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Sinful Intent (Alfa Pi Series Book 1) by Chelle Bliss (2)



I’m so excited to see Sal and Mar,” Ma chattered as she stared out the window, watching the palm trees whiz by as I drove.

“I hope she has food. I’m starving. What’s with the peanuts on a three-hour flight?” I complained as I glanced at the GPS.

We were close, within ten minutes of their house.

“Do you think about anything but food?”

“Yep.” There was so much on my mind, but in that moment, all I could think of was a home-cooked meal. The thing I remembered the most about Aunt Mar was her food. Ma wasn’t a good cook, but we made do. When we’d visit the Gallos, I made sure to memorize every taste until the next trip. “But right now I need to eat.”

“I can’t wait to wrap my arms around my brother. It’s a shame I haven’t been back in so long.” She sighed, fidgeting with her fingernails.

“Why haven’t you, Ma? We used to come here all the time, and then you stopped visiting.”

She placed her hand on my arm. “I felt ashamed after your father left. I couldn’t bring myself to face them.”

“Ma, if they judge you—”

“No, no, Morgan.” She brushed her fingers against my skin. “They aren’t like that. It was all in my head. Then you left for the army and I was scared to go anywhere.”

I glanced at her. “What do you mean you were scared?”

“I always waited for the man to come tell me that my son died serving his country. I was too petrified to go anywhere in case I’d miss that.”

“Jesus,” I said as I gripped the steering wheel tighter. “That’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard.”

Her hand flew from my arm and smacked me upside the head. “You just had to sign up for the army,” she nagged as her voice grew nasally. “You couldn’t go off to college like the rest of the kids. I had enough stress in my life besides having my only child serve during a time of war.”

That was classic Fran DeLuca.

Hard-core nag and guilt-tripper extraordinaire. I cursed the gods every day for making me an only child. She gave me all of her attention. Sure, it had been great when I was a little kid, but now? Not so much.

When my father left, I knew she’d be up my ass. That’s one of the reasons I decided to join the army. I wanted to get away from everything, including her attention. I couldn’t imagine if I ended up in jail—she’d probably visit every day to yell at me.

“Can you be any more dramatic?” I shifted my eyes, glancing at her.

“I saw the names of the soldiers killed in action as I watched the news each night. Do you know what that does to a mother?” Her voice was almost shrill.

“I’m sure you’re gonna tell me.”

“You’re lucky I love you,” she said as she stared out the window again.

“Uh-huh,” I replied as I pulled onto the freeway exit, getting one step closer to the Gallos.

This entire week, my mother would be out of my hair. She’d be too wrapped up in her brother and sister-in-law to care about what I did.

The rest of the way, we drove in silence.

“You have arrived,” the robotic GPS voice stated.

“I remember it being bigger,” I said as I took in the sight of their house.

“It’s the same, but you were small.”

“I was never small.” I put the car in park.

“You’re so full of shit, Morgan. Let’s go. I can’t sit here another minute.” She opened the door and climbed out quicker than I’d seen her move in years.

Turning off the car, I started to pray as I climbed out. “God grant me the serenity.”

“Franny!” Aunt Mar yelled as she came running out the front door with her arms outstretched. Uncle Sal strolled behind her like his usual cool self, looking like it was just another day and he was heading to the grocery store.

“Mar!” Ma yelled back, jogging toward her.

It was going to be one of those weeks. Loud, loving, and sweet enough to make my teeth hurt. I leaned against the car with my arms crossed and watched the scene unfold.

I couldn’t remember the last time I’d seen my mother as happy as she looked in that moment.

One by one, my cousins piled out of the house, but a few new faces followed them.

“Yo!” Mike called out as he stalked down the driveway toward me.

The boy had grown into a man. He was beyond jarhead size; the man was built like a brick shithouse. Then I spotted a drop-dead gorgeous brunette standing next to him.

“Hey, shithead,” I replied as he got closer. “Lookin’ bigger than ever.”

“Fuck off, dickface. Gimme a hug, big man,” he said as he held out his arms to me.

I rolled my eyes as he put his arms around me. “You people are way too touchy-feely for me,” I muttered as he smashed my body.

Mr. Ray DeLuca hadn’t been a hugger. My mother showered love on me, but rarely did I ever experience it from another man. Only when we visited Ma’s side of the family did I realize I’d missed out.

