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Sexy Beast: A Single Dad's Club Romance by Piper Rayne (25)



Christmas is in five days and I might be exhausted, but the family cabin for the Banks family is finally complete.

The three of us drive up to welcome them. When we arrive Sydney grabs the bag of groceries I include with all my rentals.

Jasper Banks and his wife, Lennon, have been one of my biggest and most loyal clients, so I've gone one step further with my welcome for them.

I’ve included a basket with everything from our local shops—an assortment of cupcakes and cookies from Mad Batter, coffee coupons from Steaming Hotties, and other samples or small trinkets from other shops downtown. Each bathroom will have a new soap from the newest shop in Climax Cove called Some Like It Slippery.

“I'm loving the Winter Pine scent of this soap from the new shop.” Charlie smells it, grabbing the box of soaps to place all over the house.

We open up the doors and Charlie and Sydney both gasp and look at one another.

“Dad,” Syd walks in, her eyes wide, looking all around.

“You've outdone yourself.” Charlie looks back at me with a proud smile on her face.

“It was a lot of work, but it turned out how I wanted.” I grab the bag from Syd and head to the kitchen, putting the items away.

“Will you build me one?” Charlie asks, dropping the box of soaps on the granite counter in the open concept kitchen.

“There's a pool table and one of those games with the little men on sticks!” Sydney calls out and I can tell she’s impressed. Sydney being impressed is a hard accomplishment these days so I smile as I’m adding the last of the items in the fridge.

“And a hot tub and a pool.” Charlie sounds as excited as my daughter.

“And a theatre room,” Sydney yells from deep in the house.

“And brown leather couches.” They both say in unison and then look at each other and laugh.

“Always brown,” Syd says.

“Always leather,” Charlie chimes in and she touches Sydney's shoulders as they both bend at the waist laughing.

“It's rustic, okay,” I add on but I'm not even sure if they hear me.

“Let's go upstairs.” Charlie grabs the box of soaps from the counter.

Their footsteps move from one bedroom to the other all I can hear are their ohhs and ahhs.

“A whirlpool tub.” Charlie's voice sounds envious.

“In three of six bedrooms,” Sydney says.

“Hey, I have four extra soaps,” Charlie says from the banister above me.

“There are rooms in the lower level, too,” I remark, folding the paper bag from the store.

“There's a lower level?” Sydney asks and starts running down the stairs, her socks making her slide a bit but she catches herself on the railings.

“Wait for me.” Charlie moves slower but just as eager to see the rest of the house.

“Oh. My. God,” Sydney screams.

Ten minutes later, they come up with an empty box, shaking their heads in disbelief.

“Garrett, it's gorgeous.”

“Yeah, Dad, like top of the line. They're going to love it.”

Charlie places the box on the counter next to the cupcake display. “So, you want me to build you one?” I ask since she mentioned it jokingly earlier. We haven't really talked about our long-term plans, but I miss her when she works late and sleeps at her apartment. I haven't broached the subject with Sydney yet, but I think I want Charlie to move in with us.

She wraps her arms around my waist and stares up at me. “Not this big, but yeah, maybe someday, we can build one and make it ours.”

I smile and nod, my mind already overflowing with ideas on how I'd work with Ian, my architect, in order to make it ours together.

Sydney acts like she's on her phone and isn't paying attention but I know she is. One thing I learned early on with her is that even if you think she’s in her own little world, she’s always listening. I’m hopeful that her silence is an agreement that Charlie should move in with us.

The doorbell rings and then a knock sounds out and then the doorbell and then another knock on the door.

“Oh man,” Charlie murmurs and her and Sydney share a wide-eyed look.

I slide out of my embrace with my girl and walk up the two steps to the front door.

The doorbell rings again, And again and again.

I open the door to two small kids. The boy's fist is in the air now ready to knock and the girl's finger is on the bell.

Looking out to the driveway, Jasper and his wife, Lennon are taking their suitcases out of the SUV.

“Hey, Banks!” I holler out with a wave.

Jasper waves and then looks over to Lennon. They share a confused look.

“Sorry about our little hellions. They’re just excited,” Lennon calls over, her dark hair a bit longer than the last time I saw her.

“Is that them?” Charlie peers under my arm. “The sex toy developer?” she whispers, but I don't know why because the two kids just ran into the house.

“Nice truck.” Sydney walks to the door, her eyes on their expensive SUV. I'm guessing that Sydney isn't going to be a Climax Cove lifer based on her love of material things and money.

“Let's go, Brady,” Jasper yells into the truck and the back door opens.

“That's the older son,” I say about the brown-haired boy who's grown inches since I saw him last.

He's in basketball shorts and a T-shirt with headphones resting on his temples. Did someone forget to tell him it’s December?

