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Scorch (The Blackthorn Brothers #4) by Cali MacKay (8)

I spent the night tossing and turning, running through every word, every minute with Dane, wondering what twist of fate had brought him back into my life. And then I spent my day distracted and on edge, checking the clock every other minute, until I swore it felt like time stood still.

I mulled over my plan, thinking it was downright asinine. Nothing good could come from letting Dane back into my life, even temporarily, and worse still, by involving myself with his problem. Because I wasn’t just playing with fire—I was playing with fire after having doused myself in gasoline. And I knew damn well I was going to get burned.

Yet I’d be damned if I could get him out of my head.

It was just like before, back when we’d been together. I hadn’t been able to get him out of my head back then either—and it didn’t matter that we’d been together for a good few years. My love for him had only grown—until he forced me to open my eyes and see the truth.

And maybe it had all been for the best in the end—even if I would have picked a different method to deliver the message. Because even back then, I’d been working for the Feds.

If I’d been forced to tell him what I’d been up to, if I’d had to explain why I was so desperate to see him and his family go straight, it likely would have ended badly anyway. Except that I would have been the one who betrayed him, instead of the other way around.

Because to a man like Dane, working undercover for the Feds would have definitely been a huge betrayal. At the time, it had just been a few cases here and there, working for them as a consultant—not that it mattered. He still wouldn’t have understood why I’d partnered up with them. He’d have understood the good we’d done, since the case I ended up working on had helped to take down a sex trafficking ring, but he’d have wanted us to do it without involving the Feds.

And now? If I had any hope of helping Dane with his problem, without also landing my ass in jail, then getting the FBI involved might be the only option, since I was already working undercover at GTC.

Not that I could tell him any of that. And even if I could tell him—which I couldn’t—he’d never go for it. But what option did we really have? There was no way out of this for him, since he was being blackmailed. I just needed to find a way to convince him.

Five o’clock finally rolled around, and not a minute later, I was heading out to meet Dane, my pulse racing on a wave of nerves and adrenaline. I hated that he could still have this effect on me.

Once again, Dane was waiting for me, leaning against his car, despite the misting rain. His face lit up with his sexy smile the moment he spotted me, jogging over to my side to escort me back. “I really do appreciate your help, Rae. Got to say... I wasn’t quite sure you’d show up, though I’m glad you did.”

“I’ll have to keep a side exit in mind for next time. See if I can do a better job of avoiding you.” My sarcasm had his smile widening, making him look even more handsome. His hair looked more disheveled than he used to wear it, and instead of being clean-shaven, he had a bit of stubble along his strong jaw, the softness of youth now replaced with the edge of manhood, his shoulders broader, his biceps bigger, his thighs more muscular. Yet he still had that easygoing charm and calm seriousness.

How could I not have fallen for him?

He got my door, like the gentleman he was—when he wasn’t cheating on me—and then hopped in behind the wheel. “Since we’re planning on working and it’s nearing dinner time, I figured we could head back to my place. I put on a pot of chili earlier so we can grab dinner while eating.”

The bastard. Anyone looking in from the outside would think he was simply being a kind and thoughtful guy—but I knew exactly what he was up to, since he knew I absolutely adored his chili. Without even seeing it, I already knew that this would be a pork verde chili drizzled with his homemade chimichurri sauce, full of flavor and the most perfect of comfort foods.

First Joe’s, and now this. He was trying to wear down my defenses, reminding me of the times when we were happy. Except that he’d miscalculated. Because if he thought that taking me to his home would make it easier for him to get me in his bed, then he’d be sorely disappointed, since I’d once lived with him. And though there were plenty of happy memories there, his home also held memories of his betrayal.

Except that I realized I was the one who was mistaken when we pulled up to a home I didn’t recognize. “You moved.”

“I did. Soon after we split up. I just couldn’t stay there anymore.” His hazel eyes darkened and his smile slipped away. Yet he said little more, opting instead to get my door as I was left wrestling with my feelings. I hadn’t expected him to sell his place, and I felt its loss more keenly than I should.

I followed him up the steps, caught off guard by the pack of dogs that greeted us, though there was no reason for me to be surprised. The Blackthorn clan and animals who’d seen their share of rough days went hand in hand. Dogs especially.

