped sweaty palms on her jeans. They should be there by now, she surmised and reached into her back pocket for her cell phone to call and ask the reason for their delay. Right then, the screech of tires sounded right before she caught sight of the van pulling into the parking lot. It was Lawson. She watched him drive to the front of the building and park beside the sidewalk.

Moments later, the side door slid open, and Knox, Devin, and Tyler jumped out at the same time Lawson hopped from the driver side and ran around the front of the van.

“Where’s Ryan?” she asked when she noticed his brother wasn’t with them.

“He took off when we were loading the Ravin into the van. Said he needed to let his wolf loose,” Lawson answered and shared a knowing look with Liv.

“I see,” she replied as she watched the four men grab the large cage inside the van and pull. She had hoped to take samples of Ryan’s blood, as well. Hopefully, Ryan would cooperate and allow her to draw blood at the hotel when she got back. Helping him was a top priority.

Liv’s eyes suddenly bulged, and her hand flew to her mouth when she saw the creature inside the metal enclosure. It was a scene straight from a horror movie, and she gasped at the sight. He looked nothing like a shifter or the wolf counterpart she’d seen.

Hair covered the man. Not fur but actual hair. It was longer across the top of his head and back. Gnarled fingers and toes tipped his hands and feet with thick, discolored claws jutting from the tips both. But it was his face that made her cringe and look away. The elongated snout was covered with dense flesh that was dark brown. Long fangs protruded from its jaws, and pointed ears stood straight from the top of its head. She understood now why Lawson said human sightings mistook Ravins for werewolves.

“Where to Liv?” Lawson asked, snapping Liv out of her stupor.

“What? Sorry. It’s through here. The holding cell is in the back room,” she replied and opened the glass door so the men could haul the cage into the building.

Liv quickly took command and led the group to the room where they would keep the Ravin. She looked over her shoulder several times, checking to see if the creature stirred. He appeared to be sleeping peacefully. So far everything was going as planned.

She ushered them into the specially designed room and looked to Lawson, gauging his reaction. His head nodded up and down as he perused the area. “This is fantastic, Liv. You took every measure to ensure his comfort and wellbeing. I appreciate your effort,” he acknowledged.

“I want Jerry to know we care. This situation isn’t going to be anything like what you experienced,” Liv replied as she watched them extract the Ravin from the smaller cage and place him inside the holding cell.

“Hell, if I had this kind of setup, I might never have left,” Knox interjected as he turned in circles inside the Ravin’s cell.

“I wouldn’t go that far, but hopefully this will make him feel at ease,” Lawson replied as they stepped from the cell.

“Wait, don’t shut the door. I need to get some blood samples,” Liv called out as she walked toward her supply tray.

“I’ll help you,” Lawson said and remained in the holding cell.

She nodded and slipped on medical gloves then grabbed the needle and three tubes. With all that hair, she wasn’t using a tourniquet for this procedure. Her goal was to extract blood as quick as possible then get the hell out of dodge. She took a deep breath then walked into the cell. Her heart hammered a drumbeat against her chest as she eyed the Ravin. The closer she got, the more she picked up on his scent.

The rancid odor made Liv cover her face with her sleeve as she tried to fight the urge to vomit. No wonder these creatures left their family and friends, seeking solitude. She could barely stand to be in the same room with the Ravin.

She breathed against the fabric of her sweatshirt and took one deep breath then held it. If she worked quickly, she might not catch another whiff of the fetid smell. Lawson held the Ravin’s arm while Liv stuck the needle at the crease in the elbow. She filled the first two tubes with ease and just as she was about to slide the third tube in place, she saw the Ravin’s eyes slowly open. Liv jerked her hand back and dropped the needle, causing the last tube to fall to the concrete floor and shatter.

The creature bolted upright and howled. Lawson shoved her towards the door of the cell and Liv scrambled to safety. “Lawson, get out of there!” she screamed as she turned to see the Ravin jump to its feet.

She didn’t realize how tall the beast was until it stood. The Ravin was at least a foot taller than Lawson, and he was almost seven feet. Liv looked up, and her knees quivered when piercing blue eyes met hers.

The Ravin snapped its jaws at her before its arm swung out, slicing across Lawson’s chest. Lawson cried out in pain, and in the next breath, Tyler and Devin darted inside the cage. The creature charged toward the opening in the cell but Tyler jumped on top of him and tackled him to the ground. Devin grabbed Lawson around the waist and yanked him to safety and Knox rushed to assist Tyler.

The Ravin tossed Tyler to the side with little effort, telling Liv his strength overpowered the shifters. Knox immediately jumped on its back, pounding his fist against the creature’s skull. Each hit sounded like a block of wood cracking in half, but the beast seemed unaffected by the blows to its head.

