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Sinful Intent (Alfa Pi Series Book 1) by Chelle Bliss (19)



I still hated shopping.

Even with Race by my side.

I hated every damn minute of it.

I bought shit I didn’t need because she said that it was cute.

What use did I have for decorative pillows for my bed? I never even made the damn thing, let alone decorated it.

“Thanks for lunch and the drink,” she said as we pulled into the parking lot of ALFA PI.

“You seemed on edge. I thought you could use a little something.”

“I just get more nervous with each passing day.” Her eyes didn’t meet mine when she spoke. “You think you guys have a solid lead?” she asked, still seeming distant.

She was hiding something.

Her playful attitude from earlier had vanished.

She’d played it off like nothing happened, but I could tell.

“We won’t be here long.” I placed my hand on hers. “I just want to see what Thomas found.”

“It doesn’t matter. I’ve decided to not work at all today. I’m not even going to look at my phone.”

Alarm bells started to ring in my head.

“Race, is there something you aren’t telling me?”

Race had been glued to her phone during business hours.

“Everything is fine,” she reassured me as we walked toward the building.

“Hey, Morgan,” Angel greeted us.

“Hey, Angel. Is Thomas in his office?” I placed my hand on the small of Race’s back just because I could.

Race didn’t try to escape my touch—she stood still at my side.

“Yeah. He’s expecting you. Go on back.” Angel’s eyes dropped to my arm.

“Thanks,” I said as I guided Race down the hallway, my hand still on her lower back. “All the way at the end.”

“I remember,” she said, walking slow enough to keep the contact between us. “Who is she?”

I looked down at Race, confused. “Who? Angel?”

She looked away, staring down the hallway. “Yes.”

“She’s Thomas’s girl.” She was jealous.

“Oh,” she said as her eyebrows shot up. “Well, that’s nice.”

I stopped walking, turning her body toward me. “Are you jealous, Race?”

“No,” she said, shaking her head but still not looking me in the eye.

“Do you always lie so much?”

She crossed her arms, becoming defensive. “No,” she snapped, finally glancing up at me.

“Sure. But I know when you’re not telling me the truth.”

She gnawed on her lip. “Can we drop it?” she asked, moving her hands to her sides.

When we arrived at the door, I leaned forward, invading her personal space. “You’re hiding something, and I need to know what it is. I expect you to tell me when we’re done meeting with Thomas.”

Her eyes dropped to the floor as her shoulders sagged. “Okay,” she whispered as I opened his door.

“Hey, T,” I greeted him, helping Race sit before I took the seat next to her. “Find anything out?”

He turned his attention to his computer. “I was able to figure out the name of his cousin using an obituary and college records. I haven’t moved past that yet. His name is—”

A knock on the door caused him to stop mid sentence. “Thomas,” a voice said from the other side.

“Come in, Sam,” Thomas called out.

I turned to catch a glimpse of the infamous Sam.

Sam slid the sunglasses to the top of his head as he looked around the room. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt.” He was a tower of a man, with wide shoulders, cropped hair, and a fit physique.

Thomas walked toward Sam with an extended hand. “You aren’t. Sam, this is Morgan, another member of ALFA PI.”

Sam gave me a quick nod. “Nice to meet you, Morgan.”

“Sam.” I returned the nod.

“I’m excited to start working. It’s great to be home again.”

“I didn’t think I’d be able to lure you away from New Orleans,” Thomas told him as he placed a hand on his shoulder. “Is Fiona settled?”

“Yeah. She’s excited for a fresh start.” Sam peered over his shoulder. “Is James here?”

“He’s in his office, I believe.”

Sam fidgeted with the file in his hands. “I need to talk to him.”

“Go ahead. Don’t worry. He’s cooled down in the last couple of years.”

“I’d hope so.” Sam gave Thomas a weak smile. “I’m going to go have a chat with James and then get settled in my office.”

“I’ll come looking for you when we’re done here. We need to discuss some things,” Thomas told him as he held the door open.

“Nice to meet you, Morgan. You too, ma’am.”

“Race,” I said.

“Race,” he repeated before he closed the door.

Thomas laughed, plopping down in his chair. “This is going to be fun.”

“Sure will be.”

“Where was I?” Thomas asked as he scratched his head.

“The name,” I reminded him as I glanced at Race.

She wasn’t herself.

She’d been entirely too quiet for the last hour.