“You’re such a whiny bitch, Morgan.”

“I’ve heard you’ve turned into quite the pussy.” I jabbed him in the ribs.

“Was that a fly or did you hit me?” he asked as he backed away, holding my shoulders and laughing. “It’s so good to see you, li’l cousin.”

“You too, Mikey.”

He slapped me on the shoulder, almost throwing me off-kilter. “You’re still an asshole. That’s why you’re my favorite cousin,” he said with a grin.

Peering over his shoulder, I gawked at his woman. She had pink cheeks, wild curls that fell over her shoulders, and matching warm brown eyes that sparkled in the sunlight. “Who do we have here?” I asked, giving her my best smile.

Mike cleared his throat; his glare was inescapable as he wrapped his arm tightly around her waist. “This is my wife, Mia.” He emphasized the wife part.

“It’s a pleasure meeting you, Mia.” I reached for her hand.

“She’s mine,” Mike warned, pulling Mia toward him.

She gave me a playful smirk. “Hey, handsome.”

Mike pulled her closer. “Mia,” he snarled.

“Get over yourself, Michael. It’s your cousin,” she told him, motioning toward me as she pried herself from his grip.

“Oh, I like her already.”

“Hey, little cousin,” Thomas said, pulling me into a bear hug as a beautiful redhead stood behind him. “It’s so good to see you, man.”

“It’s nice to see you made it out alive,” I told him. His years undercover had aged him, but his getting out in one piece was nothing short of miraculous.

“I could say the same to you. I want you to meet my wife, Angel.”

“Hi, Morgan. It’s wonderful to meet you.” She held her hand out.

Instead of taking her hand, I did it the Gallo way and wrapped her in my arms. “It’s wonderful to meet you, Angel,” I whispered before releasing her.

“Morgan!” a woman screeched from behind Angel, pushing her out of the way. “I’ve missed you!”

“Izzy?” I asked as I looked down at her and shook my head, shocked that she was no longer the little girl I’d pictured.

My little cousin Izzy had always been beautiful—well, maybe not during that awkward teenage phase. When she was little, she’d follow us around, trying to do whatever we were. I couldn’t imagine dealing with a little sister all the time. I would’ve gone batshit crazy.

“You’ve grown more beautiful with age,” I teased, but it was the truth.

“You’re still a bullshitter, DeLuca.” She kicked the dirt near her feet much like she had when she was a little girl.

“Where’s my hug from the bride-to-be?”

She flung herself into my arms. As I squeezed her, I watched as Ma greeted everybody too with a giant smile on her face.

“You’re like hugging a damn hard teddy bear,” Izzy said as her fingers dug into my back.

“Must be a Gallo thing,” I replied, noticing that I was similar in size to her brothers.

“Choking me,” she whined with a strangled voice.

“Sorry, babe,” I said as I set her feet on the ground.

“You’re a big lug.” She laughed as Auntie Mar approached us.

There was something weird about seeing my family after having been apart for many years. Although they were different people and had grown older, we fell in like old times. The familiarity hadn’t vanished. We shared memories of the way things used to be, and that drew us together, making us one.

The number of new names I’d have to remember was daunting. Angel was Thomas’ wife, James was Izzy’s husband-to-be, Max was Anthony’s wife, Suzy was Joe’s wife, and Mia was Mike’s. Plus, they each had children. Maybe by the end of the trip I’d have the names down pat. It was enough to make my head spin.

“Hey, Auntie Mar. I’ve missed you.”

“Hey kiddo.” She smiled, tilting her head up and looking at me. “Morgan, my dear, you just want to eat my food. I haven’t forgotten,” she said as she rubbed my stomach.

“True, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t miss you too.” I sighed, rubbing my stomach where her hand had just been. “But your sauce is something that can’t be explained, and based on my Ma’s cooking, it can’t be replicated either.” I waited for Ma to slap me again.

Scanning the yard, I noticed that Ma was too far to hear or reach me even if she had.

“You’re lucky she didn’t hear you,” Aunt Mar said as she wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her head on my chest. “I’m so happy you’re home safe. We were so worried about you.”

I hugged her back, feeling a bit warm and fuzzy inside. I’d always loved Auntie Mar the most out of any of my relatives. “I made it out alive.”