Liv suddenly remembered the sedative on her supply tray. She ran over and grabbed the syringe then rushed back inside the cell, ignoring Lawson’s protests. The Ravin was swinging its upper body side to side, trying to knock Knox from his its back.

Liv crouched low and jumped, grabbing the Ravin around the leg. She plunged the needle deep into its calf just as the beast slashed across her back. Liv cried out in pain then felt her legs pulled from behind. She turned to see Lawson tugging her toward him, and she reached out so he could grab her hand.

He yanked her from the cell, shouting, “What the fuck were you thinking?”

Liv looked back to the Ravin and watched him stumble then fall to the ground. “That’s what I was thinking,” she responded. “Get out of the cell now!” she screamed to Tyler and Knox.

The men rushed from the holding area and slammed the metal door closed. Liv heard the click of the automatic lock, and she released her sigh. The transfer didn’t go as smoothly as she hoped, but at least everyone survived.

Liv winced as she tried getting to her feet. Lawson’s arm was around her waist in the next second. “Baby, don’t move. Let me look at your back,” he urged and gently lifted her sweatshirt.

“You’re hurt, too. Are you okay?” Liv gritted out when she felt cold air brush against her flesh.

“Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. We need to get you back to Safe Haven. Ryan will be able to patch you up,” Lawson said as he gently inspected her wound.

“I had planned on staying here with him,” she replied and looked at the Ravin.

The creature was out cold, lying on the floor. Liv didn’t want to leave the Ravin like that. When he came to, she hoped he would shift back so that she could explain to him why he was there and how they planned to help.

“No. These cuts are deep, and you’re bleeding badly. You need medical attention. I’m taking you home,” Lawson voiced then looked to the others. “Everyone okay?”

“Yeah, I think we’re all good. You take Liv back. I’m happy to stay here until you return,” Devin offered.

“Thank you. I’ll make sure food is delivered, and I’ll arrange for everyone to take a shift if necessary,” Lawson replied and reached for her hand.

It was then Liv realized the two vials of blood had dropped and broken. She didn’t have any samples to test. She pointed to the mess on the floor. “Look. What if we can’t get another sample?” she asked.

“We’ll figure it out later. First things first. Let’s go,” Lawson demanded and bent over, scooping her into his arms.

“I need to clean this mess,” she announced and tried not to grimace as he cradled her.

“I got it, Liv. I’ll find the cleaning supplies and take care of it. You go,” Devin countered as he followed them to the building’s entrance.

“Thank you,” she muttered as Lawson pushed the glass door open with his shoulder and gently set her in the passenger seat of the van.

The other men climbed in the back of the vehicle while Lawson walked around to the driver's door. Liv could see he was holding his side and she had no doubt he was more injured than he admitted.

Liv rested her head on the back of the seat, contemplating everything that went wrong. She prayed this was not a sign of things to come. If so, this could prove to be the worst decision she’d ever made.

* * *

Liv walked briskly down the corridor, anxious to check on her new patient. It had been three days since they captured the Ravin and she had made zero headway with him. Jeremiah seemed intent on staying in his beastlike state. Either that, or he was traumatized to the point that he could no longer shift.

She entered the holding room and smiled at Knox who was describing his hot tamale of a girlfriend to Jeremiah.

“Hey, you. How’s it going today?” Liv asked as she made her way closer to the metal enclosure.

The Ravin was in the far corner of the cell, facing the wall. Same spot he was in the day before when she checked on him. She glanced at the table and noticed the food she left was untouched, as well.

“About the same, Liv. I’ve been talking my ass off, hoping he’d turn around and tell me to shut the fuck up, but no such luck. I’m sure he’s ready for me to leave,” Knox replied with a chuckle.

“I know you’re ready for a break, too. Go on back to Safe Haven. Ashley is cooking up a storm for tomorrow’s meal, and I’m sure she could use some help,” Liv answered as she eyed the creature in the cage.

“You sure you don’t want me to stick around until Devin arrives? I don’t mind,” he offered.

“No, I’m fine. I’d like to talk to Jeremiah alone,” she admitted.

“Alright, if you’re sure. I’ll see what my spicy Chiquita needs. Hopefully, it’s me,” Knox said with a wink as he made his way to the door. “Can’t wait for tomorrow’s Thanksgiving meal,” he added and rubbed his belly.

“It’s going to be the grandest feast ever. Thank you for all your help,” Liv murmured, and Knox waved her off.

“Don’t mention it. Hasta la vista, Jerry,” he called, and Liv listened to his boots clunk down the hallway then the room fell silent.