And then I was practically bowled over by a Border Collie mix. I crouched down to pet him as he wiggled his entire body in happy excitement. “Rex. I can’t believe it. He must be...what? Twelve years old?”

“Thirteen. And clearly I’m not the only one who’s missed having you around.” Dane held out his hand, and as if by magic, my hand slipped into his as I let him pull me up, my body brushing against his.

He wrapped his arm around my waist, his eyes locking on mine with an intensity that made it hard to breathe, my heartbeat skittering out of control as I tried to rein in the landslide of emotions that he was triggering. “We need to get to work—and you need to let me go, Dane. I’m not going to keep having this conversation with you.”

I couldn’t. Because if he kept pushing me, he’d weaken my already waning resolve, and I’d end up doing something stupid.

“I’m sorry, Rae. I know I should be grateful that you’re helping me—and I am. But seeing you again has forced me to realize everything that’s wrong or missing from my life.” He actually let me go and took a step away from me, his brow furrowed and his gaze brooding. “But that’s not your problem. Come on...let’s grab some dinner, and then you can tell me about your plan.”

The sudden change in his attitude and the distance that he was now putting between us left me feeling at odds with myself. Though I needed some space between us, given how vulnerable I was to his charms, it was hard to ignore that the absence of his affection had a visceral effect on me, and I felt the loss of his touch with a deep pang.

This was why it was a mistake to let him back into my life.

I shook my head clear of my thoughts, ignoring the complicated turmoil of emotions that threatened to drown me, and instead focused on my surroundings, taking them in.

His home had an understated masculine charm that looked happily lived in, which was no surprise really, since I was sure Dane was still working primarily from his home, which meant everything got used. Plenty of stone accents, along with exposed roughhewn beams, and worn butter-soft leather. Of course the dogs followed us into the kitchen, hoping we wouldn’t be able to resist their cute faces and wagging tails.

“I see you have a few more additions to your pack.” Unable to resist, I gave them all some love.

“Hard not to keep adding to the group when my mom is always looking to find either permanent homes or fosters for the dogs in the shelter.” He tilted his head toward a massive dog that was vying for my attention. “Like that one there, who keeps nudging your elbow, is a foster. Bob’s part Lab, part Anatolian Shepherd, and too smart for his own good. And then there’s Krypton, Daisy, Slider, Wingnut, and of course, Rex.”

“Love their names.” I smiled when Bob nudged my hand again, looking for affection. “Bob here is awfully cute.”

“He thinks you’re damn cute too, and would love nothing more than to go home with you.” Dane tossed me one of his charming smiles over his shoulder as he gave the chili a stir and then grabbed a couple of bowls. “Hungry?”

“Even if I wasn’t, it smells too damn good to say no. Though I think you already knew that.” He was making all this feel too easy, getting me to let down my guard—and maybe that was a good thing. Maybe it was time that I let go of my hate. If nothing else, it might allow me to move on with my life, since holding onto my hurt sure as hell hadn’t worked to make me happy. And it didn’t mean I had to let him back into my life beyond helping him with his problem.

“Here you go, love.” He handed me a bowl, and then ushered me to where he’d set out a huge variety of toppings—sour cream, hot sauce, guacamole, scallions, cheese, lime, cilantro, and of course, tortilla chips, since I liked crumbling them over my chili for a bit of crunch. Leave it to him to remember that sort of tiny detail. “Help yourself.”

I did just that, standing by his side as we doctored up our bowls and I forced myself to ignore how familiar it felt to have him standing just a heartbeat away. We headed to the family room, bowls and drinks in hand, plopping ourselves down on the sofa like we’d always done, finding it far more comfortable than the dining room table.

He shifted in his seat to face me, his bowl cradled in his hand, since with so many pups around, it wouldn’t be safe left on the coffee table. “So, what’s your idea? ’Cause I have to tell you, I want this job over with and my family safe.”

“The route we take will depend on who we’re dealing with, and how much time we have to pull this off. I need a name. Who’s threatening you and your family?”

“I’m not sure telling you is a smart idea, love.”