“Tyler O’Shea.”

“Race, does that sound right?”

She seemed uninterested. “Yeah. I think so.”

“I’ll do some digging and see what I can come up with.” I stood, holding my hand out to Race. “Thanks for getting the name for me, Thomas.”

She placed her tiny palm in mine and I closed my fingers around her hand, helping her up from the chair.

“Morgan, can I talk to you in private for a moment?” Thomas asked.

Race glanced up.

“Go wait for me in my office. I’ll be right there,” I whispered to her.

She gave me a brief nod and left.

“What’s up, Thomas?” I asked as I sat back down.

“What’s going on with you two?”

“Nothing,” I lied, shaking my head.

“I saw how you touched her. There’s something different about you two. And what the hell happened to her hands?”

“Listen,” I said, rubbing the back of my neck, “you told me to stay with her to make sure she was safe last night. I did that.”

“I also asked you to keep it in your pants, but did you do that too?” he asked, tilting his head to the side.

“Well, um, no. I didn’t listen to that part. But—”

“Just get the case solved,” he told me, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

“I will.”

“Shopping?” he asked. “Really?”

“Yeah, man. She mocked my place and said I needed to decorate. She couldn’t work today because she cut her hands when a bowl shattered last night. We thought it was best if she gave her hands a day to heal.”

“Uh-huh,” he mumbled.

I flipped him off, closed the door, and headed to my office.

As I passed James’s door, I heard heated words being exchanged. I guessed not everything was water under the bridge when it pertained to Izzy.

Race had sprawled out on the small love seat. Her arm was resting against her face, her mouth slightly parted and her legs crossed at her ankles.

I sat down, turning my computer on. “Sorry about that.”

“It’s okay,” she whispered without moving.

“Why don’t you tell me what’s on your mind, princess?”

She didn’t look at me as she sighed. “I got another message today while you were talking to Thomas,” she said, hiding behind her arm.

I froze, knowing that she’d hid it for a reason. “Fuck. What did it say?”

“I didn’t read it all. Something about come alone and he wanted to meet me tomorrow.”

“You’re not going,” I told her, moving her arm away from her face.

She glared at me. “It’s my career, Morgan.”

“I don’t care what it is, Race. You’re not going to put your life in danger. I’ll get the tape for you.”


“I’m going to get my ass up and find everything I can on Tyler O’Shea. Then I’m going to get the guys together and we’re going to form a plan. You are not going. I won’t allow it. End of story.”

“Morgan,” she said before I pinned her with my eyes.

I shook my head, glaring at her. “Absolutely not.”

“It’s my life hanging in the balance.”

“Woman, if I have to tie your ass to the bed, you’re not going.”

“Fine,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest.

“I’m glad you’re seeing things my way,” I said, smirking.

“You can be a jerk,” she snarled.

I stood up, walking toward my desk. “I told you I was an asshole sometimes.”

She didn’t reply as I sat down and started researching Tyler O’Shea.

He lived in Tampa and had gotten married three years ago to a woman named Natasha. Both held business degrees, and Tyler worked at a financial firm in the area.

The thing I hadn’t expected was where Natasha worked.

She had become employed two years ago with the same company Race worked for.

Her position in the company was lower, but she was in line for the same promotion as Race. If Tyler was able to destroy Race’s career, Natasha would be able to climb the corporate ladder quicker.

I stood without excusing myself, and I headed straight for Thomas’s office.

“We have a problem,” I said as I walked through the door without knocking again.

I saw Angel bent over the desk with a look matching my own. “Oh my God. I’m so sorry.” I covered my eyes, splaying my fingers so I could peek. “Fuck. Again,” I muttered as I started to back up.

“Out!” Thomas yelled, pointing toward the door.

“What’s he all pissy about?” James asked from behind me as I closed the door.

“He was a little busy when I walked in.” I motioned toward Thomas’s office. “They sure get a lot of use out of that desk.”

He looked at the ceiling and shook his head. “I’ve told him a million times to lock the damn door. I’ve seen way more of him than I ever wanted to lately.” James chuckled.

“Don’t you knock?”

“Nah. I kind of like catching them. I think they like it too, or else he’d lock the damn door.”

“Interesting,” I said, scrubbing my hand across my face. “Can I talk to you, since Thomas is busy?”

“Step into my office and we’ll chat until he’s done. Don’t worry. He’s quick.”

