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Single Dad on Top: A Baby and Clueless Billionaire Romantic Comedy by JJ Knight (25)

Chapter 26: Arianna

If I admit it to myself, I know that I spent more time in the front foyer of the child spa than usual as five o’clock rolled around.

Normally I greet the mothers back in the secure area as they pick up their children.

But today I want by the windows. To spot Dell.

There, I’ve said it. In my head. But I said it.

Of course, I see nothing. I don’t even know when he normally comes home. Maybe he stays at work until late.

I tug at the cool blue-green scarf around my neck. I’ve worn my favorite outfit, a smooth floral dress in shades of aqua and teal. It accentuates my boobs, which I know he liked. Covers my flaws, mainly the exceedingly curvy hips.

As if he’d see the dress anyway. As if he’d notice.

I’m a mess.

Taylor looks at me sympathetically more than once when I turn from the windows. “Maybe you should have just let her stay here,” she says.

I’m annoyed that she’s figured me out. “She’s a cute baby,” I say sharply. “I just miss her, is all.”

“But not him,” she says. “Not him at all.”

“Why don’t you take off a little early?” I suggest.

 “There’s still some kids,” she says.

“That’s okay.”

She opens the drawer where she stores her purse. “I didn’t mean anything by what I said.”

“It’s quite all right. See you tomorrow.”

“Okay.” She tucks a long strand of blond hair behind her ear nervously as she pushes through the door. She probably thinks she’s upset me enough to fire her. I wouldn’t. I’m just annoyed I’m so obvious.

I lean against the desk. At least now I can stare out the windows without feeling self-conscious.

A familiar stroller appears. I stand up straight. It’s Carrie. With Grace!

I race to the door and push it open.

“Hey!” I say. “How is it going with her?”

Carrie smiles and stops in front of our window. “Super great. She’s such an easy baby!”

“Have you burped her? It’s like a drunk man belching.”

Carrie laughs. “It is! In fact, I was just running down to the pharmacy to pick up some drops. Dell didn’t have any.”

My face freezes. Dell. First name already.

“Yes, we forgot. Me and Dell. When we were shopping. Yesterday. Together.” I fumble with my words.

Carrie tilts her head. She looks adorable with her pixie haircut and cute little jeans and soft clingy tank. Dell is totally going to fall for her. She probably won’t put him off.

 “Well, I thought it might be helpful to have some on hand,” she says. “Thank you so much for thinking of me for this opportunity.” She leans in close. “Do you know the situation? All Bernard said was that this was full-time until Monday. Then they would make a decision about keeping me on.”

I twist the scarf uncomfortably. “Did you talk to Dell about it?”

She shakes her head. “I haven’t met him yet. How is he? The rumors aren't very kind.”

My relief and my ire rise up simultaneously. He isn’t terrible! Okay, maybe he is. Should I scare her off from him? Or be honest?

“He’s all right,” I finally say.

“I looked him up on my phone. He’s gorgeous as hell.” She gives me a conspiratorial smile. “I bet it was tempting.”

“Not really,” I say. “He sleeps with a different woman every few days.”

She straightens up. “Really? That’s pretty awful.”

I shrug. “It’s how he operates.”

Grace starts to kick up a fuss, so I bend down to look at her. She’s strapped in, her stocking feet rising and falling, her face scrunched up.

“I should get walking. She likes it best when we’re on the move.” Carrie rolls the stroller forward. “So nice running into you. Thanks again!”

I watch her push through the crowd. I want to call out, “I chose that stroller, dammit!” But I don’t. I just turn back to the child spa and head into the foyer.

I won’t think about Carrie and Dell together tonight. About her thinking he is gorgeous. About what he might think of her.

I made my bed. And I stayed in it rather than going to his.

Now I have to live with it.

That evening drags. It’s me, Netflix, and a pint of Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey.

Sometimes I swear I can hear Grace’s small cry, even though thirty-six floors separate my apartment from the penthouse. Just wishful thinking.

The next morning, Taylor isn’t in more than five minutes when she calls me up front. “I had a late-night message for you on the voice mail,” she says. “You might want to listen to it yourself.”

I take the portable headset from her.

The voice is rich and low. I’d know it anywhere. Dell.

“Arianna,” he says. “I’ve just been informed that the new babysitter, I’m sorry, the new nanny cannot be here tonight. I would very much like to discuss your availability to help us. I would be most grateful.” He rattles off a number to contact him.

I type the digits into my phone contacts and hand the headset back.

“You going to do it?” Taylor asks.

I raise my eyebrows and give her a stern I’m-your-boss look. But then I relent. “Of course I am.”

I buzz my way back into the security of the back of the child spa. The universe has given me a second chance with Dell Brant, and I’m not going to blow it this time.

During lunch, I go back to my own apartment to make the call. I’m pleased when it’s Dell himself who answers, not an assistant.

“Arianna,” he says. “Thank you so much for sending Carrie. She’s amazing.”

And cute. And confident. And hopefully not in your bed last night. “She is,” I say. “I’m glad she’s working out.”

“Except for tonight. She had plans and I really could use you. I’m not used to this father thing.”

His voice is like melted velvet. There is seriously nobody who could say no to that.

“Not a problem,” I say. “What time do you want me to come up?”

“Carrie is leaving around five. I’d give me no more than an hour alone with Grace before I botch something.”

I smile inside. Like that diaper. I wonder if Carrie showed him how to fasten them properly. She may have already convinced him to pick up cloth ones. I was just waiting for Monday to suggest things like that.

“I’ll be up there,” I say.

“You want Bernard to bring down an elevator card?” Dell asks. I can actually feel his voice sliding down my body. Yes, yes, I’m definitely ready for more.

“I’ll just tell Harry,” I say, singing a little inside that he’d offer.

“Very well. See you tonight.”

The call ends. I hold on to the phone for a moment, letting my anticipation wash over me. I’m doing this. The fling thing. With Dell, master of weekend one-offs.

And I’m totally fine with it. Screw the love part. Screw complications.

I’m ready to see what I’ve been missing. With a master.

Now, what to wear?