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Scorch (The Blackthorn Brothers #4) by Cali MacKay (17)

I cooked us dinner as the dogs kept watch for any stray piece of food, and Avery tapped away on her laptop, busy at work. She hadn’t exactly said what she was working on, but as focused as she was, and at the speed her fingers were flying over her keyboard, I knew she was hacking. And if I had to guess, she was working on getting me the plans I needed from GTC.

And then she cursed—and slammed her laptop shut. “Fucking hell...”

“Anything I can do to help?” I called out over my shoulder, not quite able to abandon everything I had going at the moment without sacrificing our dinner.

“No. I’ll need to try again once I’m back at work. I can’t do what I need to do remotely.” She abandoned her laptop on the end table, near where she’d been working, and crossed over to my side, looking fucking adorable wearing little more than her lace panties and one of my t-shirts, which was way too big on her. “It smells good. I’ve missed your cooking.”

“Hope it’s not the only thing you’ve missed.” I couldn’t resist teasing her just a little, loving that she wrapped her arm around my waist and snuggled against my side as I took a moment away from cooking and kissed the top of her head.

“I’ll admit, it wasn’t the only thing, especially since I hadn’t slept with anyone since...well, you know...since we broke up.” She shrugged, her gaze avoiding mine—even as I tried to mask just how happy her words left me.

It felt damn good to know that I hadn’t been the only one to avoid other relationships, casual or otherwise, after we split up. And it only served to reinforce my belief that we were meant to be together.

I tilted her chin up and stole a kiss, her lips soft and warm against mine. “I could never love anyone but you, Rae. And though I know my life is still messed up, I swear, I’m doing all I can to move past it and leave it all behind, once and for all.”

“I know you’re doing all you can.” She pulled out of my arms, though she still stayed close. “But, Dane...just because I’m trying to forgive you for what happened so that I can move on with my life doesn’t mean I’m ready to just pick up where we left off. I can’t.”

“Why the fuck not?” Of course I didn’t think that our sleeping together would right all wrongs and things would go back to the way they were, but her words just sounded like she wanted us to help each other move past our issues so that we could then get on with our lives—apart.

Well, that just wasn’t going to fucking happen.

Why not? Because too much has happened between us. And though I now realize that I’ll always love you, I’m not sure I know how to start over with you.” She grabbed my arm, her eyes pleading with me for an understanding I couldn’t give her. But then, she seemed to have a small change of heart. “Or...I don’t know. Maybe we could take things one day at a time. See how we feel once the dust settles.”

“That’s all I’m asking for, baby.” I cupped the back of her neck and lowered my forehead to hers, nuzzling her, hoping she could feel the love I had for her. Because I honestly didn’t think I’d survive losing her twice. “Just don’t push me away.”

She slipped her arms around my neck, her words a murmur against my lips. “I don’t think I could, even if a part of me is worried I’ll just get my heart broken again.”

“You have my word—that’s not going to happen. I love you, Avery.” I kissed her, my heart swelling to know that she was going to give us another chance.

Yet my kiss had to be a short one, or we’d be ordering in pizza for dinner.

With dinner done, I quickly plated the lemony salmon, grilled asparagus, and wild rice pilaf, knowing that this meal was another one of Avery’s favorites. Living on my own, I cooked for myself, but it was usually just something quick to keep me going while I worked, instead of for the joy of cooking or eating. But with Avery back in my life, it gave me an excuse to get back into the kitchen, especially when it gave her so much pleasure.

We sat down to eat, and it was so damn amazing to have her back in my life. And when she took a few bites and practically melted against my side, grabbing at my arm, I had to smile. “It’s okay, then?”

“It’s so good, Dane. Not that I’m surprised. You’ve always been good at anything you set your mind to.” Except for one thing, which she was kind enough not to mention. Because I’d done a crap job of keeping her heart safe—though I swore, I’d do a better job of it this time around.

Yet before we could finish our dinner, someone was pounding on my door, sending the dogs scrambling as they voiced their objection to someone encroaching on their territory. I got to my feet, putting a hand on Avery’s shoulder. “Go to my room and lock the door behind you. Don’t come out until I come and get you. Okay?”

“Dane...” She stood, grabbing my arm instead of moving. “I’m not going anywhere.”

“It could be nothing—but I need you to go. I won’t risk you getting hurt, and if that’s Stubbs or his men, the last thing I want is for you to become a target.” I cupped her face in both my hands and kissed her hard and quick, when the pounding continued, sending the dogs into a renewed frenzy. “Go, Avery.”

When she started movement toward the hall, I went to answer the door, checking on the security feed.

“Fuck.” I immediately opened the door, catching my younger brother as he stumbled into my home, battered and bloody.

“Took you long enough.”

“What the hell happened?” I shut the door behind him and helped him into the nearest chair—not at all surprised to find that Avery wasn’t locked safely away in my bedroom.

“Slater... It’s been too long.” She cringed as she looked my brother over, already assessing his injuries. “What the hell happened?”

Slater’s eyes lit up and he gave her a wide smile the moment he spotted her—and then winced, his lip split open and his face bruised. “Way too long, sunshine. Just wish I wasn’t such a mess, since you know you owe me one hell of a hug.”

There’d always been a bit of a special friendship between Slater and Avery. In the past, it had left me both envious and grateful that she’d been there for Slater, who was prone to getting himself into a bit of mischief. As for the beating he’d taken, Slater was known to get himself into scrapes every now and then, but this was different—and he was far more injured than I’d ever seen him before, despite the brave face he was putting on for Avery.

I grabbed an ice pack and wrapped it in a kitchen towel, offering it up to him, though I was thinking that I should drag him to the hospital. “Who did this?” Slater’s gaze flicked over to Avery for just a second, as if asking me whether I truly wanted to discuss this in front of her. “Whatever you have to say, you can say it in front of Avery. I have no secrets from her.”

Slater pressed the icepack to his cheekbone and eye, where it was already bruised and swollen. “Stubbs told me to tell you that you should answer your fucking phone when he calls. He doesn’t take too kindly to you blowing him off. I would have been fine, except that he brought four of his fucking goons. Four. Still...I got in a few good shots.”

Stubbs. I’m going to kill that fucking bastard.”