I followed him inside and took a seat on the couch.

Before I could speak, Thomas’s door opened and closed.

“See,” James said, motioning toward the hallway. “Quick.”

“Poor girl,” I muttered with a small snicker.

“What can I do for you?” James asked as he sat down in the leather chair across from me.

“It’s about this case. I need extra eyes and hands on deck tomorrow. Do you know anything about her case?”

“I know about all the cases in the office. What’s happening tomorrow?”

I spent the next five minutes explaining the e-mail that she’d received today and the background information on Tyler O’Shea.

He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “Here’s what we’re going to do. I’ll put Sam on staking out Tyler and updating us on his movements. Thomas and I will decide the best course of action on our end, and we’ll have extra bodies at the meeting point tomorrow night.”

“They’ll stay out of sight though, right?” I asked, my leg shaking. If this went south, it would all fall on my shoulders.

“No one will see us. You stay by Race’s side until we have the douchebag and the tape in our hands.”

“That may be a problem.”

“Why?” he asked as his face contorted.

“She’s pissed at me right now. It’s going to be hell to convince her to let me stick by her side and let us handle everything.”

Pinching the bridge of his nose, he leaned back in the chair and stretched his legs out. “Is there something going on with you two?” he asked.

“Well…” I replied, wincing.

“Does she like you?”


“Do you like her?”


“Make sure she doesn’t want to get rid of you tonight. Keep her close. Take her to dinner. Buy her some drinks. Do something. Just don’t let her out of your sight.”

“Gotcha, buddy. Text me the details and keep me updated. I’m going to get Race and head out. Thanks for your help.”

“I’ll message you later, after I figure everything out and get it all set up. Remember, only worry about your client.”

“Shit’s easier said than done,” I said as I walked toward the door.

Just then there was a small knock. “Jimmy,” Izzy said in a low tone.

“Looks like you better lock your door.” I opened the door to my cousin, who was standing there with her fist up and about to knock.

“Hey, Morgan.”

“Iz,” I greeted her. “Go easy on him.”

“If we don’t come out in thirty minutes, call the paramedics,” she said as she walked past me and into his office.

“I’ll let you two have some time alone.”

“Thanks,” James said, looking around Izzy. “Lock the door, love,” he said as the door started to close.

I shook my head, wondering how I was the only person in the office not getting any at-work action. Then again, I was the only one in the office who wasn’t attached.

“Race,” I called out as I opened the door and walked into my office, ready to head outside. My heart jumped into my throat when I noticed the couch empty—Race was gone.

I marched into the waiting room where Angel sat, fixing her makeup in a small compact mirror. “Where is she?” I asked, squeezing my fists at my sides.

“She just walked out a minute ago. She needed some air,” Angel replied, wiping the corners of her lips.

“Fuck,” I muttered, smashing through the front doors in a panic. “Race,” I called out as I looked around, shielding my eyes from the sun.

She was standing next to Elvira, her pale skin whiter than normal. She didn’t reply, just stood like a statue looking down.

“Race,” I repeated as I jogged toward her. “What’s wrong?”

She pointed toward the ground. “Elvira,” she whispered.

Someone had slashed my tires. Each one had huge punctures, and enough air had seeped out of them that they were practically flat.

“Fuck!” I yelled, feeling my chest tighten. I wasn’t upset about the car. It was just an object. If she had come out just a few minutes earlier… I couldn’t think about it.

“I’m so sorry,” she whispered, clutching her neck. “It’s all my fault.”

“It’s just a car,” I said, trying to keep my voice calm as I put my arm around her. “It can be fixed. It’s not your fault.”

She held a tiny piece of paper out. “Yes, it is. Look.”

“‘You can’t save her. Keep your nose where it belongs,’” I read out loud, pulling her closer to me.

Whoever this prick was, he sure had balls as big as basketballs. To come to this office and slash my tires was extremely risky.

“Shh. It’s no big deal. You’re safe and that’s all that matters.”

Her shoulders shook as tears began to stream down her face. “I’m so sorry,” she repeated, sucking in a shaky breath.

“It’s only a car, princess.”

Her body could’ve had the note for me instead of it being left on Elvira.

“Let me help you fix it,” she whispered as she peered up at me.

“I’m sure Thomas has insurance for stuff like this.” I could see that there were dangers to this job that I hadn’t anticipated.

“I know a guy I can call.”