“You’re the last thing your Ma has,” she said, peering up at me. “If something were to happen to you, she’d lose it.”

I refrained from rolling my eyes. “Thanks for more of a guilt trip, Auntie Mar.”

“It’s a family thing.”

“Yeah, and something I could do without.”

“Let’s get some food in you and maybe you won’t feel so grumpy.”

“Couldn’t think of anything more perfect,” I said as I kissed the top of her head.

We headed up the driveway along with my cousins and their other halves. The crew had quadrupled if I counted the kids.

Suddenly, I felt behind in the family department.

Oh God, was I going to be stuck with Ma as my plus-one for an eternity?

* * *

I collapsed on the couch. Why hadn’t I worn sweat pants? I had known I’d overeat, but I hadn’t wanted to greet my family looking like a slob. Let’s be real. If I’d shown up to the airport in sweats, Fran would’ve had a conniption.

Being in the living room, looking around at my family, I felt genuinely happy. When I was a kid, I used to beg my parents to let me stay with Auntie Mar for the summer just so I could feast on her amazing cooking, but Ma always said no. She claimed that they had enough children to worry about without having to feed me every day.

“So, what are you doing with yourself now?” Joe asked as I yawned.

Joe had always been a tough-lookin’ guy. Even as a teenager, he had the look that had others cower around him. His tattoos, his wide torso, and fuck-off look that had become permanently etched on his face made him even more intimidating.

“Trying to digest. Other than that, not a damn thing,” I replied as I closed my eyes.

“Must you always be a smartass?” Anthony asked. He was the oldest of the Gallo kids. He’d always been artsy, interested in music at a young age, and had shied away from the bullshit Joe and I had found ourselves in as kids. He was an old soul, but he wasn’t the touchy-feely type. The one thing he had a talent for besides music was women. His cup overflowed with pussy, and he made no apologies.

“That’s ripe coming from you.” I could feel the food coma starting to grip my body.

Anthony had always been the biggest smartass. He’d never been as physically big as his brothers, or as athletic, but he used his words as weapons. His calling me a smartass was the funniest damn thing in the world.

“Have you found a job?” Thomas asked as he sat down next to me.

The wear and tear from Thomas’s time undercover lined his face. He looked older than the others now, the stress permanently etched on his tanned skin.

“Nothing yet. I haven’t even bothered to look, really. I’m just trying to settle back into civilian life.”

“It’s freaky shit, isn’t it? Nothing feels right anymore. Happened to me when I finished working undercover for the DEA. It took me a good year before things felt normal again.”

“Yeah,” I replied, too tired to say anything more. I stretched, trying to wake myself up. I needed to sit up to stay awake. This was utterly ridiculous.

“What did you do in the army?” Izzy asked as she sat down next to her fiancé James.

James was the perfect partner for her. I could tell. I’d always thought I had a knack for reading people. James obviously didn’t put up with her bullshit. She needed a man more overbearing than her brothers or she’d eat him alive. James and Thomas had become best friends when they’d worked together in the DEA, and they’d started a business together a year ago.

I leaned forward and took a deep breath. “I was a cavalry scout and did recon work.”

“Interesting,” James said as he rubbed his chin and stared at me.

“Sometimes it could be. Basically, I was the eyes and ears for the troops on the battlefield.”

James turned to Thomas and raised an eyebrow. “You know what I’m thinking?”

“Yep, and we’ll talk about it later,” Thomas replied as he rubbed his hands together, glancing at me.

They nodded to each other, and James turned his attention back to me. “How long did you serve?”

“Served eight years.”

“Thanks for your service,” Suzy, Joe’s girl, said as she held their daughter, Gigi.

“Any time, beautiful.” Out of the corner of my eye I could see Joe staring at me. “It’s impressive that each of you found a beautiful woman.”

“Looks aren’t everything, man,” Anthony said.

“Says the man with the exotic beauty in the next room,” I teased him. “I’m not being a dick. I’m just making an observation.”

“Well, you can keep those thoughts to yourself, buddy,” Mike warned, puffing out his chest.

They were so uptight.

