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Sinful Takeover: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (Boardroom Games Book 2) by Piper Sullivan (7)


All day Saturday afternoon I vacillated between packing a bag for my weekend with Walker and not. Packing for the weekend was somehow complicit agreement that his caveman tactics worked. But not packing seemed ridiculous, since I had no doubt he’d refuse to give me a shirt and have me naked for the next two days.

In the end, I packed a small bag with casual and comfortable clothes and maybe a few pairs of ultra sexy lingerie.

Walker wasn’t the only one who could play dirty.

When a knock sounded on my front door at four o’clock I frowned. It was too early for dinner and I wasn’t expecting anyone else. When I pulled the door open, I was greeted by Walker and a smile hot enough to scorch my panties.

“You’re early.”

“Actually, I’m late. I planned to get here two hours ago but I got held up dealing with a crisis at a station in Prague. Apparently, the anchor admitted, on air, his preference for underage girls.”

“Shit. Is he fired?”

Walker frowned. “He’s more than fired. The crisis erupted because his seventy year old neighbor claimed he had a fifteen year old who never left the house. Which turned out to be true, so there were some fires to put out.” He raked a hand through his hair, looking disheveled and delicious. “You need more time?”

I didn’t, but I didn’t want to appear too eager.

“I do. Have a seat.”

“No. Come here,” he commanded, pulling me by the waist before I could refuse the closeness he demanded. “It’s been too long since I’ve had a taste of you.” His lips were on mine, soft to the touch, but firm and insistent. Demanding. Conquering. I clung to him like the wanton hussy he’d made me, grasping his shirt in a feverish attempt to get closer. The kiss went on and on until I knew if we didn’t stop now, we’d never stop.

But I wasn’t quite ready to take that step with Walker in my home so I pulled back, breaking the spell. “Damn.”

He chuckled and let his hands roam down to my ass, smacking it enough to tingle. “Let’s get going.”

I glared at him. “Did you just pat me on the ass?”

“No,” he said, smile growing more salacious by the second. “This is a pat,” he said giving my ass a small tap. “This,” he smacked me harder, pulling a half-gasp, half-moan from me, “is a smack.”

“Got it,” I told him, I knew my voice was thick with desire. “I’ll be quick,” I told him and dashed into my bedroom, quickly changing out of yoga pants and a tank, into a white summer dress and my vintage denim jacket, paired with the sexiest red cowgirl boots I’d ever seen. I tossed a box of condoms and toiletries into my tiny tote and took a deep breath before I rejoined Walker. He was relaxing comfortably on my sofa, flipping through channels. “Ready.”

“You have a lot of crap in your queue.”

I shrugged. “It’s called research. I am the Marketing Director, in case you didn’t know.” Plucking the remote from his hands, I hit the power button and stood by the door. Impatiently.

Walker, always the easygoing guy, just smiled as he stood and followed me onto the porch, grabbing my bag from my hand while I locked the door.

I groaned at the sight of the limo parked in front of my house. I didn’t pretend that I wasn’t rich, but I also didn’t do public displays of wealth either.

“Seriously, the limo?”

He laughed. “Not only do we now have some seriously hot memories back here, but also my driver is a real dick about taking pay on days he doesn’t work.”

The words were spoken so casually, but they said a lot about the kind of man Walker really was, that he would pay his employee for a day he didn’t work.

I refused to even think about that for too long, instead I focused on the journey to his penthouse, and all the orgasms I would come away with this weekend. But we passed the top floor and I frowned.

“Where are we going?” The answer was the roof, specifically the helipad. “You have a helipad on top of your building because, why not?”

He chuckled and herded me inside, strapping me in and setting headsets over my ears.

“I am a very busy man, babe.” He winked and jogged around the helicopter, taking the seat beside me in back.

“I’m surprised you’re not manning the wheel or whatever.” It seemed like a skill all wealthy playboys would have, flying planes and helicopters.

“I do have my license, and I usually fly myself but I wanted to sit back here with you.” His hand landed on my thigh and his gaze was dark and intense. “I never thought cowboy boots would do it for me, but you’ve proven me wrong.”

That shouldn’t have thrilled me the way it did, but hard nipples, tingling skin and a throbbing between my thighs said otherwise. “Where are we going?”

He smiled at my clumsy attempt at changing the subject. “To my place in the country.”