Liv turned and looked at Jeremiah. She acknowledged it was the first time she’d been alone with the Ravin and her heart kicked up a notch. Belatedly, she questioned if the metal enclosure was secure enough to detain him. Surely, he would’ve escaped by now if he could. Liv shook her head, clearing her thoughts. She was never going to get anywhere with Jeremiah if they didn’t establish trust. It’s what brought Lawson around when he was in captivity, and she felt it was crucial to gain it with the Ravin, as well.

“Hi, Jeremiah,” she said as she set down the bag she was holding. “I introduced myself the other day, but I don’t know if you remember. My name is Olivia Kimbro, but please call me Liv. I’m the head scientist here at Smith and Kimbro. That’s where you are right now,” she explained.

The Ravin remained in place, and she wondered if he was listening. It was hard to tell given how still he was. She knew he was breathing because she saw the slight lift to his shoulders.

“I know you must be afraid, but I want you to know that you are safe here. No harm will come to you. In fact, if there’s anything I can do to make you more comfortable, let me know. I have some food. Are you hungry?” Liv asked and reached inside her red tote and pulled out a container.

He didn’t budge. Not even a slight turn of his head.

“I live on the property next to yours. The place with the large iron gate at the entrance with the letters SH on it. It stands for Safe Haven. It’s been renovated recently and is a place where shifters seek refuge. I don’t know if you’re aware of the growing number of missing shifters, but Lawson Scott, the pack leader, has made it his mission to rescue those in captivity and provide a home for them,” she explained, hoping he’d view her as an ally.

“Jeremiah, do you have any family? Parents or siblings?” she asked, assuming he didn’t have a woman in his life. If that were the case, Jerry most likely would’ve shared his life force and wouldn’t be in this predicament.

The Ravin turned his head to the side. She had his attention.

“I’d be happy to contact them for you if you’d like and let them know you’re alive,” she encouraged, watching him carefully.

He shifted his weight and Liv thought he might turn to look at her but then he grunted and faced the wall again.

“I want to help you, Jeremiah. If you’d allow me to take some blood samples, my goal is to test your blood with that from a shared life supply and see if we can’t counteract the side effects you’ve experienced. How great would it be to feel like yourself again?” Liv asked. He remained in place, and she sighed. Apparently, today was another loss for Team Liv.

“I’m going to leave the food right here in case you get hungry. It’s Ashley’s famous enchiladas so you might want to give them a try. I’m going to check on a few things in my office, and I’ll come back by before I leave,” she said and walked over to the small metal table pushed against the wall of the cell. She set down the plastic container and utensils then turned to leave the room.

Just as she was about to exit the room, a deep voice startled her. “Thank you, Liv.”

She spun around to see a nude man standing in the corner of the cell. She tried to mask her surprise as she focused on his face and not his bare body.

“Je…Jeremiah,” she stuttered and smiled. “It’s so nice to meet you.”

“Where are my clothes?” he asked softly. He was an attractive man with shaggy brown hair and dark green eyes. His gaze held a pervasive sense of sadness, and Liv felt it to her bones.

“We didn’t take any items from your home, but in the dresser over there you will find a few things that should suffice. I can go to your house and pick up whatever you’d like,” Liv offered as she watched him walk to the wooden dresser and pull out a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. He slipped on the clothes then walked over and sat on the bed.

“Are you hungry?”

He shook his head and looked down at his hands. Liv could see a slight tremor to them as he gazed at his palms. She could only imagine what was going through his mind.

“Is there anything I can get you?” she asked and inched closer to the cell.

Jeremiah met her gaze. “Did you mean it when you said you want to help?”

“Absolutely. I will need to take some blood, but I’d like to get started right away,” Liv replied and he nodded his understanding.

“I don’t want this monster inside me. I feel myself slipping away with each passing day. I fear one day I won’t return to my body,” he explained, and she saw the plea in his eyes.

“I promise I will do everything in my power to ensure that you get your life back. I’m going to grab some supplies, but I’ll be right back,” she responded enthusiastically.

“How long have I been here? What is today’s date?” he inquired as he scanned the holding area as if seeing it for the first time.

“You’ve been here a few days. It’s Wednesday, November 22nd. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving,” she informed him, and Jeremiah raked a hand through his hair.

“Did you have plans? Is there anyone you’d like to call?” Liv asked.

“No, no plans and no one to call,” he muttered then quickly added, “I can’t ever go back there.”

“I’ll be right back,” she announced then left the room.

She grabbed her phone to text Lawson and let him know she’d be a while. This change was the break they’d been hoping for, and she wanted to begin immediately. Hopefully, she could help not only Jeremiah and Ryan but all shifters experiencing a change in their minds and bodies. By the time Liv reached her supply room, she was practically running. Curing conditions like those of the Ravins was the reason she chose to become a Microbiologist. To find answers where there were none.




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