“Let me say this,” I said. “They are your women. I’ll never try anything or get in between you. I respect your relationships entirely. I’m just making a statement. You’ve all done well for yourselves. I’m hoping that, someday, I’m lucky enough to find someone for myself. We’re family. I’d never fuck with family.”

“Watch your mouth,” Ma said as she smacked my head.

My body jolted and I cursed under my breath. I hadn’t seen her enter the room behind me. I swear she’d lurk in the shadows just to whack me.

“Yes, Ma.” I sighed, turning toward Joe. “Thanks for letting me stay with you.”

“I’m pretty close to rethinking that now, Morgan.” He smirked, running his hand up Suzy’s leg.

“Come on, man. I’ll be a perfect gentleman.” I meant every word of it, too.

I’d never try anything with their ladies. I knew I could be a total jackass, but that was beyond even my level of assholishness.

Suzy set Gigi on the floor and climbed into Joe’s lap. “Stop being so serious all the time. He can help with Gigi while you’re at work.”

I shook my head and waved my hands. “Oh, no. I couldn’t. I’m not good with kids anyway.” Fuck, I’d never really been around little ones.

“You’ll be fine. Gigi likes you.”

“No, she doesn’t,” I replied, staring at Gigi, who couldn’t have cared less about me as she played with a Barbie.

“She likes everyone,” Suzy said, smiling at Joe.

“Just like her mother.” Joe’s eyes shot up toward the ceiling as he mumbled something and rubbed his face.

“Joseph,” Suzy warned, “you’ll be nice to our guest this week.”

“Anything for you, sugar,” he replied before he gave her a kiss and brought her closer to his body.

“I can get a hotel,” I interrupted, feeling like a third wheel.

He tucked his face into her neck. “Nah, man. Stay with us. We have plenty of room. We actually have a guesthouse on the property. You’ll have it to yourself.”

I whistled, impressed that my cousin had a pad swanky enough to have a guesthouse.

“Suzy’s friends used to rent it, but it’s been empty since they moved out.”

“I may never leave,” I teased.

“Dessert!” Auntie Mar yelled from the dining room.

My stomach growled, and I looked down, trying to figure out how I’d fit another bite of food in my body. “How do you guys stay so damn fit with her cooking?”

“It’s a challenge, bro,” Thomas said, walking past and slapping me on the shoulder. “Lots of working out and physical activity.”

It took me two attempts to push myself off the couch before I was able to stagger to my feet. “I’d have to spend all my free time at the gym if I ate her food every day.”

“You won’t have that problem with Suzy’s cooking,” Izzy teased as she followed me into the dining room.

“She lured me by other means,” Joe said before he pulled Suzy into his arms and gave her a deep kiss.

Being around the Gallos kind of made my head hurt and my heart ache. They never stopped talking or teasing each other, but the amount of love in the house made me long for something I’d never had.

I grabbed a slice of cake and headed back to the living room, trying to get a moment’s peace. Before my ass hit the couch cushion, Mike strolled into the room.

“So,” he said before he stuffed a forkful of cake in his mouth. “I know you have some shit going on up there. Fess up.” Small crumbs fell from his lips, landing on his lap as he spoke.

“Not a thing, Mike,” I replied before scooping the frosting off the cake and shoving it in my mouth.

“Liar. Back in the game?” he asked with a cocked eyebrow.


He stared at me as if he were trying to figure out if I was bullshitting him or not. “Fine. Are you getting back in, then?”

I shook my head. “Nah. I’m too old to do any time in the joint, man. It’s not worth it anymore. I was given my one chance at redemption, and I doubt I’d get a second if I got caught.”

Mike laughed. “You always were a lucky SOB. I mean, we had to move because of all the shit you started to get Joe involved in. Ma did not want him to be a criminal.”

“Oh, please. Joe would’ve never been a criminal.”

“Don’t be so sure. He’s still scary as fuck. Hey, why don’t you move down here, dude? I mean, the weather sucks in Chicago. You don’t have a job. You’d have us. What could be bad?”

I savored another bite of cake, wishing I could eat like this every week. “I don’t know. I don’t think my mother would survive without me.”

“She’ll be fine.”

“Dude, you clearly don’t know Fran that well. She’s up in my shit all the time.” I scraped my fork against the plate, gathering every morsel left before putting it in my mouth. “She’d go bananas if I moved away,” I mumbled.