“You know a guy?” I asked her as my eyes narrowed. “Sounds ominous.”

“An old racing contact of my dad’s. Let me call him, please.” She batted her eyelashes.


There was no way I could refuse her.

“Okay. Let’s go inside, and you can call him while I speak with Thomas.”

She nodded and leaned into my side. “We’ll get your baby back in action.”

“I can get a rental until she’s all fixed up. Stop worrying.”

“Everything okay?” Angel asked as we walked back inside.

“Yeah, Angel. Everything will be okay.” I gave her a fake smile, my insides turning about what had transpired. I glanced down at Race. “Go in my office and use the phone while I speak with Thomas.”

She nodded and walked down the hallway. I watched, completely transfixed by the sway of her hips. Before she opened the door, she looked over her shoulder and caught me.

“See something you like, big boy?” Angel asked from my side.

My face flushed. “I wanted to make sure she went to the right door. I wouldn’t want her walking in on something she shouldn’t.” I arched an eyebrow and didn’t bother to hide my amusement as her nose scrunched.

She coughed, “Asshole.”

“Is Thomas alone?”

“As far as I know,” she said as she busied herself with the stack of paperwork at her desk.

I marched down the hallway, straight to Thomas’s office.

This time, I knocked.

“Come in.”

“Sorry to interrupt, but I needed to talk with you about a situation.”

“What’s the problem now?” Thomas asked, peering up from behind his desk.

I dragged my hands through my hair. “I went outside to find Race, and Elvira’s tires were slashed.”

“I’ll get James on the parking lot surveillance video right away.”

“Um,” I mumbled, glancing behind me toward James’s door, “he’s kind of busy right now.”

“What the fuck is he doing?” Thomas said, moving around the desk.

I put up my hands, stopping him from leaving. “Just give him a few minutes. What do I do about the car?”

“Just give me the bill and we’ll pay it. Insurance will cover it.”

“Thanks, Thomas.”

“Don’t thank me yet. Since you’re here, we need to discuss your relationship with Ms. True.” He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the desk. “James,” he called out as he walked into the room, straightening his clothes. “Shut the door, James,” Thomas said as he collapsed in his chair.

“Do I want to hear this?” I asked, knowing what he was peeved about.

“Listen, smartass. Dating a client can complicate shit and open us up to a slew of lawsuits.”

I set my mouth in a firm line at the insinuation that she’d be after money. “Race isn’t like that.”

He shook his head, throwing his body back into the chair. “Be careful. You’re in very dangerous territory.”

“I know. I didn’t mean for anything to happen.”

Thomas crossed his arms in front of his chest and sighed. “I don’t want excuses. Keep her safe and close the case.”

“I never set out to like her. I don’t know what happened, but I’ll keep her safe. And the case should be over tomorrow. She just makes me crazy.”

“Women do that.” James toyed with the wedding ring on his hand.

“Firsthand knowledge?” I asked, my eyes dropping to his hand.

“I didn’t want to like Izzy. God, she’s such a pain in the ass. I couldn’t help it. One thing led to another, and here I am. Married.” He shook his head. “Sometimes we can’t resist fate.”

“Hey, James, Hallmark wants their cheesy line back,” Thomas joked.

“Shut up, man,” James shot back, lifting his chin to Thomas.

“Anyway, we’ll handle everything,” Thomas said. “Stay with her tonight. I don’t like that this person came here and vandalized your car. They’re bold and could try anything. Just, for the love of God, stay on your toes.”

“I won’t let my guard down.”

“A dead client doesn’t pay,” James added.

Jesus. “You know just the right shit to make me feel better, James.”

“James, I need you to pull the parking lot footage for the last hour,” Thomas said, tapping his finger on the desk.

“What happened?” James asked, raising an eyebrow as he glanced at me.

“Someone slashed my tires.”

“Fuck,” he said, pushing himself up from the chair. “I’m on it.”

I closed my eyes, wishing I could fast-forward to tomorrow, when hopefully, all of this would be over. “Do you need me for anything else?” I asked, needing to get back to Race.

“No. We’ll get everything set and send you the details.”

“Okay. I’m going to call for a rental car and get Elvira towed.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

“Oh, and, Morgan,” Thomas said as I had one foot in the hallway.

“Yeah?” I asked, keeping my back to him and closing my eyes.

“Thanks for knocking this time, man.”

Everyone laughed.




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