“What’s his name?” Sydney asks and both Charlie and I turn our heads in her direction.

“His name is Stay Away.”

Charlie laughs beside me, looping her arm with Sydney’s while I head over to the vehicle to help them out.

“Hey, Garrett,” Jasper tries to put his hand out but between the small backpacks and suitcases, there's no room.

“Later.” I grab items from the back of the truck.

“Thanks. Who knew we'd have to come with so much?” Lennon shakes her head, her tattoos hidden under the warmth of her jacket. Good thing. I don't want Sydney getting any ideas. Right now, I’m pretty sure she just thinks it’s her dad and his friends who sport the things.

“That's what happens with kids, right?” I understand although I only have one and if she has her phone, we don't have to worry about much else these days.

“Wow. It's amazing, Garrett.” Lennon looks up as we’re walking toward the porch and takes in the big family cabin and even I'm impressed with how immaculate it looks with all the lights lit up. “Who's the brunette?” Her tone comes with accusations.


She stops and raises her perfectly arched eyebrows. “Is Charlie special?”

I chuckle but don't answer.

She elbows me in the ribs and I almost drop the bag filled with marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolate. “Tell me.”

“Yeah...she's special.”

“Oh, I love it.” Her footsteps pick up speed.

Jasper leans in close. “You should’ve pleaded the fifth on that one. Not that she’d have accepted that as an answer anyway.”

We both chuckle at his cordial way of saying his wife can be persistent.

“You have got to be shittin’ me!” Lennon's screams and drops her bags in front of the door.

“Babe!” Jasper hollers to her back as she walks into the cabin, ignoring the discarded items.

“Here.” Charlie bends down and slides them to the side.

“Thanks. I'm Jasper.”

“Charlie.” She smiles that one that lights up her face.

Just then their two little ones run down the stairs. “Mommy, I found my bedroom,” the little girl who, if I remember correctly, is Bianca says.

Lennon pats her on the head. “You two are sharing with your cousins. I think there's a big room at the end of the hall with a lot of bunk beds.” Lennon looks over their heads to me.

“Yes, there is,” Charlie answers first.

Lennon points to Charlie. “Charlie. I'm sorry. I get kind of excited when I come here. Jasper brought me up here when we were first dating and it's nostalgic for me.” She looks over at her husband and he shakes his head because he knows how emotional she gets.

“I'm Lennon Banks.” She holds out her hand. “Oh, jeez, forget the polite hand shake. That's what I just did all week in meetings.” She holds out her arms. “Bring it in. Give me a hug.”

Charlie steps in and Lennon wraps her arms around Charlie and they move side to side.

“I'm so damn happy that Garrett has found someone.”

“I'm happy it was me.” Charlie shrugs after Lennon lets go.

Lennon's eyes go wide. “Cupcakes?” She slides past Jasper over to the counter, picks one up, and takes a bite. “Holy fudge buckets you have to try one of these, babe. You know what would go well with this?” She eyes her husband.

“Coffee?” he deadpans.

“I left it in the truck.” She shoots him please and thank you eyes and Jasper walks out of the cabin shaking his head.

“Mommy!” The little girl screams down from the banister.

“Bianca, stop screaming!” Lennon yells back. “Keep the crazy contained until we're alone.”

The little girl runs down the stairs and climbs up on the chair. “Cupcakes?” Her eyes bulge and Lennon hands her a white one.

“Not taking my chances in this place. No chocolate and no colored drinks.” She looks at Charlie and nods as though she'd understand.

Bianca takes a bite and then the little boy comes out of the game room.

“They have a pool table.” He holds the eight ball in his hand.

My whole body stiffens as I imagine the four-year-old tossing the pool ball around like it’s a toy.

“Give me, Evan,” Lennon holds out her hand.

“No fun.” He climbs next to his twin sister and grabs the chocolate cupcake.

“Nope. No. Only outside.” She exchanges it with a vanilla. “And don't leave those stools until I wipe your hands and faces.” She points to them and then walks toward us.

“Evan, Mommy said don't move,” Bianca repeats and Evan takes his fingers and smashes it into the cake. “Evan, Mommy said.”

Evan puts his hand to Bianca's face. Bianca takes the hand and makes him hit himself. She laughs and Evan narrows his eyes.

Missing the whole display behind her, Lennon approaches us. “Thank you so much, Garrett. My family is coming up tomorrow and that's crazy town.” She directs her attention to Charlie. “I know what you're thinking, crazier than this, but if you come back tomorrow, us five will look like the Cleavers.” She laughs and I catch her tattooed finger with a J on it.

“I come from a big Italian family, so I get it,” Charlie says.

Lennon waves her hand and then wraps her arm around Charlie. “You totally get it then, but having kids brings things to a new level of insanity.”

