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Shadowed Peach: Devil's Iron MC Book 8 by GM Scherbert (6)

~Chapter 7


After that horrible conversation we had, I decided I had enough of him. If I must spend the next day with someone it surely won’t be him, and decide to ride the rest of the way back with Gun. Well that and the fact that I quickly fled the room after getting dressed and made my way to the room that Preach and Gun had. Shadow didn’t seem too keen on that, and followed me the whole way. Not returning to the other room for the remainder of the night, instead choosing to sit outside the door of the room I had retreated to.

Gun and Preach quickly noticed that something happened and both chose to leave the room, and go somewhere else for the night after a few text messages between them and who I am guessing is Shadow happens.

In the morning, after I am woken up by a loud pounding on the door I head towards Gun’s bike instead of Shadow’s. The look of murder that I see on Shadow’s face as I pass by him tells me that this choice of mine didn’t go over too well with him either. Him and Gun have more than a few-words about it and finally Preach stepped in to let me know that unless I wanted to be the reason that one of these men gets fucked up, I should probably just get on Shadow’s bike and finish the ride home.

Which I do after no more than a few seconds thought on it. I guess I should be thankful that we are on a bike if only for the fact that the silence between us in a vehicle would be deafening.

Three hours, into what will be a six-hour trip, has us making our one and only stop, Indianapolis. I get off the bike quickly and head inside to use the restroom before Shadow has even gotten the bike stopped. As soon as I have grabbed the key from the cashier, I am back out the door headed for the bathroom around the corner.

Wishing to high heaven that I would have any smokes, I stop dead in my tracks seeing a man standing off the side of the gas station smoking. Making a B-line for him I waste no time making small talk, instead putting a hand on his arm, trying out my flirting skills to bum a smoke from him. Before he can answer, I feel a rough hand wrap around my arm and know in an instant who it is.

“Go to the restroom my Peach.” Is all I hear in a gruff tone as I am tugged away and guided away from this stranger.

Pulling my arm away from him, I find it impossible to break his grip. “Shadow, knock it off, I was only coming over to ask this man for a smoke. I don’t have any money to buy any and I just thought-“

Tugging sharply on my arm, I am hauled against his body before I can go on.

“You thought what my Peach? That it was a good idea to what? Walk up to a complete fucking stranger, putting yourself at risk, so you could use your fucking female wiles to get a smoke from said stranger?”

Breaking free from his grip, I make it about three steps towards the bathroom before turning on my heel and bumping into Shadow. Moving back a step I find myself looking up into his brown eyes. Getting lost in those eyes, I lose track of what I was going to say, leaning forward I don’t stop myself from putting my lips on him and my hands are quick to follow.

For a brief moment I am lost in him, in the way our tongues are tangling with each other. His words, which hurt me so much, are lost and the electricity in our kiss is all that I can think about. His mouth feels like heaven and I feel like I am finally safe as his arms draw me closer.

As quickly as it starts, he pulls away without a word, pushing me towards the restroom. The loss is felt throughout my body while I stumble to the door. Fumbling with the key, I am not sure that I will be able to make the rest of the ride knowing that he doesn’t want me.

Until I realize the pressure on my back is there again. The man who only moments ago pulled away from me is shoving me into the now open bathroom door.

I feel his body flush against mine as he rasps in my ear, “This should not be happening, my Peach. You are not ready to be taken. You are not healed. You are not whole.” The hand running over my ass squeezes tightly before his voice drops an octave lower and the shiver that runs through me at his next words can’t be missed. “But having you on my bike,” running his hand down further slipping between my thighs he goes on, “these thighs wrapped around me, the little noises you make when the bike hums underneath you, your arms wrapped tight around me for the last two days, has tempted me for the last time.”

Bending me over the sink, Shadow has my pants and panties bunched around my knees in seconds. His cock buried deep before I can think or say anything in response. His strokes are frenzied and they match the tension and electricity that has been between us from the moment we met. As his pace quickens, I feel his breath on my ear.

“My Peach, this will not happen again.” His strokes slow as he goes on, “so you best enjoy. I am not one to be goaded into anything and being without a woman and on the road, has led to this.” I feel a hand come up my back pushing me further down onto the sink. “Nothing more.”

Those words are like a slap to my face, and I am suddenly glad that I am not facing this man. When I first saw him at the door of number 7 (fucking Floyd) I really thought something was different about him. The jolt that I felt when his finger brushed against my lips, hushing me at Floyd’s questions. I thought that he could be my shining knight. That he would be the one to take me away from this shit life that I have brought on myself and the seven. That he would be the one, but it seems he is like all the others and cares only about his dick, number eight as far as I am concerned.

As his pace picks up yet again, I hope that this is over quick like I have with all the others. When this began, the briefest of minutes ago, I mistakenly thought that I was making the choice this time, that I had finally been given freedom. I couldn’t have been further from the truth. After only a few more moments lost in these thoughts, I feel his cock explode deep inside me, and hope to fuck that he gives me a moment to get myself together before we are back on the road. Which he does, before the ride begins again.

The ride is long, my mind going to the only thing it can focus on, the men who have hurt me. How much this man in front of me, more than any of the men before him, has hurt me.

How could I fuck him? Let him bury himself inside me when only last night he was telling me that I am beyond saving, that I am so used up that it’s something that no one will ever be able to get past? How could he make me feel so completely and utterly like trash while he is inside of me? For brief seconds making me feel like the other seven, that I was just another piece of shit, not worthy of freedom, friendship, or love. Something that I had not thought about myself since starting this fucked up path I have been on these long years.