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Sage's Surrender: Hell's Riders Book Four by Joy Blood (44)



One year and six months later

The sing-song voices call out happy birthday to Halley, our daughter, who turns one today as I bring the cake Eagle’s wife, Iris, made to the table. One candle lit in the center of the frilly pink princess cake with a pink Harley motorcycle figure sitting on the top. Our daughter plays and laughs happily as I place the cake in front of her and quickly blow out her candle before she reaches for it, but instead, she grabs right for the Harley. “Just like her mama,” Gin—Dad—says from my left, chuckling as Halley starts to suck off the pink frosting from the tire. “Kept trying to get you a pink pony, all you ever wanted was a pink Harley.”

“Then that changed to the biker on the Harley. Well, not a pink one.” I smirk and shoot a smile at Sage who is sitting to my right, far enough away from Gin just in case he has the urge to land a punch. My comment might not have helped in that effort.

“Are you trying to get him to pull out his piece and shoot me on our daughter’s birthday?” Sage whisper-yells at me when I go to sit back on his lap as Grace shoos me away from cutting and serving the cake. This club has become something I never let Cental be for me: a family. I was stubborn and didn’t feel as if I was meant to be there, but here, in Rhino, with the people I have met, I can honestly say I’m home. I know I wouldn’t have been able to stay in Cental, especially since Sage still wasn’t allowed back, but now I wouldn’t let him go back even if he wanted to.

“It’s fine. Look at him, he took the joke in good spirit.” I give my man a kiss on his stubbled cheek and glance over to Gin who is shooting daggers at Sage.

“Yep, he sure did.” When Halley was born neither of them could be in the same room, Gin was sure to give Sage two good punches to his face so in every picture of our new little family Sage sports a shiner. I can’t wait to explain that one to Halley when she gets older.

“Our daughter is one and we live together. I think he’s had plenty of time to come to terms with it.”

“Maybe, but I think I need to do a little more.” Sage stands from his seat and places me on my feet.

“A little more?”

“Yeah. I think I need to marry you. That might make things a little more bearable. For Gin,” he clarifies, glancing over to where Gin and Grace have settled at the table with their cake while they chat to the other club members.

“Marry me?” I almost choke on the word. “What?”

Sage doesn’t answer me, only drops to his knee and takes my now shaking hands in his. “Sage, he is going to kill you for sure,” I whisper, and he chuckles.

“I asked him already, kid. He said I had better hurry up and make you my wife before he put a bullet in me.”

“Oh my god,” I laugh and cover my face, feeling it heat with embarrassment.

“So, what do you say? Marry me?” he asks, reaching into his cut to pull out a shiny silver ring with a solitaire diamond glittering in the afternoon sunlight.

“Well, if it will save you from getting shot, I guess I can do that.” I smile down at him and laugh when he stands up to bring me into his grip and spins me around.

“Little shit. I’m counting five for that little comment,” he says into my ear. I shiver, and goosebumps break out all over my body. “Got your leather back at the house. I want to be the first to see it on you,” he tells me with the promise of a heated night.

“All right. That’s enough. I may have called a truce on shit, but don’t think for a second I’m good with seeing you grope my daughter in front of me,” Gin snaps, bringing an end to our little intimate conversation.

“Oh, quit it, Dad. How many times did I tell you to quit rubbing up on Grace in front of me, Jason, and Tanya?” I roll my eyes at him and go in for another kiss from Sage…my fiancé. Holy shit.

“Yeah, Dad. She does have a point.” My brother laughs with a big grin on his face, his girlfriend in his arms. Cute little thing and completely out of her depth when it comes to the club. I’m surprised he even brought her here.

“Hey, I don’t see Brood anywhere. How is he?” I ask Sage.

“Talked to him last night. He said he’s good, but you know him.” Sage shrugs, and I nod, because I do. The man could be drowning and still wouldn’t reach out for an extended arm, determined to deal with everything on his shoulders without any help, even the club’s.

“Well. Maybe we can stop by, see if he needs

“Nah, we better sit this one out. I know how much you want to help the guy, but the only way you can is if he lets you. And that, baby, isn’t going to happen.”

“Yeah. I know,” I say in defeat, but my chin starts tipping with his hand, bringing my face to meet his.

“I ever tell you how much I love you?”

“Maybe a time or two,” I say with a smirk.

“I do. So fuckin’ much.”