“You have a place in the country?” Why that did so much to shift my opinion of him, I couldn’t say, but Walker had always seemed like a sophisticated urbanite who turned his nose up at anything not completely citified. “I guess all that world traveling has expanded your horizons.”

“I wasn’t world traveling,” he said tightly. “I was dealing with some personal shit for a few months, and then I got back to work.”

“Buying up media companies all over the world?” He grinned proudly and I laughed. “World domination?”

“Maybe,” he grinned with a shy shrug. “Or maybe my plans for domination are a lot less global than that.” Deep green eyes flashed with mischief and heat, and I knew he was talking about me. My body responded accordingly. “I guess we’ll see.”

“I don’t know what to make of you sometimes, Walker.” I’d heard plenty of stories from Lukas, which were told from the perspective of his best friend, not the protective brother of his latest lover. “Most of the time you seem like you don’t give a damn, but I’m starting to think that’s on purpose.”

He shook his head, his mouth tightened into a thin white line. “There’s nothing more there, Lacey. Don’t make me out to be something I’m not.”

His words were sharp, and his warning was clear. This was sex and nothing more. Not friendship, and definitely nothing that could be construed as more than friendship, or more than sexual partners.

“Got it.” The rest of the trip went pretty quickly, if silently and tense, thanks to Walker’s outburst. Guys like him thought they were god’s gift, and that all women had designs on their freedom. “For the record,” I told him when we stepped inside his cavernous country estate, “all I’m after here is sex. Even if I were looking to settle down, it wouldn’t be with you.”

He laughed. “You aren’t the first to say that, but I’m warning you now Lacey, don’t fall for me. I don’t do trust and commitment and forever. I do quick and hard and dirty, and that’s it.”

“Great. I’m going to unpack and freshen up, let me know when it’s time for quick, hard and dirty.”

I appreciated his warning, but something about it just rubbed me the wrong way. Like, he was so irresistible that I wouldn’t be able to help but fall for his charms, which I could admit were plentiful. He was hot and charming, but his money didn’t mean anything to me, I had my own. And his arrogance left a lot to be desired.

Feeling unduly wound up, I found a room that was definitely not the master bedroom based on the queen-sized bed and feminine eggplant and gold furnishings, and decided to lose myself in a long, soothing bubble bath. Screw Walker Titus.

What woman would ever be foolish enough, hopeful enough, delusional enough to fall for a guy like Walker who went through women like they were tissues to be discarded after one use? I wanted the orgasms he would give, the pleasure I would inevitably find in his arms, but after this weekend we would go back to being professional opponents. He was my twin brother’s best friend, and a guy who wanted to buy the same company I was trying to buy. Nothing more.

When we got back to Portland, we would say goodbye.

* * *

“What’s all this?”

I had decided to give Walker an hour to cool down, but after my long bath it had turned into two. He was right, and I needed to get my head on straight as much as he needed to cool down. But I was fine now. Hungry and ready for two days of fun.

“This is dinner, well it will be dinner very soon. Right now, it’s a work in progress.” He flashed a playful smile that lit my body up like Times Square and nodded to the table. “Wine?”

“Sure. I’ll even pour it.” The table had already been set, properly and with candles, and the wine chilled in a bucket. “This looks great. What are you making?”

“A surprise. Bring me some of that wine.”

I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at his commanding tone. Sure, it was hot but it was also kind of annoying. I filled the glasses with something red and dry and delicious, probably expensive too, and brought it to him.


“A little help?” His lips curled into a smile as I brought the glass to his lips and tipped it back, watching the way his Adam’s apple bobbed with every swallow. A little drop of red clung to his bottom lip and he stuck it out.

“What the hell,” I grunted and grabbed his head with my free hand, kissing him long and hot and hard. He’d already had something to drink, I could taste it on his tongue as ours danced together and his delved into my mouth, taking control as he feasted on every corner of me. Damn but he could kiss like it was his job! “Shit.”

“That’s right. My kisses are the shit.”

I rolled my eyes at his ridiculous arrogance, but that didn’t stop a smile from spreading at his infectious grin. “I guess I had nothing to do with it?”

A gasp escaped when he grabbed my wrist and brought my hand to his cock so I could see how hard he was, and he was hard. My mouth watered and I gave it a little squeeze. “You had plenty to do with it.” His words came out on a breathy growl that fractured my resolve to be good until after dinner.