“There she goes again,” Bianca says to Evan who’s busy dipping his fingers into each cupcake.

“In a good way. I'm not saying anything bad, Bianca.” Lennon shakes her head.

“I believe you, Mommy.” She follows that line with a roll of her lines and I hold back a chuckle.”

“Just eat your cupcake.” Lennon's voice raises an octave.

“Where's Sydney?” I look around not finding her anywhere.

“Brady's missing too.” Lennon does the same. “Uh oh, I wonder if there's been a love connection. Someone call Chuck Woolery.” Lennon walks right by me and stops at the game room entrance. Her eyes light up with mischief.

Charlie and I follow, finding Sydney and Brady playing foosball, the two of them joking and laughing with one another.

I take a step in, but Charlie places her hand on my stomach to stop me. Our eyes meet and she silently shakes her head.

“Oh, you got one of those.” Lennon knocks shoulders with Charlie. “I'm pretty sure Jasper will be that way with Bianca.”

“What way?” Jasper shows up and hands his wife a coffee. They must’ve stopped at Steaming Hotties on the way.

“Protective.” Lennon nudges her husband and then head nods into the room.

The four of us leave the doorway. Well, Charlie drags me away, but nonetheless, we leave the two tweens alone. Rather irresponsible if you ask me.

“We should get going and let you get settled.” Charlie takes the reins, but Lennon moves over to one of her bags. “Charlie.” She nods to get Charlie to join her.

“She's going to try to make you be a test subject. Be careful.” Jasper warns as she walks over to Lennon. They both disappear with a bag into the laundry room.

“What are you doing?” Jasper hollers to his youngest son, spotting him licking the frosting off each cupcake. “This is your mom's doing, right?”

“I told him to stop.” Bianca's shoulders rise and fall. “He never listens to what's good for him.”

Jasper points to the dark-haired girl with pigtails. “She's the spitting image of her mother.”

He wets a paper towel and wipes down Evan and I notice that his ring finger has an L tattooed on it.

“You guys got tattoos?” I ask.

He stares down to where my finger is pointing.

“Because my fingers got too fat when I was pregnant,” Lennon says as the girls join us in the kitchen again. “I couldn't wear my ring so we got tattoos right after I delivered.” She eyes her husband and they share a smile.

Jasper covers Evan's ears and Lennon covers Bianca's. “I'm pregnant again,” Lennon whispers. “We're telling everyone Christmas morning.” She takes her hands off and points to the little ones.

“Congratulations,” Charlie says, her smile wide.

“What are you talking about?” Evan asks.

“Mommy having a baby,” Bianca says matter of factly then bites into her cupcake again.

I almost choke on my own saliva.

“Bianca! How do you know?” Lennon swivels her head to look at her daughter.

“You really think we can't hear you when you cover our ears with your hands?”

Lennon looks at Jasper and he rolls his eyes.

Time to get out of here.

“Enjoy the cabin. As always if you need anything, call me.” I step backward toward the door. “Sydney!” I yell.

“Why don't you leave her here for awhile? Come back and get her in a little bit. They're having fun,” Lennon says.

Charlie looks up at me and nods.

“Listen to your woman,” Jasper says with a laugh.

I stare long and hard at Charlie whose smile grows wider with amusement knowing how hard this is for me.

“Lennon, please tell Garrett you'll make sure they’re visible at all times?” Charlie says not breaking eye contact with me.

“I'll do one better. Bianca?” Lennon calls and her daughter runs over to her side.

“Yeah, Mommy?”

“Go spy on your brother and Sydney.”

Bianca runs off and plops down on the couch, chin in her hands.

“See? All taken care of.” Lennon smiles at her daughter, giving her a thumbs-up.

I look back at Charlie not so sure about this plan. I like Jasper and Lennon, but they seem extremely busy.

“Sydney, your dad and I are going to come back in a few hours.” Charlie ignores my look.

“Okay.” She spins the foosball pole and puts her hands up in the air because she scored.

“Sydney's better than you,” Bianca says to Brady and Brady rolls his eyes.

Charlie places her hands on my shoulders and spins me around toward the front door.

“Thanks. This gives us the opportunity to shop for her,” Charlie softly says to Lennon.

“My pleasure. Brady needs something more to do than take five showers a day.”

My boots stop, but Charlie pushes me forward.

“I'm kidding, Garrett,” Lennon says, but Charlie laughs behind me. “Here you go.” I turn to find Lennon handing Charlie a bag. “Just email me or call me with feedback.”

“Lennon, you can't go making everyone a tester for your products,” Jasper tells her.

“Oh hush, you never complain.”

We walk out to my truck and they stand in the doorway, arms wrapped around each other, waving goodbye.