“Have her come too.” He shrugged, not meeting my eyes.

“Chicago is a big city. I could get lost and not see her for weeks if I wanted to. Here, it’s a little too close for comfort, if ya know what I mean.”

“Yeah,” he said before he leaned back and polished off the cake.

“What are you talking about in here?” Thomas walked in, rubbing his gut.

“I’m trying to get Morgan to move down here, T,” Mike replied, setting his empty plate on the coffee table.

“James and I were just talking about that. We could use another guy on our team. You have the skills we need and you’re family,” Thomas said as he sat across from me in his father’s chair and leaned forward.

“What do you do again?” I asked, forgetting what Ma had told me.

“James and I started a private investigations company a while back. It’s become such a success that we have a backlog of cases and often have to turn people away. So what do you say?”

I could easily be a PI. It didn’t seem like that hard of a job. The army had given me the skills necessary for the part.

“I’ll think about it,” I answered. Then I chewed my lip, mulling his words over. “I need a few days to make a decision.”

“The offer stands.” Thomas reached into his pocket and pulled a business card out. “When you have a decision, call me or stop by the office.”

I took the card and read it.

Thomas Gallo


ALFA Private Investigation

Underneath was the contact information for the office and his cell phone number.

I flipped it in my fingers and nodded. “I’ll let you know as soon as I figure shit out. Don’t mention a word of it to Fran.”

The last thing I wanted was for her to go berserk before the wedding. Thomas and Mike both laughed.

“We got your back,” Thomas said.

* * *

Suzy and Joe had been gracious hosts. They had made sure I’d wanted for nothing while I’d stayed with them. Most likely out of fear that word would get back to Auntie Mar.

I’d always thought of my big cousin Joe as somewhat of a badass when we were kids. Spending a couple of days with him had me learning about the real man.

He was always kind to his wife, showing the utmost patience and care. He was over the top with his daughter and never became flustered. He was everything I looked up to in a man and nothing I’d grown up having.

I’d gained mad respect for him in the three days I’d spent with them waiting for the wedding. I’d tried to get lost during the day, not wanting to be the new babysitter. Every evening, Joe and I would enjoy a beer and chat before we both headed to bed.

“You know, if you stay,” he said as he tossed his beer can in the trash can while we sat on the stone patio of the guesthouse, “you can rent this until you find a place of your own.”

“Thanks, Joe. It’s kind of you to still want me around.” I grinned.

“I learned that you aren’t as big of an asshole as you make yourself out to be,” he teased.

“Joe,” I said as I stood, “don’t tell anyone that. I like for people to think I’m a giant prick.”

“I won’t let your secret out as long as you don’t tell people about me.”

“I know. I figured that out already.”

“I gotta hit the sack. Ma will have my head if I’m late to the wedding tomorrow.”

I nodded, knowing we’d all have hell to pay if we didn’t arrive on time. “Sleep well, cousin.”

He walked back toward the main house, giving me time alone. I’d built a small fire in the pit earlier, and I decided to watch it as it burned out.

The night sky in Florida was different than back home. The bright lights of the city drowned out the twinkle of the stars. Here, underneath the country sky, with the nearest city miles away, every small star seemed to sparkle.

There was a quiet here that I hadn’t experienced since I was a kid. The smallest rustle of a little animal moving through the woods was audible.

I closed my eyes and listened to the nothingness around me. I’d never thought I’d enjoy it, especially after growing up surrounded by the sounds of the city.

I knew in that moment that I didn’t want to leave. The serenity that surrounded me sucked me in, and I couldn’t imagine going back to the frigid city with no job in sight.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and sent a message to Thomas.

Me: We’ll talk after the wedding, but I want to hear more about the business.

Staying there would send my mother over the edge, but this was my life to live.

I walked inside and pulled off my clothes before I dropped them on the floor and climbed into bed. I stared at the ceiling and thought about my possible move and new career path.

I’d just have to find a way to break it to my ma. Leaving her behind was something she’d throw in my face for the rest of my life. She’d probably fall at my feet or hang on to my bumper as I drove out of the city, screaming for me not to leave her.

I was sure my imagination was just a tad overactive; she’d wish me well and kiss me goodbye.

Who the hell was I kidding? Fran was gonna have a meltdown.




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