“Good to know.” I stepped away, but Walker pulled me back, capturing my mouth in another kiss that dampened my panties and sent a shiver of awareness through me. “Very good.”

“Coward,” he accused with a knowing smirk.

“Wouldn’t want all your hard work going to waste,” I shot back, arching my brow as I nearly knocked into the table and grabbed my wine. “A man who cooks is sexy as hell.”

“And here I was, worried that I’d have to cook shirtless to impress you.”

“I wouldn’t object.” The idea of watching him, wearing nothing but a pair of jeans and maybe a towel tucked into his waistband, sent my temperature skyrocketing. “Not at all.” I waved my hands in his direction, snapping my fingers to urge him to remove his shirt.

“What will I get?”

“My undying gratitude?”

He rolled his eyes and shook his head, a dark wanton look on his face. “I need more.”

Just that one word, more, sent a shot of lust that exploded low in my belly, sending heat through my extremities. “We all have needs, Walker.”

He turned away and bent to the oven before turning back with a sultry glint in his eyes. “Well this fish needs twenty minutes before its moist and delicious. I bet I can get you there in ten.” His smile held a promise I knew he would keep.

“Are there terms to this bet?” Because whatever they were, I totally accepted. The way Walker licked his lips told me exactly what he had in mind and I crossed my legs. Uncrossed them and crossed them again as the heat between my thighs sparked to life.

“Only that you come at least twice.”

A little groan escaped me as he kicked the oven closed, pressed the timer button and stalked towards me. His smile telling me what he had in mind for me.

“I’ll see what I can do. Wouldn’t want to bruise that precious ego.”

“My ego can handle it, sweetheart. Let’s see if you can.” And then Walker was there, standing in front of me and casting a long shadow before he dropped down. “I’m so glad you wore a dress. Your legs are fucking amazing,” he growled and shoved my knees apart, taking a deep inhale and smiling. “What’s inside is even better.”

Yeah, he was good. I could see how a woman might get confused, but I had no plans to be that woman. I wanted to lose myself in his pleasure and forget about the rest.

“Oh!” The first touch of his mouth to my core was delicious. Divine. “Walker.”

He growled, the sound vibrating against my clit until my thighs tightened around his neck and I arched into his flicking tongue. The first orgasm came fast with just one flick of his tongue and I was crying out his name and gasping for air. “Damn I love to hear the sound of my name on your lips as you come apart.”

His lips were slick with my juices, but rather than being horrified, I was turned on. “Come here, dirty boy.”

“Dirty man,” he growled back, green eyes slammed into mine as he gave me one long lick before his mouth was on mine, giving it the same treatment he’d given my pussy.

“Fine, dirty man. Filthy man. We have thirteen minutes to go and number two is nowhere in sight.”

“That’s where you’re wrong Lacey. I can see it clearly from here.” He leaned in close, whispering sweet dirty nothings in my ear while my hands worked to free his cock, stroke him and line him with my body.

“Then help me see it too.” And he did. Good lord did he ever! Right there, first on the kitchen chair, then the table and then up against the fridge and let me tell you that the cool air on my back was the perfect balm to his hot, hard body thrusting into mine. Against mine.

The second orgasm hit with thirty seconds to spare. “Told you.”

I rolled my eyes, still wrapped around him as my heart raced. “Yeah you did. Fine, do your macho bragging thing. You’ve earned it.”

He took a step back, hands gripping my ass as he kissed me like we were something other than two ships passing for the weekend. But I didn’t give a damn, not when his tongue swiped across my bottom lip and slipped inside, dancing with mine, fucking mine until the buzzer sounded and he groaned. “A few more minutes I would have been rounding the corner on number three.”

Sliding down his body, I laughed when he let his lips scrape against my skin until my feet touched the ground. “I guess I’ll have to take your word for it, won’t I?” While Walker checked on dinner I went to the downstairs bathroom and cleaned up. When I came back, food was on the table. “So you’re like a full service host, then?”

He held a chair out for me. “Fuller for some than others.”

“Lucky me,” I said and took a seat, looking at the beautiful fish on a colorful dish with couscous, salad and roasted veggies. “It’s a good thing I worked up an appetite.”

“Then I guess it’s a good thing I made enough for seconds.”